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Love & Best Dishes: Old-Time Beef Stew Recipe

Jun 02, 2021
- Hello friends. Come in, sit down, have a cup of coffee, relax and just enjoy the


that you can sit back, relax and put your feet up because I want to share a


that has been requested by many of you out there, and it is a


of old-fashioned meat. So that's what I'm going to do today. And I just want to tell you how excited she was when Theresa came in with a big box. She had my new kitchen utensils. And my team and I had been working on this for, what would you say, about a year? - Yes. - Would you say about a year, Teresa?
love best dishes old time beef stew recipe
And finally, you know how the world is with this COVID and everything, it's very difficult to get things. But this arrived today and I'm very happy with it. I decided to go for a hammered look. I feel like that could maybe take more hits. And it has that nice heat-conducting bottom. So today I am using this for the first


. And what did you tell me? It will not be offered in stores...on April 1st. - April 1st. April Fool's Day? - Well, somewhere out there. (Paula laughs) - Maybe May, the... Wait, January, February, March, April, May.
love best dishes old time beef stew recipe

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love best dishes old time beef stew recipe...

Maybe May 31 (laughs) and not April Fool's Day. Alright, so let's see what this is. Alright, that's some oil. And I'm going to put this back here on the stove. I brought it here so I could wash it. And I already have this eye warming up. Well, no, I don't. I told him the story. OK let's see. Let me get a bowl. And I'm going to put our meat in a bowl with our seasonings. Looks like pretty good meat. Preferably, for my taste, I like to buy a roast. - I knew I should have called you. I knew I should have called you. (Paula laughs) - Listen to Teresa.
love best dishes old time beef stew recipe
Well, it doesn't say that in the


, Theresa. So I'm just saying. (laughs) But I know I can cook a tenderloin roast long enough to make it tender. And when you get these packages that say



, I don't really know what parts of the cow it comes from. Like I said, normally I would buy a roast and carve it. You did very well, Teresa. (Theresa laughs) Okay, I'm going to add pepper. What is this? A bit of sugar. A little bit of salt. A little garlic. And let's see what this is. Is that paprika? - Yes ma'am. - Mm-hmm.
love best dishes old time beef stew recipe
That will help brown it. So now I'm going to marinate that meat. And I don't remember how much Worcestershire. - A teaspoon. - Just a teaspoon? - That's what it says, and I left it- - Why bother? (laughs) Right? (laughs) - Well, you don't like it anyway. - No, i do not do it. I don't like it, but sometimes I use it. So one teaspoon is not going to... Okay, now let's see, I have ground c


s. How much does it cost? I do not remember. - A dash. - A dash? - Or it says allspice or ground c


s, a hyphen. - Well.
I prefer to use ground cloves. Well, a script? - Yes ma'am. - (laughs) I'll give you two scripts. (laughs) Well, this would be really good if I could have marinated it properly overnight. It would certainly give it a chance to infuse the flavors. Alright, we've got our oil heating up here. Okay, maybe that's attractive enough. And I'm going to throw all that out there, Eddie. (oil sizzling) And I'll just stir it. And I'm going to go ahead and put in the onions. Hopefully, everything will turn golden. Okay, after it's browned enough, I'll add two cups of water.
And we're going to let this cook for about an hour and a half. Maybe an hour to an hour and a half, depending on how tender our meat is. And then we'll add our carrots, potatoes, and celery to the mixture and cook it for another 30 to 45 minutes, however long that is. Did you know? I think I'm going to go ahead and put that celery in now, because I like what that does to the pot. Yes, then we'll let it stay there a little longer than it should. Know? (laughs) I have trouble following my own recipe. (laughs) - Did you add the bay leaves? - No, not yet because I hadn't added my water. - Oh. - But thanks for reminding me.
They're sitting right here. Well. We are going to drink a lot of juice, a lot of good juice. Alright, now I'm going to go ahead and add our two cups of water. And I'm going to add a couple of bay leaves. You know, I had bay trees in Riverbend. And I don't know, one day I went out and picked some bay leaves and came back and threw them in a pot. Well, it ruined that pot. No? (laughs) - Do you have... - Are you supposed to let them dry? - Let the leaf dry? Yes, I think you could do it. - I think that's probably what I did wrong, but I just put that green bay leaf in there. (laughs) - Yes, I don't think it's the right way. - Okay, then in an hour and a half we'll come back and look at you.
And we'll adjust our seasonings at that time. And we may want to add a little more liquid to it. We'll see what happens because it's all about your language, your taste and the taste of your family. - Paula, do you cover it to let it cook? - Oh, yeah, I'll cover it. - Well. - Because if I didn't, Teresa, there wouldn't be a particle of water left in it. - Well. - So we will cover it so as not to lose the water because that will be our sauce. - MMM. -UH Huh. Okay everyone, our old


stew has been cooking for about an hour and a half.
And look at that. Doesn't it look good? Then I'm going to add our potatoes. And I'm using a red potato. I love red potatoes. If I can find one big enough, that's what I prefer to bake. Because when you bake a large red, it's like opening a potato full of mashed potatoes. It's so creamy and so good. But you can use any type of potato you want, but that's my choice. And as you can see, I use them unpeeled. And now I'm going to add my carrots. And these are fresh carrots from the produce section when they got that fancy little cut.
But they are fresh, not canned. Okay, so let's cook this for someone else, (lids make noise) Oops. Be careful, Paula. We'll cook this for another 30 to 45 minutes. And then I'll cut that potato with the fork. And if it's ready, then we'll make our cornstarch and water mixture, and that will reinforce the juices that we have, and that will make our dipping sauce for our cornbread. Our old meat stew. It's almost ready. So I'm going to go ahead and make our mixture using two tablespoons of cornstarch with maybe 1/4 cup of water. And you should use cold water when preparing the mixture instead of hot water.
That's why I love thickening things this way because you don't get clumps. Like if I tried using flour, it takes me forever to incorporate just regular flour into the water. But I'll share it with all of you... These people don't know me from Adam's house cat, but I like this for sauces because they can sprinkle it on top of whatever they're trying. that it thickens and does not form lumps. So this is a good thing. But I really, really, really love cornstarch. And you'll want the liquid to come to a full boil when you add the cornstarch.
And then you want to make sure you have a spoon in your hand so you can stir, stir, stir. So I hope to hear from all of you about this recipe as well, because we had a discussion earlier in the video. Tomato sauce, ketchup or tomato juice, I think Eddie said his mother used to use it. So, tomato or not tomato? I want to hear the story of all of you. And if you want me to try one of your recipes, send me the recipe and I will make it. I will share it with everyone and of course give them credit for it.
I'll take a small sip of that au jus (boiling liquid) and see what it needs. I know it's hot. It definitely needs some salt. Definitely. So I'm going to add a little salt. And I'm actually going to add a little more pepper. And if I can gather those bay leaves, I'll get them out. Michael tells a funny story about Anthony. When he was little, he was invited to spend the night off with a friend. And apparently, they must have been eating spaghetti or something. So when Anthony came home the next morning, naturally, his dad asked him, "Well, how was it, son?
Did you have a good time?" I don't see that other sheet. What about you, Eddie? - There is. - Where? - Good. - (gasps) I see it. I've seen it too. (laughs) There it is. (laughs) Thank you, and that was the most important one. Anyway, Anthony said, "Dad, I had a good time, but for dinner, your mother put leaves in her food. And I didn't eat much because I don't know anyone who puts leaves in their spaghetti." (laughs) Then Michael explained : "Well, son, (laughs) that was a bay leaf." (laughs) Well, I think they're almost done, so I'll turn it back on.
But you know what? I'm going to check it to make sure it has enough salt. That is better. There's nothing worse to me than serving someone a tasteless dish, you know? It is important that it has that flavor. Alright, that's starting to boil again. I'm going to turn it up a little bit more because we want it to boil very, very well. Well, it's starting to get a little better now, isn't it? (boiling liquid) Okay, I think we can safely add it now. And if that doesn't thicken it enough to your liking, all you can do is just mix another slurry and add it.
But do you see how nice and thick it's getting? And again, stirring it, he stopped boiling. (slapping spoon) But in just a few seconds, this will be... I'm going to add just a little bit more water. I'm going to wash my plate very well. Add a little more water. There you go. It's time to ask for the blessing, all of you. (laughs) Isn't that right, Eddie? (Paula and Eddie laughing) Mmmm. (spoon banging) Delicious. And everyone try this recipe. I hope you enjoy it. Like I said, I suggest you buy some roast beef, cut it up and cook it until it's almost tender, and then add the cut potatoes and sliced ​​carrots.
Because, like I said, I know where that piece of meat came from. So enjoy everyone. Enjoy. (laughs) And I'll see you all tomorrow. Love and better



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