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Looney Tunes | Best Cold Opens Vol. 2 | WB Kids

May 02, 2020
Can I get a carrot cake, a whole cake? I'm going to dinner with Lola and her parents, so they'll give you carrot cake, isn't that a little cliché? Rabbits, carrots, here's your carrot cake. You know, on second thought, I think I'll make it. instead a lemon meringue pie ooh that sounds good can I get a sample? Sorry, we don't give samples, how do I know if I want it? If I can't try it first, come on, just give me some. flavor here you go what's the problem I'm talking about a teeny tiny flavor no one would know what you think I'm going to stick my whole hand in it you think I'm going to rub it in my face and ruin it for everyone else well I wouldn't do that I'd try a a little bit and then I would decide if I want it hmm and I don't know what, after all I'll take the carrot cake, okay, I want to present the rest to you. from the workout team, this is tracy and jesse, okay, we're just going to start off with a little bit of a light jaw, just jog in place, you really want to warm up those legs, get them ready for what's to come, I want to watch a movie with me . and porky, right?
looney tunes best cold opens vol 2 wb kids
I'm doing my training and now let's do some jumping jacks. You're going to want to keep your core tight and your arms straight. Will you bring me a shoulder of water? Will you bring me water? And now let's go. in a squat you know it's dangerous to exercise without being adequately hydrated you'll feel this in your glutes we're really going to pop those glutes later oh my glutes ah oh they're really locked in hmm hmm what's taking you? As long as you have Facetime, you can type any word, don't rush me, it's a word, I'm not telling you, it's fun to play with, if it's trendy to say a word, if you can't say it, it's probably not a void, it's okay , davaog, what I challenge, darvog is a word, use it in a sentence, I just did it, darvog is a word that is a sentence, don't you know what a sentence is?
looney tunes best cold opens vol 2 wb kids

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Because if you don't know what a sentence is, then we shouldn't Don't play, it would be like playing with a child, you want something to eat, I'm torn, give me a ranch pig, huh, oh, sorry, I was studying, studying, yeah, uh , we went back to school, oh boy, I thought the catering business could be so fun. rollercoaster it's good to keep your options open but also I've always loved school you know for two people who spend a lot of time together we don't really have anything in common that should be ebay yeah what were you fixing?
looney tunes best cold opens vol 2 wb kids
Nothing more than women love a guy who works on his car uh are those that insects have gloves to protect my delicate hands women love a man with a soft touch what do you wink at don't say hello to me well most of the women tina I hear what you are saying I feel like since you were with me when I got the parking ticket you should pay half? I have to go. It's the other line. Hi, I'm Duffy Duck. You know, I would love to go door to door to help. The mayor will be re-elected, but unfortunately I'm not a citizen of the United States, so I probably shouldn't get involved in his politics.
looney tunes best cold opens vol 2 wb kids
Where am I from? Albania, Albania, I'm from Albania, yes, I'm like they say, I'm visiting his country, so I'm sorry, but please take me off your phone list. Okay, goodbye, that's Albanian for saying goodbye. Uh-oh, well, that was fun. Good match. Oops, I almost missed it. I must be careful. That's all. I discovered. I finally know what I want to do with my life. be a professional basketball player you're five feet tall you know you're a real dream killer I hope you never have


I thought you were a hairdresser it's time for a new challenge and I can't find my scissors I'll be a farmer I'll work the land I'll feed people they will get up at four in the morning I know what I will be a mountaineer you said climber climb big mountains climb impossible peaks you can't even climb the stairs is the altitude I have reached the summit what a view oh hey what is your home phone number anyway what's your home phone number ah what are you doing I have a new phone what happened to your old phone bathroom what's Porky's number don't you know I know Porky's phone number no, he calls me but this way, when call, I'll recognize the number and I'll know not to answer five five zero what's his last name don't you know Porky's last name is pig pig, are you kidding me?
I thought that was his nickname, that's fantastic, pig, how do you spell that? Hey, I'm going to the mall, what do you do there every day? You ain't got no money, I don't need money, I'm going to the food court, I need free samples mmm you're looking for your beat it's in the closet it's a purse not a perth why don't you carry a wallet and what am I supposed to do with all my items what items my phone sunglasses my mints my lip gloss my hair ties, ugh, I can't believe you go out like that, you're right, Christmas, the time of year when the chill in the air brings out the warmth in your heart, but what happens to the Christmas spirit when it's 104 degrees outside?
Bugs, Christmas is You're almost here, aren't you excited? Not really, it's December and it's 100 degrees out here. What are you saying? It's too hot for Christmas. too hot for Christmas. How can you say such a thing? I feel dizzy, oh, like I'm going to faint. It's because you're wearing a parka, huh, oh, oh, yeah, that's so much better, what were we talking about again? Not doing Christmas this year, oh that way we could probably find free street parking, pig, you gotta learn to treat yourself, enjoy the good things. in life, okay, hey, you're paul paul, I guess you've never driven a vehicle like this, no sir, I haven't, those are the keys, first of all, I could do without the attitude, second, obviously, these are pliers because the ignition key is obviously broken in the ignition itself, obviously due to an attack I had with a personal battery and I have no idea, I closed the glove box.
Hey, sometimes you have to treat people badly to treat yourself here in the emergency room. Can you open this for me? You called 9-1-1 because you couldn't open a can of tuna. No, first I called Bugs, then I called my girlfriend, and then I called Porky, then I called 911, Daffy, you don't have to scream. I'm here man why are there lobsters in my pool because your bathtub wasn't big enough? There you go, like the ocean, why do you have lobsters? I'm going to sell you lobsters for twenty dollars a pound. I bet this fat guy will get a hundred dollars easily, a relatively painless way to make a living, if I do say so myself, relatively painless, what's up, doctor, I need you to lend me your television, please excuse me, I have an appointment with a cute little Philadelphia and she comes.
I'm here for a movie night, what's wrong with your TV? It's a black and white TV from 1952, it doesn't have surround sound, it doesn't have high definition, I'm trying to impress her, Sam, I'm not going to help you lie to any girl. You can trick her out of it. Are you OK. What about your Nobel Prize? Let me seal the deal. No, what kind of weirdo would claim to have won the Nobel Prize? Very good status update. Huh oh yeah? I'm going to get a lot of likes on this one. Hello Mr. Duck, do you want to play?
What are you doing outside of school? It's spring break. Spring break. We have a week off from school. You're never at school. How do you learn something? You have a week off at Christmas. Three months off for the summer. and now you're on spring break it's no wonder Canada is killing us these days so do you want to play? No, I don't want to play. I am an adult. Adults don't play. Hmm, hey bugs, do you want to play? I'm going to the supermarket oh wait here it's just some things some things uh what do you need with 16 tubes of lip balm you don't have lips it's not for my lips I don't want to know what this is a drawing yeah I need some of those uh I forget what they're called eggs eggs, how do you remember?
I guess you don't have money, oh thanks, that's the list on the internet too, new shoes, I bought them online, they're going to make me run faster jump higher and dunk stronger look they look good, they'll even look better in your face when I go up for a traffic jam, come on, feed the big man, um, I think your laces are extra long for added support. I hope you brought your umbrella because it's about to rain three times bad oh here's one that says compact this is compact compact uh relax we use the back door what back door where is it?
I can't, it's right there, cat, this is a violation of my personal rights. wob space here you go poochie I enjoy a boxed lunch you're mine mortal I'm fine yes you're going to break it I think I know my own recliner sometimes it just sticks I have to give it a little I have to give it a little ah but sometimes it knows you're going to do that, so you have to surprise him with a little bit of that is good. How about Chinese food for lunch? I ate Chinese food for breakfast. Sunset Room. And you? the pizzeria we always go to Pizza Reba.
I like Reba's Pizza. Just tell me where. I'm going rock, paper, scissors, I win, what are you talking about? You have a stone, I have scissors, scissors cut, stone, scissors, they don't cut stone, where do you think pebbles come from? Hmm, well, let's do it again, I win, what about scissors? Cut paper This is not paper either What is it? It's a karate chop in your face. Oh, I love Chinese food. I haven't eaten it since breakfast. Oh, what happened to television? What is it? That's my new runner's watch. It has everything, track to what extent.
You've calculated your heart rate calories, it has GPS to tell you exactly where you are and if I ever lose it I can pinpoint exactly where it is on my cell phone, how far have we come? 0.04 mile, what we've been jogging forever we've been jogging for 20 seconds that thing has a defibrillator no why because I think my heart just stopped no wait there it is I think I'm going to go home no way that's it too far I'd never make it maybe just wait here until Bugs comes back, he can take me Bugs Bunny, I have an appointment with Dr.
Weisberg, go ahead and have a seat Lucas, oh bugs, what are you doing here reading? My subscription is up, so you come to the doctor. office no, I come to the waiting room of the doctor's office it's very nice fish tank classical music very nice someone orders Chinese food right here oh new answering machine yes and do me a favor this time if you don't like someone's message just press delete no no flush it down the toilet hello, this is bugs and Lucas, we're not here, please leave them, how do you know I'm not here? maybe I'm checking the call, okay, you leave the message, really my voice on the answering machine, thanks bugs. hello hello I can't hear you I can't hear anything you're saying speak louder just kidding this is an outgoing message and you just got a burnt joke oh man think of how stupid everyone will feel when they call us a little classic eh oh yeah, classic, this is bugs and Daffy, we're not here, please leave a message, oh, thanks, cheesy board, hula dolls and dirty blankets for the hot items, oh, shoulders staring.

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