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LOL OMG Doll Love Story, School Routine, Cheerleading & Gymnastics Videos

May 29, 2021
I really like your style. I'm going to say yes, honey, you're just a sweetheart, but I think your music is a lot like everything I hear on the radio. I'm going to have to say no, that's two no's and one yes, that means you can still move on to the next round. Good job neolicious yeah hello swag if you're watching on tv that's great. Hello, the best day of my life. Well, next one. have brittany and whitney brittany and whitney seriously a little embarrassing this is that it was amazing let's listen to our judges it's a yes for me that was impressive great harmony oh you were amazing yes for me too congratulations brittany and whitney they are going to the next round thank you everyone, it's our turn, it's our turn, okay, come on, all the other contestants were so good that we got this, a little lipstick before we go on stage, our next contestants are the first band of the night, so that will be rocking our main stage.
lol omg doll love story school routine cheerleading gymnastics videos
It's for the sister band. It's really adorable that you guys are sisters and are in a band together. I think it's great. I still think they need some work. I'm sorry. I'm going to have to say no. Well, I think the lead singer should be. a solo artist because she made me fall out of my chair she was amazing I'm sorry guys that's a yes for me are you okay are you okay I'm sorry I think you guys are wonderful and very talented but I think you're still very young and I need to work as a group.
lol omg doll love story school routine cheerleading gymnastics videos

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lol omg doll love story school routine cheerleading gymnastics videos...

I felt like you were all acting as individuals, so today is a no for me. Leave it to the brother team and they'll go home today, but thanks girls, this feels worse than missing the fashion frenzy, you mean? fashion famous whatever it's okay it's okay guys this isn't for us we have what it takes we have to keep trying what's up? I feel so bad that I quit my


competition because of this and we didn't even win. You will still be able to attend the competition, you are right mom, I will take you, come on, hello girls and welcome to our


competition, oh, where is the alternative girl?
lol omg doll love story school routine cheerleading gymnastics videos
I guess she decided not to show up. Good job, I did it, okay, Jason, it's your turn, oh. okay, come on Chelsea, you got this, don't be nervous guys, this is supposed to be fun, good job, good job Chelsea, I can't believe I did it, I always get nervous when there's an audience, me too, oh no, Chelsea, Chelsea, I'm fine. I'll get points for that, okay, you can do it, go skater, you were supposed to lift one of your legs, Goldie, oh, sorry, good job, Selena, okay, the last one, oh, my thing, I have my ribbon, I hope I can still do it.
lol omg doll love story school routine cheerleading gymnastics videos
I'm here oh no, the competition is over, how did the show go? We didn't make it, they rejected us immediately. I'm sorry to hear that, but at least you followed your dream. Thanks, Barbie, do you think I? You did the right thing by going to the singing competition, tell me in the comments. Well class today is a very, very special day because we will be naming our own class pet, our little hamster, and one of you will get to take him home for the weekend here are the top four names we received from you in house and students, we have chewy peanuts, mister nibbles and bob.
I was quite surprised by the bob. I want you to raise your hand high when I call one. of these names and then we'll see which one is the winner, peanut, yo, okay, that was tongue boy, okay, how about chewy, whoa, that's a popular one. Goldie pins, selena, me too, miss barbie, I choose this one too, okay, how about Mr. Nibbles? one of sunny and bob, okay guys, so Chewie is the winner, that's the cutest name for a tiny little hamster, it's really cute, but Pina was the perfect name. Now let's see who takes Chewy home this weekend.
Here I have everyone's name on this piece of paper, we're going to put them in this cube and I'm going to close my eyes and I'm going to choose a name, are you ready? Oh, I hope it's me, I hope it's me, okay and the name? It's selena yay oh wait oh no I'm so sorry I totally forgot I have a gymnastics competition this weekend out of town and I won't be able to bring chili with me okay okay miss barbara just shout out another name oh it's okay Selena, I totally get it, but don't worry, everyone will get a chance to take home chili.
Okay, let's see, let's get another newspaper. Okay, I have one and we have Goldie. I can't believe it, yes, chewy. I'm going to take chewy. I'm going to have chili, we're going to have the best times, Goldie, since you'll be eating peanuts with you this weekend. His name is cold, whatever, since we will eat peanuts. This weekend I can come and play so I can also play with peanuts. Yes, you can come, but you have to call it by its real name and it's chewy, but I told you it's more like a peanut. You're such a dumb punk kid.
Okay, Goldie, we'll put him in his cage and I'll pack a bag with his food and instructions on how to care for him. Okay, here's a bag of food and here are the instructions. Remember guys, taking care of a pet is very, very important, it's a big responsibility, okay, yeah, sure, I'm very excited. Oh, I'm going to put chili in my cart so I can be like little Stewart, yeah, but little Stuart with a mouse chew, this is grandma's face, larry, larry. this is chewy and this is my puppy hey don't do that he's our friend he belongs in my class be a good puppy okay Goldie I'm so glad all our pets get along well.
Neon Licia should be here very soon to take care of you. I'll be back in a couple of hours, okay mommy, I


nail plates, she always brings us happy meals from McDonald's, make sure you're on your best behavior, okay, oh that must be her, hey hey hey who's ready to have fun, hello little Goldie. Hello neolicious, we are very excited. I'm going to take care of my class hamster over the weekend. Oh, that means I have to take care of you. Your little sister and a hamster. Am I really a big hamster person? I'm more of a cute little guy. puppy or something, you know, okay, neon licious, I'll be back in about three hours, thank you so much for looking after Goldie, bye, oh, and you can help yourself to whatever we have in the fridge, thank you, bye, don't mind if I do .
I am a little hungry. Bye, little Goldie is taking a nap. Oh, no wonder why it's so quiet here. I'm going to give my hamster a tent at home. Okay, do that. I'm going to watch television. I'll be here if you need me oh they have lucky charms oh yeah okay this show is so good it's also a box full yeah julie this is our couch that's my self portrait this is the urinal this is my bed It was so good to be honest, little goldie. I woke up hello little Goldie are you happy to see me? your favorite babysitter you're just a little cute cute cute Goldie your little sister is awake neon delicious Can I take little Goldie into the backyard to play on our playground?
Yeah, just be careful, okay? I'll be inside eating lucky charms and watching my favorite show. I'll be watching them from the window. Okay, here's the whole team, little Goldie Polly. We have Chili Larry and Goldilocks. What are you waiting for? Let's have fun. Wow, goalie. What's going on? Oops, sorry, I stepped on Polly. Hello, peanut punk boy. I told you his name is Chewie. Stop trying to make peanuts happen. The whole class voted. I know, but I still think he looks like a peanut. I mean, look at it. It definitely shows. like a peanut, hey when did you get a fish, oh that's Larry, that's my grandma's fish, but she's out of town so she left it with me, hey dad, so I had this idea so much fun letting Chili ride on the toy


bus, that's cool. chewy idea do you want to get out of your cage squeak I think that means yes it's good chewy it looks like the bus is full wait wait there's a room there's space right there oh that's adorable it really is like a little chewy passenger what's Goldie doing oh yeah, she's outside playing with a little boy with spiky blue hair and all his pets oh, okay, okay, see you later what an easy job do you think Chili would like it I want to go to the swing, I don't know we can try it, okay, Sit down and I'll push you guys come on cold squeak squeak squeak get on my head ahoy buddy okay Goldie I think it's time we go inside cuz it's getting a little dark outside and yeah me and The delicious penguin is supposed to stay over for a play date, well your mom only pays me for one and a half kids, that means your little one, we're going to be sister, the puppy eyes, oh no the puppy eyes. puppy, it works every time, okay, but not for long, okay, because you guys can be stressful, let's go inside and play, okay kids, before anything, please wash your hands, oh, you're covered in dirt , okay, okay, don't splash me, okay, so I bought Goldie a happy meal, that's what we do every time Take care of her, but since I wasn't expecting you, punk boy, I don't have a happy meal.
Sorry, okay, we have a lot of lunch items in our refrigerator, okay, do you want the grilled chicken smoothies or the pizza with extra cheese? BBQ chicken, okay, enjoy, oh, I wonder if I have yogurt. I have apple slices and chicken nuggets. This was a very good play date. Don't tickle me. You can't eat the chicken nugget. That is for me. I finished all my food. but now it's time to feed chewy, do you have the bag of food that miss barbie gave you? let's clean this cage maybe we have to clean it where it's chewy oh no every time we have a babysitter we lose someone last time we lost our little brother and sister this is even worse this is our class pet, Miss Barbie will be so mad at me if I don't find him punk, I'll have to change


s because this will continue for the rest of my elementary school career. oh no, let's start looking not in the dishwasher or in the toilet or in the sink oh brother not in my mom's room or under my bed or in Goldie's crib I'm going to have to convince my mom to buy a lucky charm you're so delicious just a little bit more there's my hamster in my cereal she found it goldie bring it oh come here little one you don't belong there phil now you're safe no no you didn't have anything to do with it puppy it's not a toy he He's my class pet, I think he's bad, but keep this little guy up Hey, well, now that we found him, I'm going home, this was very stressful and it's getting late, bye, Goldie, bye, neolicious, bye punk boy, thanks for coming to play, bye. okay Goldie, bath time and bedtime, please let me vacuum this mess up before Goldie's mom comes back.
I'm home and the girls fell asleep waiting for you on the couch. Oh, thank you very much neolicious. I will definitely call you next week. Welcome, it was a piece of cake, except when the hamster was loose. I'm sure Goldie can tell you everything. Bye, okay guys, it's time again to see who takes home the chewy this weekend. Let's choose from the bowl, okay, I got it. a name and the name is punk boy oh brother

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