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Logic Pro 11 - Intel Mac owner feels cheated

May 30, 2024
I'll put it in solo here. It sounds like she's playing the root note of those chords again. It is following the chord progression above. Oh, and by the way. While I was thinking about it, I saw someone demonstrate this if I want in the base to play different chords than the keyboard or different notes. I can, you can do that too, but I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to go into that so you can make this very complex. I guess he did something at some point. rate uh, I don't know if that was a good example, uh, let's see, there's everything you can go into detail if you want, you know, you have the pickup hits on, you want to change the feel, the dynamic, you want to change.
logic pro 11   intel mac owner feels cheated
Think about the pattern you can do, you can do it with the drums and then with the keyboard player as well, uh, if you want to change the bass, the base you're using, actually, sorry if you want to change the player. You can highlight this, you know, you know, pop rock, it's kind of like the drummer, uh, always was. You can do that, but the nice thing is that you can change the base itself, so now it's using a classic base. I like that it's a Fender uh P base, but let's say you want a base that you know from the '60s, well there you go, you have a Hoffner P McCartney base, if you want a rock base, let's see what looks like Rick and Backer, uh, but anyway, that's cool and then, uh, what else can you change the joint?
logic pro 11   intel mac owner feels cheated

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logic pro 11 intel mac owner feels cheated...

I mean, you could really get very sophisticated with this slide open. I know there are things, uh, and I don't remember exactly where it was, maybe it was here. I'm going to go back, um, oh, selection, but somewhere I saw where it could be done like slap base and all that, so it's really quite amazing, uh, what you can do with these things now, uh, the pianos, Uh, let's see here. Let me go down to the piano. It can also do hundreds of things. You can have both hands on the piano, just the left hand, just the right hand.
logic pro 11   intel mac owner feels cheated
The grace notes are felt, the type of player changes and then the piano changes. I think there are uh, three pianos maybe we, what do we have here? Studio Grand with a uh Concert Grand vintage upright microphone uh and they sound, they sound very, very good. I'll just demo the piano anyway, that'll give you a I like that, so, yeah, I guess in short, just to close this out here, so yeah, I'm jealous of Mac


s with mchip, and I really feel like if Apple wanted to, they could have made the stem splitter and chroma key.
logic pro 11   intel mac owner feels cheated
Glow is available for Intel Mac


s, but obviously, in my opinion, they made a DEC business decision not to do it now. I don't know, I don't work at Apple so I'm not sure, but yeah, and you already know that. And I guess you know, part of me was kind of angry at first, but I guess at the end of the day you have to be happy with what you have and even as an Intel user we are better off than before. uh uh


pro pro 11 uh now I've seen some people who are int tell you that Mac users write comments like oh that's it I'll never buy another Apple computer uh or you know I'm going to change two but Think again in what you have now instead of what you don't have yet you don't have you have more you have more than you had before uh but with everything said you know I think uh I think you know that we We are starting to see the writing on the wall We Mac owners, uh, you know, we're going to see more and more updates from Apple and I guess the software programs are going to get closer and closer to the mchip and, as I said before, when I was doing the introduction, you know, I hope keep my computer as long as possible, but at some point, yes, yes, I'm going to have to consider whether I can upgrade, so that's it.
So, let me know. If anyone has any comments or ideas, feel free to include them below and we'll talk to you next time, thanks.

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