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Living On $0 For 24 Hours In New York City (Challenge)

Jun 06, 2021
Haley. I confided in them and we shared life stories and while reminiscing we ran into a random guy on his bike. Can I ride your bike just for a minute for one minute? You can just hold my camera and I'll let you have my bag too, good deal, okay, building my bike, it was really nice because this guy was so scared I was going to steal his bike, so that's exactly what I did. I put my camera away, I have no idea how. To use this, they got my guy. I think it was safe to say it was a rollercoaster night.
living on 0 for 24 hours in new york city challenge
I went to sleep and rested for approximately 2


and 15 minutes. Now it's 7 minutes. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. Oh, that's such a tough night today that I'm going to take this seriously, there will be no more begging. I will receive food through special apps where you can claim free items. No more crazy situations. I promise to have a real fast with dad. Oh, dad, being a six, what we're not. Don't just write a lot, I'll take you to the neighborhood, I'll show you a bag, you'll show me your bag, go be left handed, now you might be violating the comments, I look shocked and you'd be absolutely right.
living on 0 for 24 hours in new york city challenge

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living on 0 for 24 hours in new york city challenge...

I was terrified by this. crackhead he was yelling threats at my camera for some reason I have to have a good breakfast oh you have some knowledge about challah juice oh okay that's one of the words oh yeah okay I'm muttering because didn't want to listen to me, you have I don't want to die, well, a great start to the morning, it was still very early, so I had to wait for the shops to open, but first there was the subway, which was closed, it's closed, we have to continue searching, however, for my hope. will never be lost I waited in the


center for an hour and came back via the same subway that then dismissed me I guess that means I have to go to a different subway, which I quickly did.
living on 0 for 24 hours in new york city challenge
I walked in, sat down and contemplated life. Then I completed a servant that allows you to get a free cookie. I made that subway at 7:00, the servant job has tap water with my cookie and that was sewage from breakfast. I'm starving, this isn't even a sewer to me. It's taking me like two


to get some breakfast so I'm still starving there are three hours left in the


and I'm going to go get more food because I'm still very very hungry wish me luck full of I hope I ventured to the New York substation where I saw a variety of stores that offered free food in their wrappers.
living on 0 for 24 hours in new york city challenge
All of these chains were frauds. They didn't give me anything for free. You can get complimentary items. That is easy. Finally Pratt joined them. Incredible, huh? Tom. people didn't do it anymore, that was my straw that broke the camel's back, no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get free food so I've come to the conclusion that I just need to conserve my energy. I won't try it anymore. Weigh it until the end of the


. I'll starve, but okay, yeah, that's the plan for two hours. I sat down and it was absolutely nothing, but that time soon passed and the challenge was over.
Okay, so currently the time is 109 and I'm. waiting to eat this food the moment it arrives once the timer should end any second and I have a whole feast in front of me but I haven't eaten much in the last 24 hours but this is the big moment twenty seconds left for ten. seconds here we go three two I mean, it was mostly me no, I did it, it was all me, but I really wanted to round things out. I met some crazy people who improved concentration, dad, get out of here, kid, or I'll hit you, hey. but I have learned a lot.
Nick, it has been a great success and with that I can eat my food. Thanks after 24 hours, I had my first full meal. Look how beautiful it looks with all that sauce. I loved. I did it with all my soul. Then I spent my money and I just want to thank New York for this amazing experience. It has been a pleasure for me to take over your


. Now it is mine. I will never return to this stupid city again. Do you like the video that has 69 thousand likes please and thank you and follow me on Instagram maybe I will thank you subscribe

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