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May 09, 2020
good shape but his metabolism is crazy guys he literally came up with the theory and he's right every time. I'd be like, baby, the enemy is hungry in this amount of time. we will be we will be at the cinema watch a movie you are hungry look after the movie you are going to die of hunger it is always true my theory is correct it is three nine in the morning and we did not mention this before, but technically it is already New Year's Eve and I also have right in that my wife two


later is hungry again so my theory is correct if I'm going to take a nap wait and fall asleep honestly is it even taking a nap right now? it's night, it's just P recording mm-hmm my thighs your shoe, thanks, okay, so I bet it's okay, hmm, go to bed, okay, okay, there are nice ears, what yeah, yeah , is it you, sir, those are my ears now he keeps them Annette, oh, could I? see your pores stop Cyrus has been sleeping for like 40 minutes now I can't sleep about Cyrus who's obsessed with ketchup with his ice cream he's so obsessed but don't tell him I told you he's making me sleepy I'll probably go to bed like him, you look?
living in our car for 24 hours overnight challenge
Very quiet area but the only reason I don't see much is because I'm a little scared oh no don't don't don't do it baby oh baby hi I think I'd sleep talking guys so the dream speaks volumes. Oh my God, but what is that? Are you touching my butt? No, I'm just saying I'm tired, um, it's like 440c so long, yeah, I'm going to sleep, okay, I'll sit up okay, I'm scared, can you see? If it's okay where I'll protect you, don't worry about pretending, it's okay, I'll put the camera down there, yeah, while you eat again, get some cookies, did you save me?
living in our car for 24 hours overnight challenge

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living in our car for 24 hours overnight challenge...

I see, he's fine, honey, oh my God, we did it, he's raining. out oh thanks for watching guys we love you we post every Monday be sure to like and subscribe. Today's post from the game, shout out to Isaac, soon you will want to post about vacations, shout out the comments I read in the comments, we love you guys and Happy New Year, peace, baby, we did it, we did it.
living in our car for 24 hours overnight challenge

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