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Living fulltime in a van, 77 year old woman embraces Another Day to Play

Jul 02, 2024
for a


and I'll do your research, you know, but connect with people who know that, uh, Ishana did a video of me before RTR, that I did a full video. about what's fixed, check out that one on ishauna's channel, it covers all gear if you're not sure what kind of gear you want. The channel on my Usana is Wonder Lady blue. I'll put the link there too. Yes, I did an interview with her. and the thing is that at that time she was selling a lot of houses with minivans. I mean, I was promoting all the reasons why you want to buy a minivan, so now I'm kind of abandoning ship, okay, I guess after you bought your high top and saw what you could do with a minivan, yeah, with a minivan, the high top was a real thing, yeah, yeah, if you're going to go full time, you know for me I needed a high roof.
living fulltime in a van 77 year old woman embraces another day to play
It would have been nice to get a good price and a good deal on an extendable Ford Econoline van or something, but the high roof has really made a difference and Cheryl up. Washington had an Econo line and put a high ceiling on it, right? She had a Chevy Express, a similar Chevy Express, the exact same pull-down truck and she has a lot of room in there. It's too interesting that you mentioned her because she took out in her kitchen she said I like to be outdoors and she took out the sink or does she use it for something else um and I thought it was interesting because we follow weather like this and we sit outside and cook, no We would think of cooking here.
living fulltime in a van 77 year old woman embraces another day to play

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living fulltime in a van 77 year old woman embraces another day to play...

Right now, although I could, I have my little propane right up there behind the camera, there aside, but I can take it out, but that could also be a challenge for new people, that in the freezing night, the winds choose your route. Be, choose your route safely, yes, but we have options. I totally have options where you want to go. Yeah, I just have to get some gas money. Yeah, I stayed in those states that are low on gas, like here, it's 329. I saw it the other day and it's nice. four cakes out of four in California, so yeah, or more maybe five, so you'll be 77 in February.
living fulltime in a van 77 year old woman embraces another day to play
I think you're right, you're an Aquarius like me, so what life lessons, not even just from van life, but what life lessons would you like to share, oh that's it. It's wonderful, I think the best thing you can do is just draw a circle, you know, and make it your life or the place where you want your life or whatever, and then start cutting it into pieces of cake, you know, like cutting a piece of cake we did this at my workout last week. I had everyone do uh, how much is your business life? How long is your relationship life? what is your spiritual life? you know what your health life is like, mental health life, because you know when you put it all together it's more than just saying well, you know, what's some advice that you can give to young people.
living fulltime in a van 77 year old woman embraces another day to play
There is so much advice for every aspect of your life, so we have to make sure. I mean, I'm trying to do this now. Elaine even at my age I'm going to come out with that cake, you know each one relating to each other, so if uh, if my health can't hold up for my business, then I have to make an adaptation and cut a smaller piece of business life You know what I'm saying, so find out what percentages of your life you focused on when I drew my pie, I got it right to the middle and relationships and health were on the one Whole half of the pie of my life and now in health you have mental health so traveling is good for mental health going out like you said and walking outdoors is good for health so I focus a lot on my health. now and my relationships now there is a lot of talk about young people about relationships now, if you turn on some reel on a given day, someone is giving you advice on how to deal with the narcissistic husband or boyfriend and all this, pay attention to some of that. things as you go through your life because when you get my age and then you start to realize oh that's what that was oh shoot I missed that well now I know so now you encapsulate this whole circle like oh Okay, now I'm getting it I'm getting it I'm getting it but you can achieve it at a young age you can achieve the same thing at a young age if you focus on all these different areas of your life and don't get too nervous about one aspect, let's see. , that's what happens with a lot of people, they just focus so much on one thing and then all the other parts start to fall apart and boy, I found that to be true even after I retired, you know? creativity diminished, you know, this and that, so you have to bring it all back and be excited every day and that was the whole concept, like I said behind


day of


ing when I really focused on what that meant.
For me,


ing can be drawing a logo, you know what that would be, Joy, you know, playing is what brings you joy and enjoyment, it would be joy if it's hanging in a hammock between two palm trees and that brings you joy, so that's


day. to play, you may not be doing anything, but boy, are you doing something for one piece of that pie that you know in your life, you know one aspect of your life, that hammock lying there dreaming or whatever, the other thing that you don't I've done. Have I ever been too big for Elaine was setting goals.
I have never been a person more than when I was running. I used to visualize digital reading and I was like, “Okay, that's what I want it to be when I go.” over the finish line she wanted to say these certain numbers and so she would work to achieve what it takes to get those numbers. You can call it goal, you can call it intention, you can call it visualization whatever you want, but she would almost always do it. reaching my digital amount when I crossed the finish line based on what I put together at that time this particular


I didn't set a goal, but I made a commitment to my health, as you know, and on Saturday my year ends and I have achieved the commitment that I set out to achieve and you have some videos on your channel about that, right? Don't you know you're wasting so much time eating? I lost 50. I set out to lose 50 pounds I ended up losing 52. good for you and I'm not even my thing on Saturday, but look, it's just this thing of putting it in your brain like I don't know that 50 pounds for me is what no, no , No. no, no, you know I overate and was a Binger one night, Nibbler, you know I was all these things, no, no, but because it occurred to me that on June 10, 2023 I wish I was 50 pounds lighter, now what?
I can? it happened along the way for me and it happened happened along the way things happened along the way I met the right people right everything so young people I think uh commit to something just don't be a loser you know just don't be a uh yeah yeah ya you know, F the world is the kind of thing, just commit to something, have a purpose, you will live a much happier life and move on because things happen along the way, like you said, you know you're not perfect and if things happen , do not do it.
Don't let it do it and one of the things that I used to teach business owners was, and I would ask them what is the number one thing that will help you achieve success in achieving your goals or the commitments that you wanted in your business and that she has a good, just show up, go, just show up and I can honestly say we can turn the camera and we can look at Elaine and that's one of the real great things about Elaine. She will set a time for a quartzite encounter. year and she showed up she doesn't fall apart they don't I'm trying not to fall apart and particularly if you're going to travel and meet people if you say you're going to be in Denver on Saturday be there do everything you can to be there you're going to get it oh you know what we're talking about you can be a little lazy uh don't be like that I mean, you don't have to be like that That's right, yeah, and if you have to be like that, call, don't ghost people, but ghosting is such a big thing.
Now, just leave people out, don't we come from an era where we don't rule people out? We responded and if we confirm, we confirm, no, we're not going, yeah, that's just consideration, it's totally considerable, it doesn't matter if you're in a van or a house, you know, that's the right consideration for other people, right? yes yes there is a lot to learn but the rewards are endless yes yes so you know for me there really isn't a huge difference between


in a car and


in a house obviously there are differences but it's not huge , No.
Actually, it's not that life changes, there has to be a lot more freedom in the car, a lot more freedom, a lot more, where the hell is that? That's why I said when you're designing, put things where you are. I get it every day, you know, imagine, you know, take it out because if you have to go, probably the most annoying thing would be trying to go get it, where is it? If that could happen in your house too, if you have a house to For some reason I just left here, you know, yeah, but um, yeah, yeah, it's a good life.
Thank you so much for sharing a part of your life with us today. Well, I have to turn the camera on you again and say thank you for your efforts. in the travel world, I could say because it's about traveling and everything and I love the community, yeah, and you, you have, there's a reason why so many people follow you, you know, because it's fresh, it's raw and it's not it is written and it is good it is definitely not written Israel yes yes thank you very much Patty and see you in the future

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