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Living a circular life | Dallas Arcand | TEDxYYC

Jun 01, 2021
Hello Anton, let's say, ladies and gentlemen, first of all, I would like to recognize the Blackfoot people, the Blackfoot Confederacy. Calgary is known as the seventh treaty territory and I would like to recognize the ancestors of the Blackfoot people, for whom we walk with the utmost respect. your traditional lands I am here today to share with you how to live your


in a circle simply by just


in a circle we can relate to the largest circle of all time as human beings and it is simply called time, now time has a flow Continuously it goes round and round and like a river it flows continually like a tree it grows continually and each and every one of us through the processes and phases of Mother Earth we experience that time and we grow and that takes us to the wheel of energy and from The beginning of time our ancestors have been fascinated by the invention and creation of the wheel and even to this day it remains very important and our technology, our energy, our way of


and the smallest form of energy They are in a circle so we must always keep that circle strong now that hoop dancing has taught me how to live my life in a circle, literally dancing in circles for the last 22 years as a hoop dancer has come full circle for me in my own life from being someone who knew nothing about dance and basketball to becoming a three time world hoop dancing champion now hoop dancing has saved my life because when I was 13 I ended up in jail and ended up on a bad path in my life and when I learned about hoop dancing and my Creek culture and our traditions.
living a circular life dallas arcand tedxyyc
It changed me and made me, brought me closer to the circle and closer to believing in myself, so I guess it's safe to say I'm the real one. The Lord of the Rings I would now like to share with you these teachings of the sacred circle that we have with the hoop dance, it teaches us that the circle has no beginning or end and since the beginning of time our ancestors have practiced these forms. It has never been written down, but we have always been told through our oral traditions, that the hoop dance is one of the oldest dances in North America and in this dance we honor the sacred circle in many different ways in our ceremonies and the original hoop dance ceremony. a dance performed not for an audience, not as it is today, but rather it was performed as a prayer ceremony to help restore balance and harmony in the world, so in hoop dancing we always honor those four sacred directions of Mother Earth, we honor the four types of life on mother earth and originally that ceremony is still a big part of the performance that you are about to see today and what I have come to know and my life as a hoop dancer is what It happens, it always arises in a circle, some call it boomerang effect, what arises around, what you throw into the universe, always comes back to you, so if you want to send positive energy to the universe, it will always come back to you that way and that way. positive way. light, that's what I've come to know, he's a hoop dancer and he taught me about balance.
living a circular life dallas arcand tedxyyc

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living a circular life dallas arcand tedxyyc...

What we do on the left side, we have to do on the right side of our body and we have to create that momentum and low, and that's it. Another thing that hoop dancing has taught us is that we should follow the flow of nature because once we go against the flow, we interrupt that energy and it stops and there is no more flow, so that's what hoop dancing with hoops has taught me over the years. You must have that flow to continue now in your personal and professional life. We also have to have that balance.
living a circular life dallas arcand tedxyyc
Some of us work too much. Some of us are workaholics and we don't have a personal life that can make us workaholics. stressed, unbalanced and unhealthy, and then some of us know people who don't work enough, who have too much free time and can't support themselves, so there's an unhealthy balance there too, so that's what which hoop dancing teaches us, creating those healthy waves that healthy balance within the sacred circle in the hoop, teaches us to create those healthy circles around us, but first we must be healthy first and then we create those healthy circles around us to helping people, we help people in our culture, we call that ours.
living a circular life dallas arcand tedxyyc
The elders trained us from a young age and that's called being a WA, he scoffs in curry language, which basically just means the helper and the role of the Lascaux POS is to help with the Sundance Lodge or the Sweat Lodge or the party or the ceremonies or everything that is part of our culture and is a very respected role, as Scorpius was and that is what I am. I'm also one with Scorpius, so when I come home I help, I help with our ceremonies, I help. with our elders and I am always willing to help someone who is willing to help themselves and that is Scofield's role, not just being a hoop dancer, but it is all part of our Medicine Wheel, our culture, and in the Medicine Wheel we have the four sides, the four parts of the Medicine Wheel to represent those four sacred directions of Mother Earth and in the Medicine Wheel what does it teach us about the four parts of ourselves, which are physics, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual. and that makes a person whole and that brings us to the four parts of a person which are the spirit because when you are born, that initial spark of life that happens inside your mother's womb is that spirit that comes in and then eventually, your body. it starts to form and then you're born into the world, which brings us to the physical part of your body and then after you're born and you start experiencing the world, you learn your language and you learn to use your senses basically. that represents your mental side of yourself and then last but not least the fourth part is the emotional, how we react to the world around us, how the world shapes us as an individual and who we become based on our emotions and what we know and who we are now as musicians.
I have come to know that music is a universal language of the world. Everyone can understand it and everyone has their own key, but the key is to stay in tune, which teaches us again about balance. I came up with these four keys in my experience as a hoop dancer and with my culture learning Cree traditions and culture is the first being conscious we have to be aware of ourselves and our environment, the next is the balance we have to balance those elements of the Medicine Wheel to keep us balanced and in the next part, purpose, we all have to have a purpose in life and lastly, respect, respect all things, respect yourself, respect your neighbors and that keeps going around and around. and around the circle in any direction you want to go, you can take it in any direction you want to go now for the hoop dance.
It also connects us to the Olympic rings that athletes see and during the Olympic Games and those rings. They are different colors and those are the same colors that are primary colors of the earth and in those colors they represent the colors of the world so with those Olympians we can connect them to the unity because they are all connected but then when we bring them back to the hoop dance, It also represents those four directions and we see those four directions throughout life and Mother Earth and everything that exists on Mother Earth, so when we work those circles together we reconnect the circle because somewhere along the line the circle has been broken with humans in nature, so we need to find how to reconnect that circle by simply studying and


in a circle, so my advice to you, based on the things I shared here today, is that you need find some way some way to become one. with nature to reconnect in that


world because we not only live in a linear world, it is evident in the universe that the Earth is in the circle, the Sun is in the circle and all the beautiful creatures together, they are all part of that circle . of life, so my advice to you start following that circle, it is there to guide you to live a healthy and balanced life and soon you will realize your potential, your dreams and you will start living in a circle, thank you, hello, hello and Now Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to the hoop dance, but before I do so today I want to point out something very important that caught my attention before coming to this TEDx.
By the way, this was not planned today is Friday. 13, we all know that today is Friday the 13th and like I always do, I always do this routine and this routine is a very old routine. Today I will do my 13 ring routine and the interesting thing about this 13 ring routine is that it is an honor to the 13 moons because every year in our lunar calendar we have 13 moons that circulate the earth and another cherry on top that I thought I would share is tonight like a full moon so it's so perfect I'm here for TEDx YYC thank you it's you Oh you

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