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Live at Gen Z for Jesus 2022

May 27, 2024
If they are again, if they are walking, I want to ask them to come in and I want them to do me a favor. There is a line of tape. If you look at the ground, you will see that could everyone move? back, beyond that line, let's do something right now, it's a little different for tonight, we feel, remember, we feel like tonight, Jenzy, this is for your generation and we feel like we couldn't get through this day without it. what are we. What to do in a moment, so just find that line and sit down, find the line and sit down everyone, you can stay on the floor, but follow the line, just trust me, trust me, trust me, that's good, you can take a seat. take a seat take a seat where you are take a seat where you are if you were in the seats take a seat if you were going to go get food just wait a moment I want to invite my friend David David why don't you introduce me to who's going to be next and what's going to happen pass?
live at gen z for jesus 2022
Yes, when I was 17 I was sitting on the couch with my mom and I was watching a preacher who had no arms or legs. I watched as he was preaching in many nations, groups of people appeared on television and I remember looking at my mom saying mom, this is exactly what I want to do when I grow up, this is exactly what I want to do in my life. This thing was burning inside me and then the man with no arms or legs said on TV he said I was 19 when I started I said mom Mom that's two years from now how the hell am I going to do this?
live at gen z for jesus 2022

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live at gen z for jesus 2022...

Two years away, well guys, I'm now 19 years old and I have the pleasure and honor of introducing you to one of my heroes, a man who has changed my life and the


s of millions of other people, a great man. Nick voice David David David, come here man, give me a hug. Let's leave it for David. I'm very lucky to be here tonight. I want to thank One Voice Student Ministries for inviting me here. We are so blessed to see you all. If you could turn on the lights in the house for just a moment. a little bit because I wanted that to be enough I just want to see you all good night and welcome to tonight how many of you have been here all day raise your hand you've been here all day put your hand down uh raise your hand yes I already know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, so with about 96% of you I'm still going to preach a gospel because there are people online.
live at gen z for jesus 2022
Can we welcome everyone online? Hello everyone online. We are very careful about where I go. As an evangelist, we love preaching the gospel, as a ministry, and it has been such an incredible, incredible, incredible journey. Now I


here in Dallas, in the United States of Texas, and we have, can we kill the music? I know if it's just me, can you listen to music? No, yeah, let's kill the music. Well for now, I just want to tell you everything, I love you and as a local I have my family here in a suite, but really look.
live at gen z for jesus 2022
Quickly these photos I want to share with you one of the great reasons why I have joy and my life has now been holistically complete right after my salvation through Jesus Christ. My greatest gift after the gift of Heaven is my wife and my four. children and they are here tonight and I think we have them on the screen. This is my wife Kan, we have been married for 10 years and the next photo is our four children. We have Kioshi, who is nine years old. This is a previous photo. but Koshi, who is nine, and Deon, who is seven, and Olivia and Ally, can we welcome them here tonight?
They're here. I love them. I wanted to let you all know that I love you and maybe you've been watching or maybe you've been. attending here and uh, you've heard some interesting words maybe that you've never heard before and uh, as beautiful as it is when we talk about different things, especially when we talk about Revival, we must be very careful to make sure that we're talking about the same things. basic things because I'll tell you right now, even if Roie Wade were overturned, which it was, and even if half of America kneels and repents for the 77 million babies that were killed through abortion, there are other things I'm going to estimate that I don't know 300 sins of country Al and it's not so much that God does something or God, I want to feel you or God, I'm waiting for my breakthrough or God, I just have to get closer. as much as understanding it not only in your relationship, but really knowing the Bible and when you really see that when there are Christians who come here and raise their hands in church, some of us self-justify in the basics. and leave it behind where some of us still haven't overcome the addictions that we've had and I just want you to know that it's more than just a spiritual awakening of the spirit of suicide or death, whatever you want.
I'm stating that it sounds like I want to help you explain that there are some things that prayer itself cannot break and that not even fasting can break and I just want to help Christians first of all understand this: if you are praying for a fire Unless you are like Elijah, where fire came from heaven to prove its existence in the Old Testament, if you are praying for a fire, hasn't God given us the knowledge, understanding, wisdom and discernment on how to light a fire? fire that sometimes we want God to give us? We moved to our country but we haven't climbed down from a tree and found dry wood and got a lighter and put some kerosene in it.
What does that look like? We don't read our Bible, we still say the "f" word, we actually sleep with our girlfriends and boyfriends and we don't even know what to say when an Islamic person comes up to you and tells you why your God is different from my God and not do you know the difference and the basics of lighting a fire to reach 8 billion people are you telling someone how God, if he is a god of love, then why does he allow bad things to happen? Just come to church Just come to church I'll pray for you It's not enough Some of us don't know what we really believe in and some of us need to get back to the basics and we really need before we say God help the lost.
Do you know what my prayer is? I don't pray for revival. Do you know I never really pray for revival? Do you know why I want to pray for America? May the bride of Christ really be the bride of Christ. If you are a Christian, stop gossiping. That if you are a Christian you need to tell someone in love the truth when someone asks you. something and you don't really know the truth then guess what find out and when you find out oh we love everyone yes we love everyone yes we do but do you know why you believe what you believe if someone was hurt by a Christian where many people were hurt by Christians we have to understand that it is we who must first make sure that we are not perfect and righteous, we will never be perfect and righteous, but we turn away from sin when we are depressed, it is not the spirit of depression in you that is false I have not seen the spirit of depression that I have seen we can say Spirit of death Spirit of whatever spirit of fear no, I'm sorry, I want you to understand that you have to go back to the basics you see this table when the devil is on one side and God on the other I want you to know that these lies will say hey be anxious hey you are ugly hey you know what you are alone hey God doesn't love you hey God, he is not with you, you are going to be depressed, you are always depressed, that one is not It's the spirit of depression, that's the devil, stop using labels seriously, when you really realize that yes, the spirit of death and the enemy is the enemy, right?
Understand I want you to understand this that when we are broken and lost we are broken and lost and when the lies say hey you are ugly just give up what do you think? I say know the truth and I come back yes I believe in powers and principalities of darkness I have seen demons I have seen exorcisms I have seen all this but let me tell you this if you come to Jesus Christ you tell the lies who the devil is to say speak with your foot because the E you are not listening, you want to know why God gave me a foot because the devil is my foot you also want to know why God gave me a healing because with my heel I crushed the head of the snake, why would you only go for the tail of the snake? crush the head and he is the devil now why because of me God forbid you think that I have power over any dominion and powers and principalities of Darkness.
I'll say it again God forbid you think that I think that when I do something that I command the demons to go away, no, that's wrong, read your Bible, the Bible says that when you pray, the angels come and there's nothing that see with you and in the name of God he sends angels on our behalf to fight against all power and principality of darkness. and when you come to God, sometimes there are people who say, well, just pray to remove things, pray to remove things, there are some bondages that need prayer, there are some fasting things that we need to do to break those bondages, but you I'm going to tell you to come. to someone and also tell them what happened to you we think about giving up not just because you woke up and think about giving up when someone is suicidal you can pray but you know what is really good tell me why you are thinking about giving up and they are going to tell you things.
I believe that revival will happen when the church does its job and the job of the church should be to come to church you will hear God, you will hear the word of God and whatever broken heart you have, Jesus. can help you if you're a foster child if you've been abandoned if you've never had a parent if you've been in a broken home I think it's worse than not having arms or legs what are we going to say oh the spirit of the broken home don't tell me what happened do you understand? and you tell someone and that someone says I'm so sorry about what happened to you let me tell you that God can heal your broken heart let me tell you that when the The devil says that you are ugly Psalm 139 says I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
It is not a spirit of self-esteem. Do you understand what I'm saying? If you know the truth, you will be free when the devil says, "Oh, you can't." This is not Philippians 4:13 says that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, all things work together for good for those who love him and who have been called according to his purpose. Can I hear an amen? So I just want you to know. You have to stick to the basics. Can I hear an amen? You have to read the Bible, you have to ask questions and your church, I will tell you if your church has not taught you how to talk to someone who really needs counseling or your church has not yet taught you how to preach the gospel to someone ask God and he will teach you read the Bible and he will teach you and I want you to know that we love all the churches, we love all the churches that believe that there is no other way than Jesus Christ and we love the Muslims and the Buddhists and the Shinto uh people and the people who don't believe in God we love them it's true we love them but then they look at us and say wait a second you don't have arms or legs and you have a smile and they tell me how you got that smile and I say well let me tell you a story my story is their story and now I'm going to tell it to you, your story today I want you to know that when I was born in Australia in 1982 I was depressed I was anxious I was alone everyone had arms and legs but they told me that God loved me and I didn't understand what that was like.
I'm serious, it didn't make sense, I mean, I didn't know when kids were looking at me and asking me questions and saying what happened, so I say cigarettes and then, seriously, I tell him. Seriously, I like some fun stuff and I love scaring people sometimes, but I'll tell you right now that the biggest reaction I've ever had was when a kid looked at me and looked at my body, looked at my head, looked. My body looked inside my head and he said well at least you have a head, he was 7 years old, everyone says, I'm grateful, I'm grateful, they say, I'm grateful, I'm grateful when you really conquer the lies that are happening, oh Nick, you.
You're never going to get married. Did you see my beautiful wife? Oh, you can't, you can't hold your wife's hand, no, I can't hold my wife's hand, but I don't need to hold a hand, I need to hold it. heart and I need to hold his heart from the beginning by filtering every decision I make with the filtration system of being righteous before God. Do you know that 25% of abortions in America would be performed on people who actually said they go to church every day? weeks oh you? I didn't know that, yeah, what about churches right now?
Actually, foster care, adoption, can you go tell your pastors let's be the church? Because I tell you when the church came to me and I came to them and told them what happened. and they say we don't know and I say okay then who knows well God knows and I said God keep us all and he didn't come back to me and in that silence you let those fears take over you. You understand that you won't know the difference between a lie and a truth until you know the truth, so when I was a child I was like a man.
I'm going to be bullied for the rest of my life. I will never do it. Being independent I will never get a job. I'm just going to give up and at 10 years old I tried to commit suicide. I tried to drown myself in the bathtub when I was 10 because I was convinced of what I saw of what I felt of what I knew that's all there is nothing good for me have you ever had that feeling God if you could tell me your plan then I will trust you that makes sense that's not how God works it's like God I don't understand this doesn't feel right I don't know what you want for my life how something good could comeof you allowing me to be born this way and I prayed and prayed and prayed for arms and legs does God always say yes to your prayers no, can I hear a real no?
Does God always say yes to your prayers? That is the truth and some people will tell you that God cannot say no to your prayers or because I am praying according to his will. and someone gave me a word and this and that I'm sorry but we need to have a posture of humility between you and the king of kings and Lord of lords to say God if it is your will that I have arms and legs so be it So can I pray for arms and legs? Yes, I have a pair of shoes in my closet in case he says yes.
Yeah, I have a miracle on my own back where I have holes in my spine at 19 years old and he said you? "I'm not going to have any back and guess what happened. They said we can't help you medically. So guess who helped. God. Do you want to know how many zero holes I have? Do you know what deductive says? Oh, we can't explain it. I'm like I'm Jesus Christ. I know the miracles are there, but don't run after the miracle, run after God and don't know that we can, we can go and worship, and great, but please make sure you're qualified to go out and. preach the gospel that is why I love the unity of this church where we know that there are different beliefs and different doctrines here in this Stadium but I will tell you right now that I needed the truth about who I am, listen, I am very careful I thought I was ugly I thought I am what I You don't need a boyfriend to feel loved girls you don't even need to be married do you know what happens if God for his plan says that you are not going to be married, are you okay with that So can you have an expectant heart to? get married?
I wanted to get married. He wanted a wife. I didn't know if God would bring her. Guess what you are going to do to find out if she is your wife, you take her to a public place called a cafe and do something called Talk, do you understand, but I want you to know that we need to pray for miracles, believe in miracles, but every day listen when we walk this path with Jesus? Realize, yes, you know what they don't value me based on what the world has said in this room, one in three girls has been sexually abused before the age of 17.
In this room in the United States, one in five children has been sexually abused in the United States before the age of 17. Did you know that what I want you to know is that sometimes we feel like all we can see and feel is nothing? I want you to know that your worth has nothing to do with what people think of you or what people have done to you when the world says you're not good enough get a second opinion it's called bi B and listen when God It doesn't give you a miracle, I understand it and I'm not waiting for arms and legs before taking on the mantle of God.
He has for me, rich or poor, illness and health. I believe in God. Sick Christians die. It's for the best. We're going home. I'm sorry, but I don't know about you. one joyful morning when this life is over I will fly away listen I wanted arms and legs but God gave me something even better he saved my soul from Death he changed my heart he changed my mind and when you renew your mind you put on the armor of God you read the Bible you pray all the days so that when the fire points come, you can actually resist the fire points, you know what they used to do back in the day when shields were made of wood, they soaked those shields in Living Waters H in the streams to soak them, so when the fire points come. the fire arrows come out you have to hold your shield and your sword and I said go God God give me arms and legs but if you don't give me arms and legs just like you have a plan for a blind man you have a plan for me I will have a pair of shoes in case for you to say yes, but I'm not waiting for arms and legs to stand in front of the gates of hell and redirect traffic because the miracle of miracles is that you see people saved later.
You are saved, do you understand and I will never forget it? We'll have some piano music. I play the piano but I'm not warmed up yet. Listen. I'll never forget when I was actually in front of a school and a little boy. with no arms or legs he stood up above the crowd and I looked at him and he even had a little foot like me and I said wow I want to wrestle him later and I brought him up on stage and he's looking up. I look at me and I look at him and I can't give him a high five, so I gave him a low two and then everyone cried.
I want you to know that it was amazing when his mother came up to me and cried. I said thank you for being our miracle, what do you think I said? Oh, that was my plan from the beginning. No, but now Daniel knows that if Uncle Nick is okay, he's okay, if God can use a man with no arms or legs to be his hands and feet. preach the gospel to 733 million people before the age of 40, then God can't use any willing heart, so God can't use your brokenness, you may have had arms and legs since you were born, but what you've been through Your story is still his story and me.
I'll tell you right now why God allows bad things to happen. It is because this is not his domain, the devil is and whatever bad thing has happened, God can turn it into something good if you really give it to him. I'm just an example of how now. I'm waiting for heaven to see Daniel with his arms and legs hugging me with my arms and legs saying thank you brother for helping me believe that this place called heaven is real I want you to know that whatever you've been through when you get over it, not only You get through it, you grow through it and when you don't get a miracle, God can still use you to be one, so put on the truth, put on the armor of God, can we listen to some piano music?
We are incredible here, thank you brother, I appreciate it. Can we turn up the keys and the clock stopped at 30, that's my 30, but now can you give me a 10 minute clock? Please thanks. I forgot my wristwatch, so what I want you to know today. It's that Jesus loves you, he loves you just the way you are, he won't love you more when you think you can break away from your addictive pornography, he won't consider you more or more precious if you do good and give or if you pray to him longer or if you have the gift that everyone else has, he will surely listen to me more, he will certainly love me more, no, sorry, he doesn't because he loves us all anyway, how can a father? love a child differently than another child, can you hear an amen, amen?
So right now I want to ask you: do you know Jesus? Could it be that there are some here? I know 96% of you said you know Jesus as your savior. Can the video? on live broadcast cut directly to my face please live broadcast I want you to know that I love you God bless you and I want you to know that this is nothing more than for me to tell you and everyone here to tell you wherever you are I'm looking from that God. God is where you are and here and now I want to give you the opportunity to say yes, Nick, you know what I'm not really a Christian.
I go to church, but you know what I'm not. I'm sure if I'm going to heaven I'm not sure if tonight will be my last night I don't know if I'm going to wake up in hell or I'm going to wake up in heaven I'll tell you right now Some people believe in reincarnation. Someone told me that I will be a butterfly in the next life. I think that sucks. I don't want to be a butterfly. You see. I know why I am not of other religions. Why because Jesus. He was different than anyone else and I just want you to know that no matter how you walk away and feel after this, I'm just telling you that we love you, we love you, when someone hurts us, we pray for you, that's what Christians should do and so I want you to know here and now that we love you, but today you have come and you don't have Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and today you want to make things right with him, you mean God, I know. that I am a sinner I know that I am believing in these lives I do not want to sin I repent God help me stop using Instagram if that is what leads you to sin and you do not turn off that phone you are continuing to live in sin, does that make sense?
You deliberately do what you can to stay away oh it's my friends who give me the drugs guess what pray for them and say I'm leaving because I know money, drugs, sex, alcohol, porn, fame and fortune, temporary things. I will only give you temporary pleasure. It is time to say God, come into my life, forgive me of my sin, fill me with the Holy Spirit, teach me to pray, show me what you have for me. I'm sorry for all my sins. sorry for all my sin and even some hate that I blamed you for I blamed you because my dad abused me I blamed you because that Christian hurt me I blamed you for the pain you gave me but now tonight I realize that all of that is not It was from you but if I give you my Brokenness and my life and my depression and my anxiety and my Suicidal Thoughts if I give you my life and I put on that armor and I read my Bible and I pray to you and I walk with you and I talk to you even if I never you talk to me, I will continue to trust you even if things don't change the way I sometimes think they should, I'm still W to know you, I want your plan, I want my my life must be your plan my strength not my strength your strength I can listen to an amen you're done doing things your way so right now if you need to give your life to Jesus Christ don't come here if you already have a relationship with Jesus but if you don't have a relationship with Jesus stand up where you are right now only stop if you know that you don't have an active relationship with Jesus don't wait for the first person to be the first person there is one there are 10 there are 20 you know you need to get your life right with Jesus there are probably many more of you here right now if you know you need to get your life right with Jesus stand up Hey, listen, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, listen, listen, oh why? you have to get up listen to me oh I don't want to make my decision uh today listen to me very very carefully very very carefully if you make the decision not to get up tonight the indecision is your decision you understand it and if you can' Do not defend your faith in a Christian event, how Do you expect to defend your faith out there?
Stand up right now say Stand up Stand up Stand up if you want to support a friend Stand up with a friend Stand up with a friend Stand up with a friend Stand up with the friend get up get up get up ready ready ready who wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, guys, one second, yes, yes, yes. Hey, listen, can we hold the applause until later? I know we are happy. I know angels are. rejoicing when one comes to Jesus Christ I want to give one last call without applause I'm waiting for 40 people to stand up come on I'm going to give you 20 seconds 20 come on come on get up 19 get up 18 17 stand up 16 15 no clap sorry 1 second 14 I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting 12 get up 11 get up 10 9 get up 8 7 6 5 4 three get up with a friend get up with a friend I'm waiting another 40 with a friend go get up get up get up get up get up get up get up 5 4 3 2 1 amen get up listen are you watching online you're watching the live stream right now if you're standing or you're watching online and you just gave your life to Jesus Christ to be real it's really amazing I want you to bow your head, close your eyes and say dear God, I'm coming to you today and I thank you because you love me, I ask you come into my life and take my life I believe Jesus you died for me and now I live for you with joy help me to know your joy your peace your healing your freedom in my soul God forgive me for all my sins I am very sorry for everything I have done wrong I am a sinner I do not deserve heaven and I believe that Jesus who was blameless died for me paid the price of death on a cross for my sins and I hear you ask the Holy Spirit to help me Fill me with your power and with your peace and your presence teach me how to live show me how to get up when I fall thank you God for the faith that helps me believe and never go back God heal my heart Free me and help me know the meaning of my life thanks to you I love you heal my brokenness take my anxiety take my depression and I ask God that right now in the name of Jesus that all power and principality of darkness disappear from me and surround me in Jesus. name thank you for your angels thank you for your word and thank you for your love I want to know you more and more every day I ask you in the name of Jesus amen I love you very much I am going to ask the team to come up here and we want to tell you that there is a screen right now only stand still for a second there should be something up here that if you gave your life to Jesus Christ put it on the screen please and come up Bri oh well this is Brian Brian so I'm not going to do Brian's job but I'm going to tell you because he does it better than me I'm going to tell you I love you God bless you stay standing and listen if you're watching the live broadcast and you just gave your life to Jesus Christ please listen to what Brian is about to tell you because it's not about Tomorrow morning oh what do I do now?
We want to help you with the next steps. Can you hear an amen? Brian Barcelona I love you, I bless you. I'm proud of you. I know I will speak. I love you guys so much, let's leave it for Nick. Thanks for coming. He turns his microphone back on. Listen very quickly. I'm taken with time, right, I don't care, listen if you handcuff me, listen, I want you to understand something Brian and Marcella Brandon and Janelle and the whole ovm team and their board of directors and the people they're praying with and all the team I met.
Brian many, many, many years ago and I am very proud of you and I want to thank and praise God for what he has done through ovm and what he is about to do. Give me a hug, I love you, I bless you, I love you. I love you manella I love you so much I love you darling and bless the baby I love you whenI met Nick we were talking about getting to the schools we started crying and since then we have moved on. together Nick we love you thank you listen two things I'm going to give you the first I'm going to pass it on to Aaron one if you have given your life to Christ there's a big flag in the back that says saved welcome to the family wait wait wait that was so weak let's try again welcome to the family the bible says heaven rejoices when a sinner repents I was 16 an atheist when I was saved Heaven rejoiced Heaven rejoiced for those standing and those watching online if you gave your life to Christ in the back we have a big flag that says saved go and see it later but don't move stay standing up we're all going to go crazy we've already been here what's coming in 10 hours you're all tired you guys are crazy we're going to worship more but I want to give it to Aaron because we actually want to do something unique today okay Aon explain what we want to do here.
Amen, hey, how many of you have had? a great day today I want to tell you that we met in this place because a man had a dream and saw in his dream Jesus sitting on his throne saying Jin Z belongs to me, do you believe it? I want to teach you a phrase I want you to repeat after me say I belong to Jesus, come on, you belong to Jesus, you don't belong to the culture, you don't belong to what other people say about you, you belong to Jesus, say it with me, say I belong to Jesus, I want to talk to you today about water baptism.
This image of water up here represents your life before you belong to Jesus. See before you belong to Jesus. I have sin in my hand and every time you cursed, watched pornography, got angry, screamed. some sins someone screams about sin you lied rebellion adultery this is you someone once felt like this you see this this unpleasant water look before you belonged to Jesus when you fell when you stumbled this was you inside away from God marked by sin Sin possessed you, the Death possessed you, but now you belong to Jesus, say it with me, say I belong to Jesus, look now after you belong to Jesus and give him your life, sin does not control you, death does not control you, you belong to Jesus says with me say I belong to Jesus but now listen now there is a process of sanctification look when you leave you can lie you can stumble you can fall but look the water is still clear because nothing can separate you from the love of Jesus nothing can snatch you from his hand you belong to Jesus you are the righteousness of Christ in Jesus come on do you think today come on this is you now that you belong to Jesus nothing can separate you nothing can snatch you from his hand look at this right here is baptism in water this is what happens when you are baptized in water look that once you were far from Christ you once walked according to the world but then you gave your life to the Lord and you had a moment with him like many of you had today where you were transformed you felt his presence and you are changed forever and this is what Paul says in Acts 22 when he tells his testimony when he tells the day he met Jesus and was saved and then he says this in Acts 22:16 he says then they ordered me to get up and be baptized, nothing prevented me from having my sins washed away.
Look, when you enter that water, you are buried with Christ in his death, you are dressed in black, dirty, all that shame, all that condemnation, but when you were resurrected from those waters sin no longer dominates you, it was washed away you were resurrected to live a new life in Christ Jesus. See, many of you were saved today, many of you gave your life to Jesus today, let me tell you. It is time to have a public display of what God did in his heart by entering into that water with him to be baptized and resurrected to walk in new life.
Amen. See, some of you may have been baptized but today your heart is pounding and you're like, man, I was a little kid, my parents made me, I didn't do it by choice and today you have a day to say , I'm going to be baptized in water, let me tell you what we want. I give you that opportunity if you look back here to my left to your right there is a blue sign that says baptism I want everyone to look at that baptism sign if you want to be baptized today I want to tell you to get up and go to that blue sign and they are going to baptize you wait before you move wait listen to me listen to me I'm going to give you some instructions you're going to go to that sign we have a Ministry team of ours The ministry team has white t-shirts with blue letters that say I'm here for you.
They will guide you towards that hallway. They will guide you down the hallway. They will give you a bag. That bag. You will have clothes to leave you, come on, they will take you to a changing room where you can change the clothes you are wearing. Now you will put your baptism clothes in the bag you are carrying. You will carry that bag with your belongings with you wherever you go, you will be baptized when you emerge into that new life purified with the righteousness of Jesus Christ, you will put your other clothes back on and your wet clothes will be yours to keep, they are a souvenir to remember today, so if you want to be baptized in water, I want to encourage you to get up right now and go to that baptism sign and you will be baptized in front of everyone. public display of what Jesus has done in your life, come on everyone, say it with me one more time, say I belong to Jesus, you belong to Jesus, come on, would you be with me?
Let's worship, let's celebrate everyone. who was saved today we are going to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, very well guys, since people are about to be baptized, we are going to participate in worship again and give glory to God for what he has done because he is worthy, amen , I said it is worthy. Amen, can we recommit ourselves and give God a big thank you for all he has done today so far and the baptisms that are about to take place? Come on, let's move on, thank you Jesus, we thank you Jesus, we honor you, Lord, that's it. the screen right now live you can see it we are going to worship and watch at the same time we are going to go for Glory and participate with our brothers and sisters as they walk towards the new life let me tell you right now watch the live broadcast remember that you are changing and in just a few moments you'll see people start getting into these tubs and getting thrown around and when they do that I want to cheer them on when they get out of that water. celebrate them Rejoice in Heaven raise your hands shout because your lives today have been changed forever let us worship let us sing this we are The Voice We are The Voice crying in the desert prepare the way of the lord we turn our hearts and lift up our eyes and sing prepare the way of the Lord, because we cannot take our eyes off of you and we will not take our eyes off of you the king is calling the king is calling the king is calling and we say yes to the Lord most high the king is calling the king is calling and we say yes to the Lord more as we contemplate the L of God we contemplate the L of God we contemplate the L God we sing hosanna We sing hosanna We are the Voice that cries in the desert we prepare the way of the lord we turn our hearts oh and we lift our eyes and sing we prepare the way of the lord we cannot take our eyes off of you we will not take our eyes off King is the king ising the king is calling and we yes to the Lord most high the king is calling is calling we can say yes to the high as we contemplate the Lamb we contemplate the oh god oh we contemplate the we sing We sing we contemplate now we contemplate we contemplate the oh we beh we singana more precious my King Jesus the land that we contemplate more precious than silver more costly than gold is my King Jesus the lamb that we contemplate more precious more precious than silver more costly than gold is my King Jesus the one we behold come on you are more precious than silver more Ang see my King Jesus the lamb we behold you are more precious than Sil more costly than gold is my King Jesus the one we behold more precious more Ang see onus the king is calling the king is calling and we, Jesus, the king, are called, come on, exalt him above your generation, every generation, he has victory today for Jesus, the king, we are the king, we are, as we behold, we behold, oh God , we sing, yes, we, we, contemplate, come to this. is your generation this is your generation this is a song to Jesus more precious than silver more expensive than gold King Jesus Jesus more precious be more precious more myus we are prous Sil J belongs to Jesus forever my I will never come again, come on, this is the sound of a generation say it you are claiming your generation right now you are claiming your generation More costly than going is my king Jesus we more precious than silver more costly than good is my King Jesus we contemplate so give me Jesus Give me Jesus you can have this whole world but give me Jesus Give me Jesus Give me Jesus together all this world Give me Jesus can you sing that Give me Jesus Give me Jesus come on, it's you who says you don't want popularity you don't want if you don't want followers you want Jesus come on J you can HT all this world but give me Jesus he is more precious than gold is the King Jesus let us be more precious Vile more my King Jesus more precious more precious more precious sing more Jesus more expensive then we give you all the glory we worship you our Lord you are worthy of be we give you glory let's say that we adore it we sing it to you you are worthy of being for one more Time in all this Arena says that we give, glory, we adore, you are, you care about me, worthy of being all my, my, you, God, worthy, worthy, worthy, worthy, worthy, is, you are, you are holy, you are, Lord, God, oh, look at hell. losing another look at hell losing another hey I mean if you were here and thought about getting baptized but you didn't move and right now you're leaving I missed my moment you didn't waste your moment you can Go right now to the baptism flag and say I want to get baptized.
I feel like right now there are some of you that didn't go, but you need to go, you don't need to wait for a countdown, you don't need to wait. For a friend, just go straight to that baptism flag and come get baptized now. I want to ask a question: do you think Jin Z belongs to Jesus? So I want you to raise both hands if you believe that and let's go. Let's get back to this and let's celebrate like we really believe that Jesus owns a generation, come on, let's raise our hands, let's dance, let's shout, let's spin, let's celebrate our King Jesus who owns a generation called J come on raise your hands s this worthy worthy worthy worthy Worthy is the L I see You are You are Holy Holy are you Lord God are you Lord God Powerful worthy worthy worthy Worthy is the L are You Are you holy? you are holy you are Lord God who Worthy is the Worthy is the work is the work is the I say come on guys I was there there are literally so many people right now getting baptized I know they have said this generation is lost but can we let them know with our roars that Jesus has not finished with this generation?
I brought out my friend Jimmy, he has a powerful story. We felt that God wanted us to pray for the sick tonight if you have come. I'm sick or I need a touch from God. I love what Nick shared. God deals with and saves this, but I also believe that God can heal and touch his bodies just as he did. Nick, that story he shared. Jimmy, share that story. Yeah, man, I'm so. Thankful for the blood of Jesus that heals and sets free and I want to share about the blood of Jesus that healed me for 17 years, you see, if you don't know, I had a voice condition, it doesn't sound like it does now. super loud and super raspy, so as I got older I started to notice something was wrong with my voice.
I had a hard time talking to people, people didn't really understand me or listen to me, people made fun of me, all these things, etc. I started going to the doctor and trying to figure out what was wrong. My mom was really worried. She took me there. I went to so many dozens of specialists and the doctors did all the tests on me and the only common theme they told me was It was impossible, they told me Jimmy, your voice, as soon as you turn 15, your vocal cords will actually stay the same, so After you turn 15, that's what your voice will be like, so I remember turning 15 and being like that. just the way my voice when I turned 16 was still like that it was impossible but what is impossible for doctors what is impossible for man was not impossible for God the blood was enough for me and then I remember I went to Kona Hawaii for a youth camp called commission summer camp.
I was there in worship and after hundreds of people prayed for me and I was not healed, I remember sitting in worship and I was on my knees and I was just receiving and I felt the Lord saying. Jimmy, you will be healed tonight, don't talk for the rest of the sermon. I remain silent for the rest of the sermon. The second set of worship begins, he said, let your voice loose. I started to sing and instantly the power of God fell on me. I and after 17 years my voice was completely healed and I believe that God wants to release that power today and I am excited to see a generation entering into the fullness of God to the fullness of the blood of Jesus, the power of Salvation, Liberation.
The power and healing power of the blood of the Lamb really is good news, it really is very good news, so I want to pray for the sick, but before I do that I just want to briefly premise that again I said hundreds of people prayed. For me in moments like this and I was not healed and I want to tell you my miracle was incredible but I had a greater miracle and it was that in that test of trusting God to heal me I met himso intimately and when I tell you this I can tell you with heaven and God is my witness I would not go back even a year from the years that my voice was I have not been healed to have the intimacy that I had and so, if you are crying out for healing, I believe that he will touch you tonight, but if you are not healing, there is an offering that you can bring to Jesus and there is a fragrance of Worship is a gift.
Would you join me in taking this moment as a win-win? You will be healed or you will bring the fragrance of worship and you will see that the intimacy in that moment tonight will be beneficial for everyone and that is why I want to pray. very fast to heal and then I want to invite my friend Todd to continue ministering so right now if you need healing in any part of your body even if you think it's impossible I stopped raising my hand after a while would you raise the hand right now yes I need physical healing, come on, keep raising your hands and if you are close to them I want you to lay hands on them, the Bible says that if you lay hands on the sick, they will be healed, the blood is enough.
I'm going to really pray. quickly Jesus you would release your healing power by the power of my testimony what you did in me you would do it again tonight to a greater extent incurable diseases must go in the name of Jesus your blood is enough Jesus today you are the same as you were back then Jesus, would you bring your healing power? God, thank you Father, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, okay, everyone put your hand on the shoulder of someone next to you, come on, this is going to be fun, come on guys, Jesus is a healer. oh no Jesus is the Healer no no no no no no no Jesus is the Healer yes come on Jesus is the Healer the holy spirit is the one that will flow through you to heal the people around you Jesus is the Healer are you with me?
Well I want you to say this with me right now in the name of Jesus head will be healed don't wait a minute I want it to sound like you really believe it you will do that I want you to say in the name of Jesus Jesus head be healed head be healed that's better in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus open ears open ears in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus neck be healed be healed in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus shoulders be healed shoulders be healed in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus organs be healed organs be healed immunological disorders be healed immunological disorders digestive disorders be healed diss in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus spine be healed be healed diss disks be healed be healed in


' name in the name of Jesus sports injuries sports injuries be healed be healed knees knees ankles ankles elbows wrists wrists everything from the top of our head everything from the top of our to the bottom of our feet the bottom of our feet be healed be healed in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus, I want you to take 20 seconds and check your body all over right now check right now check check your shoulders your back your knees your ankles check check check hurry up quickly check Double check come on listen if you know that I know that you know that your body has been healed.
I want you to wave both hands over your head right now. Don't listen, if you know your body is healed, gone and you know, wave both hands over your head and shout out to Jesus, super powerful. Listen. Here's one thing that's very important to me and it's important all night long, just all day long. The reality of redemption is that Jesus didn't just pay a price to forgive you, he paid a price to remove your sin, but he also paid a price. price to remove the stain that is on your body because of what sin brought are STDs is blood blood problems due to addiction that is cut scars listen how many of you believe that Jesus will remove cut scars oh brother what believe it or not, he will do it because that person you were is no longer here there has been so much salvation priest there are so many people who have changed their hearts and your body needs to reflect the truth of forgiveness come on if there is a stain on your body due to illness or drug addiction sexually transmitted diseases cut scars self harm right now Jesus is going to remove the stain oh come on that's Redemption come on so if you got cut scars you got cut scars put your hand in the air now same, come on, no.
I care about who you are, it's not a shame, it's something I don't want anymore. Come on, I want people to surround them right now and I want you to put your hand on his arm, right on the cut scars that you can see. We have seen scars completely removed from the entire body, from head to toes, so powerful STDs will be cured right now because that person who committed that sin is no longer in the building, if you have repented, that means God. forgives you but not only forgives forgets that it ever happened the truth is that the blood of Jesus wants to heal you of that stain right now so in the name of Jesus say it in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we order you order STD STD let them come out let them come out we recommend the cut scars we command that the cut scars be removed the blood problems be removed the blood problems be healed be healed in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Jesus every stain every stain be removed be removed right now right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus scars go scars go in the name of Jesus I want you to look and check and see if your scars have disappeared right now see if your scars are fading if you see less if they are fading I want you to raise your hand right now I want you to go crazy because that is our Jesus, come on, come on, come on, every scar must be removed now in the name of Jesus, look again right now, look at your scars if they are gone, wave your hands in the air.
Come on, come on, who else is waving your hands if your scars are fading? Give your hand right now. Come on, give it up for Jesus right now. Surrender it for Jesus. We've been here for 10 hours. How many do you know? It will never be the same. I remember when I used to make calls with Lou. 12 hour meetings around the 10 hour. Temptation is man. I have dedicated 10 hours. I'm just going to sit back, but there will be times. Lou. I'd get up and he'd say, stand up, and I'd say, "Oh, my legs would hurt, but can I?" I keep saying this because I truly believe that what we are doing today is teaching you to have the endurance to remain in the presence of God.
I have seen children play video games for 14 hours. You spend 15 hours at Disneyland in long lines in the heat. We have to get used to worshiping. god with resistance I'm just saying we're going to do a Some things invite Jacob, he'll give you the opportunity to partner with us, we'll have Zion, then we'll close the night with the upper room, so I want to ask you again if you would come down from the tops. with us I think these last two hours are going to be crazy we're going to set no, don't move anywhere we're going to set a timer at the end counting down from 10 minutes and we'll be I'm just going to celebrate and go crazy and I think by then, hopefully all the people getting baptized will be done, there are so many, but Jake, take it off, man, hey, everyone's ready for this.

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