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Life with Bundy l 20/20 l PART 1

Apr 20, 2024
So thank you for sitting with us. I know there have been many Bundy stories over the years. This is your story. You saved all those photos of your time with Ted as a family. Why did you keep them? It's a strange phenomenon it's like symptoms I can't believe this has really been my


and I saved those photos of us when we were happier before I knew what he was capable of the photos are happy like most people's family photos, They don't look different at all that's my childhood unfortunately the memories that are attached to those images have lost their original emotional content and have become something different.
life with bundy l 20 20 l part 1
I still have a feeling of disbelief that this man I loved seemed like a great guy could date. and doing such horrible things is so hard to take, I'm sure you've wondered why not me completely and I hate even saying this because it makes him seem normal, but I think he loved us. I heard a story told. by one of his lawyers said that Ted told him that he would play with mice and then let some live and make others die and to me, to us we are just these mice that were allowed to live. There's no one who grew up here and is of a certain age who doesn't have a Ted Bundy story.
life with bundy l 20 20 l part 1

More Interesting Facts About,

life with bundy l 20 20 l part 1...

His presence here is enormous. It's such an amazing story that touches on so many things. It's


of the history of the Pacific Northwest. from the history of criminal justice in the United States is a story worth telling who this young man from the Pacific Northwest was he knew how to flatter people he knew how to gain their trust he was handsome and charming and apparently had the world in his understanding and he was going to be a successful guy there were two Bundys, the only people who ever saw the diabolical Bundy for his victims. I never wanted to think that people were born evil, but my opinion on that changed when I met Ted, I think he uses "born evil." Seattle was a smaller, more innocent place, it was a time when many women felt very independent, so people didn't immediately think that a woman who hadn't been seen for a few days might have fallen into danger when you looked at her. .
life with bundy l 20 20 l part 1
Ted Bundy was about the right age to be in college, he drove a Volkswagen Beetle, a very popular car in the '70s, so when he moved to a college campus he fit in perfectly, but he graduated in June of '72 from the University from Washington with a degree in psychology, why are you getting a degree in psychology? From my point of view, he does it because he wants to be able to continue manipulating people. One of his activities was to


icipate in political campaigns. Governor Dan Evans is taken down. hallway and received a tumultuous welcome worked for the committee to re-elect Dan Evans had aspirations of not going to law school, I mean, he was thought to be kind of a rising star and the Republican Party in Washington state, I think that several things conspired to make Ted Bundy Ted Bundy.
life with bundy l 20 20 l part 1
When you look at childhood serial killers, there are some common themes and I see them in Ted's case, where there is dysfunction in the family and what happens is they grow up with a lot of rage, typically towards women. He wanted to be from a family that had money and he wasn't. This is a guy who from a very young age was a petty thief. Tell me, when you first realized he was stealing things, he stole a pair of ski boots from the student union building. on the UW campus he brought it to my apartment and said if I understood it, someone else would have, so he just took it.
He talks about having been a voyeur at some point. The idea that Ted Bundy was involved in spying really makes sense because it's basically a training camp on how to isolate people, how to observe people, how to break into houses, he was a nocturnal person, he got restless, he would get in his car and drive long distances, so he was always a Roman, but a part of him. I wanted to be with someone or be part of something part of a family oh yeah, this long-term girlfriend who had a son that I want to get back to when you first came to Seattle you were a single mom, you went to that bar and you saw a handsome guy. man tell me about the first time you met Ted Bundy well he was pretty smitten from the get go yeah I'm sitting at the table and I walked up and talked to him because I told him he seemed lonely and you know I took him away. she married me that night who was not in the habit of doing that out of character for you yes, she was a reasonably naive young single mother from Utah who met the man who was considered by virtually everyone in the society and culture of the 1970s As the dream date, the perfect husband, Prince Charming material, it's fair to say that at least in the beginning, Ted Bundy was a gentleman.
Oh, he put a lot of energy into making us happy, doing fun things, my parents loved him, in my opinion, he still was and I really wanted to marry him, give me some of the activities they would all do together as a family, so he had a favorite, everything, a favorite restaurant, a favorite rug store, they wanted to take us to all the places I thought I remembered. The zoo went to all the fun things for kids. He always seemed to embrace us as a family unit when it was what Liz said. He really enjoyed being a family man.
He said the things that you know, I would expect my brother to say about his family, but. As the years went by, he determined that no, I'm never going to get married, I'm never going to have kids, I'm never going to be governor, I'm not even going to be a lawyer, I'm just going to murder and this. is what makes 1974 so extremely different, she decided that he will go into murder full time and will continue doing so until he is captured or killed. Hello everyone, George Stephanopoulos, thank you for visiting the ABC News YouTube channel if you like.
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