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Life as a Bokoblin - A Zelda Nature Documentary

Jun 08, 2021
We humans have dominated the planet for millennia, residing comfortably at the top of the food chain, taking pride in our technology, building walls to protect us from the dangers lurking outside, cultivating and shaping


, manipulated to satisfy our needs and from the safety and comfort of our territories we contemplate the beauty of


from afar from a distance the vast landscapes of Hyrule are dazzling, serene and even calming, but appearances can be deceiving, let's eliminate the comforts of our civilization and The average Hylian will soon discover the difficulties of surviving in the Out here, wild instinct and knowledge of the land dictate the chances of survival.
life as a bokoblin   a zelda nature documentary
Which resources are valuable or safe for consumption and which are best left untouched. How to cope with the various harsh climates and perhaps most importantly, how to interact with the many creatures that roam the wastelands. Hyrule is absolutely full of


, from the smallest of rodents to the majestic wild horses of the united wolf packs in search of prey, the intimidating and ferocious brown bear, some friendly, some hostile, all living in harmony with their environment , but there is something else that lives. Here too we are dealing with a species that stands out from the rest of the animal kingdom due to a greater overall coordination of intelligence and therefore an intimidation factor, to the point that they are classified in a category of their own separate from the others. wild animals that you and I know as monsters that really fit is a term we humans often use to describe something we do not fully understand, something vile or cruel that generates fear and seemingly operates without consciousness or emotion, primitive savage, but is it Is that really the whole picture or is there more to this?
life as a bokoblin   a zelda nature documentary

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life as a bokoblin a zelda nature documentary...

Critters that seem at first glance perhaps misunderstood even today we take a closer look at one such creature a familiar face found in every corner of Hyrule from the highest mountains to the nicuda grass covered plains the


over the past few weeks we have studied these beings extensively from a safe distance analyzing their behavioral patterns, traditions and interactions with their environment. Bokoblins are naturally hostile to humans. They get in your way, they will get in the way of their prey, and they will not hesitate to use brute force among their own kind and even other species. monsters, however, are very social creatures like us, it is extraordinarily rare to find a solitary


on your travels, they prefer to operate in groups or tribes, making it even more difficult to approach or interact with them, like us, they have realized the concept of strength in numbers, but we need to learn more, taking notes and spying on them from a safe distance does not give us a true and honest view of their true nature in order to truly understand the bulgoblin, we must try to make contact, live like them and learn the nature of their paths through close interaction, but how their hostility towards our species serves as an obstacle to conducting a proper study, which is why in the lead-up to our quest for knowledge we have devised a strategy to overcome the barriers that separate us.
life as a bokoblin   a zelda nature documentary
Of them using the latest in stealth technology, we have carried out a clever disguise based on our current understanding of the creature, which will hopefully allow us to trick our subjects into accepting us as one of their own, but appearances will not. They are everything, of course, body language is equally important. To achieve our goal of attracting attention, the slouch begins with the arms extended to the sides to mimic the neutral position of the bokoblin. This is an essential part of the costume breaking character and one could run the risk of the costume falling apart, which could have consequences.
life as a bokoblin   a zelda nature documentary
The only thing left now is to wait for dawn, since tomorrow we will put our strategy to the test. Dawn, a new day dawns in Hyrule and we are ready to begin research for our experiment. We have chosen the great plateau as the location. Most Viable Location Its isolated nature acts as its own little ecosystem separate from the rest of the earth. Bokoblin camps abound in this area, some small, some large, some seeking shelter while others prefer to sleep under the stars. Our target is this camp right here on the ridge near the ruins of the temple of time it is one of the medium sized camps here and consists of a total of three inhabitants hidden on this remote cliff a perfect way to study our subjects undisturbed carefully as we approach, remember that this is a high risk operation performed by a trained professional, so we must insist that one does not attempt this on their own.
It seems that the bokoblins have discovered us. This is the moment of truth. So far, so good. There are no signs of hostility, but instead fascination and curiosity reign. supreme who is this stranger crossing into our domain why is he here after careful evaluation the bokoblins returned to their daily routine seemingly unfazed by their otherworldly visitor the disguise works but we are far from being accepted into their ranks immediately we noticed a hierarchy within the clan notices the dark gray skin tone and war paint on the body of this particular specimen a clear sign that he is making the decisions around here the other two rotate shifts fulfilling their duties in the service of the tribe Cooking game guard duty is a fascinating display of teamwork really.
One of the first things we learn is that bokoblins don't seem to bother well with names, at least not vocally. For convenience, we've decided to assign each one their own name. to avoid confusion. Gray, his commanding boss, Red and Larry. That night they didn't allow us to sleep in the gray campfire they just didn't allow it, who can really blame them in their eyes? we are an intruder a strange and unusual visitor from foreign lands in general the different tribes that live on the plateau do not seem to interact much, they mostly stick to their own kind, respecting each other's territory, it is something that the Developed races of Hyrule could take notes from our histories, they are rich in the desire to expand our lands to take them by any means necessary, even by force.
Bokoblins don't. They seem to share this lust for power as long as there is food on the table, a place to sleep and company, they are content to live a simple


here in the wild, tomorrow we must find a way to win the hearts of the tribe and earn their trust. of his leadership, let us hope that our attempt will be fruitful at dawn, while the others are hunting, we collect some materials as a sign of goodwill towards the tribe, mushrooms, fruits and anything else the land has to offer. Hopefully, this gesture will calm them down.
Apparently, food has been scarce lately and today the hunting party returns once again empty-handed upon seeing our offering. The group seems quite hesitant at first, but quickly realizes that any food is better than nothing at this point despite our gift. He still seems suspicious of us, however, Larry has apparently opened up a bit to us while we had a brief conversation in the evening, we were even allowed to stay for a while and join the chat, of course, his language is not one that understand currently, so a few nods and some basic hand signals will suffice for now, but sadly an offering won't reward us with a place at the warm campfire just yet and we've returned to our secluded sleeping spot under the trees for a well-deserved comeuppance. rest.
For the next few days we repeated the same daily routine of guarding the camp while the others went out hunting, gathering materials, polishing and repairing weapons, cooking some basic foods and trying to keep the camp clean, we continued to bond with our new found. friend and we even got to join larry on guard which was a nice change of pace from the usual night work. We routinely join the group for small talk until we are once again sent back to our usual place as outsiders. They are until one morning we are woken up by none other than Gray who offers us to join the hunting party today it seems that our hard work has finally paid off with almost a week without a successful hunt the situation is getting more serious and it even seems gray He realizes that everyone will need the help they can get, this could be our chance to finally prove our worth in not losing daylight, we immediately set off for the nearby forest, the balls that roam these forests have decreased in number and They are more scared than ever before doing it. increasingly difficult to catch to cover more ground the group decided to split up gray and red try their luck in the north while larry joins us as we continue west into the dense forest the maukoblins have found many different ways to hunt their prey some They resort to a stealthy approach while others chase and try to corner their prey like a pack of wolves, some have even been seen riding various animals to take advantage of their speed, they make their own weapons such as wooden bows, shields, clubs and spears and although They are simplistic and primitive, they do the job when it comes to survival in the wild.
The fact that they are able to domesticate wildlife and make weapons shows that they are much more evolved than many had initially imagined, but we must keep our focus. in the task ahead if we want to bring home something good, we could finally be accepted into the tribe, so far the hunt has been fruitless. Larry decides to search along the cliff as we head deeper into the woods. It looks like this could turn into a failed hunt again until finally, a wild one. The wild boar pokes its head out of the tall grass. This is our only chance.
That night we celebrated a feast after weeks without success. This meal was a gift from heaven. The mood of the tribe that night is one of great joy and celebration. Larry and Red express their gratitude and even Gray seems to have changed his tone for the better, our many days of hard work uniting discipline and today's triumph has earned us a place at the bonfire. Gone are the days of being an exile, in the coming days we will continue hunting. Meeting, chatting and bonding with this fascinating species, acceptance by the tribe is a reward in itself, but what really matters is the data we have collected during our journey, unfortunately, this is also where our paths must diverge no matter how much we have enjoyed it. our time.
With our new friends we must return to our own kind, it is only a matter of time until one day they discover who we really are. Saying goodbye is something they probably won't understand, it's a human thing after all, instead we'll slip away silently. in the night and I hope that the tribe understands our decision, who knows, we might meet again one day, maybe we can even make contact without the use of disguises and deception, but for now our adventure ends here, our research has shown that a Despite their more primitive and simplistic lifestyle the bokoblins have earned the right to roam these lands for centuries, they have adapted and used their exceptional survival skills to thrive and, although they are still hostile to us humans, Can we really blame them as monsters?
We call them, but maybe from their perspective. We are the monsters here who disturb the peace and cross into their territory without caring about anything but ourselves. The various tribes that live here respect each other's borders. They do not go to war with each other over territory or fight among themselves. They have their own. language culture customs and traditions they hunt and domesticate wildlife and make tools as we do, although eclipsed by our intellect and technology, there is still much to learn from the creatures that roam the wild and perhaps one day we will be able to establish a friendlier relationship. with them if we leave aside our prejudices one you

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