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Life After Awareness | Do You Let The Universe Take Control?

Jun 03, 2021
Once you figure it out, do you have to have a plan for where you're going or do you leave it up to the


to bring it to you and then make the decision? Many people have been asking that question. You have a plan? where you are going or that just happens when you are in touch with the creative power within you. Either way, it may be the case for some people, something grows spontaneously and organically and before you know it, you are involved in something inspired and empowered. activity, it may start very small and they may not even know how it is going to grow and develop, it's just that consciousness


s over and they didn't plan for it, sometimes it's just an example: you might have a musician who loves to play this . instrument and then he's in the corner playing his instrument and then someone comes and says oh this is cool, try it, don't try it, come to a studio and it can develop from there without him ever having any plan, he just enjoys doing it.
life after awareness do you let the universe take control
To others something may suddenly come to you with a mental image of something you want, I say it that way, I say it wants to be created, it's not so much, I want to create this, when something comes to you from a deeper level, it feels more like this wants to be created then an image comes or even a thought comes to you and then suddenly you know what it is that wants to be created through you and then you could say that you have a plan but the plan is very different from the plans that the ego had when you were still trapped in the structures of the ego because any plan that the ego has is very limited by its needs, the ego really seeks itself through its plans, it seeks an improvement of itself, so those are the plans that the ego creates and they are flawed, they are deeply flawed and any action you


to carry out the ego's plans will also be deeply flawed and will bring many headaches and problems, and will create more and more problems for you and for others, and you understand it. difficult, it is a struggle, that is always a sign that there is an ego somewhere, that is, you are fighting, I am not talking about intensity, things that plan, then you have ego plans, really there is always a hidden egoism in any plan.
life after awareness do you let the universe take control

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life after awareness do you let the universe take control...

It could be the ego when it comes through the ego, it is a hidden form of selfishness, but the plans I talk about here come from a deeper level within you, that is why I usually say that you do not want to create this. or that, but he wants to be created through you and that's why there is a deeper level that the unconditioned wants to create form through you because he loves the creation of form, how do I know that? Well, just look around you and you will see that the


loves to create. incredible multiplicity multiplicity of


forms everywhere in the cosmos, just the planet Earth, just look at the billions of


forms, so obviously the universe enjoys the creation of forms and has some purpose that we cannot understand conceptually, rationally and intellectually completely, although we may have an idea. why, but we cannot fully understand what is the ultimate purpose of the creation of forms, yes we have an idea, sometimes I talk about it, but one thing is certain: the universe enjoys, consciousness enjoys the play of forms and it can happen through you and it is deeply pleasant, then something can come to you, then it is something that and then you can say: oh, I have a plan and it will be inspired and there is no selfishness in it, in other words, you are not looking. to whatever it is. it wants to be created through you, it does not seek you for happiness, self-improvement, fame or even wealth, those things can arise, you can be framed, you can obtain riches, you can obtain those things as by-products, but that is not so.
life after awareness do you let the universe take control
The reason this creation occurs through you is that there is no egoism and yet whatever the ego has sought for itself can come to you as an addition, as Jesus says, things can be added if there are a huge energy production from you. Entering the world is not yours, of course, there is no personal energy, it will be a misperception, but if you become a channel for that universal energy, then of course things will come back to you, even usually in material forms as well, so there will be if there is a huge flow, a huge donation, not yours but like a channel, things will come back to you because if you give to the universe, the universe gives back, so you can enjoy the wells, but it would just be a complement or you could give part of it. or away or whatever you think is right for you, so you can summarize for some, there is simply a spontaneous evolution of the creative impulse towards the external and it happens through them without any prior plan, for others something arises. in their minds and they say yes, this is what I need to do, this is what wants to arise through me, I feel it very strongly and then you take action and the important thing is not to be aware of the energy field behind the action that you Tomas. that you do not lose presence because the ego even there can still take


if you take some action to achieve something if stress and negativity come in when you get obstructed when you encounter obstacles because there is always some obstacle that you encounter when you start creating something new, there will be some obstacles, you will also receive enormous help, not necessarily immediately, maybe right away, but at some point you will notice an influx of supportive energy, but you may also encounter obstacles in the form of people who do not.
life after awareness do you let the universe take control
I want you to create something new, people who are so stuck in their mental patterns that they resist anything new, so it is a very common thing or obstacle in some other way, so if you find an obstacle and there is negativity or an attack on the you are attacking, then you are rapidly losing power, the ego is trying to take


, so every time you struggle or struggle or stress arises, stress is another indicator that you are no longer fully aligned with the power within and then you get stressed, you get angry, you get upset, you complain, you attack someone who You are losing power rapidly, so it is a good indicator whenever you engage in creative action, manifesting this or that, it is the stress that arises now.
I'm not saying it can't, there won't be intense energy behind it when you're involved in a creative activity. There is an intense energy behind it that from an external point of view can sometimes be misinterpreted almost as stress, but it is not stress at all, it is just the intensity of the energy behind the creation, it is, but it is joyful, it is intense. but joyful and you can feel that intensity when you are in the middle of a creation happening through you, a huge intensity of energy and that is very different from stress. There is always a stress that does not flow, but this intensity flows and takes care of the obstacles.
Intensity deals with obstacles in a very different way than ego, intensity can sweep away obstacles or it can transform obstacles into something useful, even to humans, it does not attack something else, yes, you encounter obstacles when you create something, but as I just mentioned, you also encounter the phenomenon of being. supported yes if your creation is aligned with what the universe wants then you become enormously powerful it's like riding a huge wave someone wrote a poem or something it was shakespeare it starts with there's a tide in the affairs of men and If I can't remember the rest, but if you catch that tide which is the tide of something that wants to be created through you and that movement and then you are riding this huge wave and at some point the creation happens and then that wave comes to an end and then there may be a period of time where there is more to withdraw before a new creation occurs, so that varies from person to person, it is exciting and wonderful to be a part of that because it is something that is a completely new way of coming to this planet

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