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Leveraging the LinkedIn Algorithm for Maximum Exposure

May 03, 2024
content, but if you publish a whitepaper or an article, you will get less reach because it decides the third pillar of the community, everything related to events, so it can be events that you attend as an attendee, events that you yourself organizes events that your company is organizing and the good stuff. About the content of the event is what you have before, during and after, so if I am going to speak at a conference I create a publication as an announcement. I create an impression during the event and maybe a month or two, a week or two after the event. a post that is more like a summary and conclusion.
leveraging the linkedin algorithm for maximum exposure
Ford's mainstay is what we call user-generated content. Well, it's other people who talk about your services and your products because that converts much more into new potential clients than if you talk about your own. products, so I'm talking about case studies, customer testimonials, customer interviews, even interviews with your employees, if it's a hire or employs a brand perspective, a fifth pillar third party content, okay, for example , I see this really interesting article about LinkedIn in social media marketing and I published that article and curated the content. I just said, “You guys found this really interesting article on LinkedIn about social media marketing.” This is my conclusion and these are my additional thoughts.
leveraging the linkedin algorithm for maximum exposure

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leveraging the linkedin algorithm for maximum exposure...

Okay, this is a very important pillar and it's easier. do this on a personal page than do it on a company page because a company page borrows content from another company or another source, okay, that's usually especially if it's my competitor, it's more complicated, um and then the last one has everything to is more of a corporate pillar, it has everything to do with employee branding, employee advocacy, you know, show, humanize your brand, humanize your company in today's job market where it is very, very difficult , especially in, for example, ID, finding new talent because, as everyone is chasing them, we see that companies that want to open their company give people a vision, this is what our own boarding looks like, these are the opportunities professionals we have, but this is an interview with someone who has been a developer for five years with In our company, this type of content really works well if one of your main goals is to attract new talent.
leveraging the linkedin algorithm for maximum exposure
Ask about thought leadership content. Can you give us examples of what this is so we understand what you mean by intellectual leadership that was one of the pillars? Yes, for my business, for example, it is the


report that is absolutely a piece of content that positions me as a thought leader as an expert and that is the content for me that sees the most conversion to new followers every time. we do it, I get about 10 to 15 000 new followers and I'm not talking about um well between those 10 15 000 a lot of my decision a lot of CMOS a lot of marketing managers a lot of marketing managers so that's one example and another example it could be like a trends document You know what I mean, we say well, this is what lead generation looked like on LinkedIn in 2021, this is what it looks like now and these are the things you really need to like in your company, so that this type of content positions you.
leveraging the linkedin algorithm for maximum exposure
As a featured expert in your network, Richard, thank you very much for enlightening us. I've taken a lot of notes here and I'm sure many of our listeners have too if people want to follow you online. Social I'm assuming LinkedIn is your platform of choice, but if that's not okay, how do they find you on LinkedIn and also how do they find your company on my website? Well, you just need to go to my name, Richard Vanderblom. and connect with me or follow me uh   those who are listening van space d-e-r space  b-l-o-m it's three um I guess separate words   uh Van Der Bloom on LinkedIn okay that's right and another way to contact me definitely and   there's also my social media is go to my personal website, which is
People want to see your agency. Sorry, what if they want to see your company, your agency? So yeah, then they go to, which is easier because it's like an English name., but on my personal website there's also a big button to go to that website, like this, and on my LinkedIn profile I have all the references to my websites, so you can definitely check that out. Exited Richard, thank you very much for coming on the program and answering all my questions. We are much better because thanks to that, thank you Michael, thank you for inviting me, it was a pleasure.

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