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Level 1 - 2550 But I Can Only Kill Bosses in Blox Fruits

Apr 27, 2024
we have to use hockey no, no, me and dead, let's go to three full


s from there. I can't even see what's going on dude, just get your big giant snake to shoot me, you put your big giant snake away, oh thank god. and we catch it and dead and let's go, we catch it and fix the Trident dragon, what the hell do we have a Trident dragon? Come on, this is the last boss in C2 though. I still have one more boss to defeat very soon. You guys can see I'm at


1497 right now, which means in three more levels I can go to the third seat, now the last boss we have to


here, Mr.
level 1   2550 but i can only kill bosses in blox fruits
Darkbeard, so accused, just got the fist of darkness and, uh, he's going to put that on, oh my god, there it is, this guy is the goat for helping me grow Darkness D's fist, we're just packing, oh, no dark beard, oh, this guy said, subscribe to Jety, what kind of goat and let's go, we have it all. It took three levels to reach level 1500 and reach the third sea now because he helped us and


ed Darkbeard with us and also helped me cultivate a fist of Darkness. I'm going to give you a free fruit storage right now.
level 1   2550 but i can only kill bosses in blox fruits

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level 1 2550 but i can only kill bosses in blox fruits...

There is his fruit store plus one for helping us and now we head to the third seat. We're here, come on, man. let's talk to this guy and we have to do the stone quest level 1550, oh god, and we are complete, now we can go back to the third sea, here we are in the third sea for real this time because now we are at level 1550. which means that we can officially beat the stone mission, he's not even fighting, transform into katsune and completely destroy the stone. Nice three levels, not bad, not bad, now we just have to keep repeating the process until level 1675 because that's when we can fight Empress Island. dead and dead and dead slash slash slash slash Dead Oh, I got the helmet pile, yo, much faster, oh my god, now that we have it, let's keep respawning.
level 1   2550 but i can only kill bosses in blox fruits
This is what we needed brother, new mission available. Amazon Quest Giver, awesome, but we. I can't go there until we have 100 more levels. I just know that those mobs would be giving me a lot more XP right now, but we can't so I have to kill Stone over and over and dead, let's go. New mission available, we can fight against Empress Island. I'm so sick and tired of Port Town bro just get me out of Port Town okay we are here and in this Quest Giver we will finally be able to fight Boa Hancock aka the Empress of the Island we are here in the quest Giver the reward is 70 million XP, which with double XP will be 140 million.
level 1   2550 but i can only kill bosses in blox fruits
We worry about killing the island. Emess. She's gonna kill me. No, no, no, I can't let that slide stay with the ranged attacks she missed, but I. don't miss she killed me I'm going to get revenge right now die come on 1 2 3 three levels okay it's time to do this a million more times in the red she's dead she's going to die now and dead dead and dead and this basically continued for like an hour and although this process became super tedious nothing could prepare me for the next boss level 1751 and now in the big tree we are about to fight the kilo Admiral here is the kilo Admiral me me he is so small and adorable, oh friend, this is going to be easy.
I feel like we'll probably be here for a minute just because we have to do this until level 1875, let's go to level 1754, not bad, now let's jump to the server and just repeat this process Dead, who is this guy, oh, this guy is hacking, bro how are you still using the kilo, bro, this isn't even in the game anymore, bro, come on, no kidding, I think I've already killed a thousand


? going crazy and we have it, friend, it takes a long time to kill and dead, we are doing well. I'm going to speed this up for you on the screen that you'll see every time I killed the kilo Admiral and we're just going to move on to the next boss, we'll finish off the kilo Admiral after this mission, who's excited, I'm excited, I'm excited, oh, I'm So excited, come here boy, you're dead to me.
Come on now, we will move on to the Turtle Mansion to fight the next boss. Captain Elephant, okay, let's fight Captain Elephant. Damn, this guy has 260,000 HP and is dead right before he goes to fight Captain Elephant once again. I'm going to roll because I'm bored if we have a mythical here you guys have to subscribe if we have a magma fruit you guys have to subscribe me me magma fruit bro come on I'm just I'm just I'm just going to put it here I don't want it but we have a mission different, we have to keep killing Captain Elephant, he is being hit, I have to run there, let me do 10% damage, at least 10% damage. here yes, we have the levels, come on, let's sweep, kill and just dive and, as always, you know how it goes.
I'm tired of jumping between servers in search of Captain Elephant. I just want to hit his trunk, man, oh my god and dead, I didn't do the mission for him, no, I forgot to do the mission. I leave this being and after a couple more kills, yes, there is a new mission available, which means we are done with Captain Elephant and it's the beautiful pirate's turn and there it is, this guy has a whopping 320,000 HP, like this who also has the emergency convent or the cander sword, I think 100 million XP, oh my god, he has two lives, although what the hell, oh my god, I didn't know that, okay, beautiful Pirates, really.
Hard to kill, actually, this takes a lot of time and look at those three whole levels. Now it's time to repeat this just a couple more times, but what I didn't know is that Cavendish or the Beautiful Pirate were the hardest


. this whole challenge to kill consecutively he's in the red yeah dead dead dead dead let's go three levels of that let's keep doing this literally even with a Kitsune transformation it still took a long time to kill him once dead 1960 I have a feeling we're I'll be here for a long time time out come on oh my gosh level up and dead no but seriously this was too tedious yeah we did it come on yeah for some reason I thought Queen K was at level 2000 but It's in 2175 so we have to do this forever.
I have to kill him a million more times. Come on, oh come on. I finally got Ken Vander up a level. He levels up. Okay, one more beautiful pirate and we'll finally move on to the K Queen guys. This is the last beautiful pirate that we will have to kill. This is by far the most difficult boss in the game. As far as I know, I still need to fight Inur and I still need to fight Queen K, but I don't think so. Queen K is tougher than Cavish I'm not going to lie and dead, let's go, we will never fight the beautiful pirate again, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, God, now we have to go to the land of the cakes, oh.
My God, once and for all we are going to Cake Island to fight the Cake Queen, there is the Cake Queen. This is technically the penultimate boss we are going to fight in the third sea, the last being Indra. in the end, but in the meantime let's kill the cake, Queen, what a holy blow, to my surprise she was much easier than the beautiful pirate, which was a huge relief because I had to kill her for another 300 50 levels. come on come level 2179 dead come on new quest available but we still have to keep fighting Queen Kake and even with some minor setbacks I forgot to do the quest I forgot to do the quest we still managed to get through and kill the K Queen over and over again time yes, a level I spent so many roblo oh yes, we can Builder now we're just buying these R CH Ching CH Ching CH ching ching come on Man and Dead no no no, let's go and could you look at that?
I used pretty much all of my Robo respawns on Boss, okay, we're about to do the last Kake Queen Quest before moving on to destroy Indra. I'm excited, yeah, I can't wait to finish this K Queen. I probably killed you. 300 times I don't even know, I don't even care and as I kill Queen K one last time, I think about how crazy it is that we went from level one to almost


so far by


killing the bosses, not Big Mom. the more we've done it, we've officially done the last K Queen mission, which means it's time for the final boss, Indra, unfortunately, I don't think he can do it solo, so some people came and helped me. he is half down in the first form of him.
I'm just spamming moves at this point. I can not see anything. Oh, this is the second way, but we quickly took care of that too. Come on, we just reached the maximum level. We are finally at the level.


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