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Let's Speedrun There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension

May 11, 2024
here, can you take care of it? I'm not very good, yeah, I have to do everything I get, so I have to keep closing this and you can see that it's slowly getting that thing to get its number. I'll never make it, we'll make it, we'll be fine buddy, just let me keep closing these things, it takes a while, but we finally understand that we can get the coin, put it there and now the coin will open up a fun


for us, so now we just have than kill all these things. I am having fun.
let s speedrun there is no game wrong dimension
Okay, this is what I came here to play and that's what I'm going to do, so we have to kill all these guys and take their coins, so we'll move on, some of these guys drop coins and some don't, it's really annoying. I almost died, that would have been fun and embarrassing. Can you drop the last coin? And now, what can we do to achieve that? Get the bomb and everything will explode. I'm not going to cover them up because now, boom, here we go, everything was easy, okay? Well, I'm done freeing up the RAM, yes we did, yes, currently perfect, that was important, I don't care, I could have found a fix for the crashing scenes here when I delete the


let s speedrun there is no game wrong dimension

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let s speedrun there is no game wrong dimension...

I'm going to merge you and the bug. I'm reproducing the source code, her name is chiji, okay, okay, Gigi, if you prefer, where will she have to do it? Still on the phone, it's taking longer than I thought to transfer, yeah, maybe you should get better at encoding, dude, no. I just have to wait, yes she will make it and now it's time for the silliest part of the game. I love this part, look everyone, uh, that's cool, she's a smart vacuum cleaner, she's attacking him, but oh no, Mr. Glitch, what are you doing? this computer make sure you and your little brother merge back together I think there's a problem with my transfer what's going on don't worry GG we have this excuse you're going to have to help Gigi I'm going to try to buy some time Mr.
let s speedrun there is no game wrong dimension
Grinch, I challenge Adora, the game, if I win, will disappear forever, but if I lose, we will let him carry out his evil plan. Fair Point, that seems like a good deal, yeah, he's obsessed with it too, but no one ever wins a tic-tac-toe that's a radio game well that'll be holy holy spirit that's fair let's play nice so now they're going to play the guy still He's running away from his vacuum cleaner but every time I'm going to lose and we can grab one of those and use it. Okay, you don't have to call me a thief anyway.
let s speedrun there is no game wrong dimension
I'll do this again. They fall. I know you see how it is. Yeah, I'm probably not fun to deal with. honest with ourselves, but we will get another one, they fail again at Tic-Tac-Toe, but this time he will get really angry and do that, oh no, I have to explain it again and learn, that will leave me, oh, come on. man, come on, oh yeah, he's the same I declare as before, all right, now what we're going to do is take one of these guys and hit him there and that's going to allow us to have this bouncing thing, now we're going to want to take the zeros . so we can go here and bounce it a couple of times like I love brick breakers.
Okay, go to the right place. I was trying to get there. We're Jeremy, you hacked a Russian spice satellite to target us. Alright? time, stay to the left, please press the thing, come on, you have this one more, oh my game, come on, we're getting bad. RG here, I'm trying to finish, okay, let's do this one more time, just stay to the left. come on you got these three first three badges I know you see what it's like and we made the transfer man our boy finally beat this okay let's do it man oh Frank you ain't got no control over my world yeah I would if Were you there?
Oh yes, why? Because we have GG, there will be a game, let's go and now it's time for the worst part of this whole game, where basically this is so bad, okay, this is such a bad part of the game where I have to catch the type and drag it away and this guy is very slow at coding and keeps playing, we'll probably be here for a while, but I'll keep trying and sometimes he gets some words done, sometimes he doesn't do anything. it's ridiculous i don't know how a man is taking this try to hold you back i can talk to common line i'm trying i'm trying yeah this is also the best way to do it it's literally like some kind of luck if you code faster oh you know we're almost there you're just you're coding a little fat just code a little faster buddy you're almost there oh my god stop please let me finish this part.
I beg you to finish the code, friend, how bad are you? I'm Cody. I tried to let you log in dude I hate this place this is the worst part finally yeah I did it where's your parking lot from the whole game later? We're going to fail too because of that, uh, we could have done it anyway, but that's also based on luck, like it's literally luck in, uh, how much you'll write, at least it seems that way and we were unlucky that time. . I'm pretty sure we lost at least 30 seconds. I don't know why the creator of this game made that part so difficult, but you know, GG, dad, here I am, oh, we're finally home together, yeah, bring her with me, user, everything seems like it. has returned to normal thanks to you you're welcome thanks to your insistence you're welcome your innate talent for this obedience I know and the complete destruction of anything you touch with your damn I'm a little crazy I know I'm kind of crazy what you are trying to say sorry in one word thank you, let's play it later, it's a fun game, it's rude, don't you think the user could play it for the last time?
Yeah, well, Dickerton is closed, unfortunately, it's only fair that they can. I don't do much with that word here somewhere wait here it's oh hey Agreement, go ahead user, throw it away, come on, there's no pretty game, where did you put the home button? Maybe behind the main game. I'm sure it's to classify your shoe. you love to talk, don't pick it up, don't worry, I got it, can you help me flush the toilet? I got you and it's okay, I still don't see the button, come on man, behind the plate set, sorry. I'm going to generate a new game item, there you go, you can unscrew the board with it, user, thanks, at least someone here isn't a terrible person, you know Gabe, I'm getting really tired of what you're doing to me, game , it's your turn.
Now let me play my game, okay, I mean our game, we all created or designed it of course, but what happens after everything we've been through and digging into the accounts? The grave, the grave, is dangerous. I'm giving you a second option, oh, the automatic transmission. I allow you to delete my source code, any type of error so that it does not escape reality, but I also hate reality. The fate of the human race is more important than the two of us. Can't you see your choice, my friend? Well, the game is fine, the safety of the world, the planet of the interstellar cosmic universe.
I'm going with the game, honey, and it's time for 20102 to show the game, the game is great, yeah, this is like the extra scenes and stuff, but that's our moment, which will get us 23rd place on


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