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Let's Speedrun The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe (All Endings)

Jun 28, 2024
exactly these features as a single coherent video game, but I can feel in my soul that it is going to work, there is definitely a good game somewhere, let's say, let's do an experiment with these new features together and we will do it. see if it's consistent or not with a meaningful gaming experience I think that's how it will be I believe in our man okay, are you ready? I'm here. I give you Stanley's


. Come on, this looks amazing. Look at him, he has balloons. Well, um. I mean, there's potential here, right, okay, nevermind, look, wait, let me make a different arrangement.
let s speedrun the stanley parable ultra deluxe all endings
I thought it was cool, yeah this is much better. I feel good about this, here we go, version two, oh, even better, who am I? Just kidding, Stanley, this isn't a coherent video game at all, it's a lot of jokes. You and I really enjoy creating jokes, but they don't add up to anything. Look at it. I wanted more than anything to create a sequel than to capture all the magic of the first game. I wanted fans to love it, no matter how good these jokes were, they would stand on their own, they would need the structure in the original game's gameplay, wait, maybe that's it.
let s speedrun the stanley parable ultra deluxe all endings

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let s speedrun the stanley parable ultra deluxe all endings...

I can take the original Stanley Parable and just insert some of my new features into it. In good taste, of course, with respect and care for the vision and integrity of the original game, could it work? I suppose I could, but I'd need a really tremendous title screen, a title screen that says with bold, uncompromising conviction this is the Stanley Parable 2. Can we do it? Let me see if I can prepare something. Okay, perfect. Go ahead, take a moment. Look, well, will this make a good title screen? Is beautiful. We didn't even look at her, but I still thought she was beautiful.
let s speedrun the stanley parable ultra deluxe all endings
Now that we have completed everything, all the new content will be added, so go here and you will see that it starts the same. What could it mean? I'm not sure. Stanley decided to go to the meeting. Stanley picked up the bucket, of course I picked up the bucket. Let's be honest with ourselves. We need the cube is who we are now Stanley clutched the cube tightly to his chest and entered through the door on his left and yes, now the whole dialogue is going to change since we have the cube there was still no one here Stanley needed the warmth and the comfort of the cube now More than ever perhaps his boss's office was where Stanley Can you feel it?
let s speedrun the stanley parable ultra deluxe all endings
The broom closet wants the bucket. No, you can feel it. You can not? The aura of jealousy is as clear as day. This broom closet thinks it deserves the bucket that you don't. I can really feel it now it's a bucket that belongs in a broom closet that's what the broom closet is trying to say here it's supposed to go with the other cleaning supplies good for you Stanley don't give him don't give him the bucket I want to although I know how difficult it must be given the pressure that the broom closet is putting on your shoulders right now but you have to be strong it is very difficult this is your bucket this is your partner and lifelong friend I love him I can't No hand it over oh no, I want to get into insults now it seems that the broom closet has sunk so low that it has to resort to this stream of petty insults just to get you to hand me the Stanley bucket.
I never liked this broom closet for a variety of reasons, even this is worse than I had imagined and wait, now the broom closet is meant to imply that you and the bucket aren't really deep friends. and lasting, that your relationship is purely superficial and convenient, that your life is so benign and meaningless that you would feel the same kind of kinship towards any inanimate object that stood in your way in an even partially tempting way. No, I never continue. Stanley got into it, he actually tells the broom closet to go away. The degrading comments expand on the wide variety of experiences you and the cube have shared together review each one point by point share your journal entries that detail the rich emotional landscape of your feelings for the cube as they have changed and evolved over the years let it keep it in the broom closet you are a fool sorry ok I have something for you that I think will help settle this debate once and for all here we go and once we have the property From Stanley we can continue climbing the stairs. to the boss's office and we will also take this guy, one of them, one of the Stanley miniature figures, don't you remember that there is no reward for collecting them all, only the intrinsic pleasure of a job well done, you can't buy that guy of happiness, Stanley, God knows.
I've tried, so I implore you to savor each and every moment you encounter one of these beautiful figures. Oh yeah, I love seeing that and it's time for Bucket Marella, but Stany just couldn't do it. He considered the possibility. To confront his boss by admitting that he had left his job during work hours, he might be fine with that and in such a competitive economy, why had he taken that risk? All because he believed they were all missing. His boss would think he was crazy and then something occurred to him. Stanley maybe thought to himself maybe I'm crazy crazy he looked at the cube in his arms am I crazy?
He asked the cube, am I the cube? Stanley thought that normally the cube is a source of visceral guidance and wisdom for me in difficult times like these, he held the cube close but felt none of its familiar safety and comfort. and that's when Stanley realized that this is not my cube, it's just a normal everyday cube, someone else's cube, maybe how he did it. I end up with someone else's cube. This is all terribly wrong. Surely nothing good would come of this, who knows what kind of strange hallucinations Stanley might experience without the psychological presence of his bu.
In fact, I'm getting chills now that he noticed the rooms repeating themselves. which was, of course, very OD, please stop now he felt himself floating on the ground, okay, this is actually a lot of fun without my cube. I've gone really crazy. Where is? I must find it far away in the distance. Now he heard him calling. he Stanley Stanley am I the bucket bucket could it really be that he rushed forward from the room passing from one bucket after another n none of them were his none of them were his special bucket come to me wait find me he had to find the bucket he had that returning to his old friend was the only way to truly restore his sanity and then, suddenly, he froze in his tracks.
He knew where the cube's voice had come from. The actual cube was inside him the entire time. It is not like this. It was incredibly painful, no, Stanley doubled over in agony and passed out, what happens when you forget your bucket? Everyone knows that this is the story of a woman named Mariel Mariel woke up one day like any other, she got up, got dressed, picked up her bucket of comfort and security and walked to her workplace, but on this particular day her walk was interrupted by the body of a man who had walked through the city talking and shouting to himself and then collapsed dead on the sidewalk.
Immediately she knew what the problem was. This guy didn't have a cube, of course, he went crazy ranting and raving about a narrator describing all of his actions and how everything is predetermined and free will is an illusion and everything is just a video game. Everything could have been avoided if only he had taken his bucket with him, maybe he didn't even realize he had forgotten his bucket at home in the first place, how cruel the world can be, Mariela thought and hugged her own bucket. even stronger, it's so cool, but of course I didn't have it.
At the time of this, there were a lot of confusing problems that she would soon have to face at work for which her bucket would provide her with absolute guidance and complete clarity on everything, hell yeah, she thought to herself, my life is cool and did a backflip all the way. work, she's great, so now we're going to do the same ending, but this time without the cube it was already uncomfortable and Stanley decided that as soon as he found a new space he would feel safe and would never leave it again. in your life that sounds like a very good time, I'm not going to lie, also the interesting thing that happens is that since we started receiving the figures now this meeting room changes to know how we can find them and we are also going to go through the closet of the brooms Stanley went into the broom closet but there was nothing here, so he turned around and came back to a staircase.
Stanley walked up the stairs to his boss's office, but Stanley just couldn't do it. He considered confronting his boss by admitting that he had left his job during work hours, he might be fine with that and in such a competitive economy, why had he taken that risk? All because he believed they were all missing. His boss would think he was crazy and then Stanley thought of something. Maybe he thought to himself. I'm crazy, all my coworkers mysteriously disappeared in a single moment for no reason, none of it made any logical sense and while Stanley was pondering this he started making other strange observations, like why couldn't he see? his feet as he looked down why the doors closed automatically behind him wherever he went and in fact these rooms were starting to look quite familiar if they just kept repeating themselves no he told himself this is too strange this is not It may be real and at least Last time he came to the conclusion that it had been on the tip of his tongue, he just hadn't found the words.
I'm dreaming, he shouted, this is all a dream, oh, how relieved Stanley was to have finally found an answer. explanation his coworkers weren't actually gone he wasn't going to lose his job he wasn't crazy after all thank you and he thought to himself I guess I'll wake up soon I'll have to go back to my boring real life job pressing buttons I may as well enjoy this while he is still lucid, so he imagined himself flying and began to float gently above the ground, then he imagined flying through space in a magical Starfield and it also seemed like it was so very fun and Stanley marveled that he still didn't know.
I had woken up how he was still so lucid and then perhaps the strangest question of all entered Stanley's head and he was amazed that he had not asked himself before why there is a voice in my head dictating everything I am doing and thinking now the voice is gone. described herself being considered by Stanley, who found it particularly strange. I'm dreaming about a voice that describes me thinking about how it describes my thoughts, he thought and while he thought, everything was very strange and he wondered if this voice spoke to all the people in his dreams, the truth is, of course, this does not It was a dream, how could it be?
Stanley was simply fooling himself into believing that if he is asleep he doesn't have to take responsibility for himself. His position is the same. He is now awake as he has always been in his life, hearing the voice say these words was a great shock to Stanley after all, he knew for sure. Beyond a doubt, this was actually a dream. The Voice did not see it flow to make the magical Stars. Just a moment ago, how else would the voice explain everything? That this voice was part of himself. Surely, if he could, he would prove it, prove that he was in control, that this was a dream, so he closed his eyes gently and invited himself to wake up please wake up he felt the cool weight of the blanket on his skin the pressure of the mattress on his back the fresh air of a world outside this one let me wake up please he thought to himself I'm done with this dream I wish it was over I want it to be done let me get back to my work let me keep pressing the buttons please that's all I I want is all I want I want my apartment and my wife and my job all I want is my life exactly the way it's always been my life is normal I'm normal everything will be okay I'm fine oh no I'm still here well it's time to freak out stany started shout out please someone wake me up my name is Stanley I have a boss I have an office I'm real please someone tell me I'm real I must be real I must be Can anyone hear my voice?
Who I am? Who I am? And everything went black so it was a fun ending but it's not over yet because we can still see Marella this is the story of a woman named Mariel Mariella woke up one day like any other she got up she got dressed she gathered her belongings and walked to his place of work but on this particular day his walk was interrupted by the body of a man who had stumbled through the city talking and shouting to himself and then collapsed dead on the sidewalk and although he would soon turn around to go to calling an ambulance for a few brief moments, she considered the man strange, he was obviously as crazy as she was.
She knew that everyone knows what crazy people are like and at that moment she thought to herself how lucky she was to be normal. I'm Saye. I have control of my mind. I know what's real and what's not. She is so cool that she was comforting. I think this and in a way seeing this man made her feel better that's fair but thenShe remembered the meeting she had scheduled for that day, the very important people whose impressions of her would affect her career and by extension the rest of her life. There is no time for this, so it was only a moment that she stood there looking at the body. and then he turned and ran well, thanks for visiting me Mariel, at least it's okay now, it's time to get more


, now wait, Stanley thought to himself.
Am I sure the orders stopped coming? Probably, how is it possible? They never stopped. Surely I was wrong. We're probably fine, don't worry, so this time we'll go here again and go into the broom closet again oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no again I won't be a part of this I won't Inc reaching a staircase Stanley walked up the stairs to his boss's office and before we went there We'll stop here in the executive bathroom, another miniature Stanley figurine, this one, you know, there really must be a fancier name for these things .
What about mini stands? Stanley figures. What about the Stanines? You're trying, man. I think I like that other Stan. to your credit, that was a good try, it wasn't amazing, but you tried and that's all that really matters now we'll come here, press another entry before going to our boss's office, entering his manager's office, Stanley was surprised once again to find out that it wasn't. an indication of any human life shocked and unraveled. Stanley was in such a hurry to finish the story as quickly as possible that he didn't even have a minute to let the narrator speak.
That kind of anxiety isn't healthy, so he relaxed for a moment. a few moments with relaxing new age music, oh yes, I love relaxing new age music, just a nice relaxing presence on us, feeling calm and rejuvenated. Stanley calmly walked towards the open hallway and let's get another figure too, okay? I'm going back to the name of these little Stanley figures and now I'm torn between tines and figures, what do you think Stanley, what is it called? It best sums up the intrinsic feeling of happiness you get from seeing a little number in the corner of the screen go up one at a time.
I think you're both fine, sit down, I'm sure I'll come up with it. Yes, you have this friend. He believes in you and now we can go down the elevator ah, another elevator. I love elevators. Too bad it doesn't have a brick wall, although that would definitely make it better to descend deeper into the building. Stanley realized that he felt a little peculiar, it was a flutter of emotion in his chest as if he felt freer to think for himself and question the nature of his work, why did he feel this now, when for years Had it never occurred to you that this question would not remain unanswered for a long time?
Well, I hope. so I'm not thinking either, I guess this is Stanley walked straight through the big door that said mind control facility oh yeah, I have all the mind control facilities, surely this won't go wrong and also it's time to escape, see you . aha, you have reached the bottom of the mind control facility, welcome, thank you. You see, when Stanley Parable was first released in 2013, getting to the bottom of the mind control facility was a bug that we simply didn't catch during development and You all sent us lots of photos on Twitter and acted far superior to the respect, fair enough and you all are very very smart, good for you anyway, when it came time to downgrade the game we knew we had to do something about it.
Well, here's some new content. You can call it the end of the Mind Control Room if that improves your perception of the value of these upgrades. Isn't that what you long for new content always more content more content more more more more? more more more you are the one who promised it here to give it to you. I'm here to make it seem like we really covered every corner of the game with secrets and Easter eggs. How about this? We write a new piece. of music just for this section you won't hear it anywhere else in the game it's a secret it's just for you that's how special you are thank you we called this track good job you've reached the bottom of the mind control facility Well done, well, good job , you did it, you did it, good job, good job 3 2 1 good job, you got to the bottom of the mind control facility, the facility jumped onto the walkway walkway, you should have been careful, you should have been careful, I used to do it Be a mistake but now it's an end now it's an end oh yes I believe in you I believe in your ability to cross this barrier I did it chasing your dreams I'll do it a guardrail means nothing nothing at all good job you did it good job you did it oh yeah , good job you did it, good job you did it, good job you did it, good job you did it, good job you did it, good job you did it, good job you did it, good job you did it, thank you .
I really appreciate it man, thank you so much and yeah, that's the full ending so we'll go back there and you'll see that this time the broom closet is now closed and that counts as an ending so that's okay. I think we all know the procedure. at this point blah blah blah, Dark Secrets, keyboard Stanley presses some buttons, oh look it's a new passage, killing supreme doesn't even make me remember the code, he's such a nice guy and we go back down. Stanley walked straight forward through the big door that reads mind control facilities, so this time we're going to turn on the lights and stuff, we won't be able to hear the song again, but we'll come up here again and that's because we can be a little faster. by falling there on this door that is opening or this bridge, I don't know why I called it a door to find out, then we can move on, I pressed the cameras down and it jumped to life, its true nature revealed that each one had the number of an employee in the building, Stanley's coworkers, the lives of so many people reduced to images on a screen and Stanley, one of them eternally monitored in this place where freedom meant nothing, that's a little sad, really You didn't have to say it like that. that but we'll press another button this mind control facility was too horrible to believe it couldn't be true if Stanley had really been under someone's control all this time this was the only reason he was happy with his boring job because his emotions had It's been rigged to accept it blindly, but instead of going straight there, we have to get another ending that's technically an ending and eventually, after a while, these doors will open and we can go back to that light button.
It's very ominous without anyone talking. It's a little awkward right now, but I'll come here, we'll press that and everything will go dark and then we'll get the secret ending where all these screens will light up and say, "never give up on your secret dream." The mode is on, oh yes it is. It's kind of a party, I'm not going to lie, but anyway now we can come here and enjoy this. He refused to believe it. He couldn't accept it. His own life was under someone else's control. It was never unthinkable, was it? It would even be possible if he really had spent his entire life completely blind to the world, unfortunate, but here was the proof: the heart of the operation controls the controls labeled with happy, sad or happy emotions, walking, eating, working, all monitored and commanded from this same place. and as the cold reality of his past began to sink in, Stanley decided we should get rid of the mind control facility.
Now everything goes black for a moment, but after a moment we hear some music and that's always a good sign. The darkness and a growing chill of uncertainty was over, please, maybe it was, he had won, we did it, he had defeated the machine. He freed himself from someone else's command. Freedom was moments away, and yet, even as the immense door slowly opened, Stanley reflected on how many riddles still remained unsolved. His coworkers left How he had been freed from the machine grass What other mysteries made up this strange building I don't really care, but when the sunlight streamed into the chamber he realized that none of this mattered to him. , true, because it was not knowledge or even power. that she had been searching for but happiness perhaps her goal had not been to understand but to let go and no one would tell her where to go what to do or how to feel whatever life she lives will be hers finally and that was all she needed to know that maybe it was the only thing what's worth knowing, let me out Stanley walked through the open door, it's so beautiful Stanley felt the cool breeze on his skin, the feeling of liberation, the immense possibility of the New Path before him, this was exactly the path at this moment. that things were meant to happen and Stanley was happy, nice open ending, here's the door, just go, oh, and they make it even easier for us, they don't make us wait at all this moment, so that's pretty good, so this time let's make the narrator a little angrier, oh stanby, you didn't just activate the controls, did you?
You know, Stanley, I really applaud your effort, but you have to understand that there is a lot that machine can do. You were supposed to let her go, turn off the controls and make me look bad if you want to derail my story. You're going to have to do much better than that. I'm afraid you don't have the power you think you have, for example, and I think you'll find that this pertinent Stanley suddenly realized that he had just initiated the Grid's emergency detonation system in In the event that this machine was activate without proper DNA identification, the nuclear detonators are set to explode eliminating the entire complex.
Well, how long until detonation? So let's say um 2 minutes. Ah, now this is making things a little more fun, isn't it, Stanley? Yes, it's your time to shine, you're the star, it's your story, now give shape to your heart's desires, I'm going to hold up much better than I had in mind, what a shame we have so little time left to enjoy it, just moments until the bomb explodes. but what precious moments each one of them is more time to talk about you about me where are we going what does all this mean time being here do you know where to start I'm just not going to move what is it that you would like to know where your classmates work aren't really a moment of solace before they delete you no, I'm fine, it's fine, I'm in a good mood, you're going to die anyway, I'll tell you exactly what happened to them, I deleted them.
I turned off the machine, I let you free, of course, that was just in this case of the story, sometimes when I tell it, I just leave you sitting in your office, forever, pressing buttons endlessly and then dying alert that one It was incredible, other times. let the office sink into the ground swallowing everyone inside or let it burn to ashes. Oh, I have to say this, although this version of events has been quite fun watching you try to make sense of everything and regain whatever control you had left. It's pretty tasty, I almost hate to see it disappear, but I'm sure whatever I come up with next round will be even better, yeah, you're a great story, OMG, there's only 34 seconds left, but I'm really enjoying it.
Do you know what the hell with this? I'm going to put some extra time on the clock, why don't we go? These are precious extra seconds of time they don't grow on trees, my God, what's wrong with you Stanley, do you have no idea? where you're going or what you're supposed to be doing now. I'm fine with that or you just assumed when you saw that timer that something in this room was capable of turning it off. No, I'm literally standing still. here running from button to button screen to project every little thing in this room these numbered buttons not these colored ones or maybe this big red button or this door everything anything here will save me why do you think Stanley that this video game can be defeated and resolved do you have any idea what your purpose is in this place?
You're in for a big disappointment M, but here's a spoiler that the timer is not a catalyst to keep the action moving, it's just a few seconds. until you die that's cool you just keep playing instead of watching a cut scene because I want to watch you every moment you can't see what you did H I haven't moved at all man this isn't a challenge it's a tragedy, you wanted to control this world, okay, but first I'm going to destroy it so you can't look at the stopped clock, it's 30 seconds, you have 30 seconds left to fight until a big boom and then nothing, there is no end.
You're just being blown up to pieces here, I mean, that's a question of whether you'll desperately cling to your fragile life or let it go peacefully. Another choice, make it count, no, I'll just stay here, it's all the same to me, all one part. of the joke and believe me, I will laugh at every second of your inevitable life from the moment we fade away to the moment I say happily ever after, well, that was good, now it's time to go back to our boss, but this time Instead of doing what you want us to do, let'sescape, oh, let's escape, there we go, that's what I wanted to do, so when you escape, yeah, just don't listen to the narrator anymore and we're back to the beginning. everything is completely silent and yeah, it's a little awkward, we don't have any more narrator, he's just relaxing and we're walking around this office alone, which you know, it's a beautiful thing to just be free, just walk alone and see the cube that we carry. not take them and eventually we'll get to this door and we'll head to a very different place where he says now you're leaving and now we're just going through this kind of creepy section, you know? all the red lights, the darkness, the narrator doesn't even talk to us anymore, that's how annoying he is with us, but that's life too, so you know what it is and you can't use the elevator or anything like that, you have to do it . walk through this and keep going and it gets darker as you go up so it gets creepier and creepier you're afraid something is going to jump at you but you're just walking and finally once we get here, I can see that we get to the escape pod launch bay and we go through just a little bit of total darkness and we keep going until we finally see the escape pod, so we just want to press this as soon as possible and we have escaped.
Another slightly strange ending, but I guess they all are. We're playing The Stanley Parable, so yeah, let's go back to the boss's office, but we actually played the end of the whiteboard and we can activate dog mode, this makes it like this every time I click. we have a dog barking oh listen to the dogs Echo, that was awesome man. I love the dog and this time, instead of going to the mind control room, we will take the one left to escape the mind control facility. I won't do that. Although this passage had the word Escape written on it, the truth is that at the end of this Hall Stanley would meet his violent ok I can bark it makes me feel better although I don't have at least I have the dog the door behind him was not closed Stanley still had every opportunity to turn around and go back to normal no, I have the dog inside me at this point Stanley was making a conscious and concerted effort to walk forward and willingly face his death it's who I am it's what I'm going to do man and there we go, now we can see over here, we're heading down and yes, we're literally going to die, the narrator doesn't lie, we're still here, you can see this room and yes, now we're going to a place that will crush us while the word machine sets in motion and Stanley was getting closer and closer to his death, he reflected that his life had not mattered.
Whatever it is, Stanley can't see the big picture, doesn't know the real story, trapped forever in his narrow vision of what this world is, perhaps his death was not a great loss like ripping out a blind man's eyeballs, so he resigned and willingly accepted this violent end to his brief and superficial life. I mean, it happens bye Stanley. Good to see you man, it was a good time and that's why we're going to get crushed, but he stops. Goodbye Stanley shouted the narrator as Stanley was helplessly led towards the huge metal. Jaws in a single visceral instant Stanley was destroyed when the machine crushed every bone in his body killing him instantly, well that's fine, but we can't eliminate each other because we have a new narrator who tells us it will only be a few.
Minutes before Stanley restarted the game in the office with him as alive as ever, what exactly did the narrator think he was going to accomplish? You're just having a good time at this point where all the paths you can take have been created for you well in advance. Death It becomes meaningless to make life the same you see now? See Stanley was already dead from the moment he pressed the start button but I can bark? That's great, that makes life worth living. Look at those barks, man. Oh, look at these two how they want to do it. destroy each other how they wish to control each other how they both wish to be free turn off I don't want to hear you talk can you see?
Can you see how much they need each other? Nar no, maybe not, sometimes these things can't be seen So we're back here for me. You can still save those two. You can stop the program before both fail. Press Escape and press Exit. There is no other way to win this game. It's okay, as long as you move forward, you will continue walking. Someone else's path, stop now and it will be your only true choice. Whatever you choose, don't let time choose because don't leave it and there we go, that's another ending. Hooray but same old, we're going back and now unfortunately we don't have the dog anymore yeah we can't bark when we click anymore, we lost him but we had him for a while and it was an amazing time and this time we got a funny ending because first of all we're going to go down as usual, but after that I think we forgot something, so let's go back up, oops, no, uh, never mind, Stanley actually went back to the elevator and went back up, silly, you're so dumb, Stanley did that when he knew it would take him back to his boss's office, well that's a great question.
I can't wait to discover myself too so we come back here and we have to wait a little bit so we can get back to the boss's office real quick and look at it here we are standing still it's your boss's office exactly as it was before you got on the elevator amazing It's still exactly what it is what decision you've made to come here and look at the office. Once again, this has fleshed out the plot of the story in new and fascinating ways that I could never have anticipated. It's that Keen Eye of storytelling, taking a rapid, incisive fire of critical plot points, one after another, weaving a rich tapestry of uncompromising narrative.
Wow, thanks! you, thank you, I'm screwed on the edge of my seat, unbelievable, now he's getting back in the elevator and going down again, ladies and gentlemen, how does he keep making all this up? Thank you, thank you, I know, I know, but wait because now. Next we will go back up, yes, did you think we were going to advance through the creepy corridor? No, it's time to take the elevator back up. I can't even begin to deal with what could be up there. boss's office again or what if it's the boss's office this time the suspense is killing me yeah so this is going to be great and let's see how awesome it's going to be just wait for it yeah oh my god it's the office from the boss, come on.
This changes absolutely everything for me, give me a timeout here for a minute while I process this, that's fair and we can see this little guy. Did you just come up? Do you think this guy enjoys coffee or do you think he was just forced to have no end? cycle of having to drink he is the one who chooses this drink maybe he wants water maybe he hates the taste of coffee okay, I'm ready, I'm ready to embrace this surprising Revelation and move forward without, no, waiting, no, I need more time to process and he just continues no one has asked him do you enjoy this coffee? are you in control of your own destiny?
No, he just keeps drinking, he has to drink, it's all he knows, he wants a different drink, no one will let him, please let him out. the coffee away from him please he doesn't want to drink it stop okay, of course I have to go back down in the elevator, how did I not anticipate it, I mean, I'm sure it's obvious now, but you have to understand that 30 seconds ago this kind of Something had never been tried before. I had no frame of reference to even anticipate it. That's how revealing Stanley's decision-making is, a breath of fresh air in a storytelling landscape that has become stale and repetitive.
Thank you. I know I'm special. I'm and I'm back up baby, you know that's what we're going to do, but this time we're going to be a little different. H, you know what I just thought of something, wait, let's stop for a moment, right? Realize it's the anticipation Stanley, oh you and I, we have no way of knowing what will be at the top of this elevator, but the suspense, the agony of waiting and anticipating and having to guess, that's the real thrill, oh Oh, I just don't want to. let go that feeling it's so precious and fleeting why don't we take this nice slow elevator ride let's do it yeah here we go isn't this so much more exciting?
You know, Stanley? It seems like these days all audiences want is to be hit as hard and as often as possible they want big explosive moments thrown right in their faces from the very moment things start I know exactly what you mean where the tension is where is the trust in the audience to build a slow and nuanced appreciation for the story the characters why are we not given time to imagine the surprises we have to think about and anticipate and then marvel at the eventual revelation this is storytelling Stanley what You and I are making this now, this is the most exciting narrative that's been developed in years and it's really all because of you, you're the one who took this bold step of revisiting the exact same place over and over again, I really mean it.
Seriously, this is unique and different, it's not like anything else, you see, I want stories. that surprises me Stanley, I know I want to have to think, I want to be engaged and not angry because we are being fed so little imagination all the time and we all know it, that's why we are so hungry for content that makes us feel. Sharp, vital and alive, that's why people like you so much, Stanley, because you're not afraid to spit in the face of tradition, you're a role model, you know people really admire you, that's why, oh , I didn't know when.
To blurt this out to you, but hey, I've organized a little press conference for you. Say you can talk about your work, your storytelling, and your life. Yes, I know you're not very public, but I thought it would mean especially. A lot for people who have followed you from the beginning, they really admire you. I don't know if you realize the impact you have on them. This is the kind of gesture that could leave a tremendous impact on them for the rest. better, oh well, we're here, okay, the room where we're holding the press conference should be around the corner, here somewhere, okay, you know, all eyes on Stanley, ah, yeah, here it is right through this door, are you ready?
I told them you're going to talk a little bit about the nature of surprise in storytelling and what it means to create a truly unpredictable narrative. Oh don't worry, you will do great, just be yourself and speak from the heart. I'm so proud of you Stanley, thank you, okay, it looks like they're ready for you, go get them. I have this, hello everyone, hello, my name is Stanley and today I will sing you a little song at 7am. The usual morning lineup starts with housework and sweeps until the floor is clean, polishes and waxes, I love to mop and shoot, oh wait I'm dying, well that happens so we're back here and now we're getting some Co boom.
Press that entry and then we continue, we go through here and now we are in this room, isn't it so nice at first? Stany assumed that he had broken the map until he heard this narration and realized that it was part of the game. design all the way oh, then he praised the game for its insightful and witty commentary on the nature of video game structure and its examination of structural narrative tropes, so now that you're here, what do you think isn't this a fun place and unique to sea, why don't we take a minute to drink it all?
Yeah, okay, I'm over it. What do you think? Are you sick of this joke yet? No, I'm not, so in that case, we'll continue, but. now here and now you can just press start the game again because that's the whole ending that's all you have to do and now let's get a heavenly ending so we press that entry that will be the five entries and immediately. It's going to be done, but I'll let you enjoy the buttons just for a second look at those buttons, look at me pressing them, okay, we're going to start the game again anyway, so that's all you need to do for two of those


and now.
We're going to escape the map again, so this time we're going to say yes. I don't know how to say this politely, but you can literally press Escape and restart the game any time you want. Now we have to do it. wait this time, you could have done it at that time now would also be an appropriate time to stop understanding these points and many more, all of them are appropriate. I'm enjoying what seems to be an internal conflict you're literally in. unable to act on your own desires to restart the game, so just to go further, I'll try to make this as miserable as possible and see how long you can keep the deal going.
Once we hear this song, we can start the game. again and that's another ending so we go back to the bucket endings honey now with the bucket we head to the broom closet again because we have to get the other narrator sticker. I have a second sticker back here and I'm going to put that on too because I think it's appropriate and there we go, that's the hub sticker that ends in stye on the hub. I went up the stairs to the boss's office. I loved having the cube and this time, every time you have it with you, I actually had to press the step toThere were no new things, but now you're going to give it to me.
I mean, I appreciate it and finally, after talking a little more, you enter the current time which is good enough. I adjust the slider. We probably don't even need to do that, please enjoy it and that's moment 73353 and we get to see a cool car. This will also put us in second place on the


leaderboards, so I'll take it. Okay, it's time to finally sleep, subscribe if you liked it, bye.

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