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Let's Build the Internet's Biggest 3D Contraption Together!

Apr 29, 2024
good start, so let's press d and make it not d. let's press c and make it editable and we're going to turn this into this detailed piece here beveled and everything so the first thing I'm going to do we can do so many different ways to do this select the center piece here ul with the d loop selection to extrude and we can just put it on something like this boom and we can make two cuts kl let's find it, yeah, let's go up here, we can make two cuts, um, let's select this middle part, we'll give it two cuts. select this middle bit bam we'll add a slice so we have two slices along let's take the line uh in line mode we'll take them one at a time press them and push them up like that same deal for this one, push it up like crazy, then from here we can take these edges, these four edges at the top and bottom and I just want to taper them a little bit technically, that can be a bevel, so if we scale We don't want to scale it on the Y , so let's uncheck why we just want to scale it to something like that and let's do this with maybe a hundred thousand lens and we'll give it yeah, no, that's good.
let s build the internet s biggest 3d contraption together
Okay, let's go up to the top here, we're going to select all of these polygons and we're going to extrude, enter that is mw, actually, let's do it another way, now we'll be fine, let's extrude, enter d to extrude. Push that up mw extrude enter again we'll take it to extrude one more time and that should be that and then essentially what I did there was bevel everything, so I'm going to do that here as well, so we'll select both. of those m s is your bevel tool, you can right click and get all of this from here, but you have to learn those shortcuts, um zero subdivisions, and we're just going to bevel it something like that, so it's as complex as most of these shapes. it's just beveled and extruded let's take the bottom of this mw and it looks like this one has tapered a lot more and it will extrude it just like that now if you want you can do an extra level of beveling I like it no I don't like baking my bevels, so what I'm going to do is select that barrel change and use a bevel modifier.
let s build the internet s biggest 3d contraption together

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let s build the internet s biggest 3d contraption together...

Now this looks like garbage because you just need to lower your offset to 0.02 and we can give it like three. subdivisions and bring that down to .01, even two subdivisions, maybe one subdivision, maybe that's all you need to give it an extra layer of bevel and then as far as the texture goes, you can see it here looking good, it looks like which is kind of copper or bronze, so it's going to be a grayscale gorilla, their tech products are killing it, you can drop something similar in there and maybe give it a much less cubic projection boom pilot, so 0.1 0.1 or maybe it was backwards around 10 and 10.
let s build the internet s biggest 3d contraption together
Yeah, and we're not going to see this as close as we are now, it's definitely going to be like pretty far away and maybe you can take the angle of your phone and uncheck this, make it 20 or 10. Yeah , there you go, it looks much better, actually it will be like this for days trying to get this look right. You know I was going to go. This machine will be great when it's finished. I can not wait. That was that piece. That piece. We have to do it many more times so that everything else is right. I'm going to continue working on it.
let s build the internet s biggest 3d contraption together
I will continue doing it. My thing, ah, there we go, sometimes your referee does this thing where the mouse gets sticky, I have to switch like this, so excuse me, there's another little piece of wire down there that we can do, so see what we can do , grab the cylinder. hold down Ctrl, make a cube right on top, scale it down, flatten it, the thickness is not too much there, the ball will probably be a section here where the ball will roll on this thing and I can't wait to texture everything, get the edges. looks good, maybe we'll take this piece all the way so it looks like I can see the bottom of this and to me this looks like a hollow hollow piece and we'll make it editable, grab the bottom, extrude, enter and then I push it up so that we have this metal tray, but inside there are some pieces of metal welded


, so it looks to me like it could be a tube with oh, but I need to generate it in this, so we select this cube and hold down the Ctrl key. make the tube scale with t we want to orient it more z yeah sure we can give it zero height segments and just four rotation segments and we'll rotate it 45 degrees and let's go ahead and bring this down to something like this We'll press c to make it editable and we'll move these points, so let's take these points, so this is a good example of local and global orientation, so this is local orientation.
I press w and it changes to world orientation because we just want to bring this along these axes here the same thing well technically no, we have to do it this way bring this here and again there are probably faster ways to do this there's always a faster way that's what it looks like to me um let's go ahead and do a loop selection on it, loop selection ul w bam and if you want, you can scale this up a little bit, here's what that piece looks like to me, um, there's a sort of support bar on the back that's held up by a support bar that's connected to the back of this box so let's take this, we'll put a pipe inside the cube, bam, hit it against the back wall and let it fall, something like that , take the cylinder, we can put the cloner on the cylinder, as well as the random modifier, and I'll just move this against the back wall and this will probably move the ball along this or something like that, raj, welcome, welcome, I know Building mechanical objects can be very exhausting, says Scotty T Boy, imagine


ing a rocket ship or a hovercraft with mandatory wiring, oh my god, I think. the end result will be amazing, but it's just a tedious effort required to make it look really amazing, okay, let's bevel this with a bevel modifier, we don't want to bake them, so we'll use the bevel modifier by holding down the shift key we'll place that bevel modifier bevel and let's lower the amount to 0.01 it's a little small 0.03 what does 0.1 seem like too much? 0.05 yes a little bevel will catch the light very well when will it do it? the final result is neutral, my final result or all the montages, well I will give you the answer for everything, so as for the schedule, this is the last live broadcast for the alternate realities challenge, um, it does not mean that it is the last week. because July 31st is my birthday, but it is also a day when I will post a pre-edited video so I can enjoy my birthday.
I'm going to teach you guys how to make a concrete texture pack. We're going to go out and take a bunch of photos of concrete, put them


in Photoshop, process them and make normal maps, uh, specular diffusion roughness maps, we're going to make all the maps necessary to create a texture, I'll show you how to do all that and at the end of that video, I'm going to launch that concrete texture pack that's going to be called right now. The current name is Endless Concrete because my goal was to take photos of huge slabs of concrete that are not found online and capture.
Have them processed and bundled with them to be available next week for you, it would be pretty affordable and I'll be 50 off for the first week as usual for all my stuff, um, if you're on Patreon. I'll come with it, the patreon is coming in two weeks, so let's get back to the calendar on July 31st, endless concrete textures tutorial, um, we have, uh, what else? The seventh will be the patreon announcement. That's when I'll announce the patreon. We'll do a big livestream, have fun, I'll give away some free Patreon stuff and maybe play Mario Kart, maybe play Smash Bros, maybe do some modeling.
I don't know, we'll have fun with that. I'm still figuring it out. On the 14th is when I will announce the winners of this dynamic challenge. Dynamic Machine Challenge. Many of you said take an extra week to actually see the winners and everything I'm going to do, I'm going to take the extra. week I will take two weeks for it and then I will announce the top 100 along with the top five winners on the live broadcast next week it will be I think it will be the 21st the following week August 21st I think it will be Saturday uh It will be the top 100 montage , that's when you'll see everything together and then the next week will be the assembly of all the renders, so it's going to be an amazing week in August, so I'm looking forward to it.
I have to do this. in a week, uh, we better get back to work, okay, knocking it out, oh, so let's texture this, let's texture this. I'm going to do it solo with the octane sky and the bam box, and just for the sake of seeing this, I'm going to do it. To change my legs I want this to look as real as possible, so based on the reference, it's like a dark gray metal scratched on the corners and edges, let's make it from scratch, I'll make a shiny material, no, I'll do it. a metallic material, let's drop that into this cube and let's give it a lot of roughness 0.5 maybe let's lower the specular a little bit we want that roughness to really increase so 0.1 in the roughness there let's see and give this what we want we're going to give this a relief texture general on everything, so I'm going to do this with octane noise.
It's been a minute since I used texture in the stream, let's take some octane noise, we'll pipe it into the bump and I'm. I'm going to set this uh projection correctly so that the projection let's make a projection node and always in noise is xyz to uvw. I'll show you the difference, so whenever I deal with noise I always set the contrast to 100 so I can see what's going on. always change the xyz projection to the uvw transform node, let's remove that and scale it down to 0.05. I'll show you what this projection situation does. If I zoomed in here, you would see how the noise pattern continues or should continue. the edge, let me give it a little bit more bevel 0.05, that looks better, yeah, you see how the noise continues over the edge, but if I set this to frame the projection, you can see how it doesn't actually continue, it's clipped. off you can see a seam there but if you change from xyz to uvw it continues around the edge and continues around the corner and that's what we want to get better results so we want to give this metal a little bit of a bump so , What will we do?
There is a problem with our 0.01 transform, we want to keep it very small, the contrast is ridiculous if we set it to zero, it's still too much, we want this to be very subtle, let's change the pipeline to turbulence, maybe circular or chips, I like turbulence And I think. The default value is fine, we just need to dim it, so to dim it we have dimmed it as much as we can. We have taken the contrast to zero. I guess we can take the gamma to point one or two, but no. that's not going to do what we want so this is what I'm going to do: I'm going to make a multiplier node between the noise and the knock and then I'm going to give it a float node and the float is just a number and the number This is going to be our intensity so if it's at zero there's no increase and if it's at 20 it's ridiculous which turns out it looks the same as one so it's either zero or one and anywhere in between I'm going to keep it subtle yeah 0.01 and I. maybe we can scale this down a little bit more and we can go to 0.005 0.008 maybe the strap is a little bit better for us, we can take it to 0.01 0.015 and maybe increase it a little bit to 0.008 so it's super subtle and We can adjust that bulge depending on how it looks on our camera, if it looks like a normal solid on our camera then we can enlarge that bulge.
In fact, I have a video. The miniature is like a pen and a knife and I talk. about zooming in on your details to match where your camera is, technically it may not be accurate to the object itself, but depending on the camera it will look, it will look real, uh, one second, wait, okay, the The house alarm almost went off, that's what. a close one okay so the next thing we want to do is give this thing some scratches and some fingerprints maybe and that will be in the roughness channel so let's go into this material and give this thing some fingerprints first , so I'm going to make an image texture and I want to find this little preview, a little sneak peek of that concrete package, uh, um, just so you know that one of these images is called endless concrete, right?
The source file is 196,000 pixels by 8,000 pixels high. it's going well it's going to be amazing can't wait for you guys to get your hands on it um let's see okay so we want to find my surface imperfections pack vfx materials textures surface imperfections volume one we don't need 4k files for this 2k maybe, but we're probably good with 1k imperfections on this, so I'm going to grab the smudged monitor, it's probably good, I've got some nice wipes and stuff, let's invert it and adjust the gamma to open it up a little bit. and let's do the same deal we want to give it projection, transformation and projection for this, I think it's box and transformation, it looks like it needs to come down, so we just have some nice fingerprint smudges on this thing, give it a little bit of a little bit of detail additional that it's so close, it's so small, right, it looks really good, we can probably scale it down a little bit so we can do that float situation again or just boost, boost, if we set it to zero, okay, we don't want us to be able to .
In factlet's do this with a gradient node, so let's find an octane gradient and drop it in and instead of black being black, what if black was white? That means it's like we didn't put any image texture on it, there are no imperfections on the surface if we go. the white if we go black is completely on, that means if we go gray it's right in the middle so we just reduce it as much as needed, keep it subtle, we don't want them to look like scratches because they're not scratches. still, or you know, we could change it to a different blemish, so let's take like I don't know another one of these blurry monitor images here, let's turn it back to black and see how it looks in its entirety, it actually looks a little bit. better a little less like, uh, like scratches, but this will be so subtle that you don't need to go too crazy with it.
We can take the transformation and just scale it and find the right place that we want in this. okay, yeah, that's fine with me, now we're going to give it some scratches on the edges or not, we're going to give it scratches all over the whole thing, very subtle, very subtle, so we're going to do it in different ways that we can do. a mixed material but I would like to keep things in one material for now so what I will do will be based on the reference, the scratches are a lighter gray and I wonder where that lighter gray can come from, you know, You can come. maybe it's specular, yeah, I think it's going to be specular, so this is what we're going to do: let's make an image texture to mirror and let's select one of the scratch imperfections that I have and if you want to grab these assets, I have them in my path of rubber under the link in the description, let's take this as subtle subtle scratches here and it looks like we need to cool it down a little bit, so what we're going to do first is apply the box projection to this texture and then we need to transform it.
If we turn it down, it's going to be too big a spot, one looks good and we can move it around so it fits everything nice and easy, amazing and we can zoom in or raise the gamma to drown out those scratches or we can raise the gamma to have them shine brighter. scratches, but what we want to do, regardless of where the scratch level is, we actually want to give it an octane gradient to control the black and white values ​​correctly so that it looks something like that with the scratches, yeah, that feels like it. just for me a lighter gray and let's try to change it for a different one these are really intense too intense too intense maybe the original was fine fiber maybe we could use fiber this is like powder and stuff I feel like the first one is the one we need, alternatively , we can go to grayscale gorilla plus library textures and they have some scratches that might work for us, let's see what Chad Ashley has with scratch o2 drop that gives it the projection and transforms the nodes a little bit intense, quite intense, yeah, believe.
I like mine a little bit better now they have a lot of different ones, but let's do it and adjust it so the scratches are a little more subtle, super subtle, just a chip, then we can open it up a little bit more, show a little more of the scratches I want to make sure that the bump is still there yeah it looks good and now we want to hatch the edges because in the reference it actually has hatched edges so we want to go up there let's double click on this and in the way we'll do it with a node dirt in the specular channel, so here's what we'll do: let's get rid of the specular channel and start from scratch.
In fact, I want to match the original color we had. I really like that original color. Better cool, so I'm going to put my things away. Shame on me for not having a v2 now. Great and let's make a dirt node on the specular channel so let's type dirt and what this will do is essentially create a mask for us and this mask, if I right click and put it alone, I hope you can see what is happening. The force will increase to 10 radius 0.1, reverse it and voila, those are the edge scratches. We can take the radius to 0.3 point five, maybe one centimeter and five centimeters. a centimeter is going to alter these settings until it feels right, let's look at the radius 0.2 0.1 force tolerance while the extension is 1 distribution, a detail, uh, let's see what this looks like if we unisolate it so that it looks like what we have here that we want to invest. this and we want to grow that mask, but why is it an extreme?
We want to go to point three, there we go, so we have this limited to the edges, but I'm not sure why the selection is not growing. I'm just playing with this trying to get it to do what I wanted to do. Sean, the challenge has begun. This is the last week of the challenge. You can learn more by clicking the link below in the description that leads to the announcement video. That? happened, it seems to reverse it, I don't know why the radio is doing what it's doing here, sometimes things fail, you know, we want to reverse this, reverse it and it's doing what we wanted to do, but it's not really a bummer.
I don't know why this doesn't work because if I were to test this on a very large cube and we had to drop that ground node here, we put it at a single force radius of 100, uh, one foot, why doesn't it work? We invest it. Okay, so the inversion works and it seems to be working on a large object which is exactly what we want, so it's in the corners of everything, maybe it's very small, but it should grow like this, you'll see how it grows, so if we know that It's working here. then on this guy we need to reduce the radius and we'll set it to solo, it's weird, it's like it's just working, I guess that's what we have to work with, uh, anyway, those are our edges, we have our edges selected , but what we want What we do is chop the edges and hatch the edges only in specific parts, so this needs a gradient map here, we're going to place it there and we're actually going to invert this, so I'm going to flip these points to that only the edges are shiny compared to the real normal. material for this thing and then from here we want to remove that and just leave it in the corners essentially, so what we'll do is grab a noise node, we'll funnel it into the specular and once again provide the contrast, a hundred projection will be set in xyz to the uvw transform node and we will reduce it.
These are our little scrape pieces like chips and let's adjust this, maybe do 10 octaves and the omega. we can set it to 1. so it's a really fine detail, maybe it's 0.9 on the omega and we raise the gamma all the way up so there are just little bits on the edges and what we'll do is essentially combine this with this gradient. and I think it will be through addition or multiplication, let's take multiplication, put that in there, okay, so it's not multiplication, it's probably addition, take the type of addition that, hmm, you need to reverse this like this way, it should be at one hundred. percent, then we want to see, we need a radiant octane gradient also inverted, we'll invert it and then we'll try to multiply these two together and we'll get very confusing even for me, sometimes it's okay, that's what we want, we're kind.
When we get there, you can see some of the chips being removed, so what we want to do if we reverse this, yes, is just chip certain parts, but none of that has any mirror effect, so maybe what we do is take this. black level and take it to a dark gray, no that needs to say completely black, this piece of chip maybe everything in the end needs a gradient and this is what determines the overall reflectivity, yes, here we go everything, my goodness, that took a minute and then We can alter this octane noise node to decide how chipper this is and then we can open up the radius on the ground map so instead of 0.06 we can make 0.1 and it will open it up a little bit more. 0.2 which opens it. too much 0.1 is enough, we can take this, let's see, let's take this noise and give it more omega 1.8, we can lower the gamma so it's a little more streaky all over and then just walk around until we find the right look. that's a scratched edge on that piece of metal and we can continue with more and more details, you know, that's the manual way if you want to do it like the grayscale gorilla bridge or not, the grayscale gorilla, the qixel mega scans bridge. try that, let's hit the surfaces, let's go where you are, metal bam, we want a treated disposable aluminum magazine, that's very cool, let's download this, we can probably do 2k resolution, we'll export it to our scene, dragging and dropping it on this . piece here and we need to make sure that it's oriented correctly so that it looks like we have a normal brightness specular albedo.
I want to take all of these and give them a projection node. The quickest way to do this is to organize all of this for one amazing second. so we can select all of these, right click to add the selected projection and set it to box and transform it down 0.1 it's very similar it's very similar we can go to the albedo and alter the gamma maybe increase the contrast something like that maybe it has some scratches incorporated, we could also alter the way this is interpreted here, so the universal material type we can set it to bright octane to see if that changes things to make them look better for us, but I think universal looks better. a little bit more metallic ggx model or a beckman model, there's just different ways that the program interprets like specular and metal and stuff, and we could probably scale this up a little bit more, so the texture projection, let's take it to 1.5 like that time, oh no, actually I want to do that in transform 0.2, double the size, you know, so you can alter it.
Discover any type of texture you want. It might be a little scratchy for what we're doing. I think so, so maybe let's just rub it until we get a different part of the model that's less scratched, go to the albedo or texture or the transform node specifically and just transform it along with if, maybe we'll make it less contrasty, so we'll just We hit one, something like that, maybe what happened to our tube, oh, I guess. because we're in solo mode, this can be a process that's going to be a process 18 uh 1080 by 1920 is the resolution for this block, that alt v relationship open our HUD or our safe frames, activate them there and if this is no you can check the safe frames box just click on this viewer up here click on this little border in the window we can see what it looks like as we pan over here we can lock it 0.3 and you can see what I mean like all that work we put into this piece and you can barely notice that it's scratched, you can barely notice the details that we added to it, so you have to be very careful when adding a lot of details and spending a lot of time on a piece.
It might not be worth it, um, so I really suggest you know that you model your thing as broadly as possible, you


your scene as broadly as possible and then you add details slowly, you add details slowly. There was a really cool video that someone posted. The process of him, his dynamic machines process and it was like a frog machine like a city of frogs and there was a giant frog statue. I don't have the link to it, but if you know, I'm talking about maybe one of the mods. you can leave it here, um, but it was a really cool breakdown.
They did it in a really cool way and I think they basically showed the process where they worked on their machine first, first they did its dynamics and then they worked in detail and it worked in more detail more detail over time they didn't start with a small detail no you start with a pencil and you go in there and you start doing like the detail of the eye and then you build from there, you know Start with a sketch, start with a very general sketch, so I highly recommend everyone to focus on the Broad strokes, first make sure your scene works and then get into the details, but that's just me giving you an example of how. detailed can you get on this and how detailed can you get when I'm doing this, so at the end of the day it's an educational broadcast, you know, trying to try to learn some things, joneslab, what's up?
Thanks for the super chat. I will do that. stay hydrated thank you so much I have some water for you right here what else do we have really sticky thanks for the super chat much appreciated a long time fan was wondering if you have a favorite team room video of all time yeah the lion king video it was amazing they set it on fire it was amazing what else the one who shot the thing on the tv was funny the jury where uh nico was tried for having a dirty equipment room might be one of my all time favorites uh the from mario kart where carmichael like, breaks his neck very hard.
I'm crying every time there are so many good episodes so yeah man thanks for the super chat thanks for bringing me good stuff good time there's a lot in the node video we made actually playing Frogger. each person had a different button it was the best i love that what kind of water do i drink ben shout um h2o man just classic h2o okay keep up thanks for jumping with me we all have 600 People here are doing it inI just need to pin this comment on every live stream, this is a glove, so I can glide smoothly on my Wacom tablet, use a tablet, not a mouse, ah, but with that I think it's time to call.
I'm gonna chill with y'all for the next five minutes, I'm gonna answer any questions you guys have and uh and we're gonna call him thanks for being with me everyone thanks for leaving me a great month next month there's a lot of sweet videos coming out now it's on a patreon the first week of the month releasing render montages announcing the winners, it will be sweet. it's going to be good chris schmidt oh my god yes I'm finishing up this is the moment I'm finishing up right now oh my god friend chris let me show you what I'm trying to do let me show you this is like some kind of electrical engineering madness.
I'm turning this into a


that guides a ball up and down as part of this dynamic machines challenge and you are the master of dynamics. um I've learned, I've learned everything I know about dynamics from Mr. Chris Schmidt, so it's an honor to have you here in the chat, man, we still have to do a stream together, man, um, hit me up on Instagram or email me or something, let's do a stream, dude, uh, so yeah. I have a lot of work ahead of me next week Chris, I have to develop this and make it look legit, it will be good.
Any questions, if you guys talk to me on Punisher, I can see your questions a lot easier, but Tai asks what tablet. do I recommend or which one do I use, so I'm using wacom intuos pro uh four or five, whichever one is the newer one, it's great, I use the medium size one, I don't need a huge tablet on my workstation, the medium size is perfect, it has a ton of shortcut buttons, I gave some away or Wacom gave some away in my last challenge, the alternate realities challenge, they hooked them all up with some sweet tablets, so I recommend it, it's reasonably priced, um and It's the way forward, sure, okay Michael, let's see, does it have to be a machine or is it allowed to do something else?
Well, it doesn't have to be a machine, but it is the essence, the soul of the challenge, it's called. dynamic machines, so essentially we want to make a giant Rube Goldberg


that guides the ball up and down so you know that people are doing unique things, very creative things. I'm not going to say it has to be a machine, but that's what I'm going to do, but together everything works like a Rube Goldberg contraption, so just know my name is Zach, you're welcome for that c4d advertising tip uh in the mcmaster car. Is very good.
A very useful site. Do I sculpt? Not sculpting, but if I had to, you know using a pencil eyelash would probably be the way to go, Killian, yeah, I'm trying to make this a Guinness World Record. They take a lot of time to respond to you. There is no news yet. I will do that? more views or videos with the runner's team absolutely absolutely, of course, yes, those good friends over there, can we render in 1080 by 1920 times two, you mean 4k resolution, but do you still like vertical? Yes, you can render it larger as long as your aspect ratio is um. 9 by 16 I think I said that, as long as it's a vertical video, you can make a 4k version.
Don't worry, little wren, it's good to see you, man, have a good one. Am I visiting the UK any time I would like but not? soon, thank you all for joining me here on the stream, it's getting a little difficult to talk because I've been talking for the last three hours, how long have I been talking for three hours and 40 minutes? I've been speaking clearly, so the words get jumbled towards the end, but that's how it is, what else? Oh yeah, I was saying thanks for joining me everyone, you guys are great, thanks for coming from the hallway.
If they are subscribed, they are not subscribed yet. Hit the subscribe button if you want to learn how to make things in 3D, if you want to join these 3D community challenges and if you want to get tips and advice on VFX, I'll be posting stuff every week so subscribe if you're not already subscribed. You're already subscribed, give me a thumbs up in the comment below, you know what you want to see next. Any other good questions. I share the link of a glove. I can't right now, but if you type tablet glove on Amazon you will find it. something I promise hmm what else we have other good questions here? um I don't do vfx but I love seeing these things that are interesting very interesting uh quiz jam I'm glad you're entertained um what else when can we hand out the challenge? turn it in starting now, but you have to do it by August 1 at 11:59 p.m. m. (Pacific time).
If you submit after that date, this cannot be accepted on those shipments you know. I can't win prizes by submitting things late. No, the link is active right now. Please submit the links in the description, but I think that's it. uh, I'm going to bounce, I'm going to rock climb, I'm going to eat. some food I'm going to drink some water uh it's been a good day thank you all for everything thank you for tuning in and we'll see you next week I have a full video, it's a pre-edited video for you, visual boy is doing the editing right now Shout out to visual helping with the editing we're putting together a video on how to go out and shoot textures come back process them in photoshop make normal maps specular maps roughness maps and make your own texture packs and then I'm selling a concrete texture pack.
It is called endless concrete because these are not just a run-of-the-mill concrete package. These are the


concrete textures you have ever seen. The Internet doesn't even have them, but they will next week. talking like huge giant concrete walls under the bridge, you know, huge concrete structures and textures for you to use, so with that, that will be next week with 50 off for the first week when it drops, you know how Come on, I'll see. guys, later it was a transmission, it was a chain, peace, good times and you.

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