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Let's be clear: What Trump's Judge Cannon is doing is a ‘scandal,' says Hayes

May 12, 2024
Good evening from New York, I'm Chris Hayes, you know all of Donald Trump's attempts to subvert and sabotage the Democratic process to steal the last election in 2020. Overall, the system held, I mean, maybe barely, but it held when the time came to push the vast majority. of people involved in elections and institutions contemplated a novel attempt to destroy the rule of law and did the right thing, the system could have been bent but was not broken in dozens of cases, for example, more than 60


s around the world System judicial I'm talking about a state to federal court, including


s appointed by Trump and other Republicans, ruled that Trump's election fraud claims were complete nonsense and that individual lawyers and legal officials, Republicans inside and outside the White House as well They rose up against Trump.
let s be clear what trump s judge cannon is doing is a scandal says hayes
There is no idea more un-American than the notion that anyone would elect the American president the president said suppose I do this suppose I replace him Jeff Rosen with him Jeff Clark


do you do and I said sir I would resign immediately there is no way I'm serving a minute under the direction of this guy, Jeff Clark. I told him that the things his people were putting out to the public were nonsense, it was nonsense. I mean, the fraud accusations were bullshit. he ran away and resigned when the going got tough, but you get the point and it's an important point that's important to make because


we're seeing now, just in the last few weeks, are glimpses of what you see when the courts don't hold So Yesterday, federal Judge Alen Cannon, a Trump appointee who first gained fame with an egregious ruling on his behalf in the documents case, announced that she was indefinitely postponing the criminal trial of Donald Trump for stealing high-profile government documents. secret and she did so, and this is the important part without much legal justification, she is choosing not to resolve the open questions before her, what is her choice, I mean, that is her choice, and then she points out the fact that that are not resolved as the reason you have to delay the donation even further.
let s be clear what trump s judge cannon is doing is a scandal says hayes

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let s be clear what trump s judge cannon is doing is a scandal says hayes...

Don't take my word for it, here's the New York Times in a news article that wrote it, quote it While Judge Canon stated that the reason for postponing the trial indefinitely was that a large number of legal questions remain up in the air, she never she mentioned that she herself helped the Log Jam become amassed and cited over and over again. Judge Canon has taken seriously arguments that many, if not most, federal judges would have rejected out of hand; bring charges in the classified documents case to a jury because of course we all know this alien.
let s be clear what trump s judge cannon is doing is a scandal says hayes
Canon knows it, everyone knows it. What Donald Trump wants most is for this trial to be delayed until after the election and Canon has so far granted it. In that way, fish and again, I'm not a lawyer, but I follow all of this very closely and many very intelligent and knowledgeable lawyers and legal experts with different ideological backgrounds have said that they have simply never seen anything like what Canon is


. by so transparently putting her thumb on the proverbial scale to delay and thus benefit the man who put her in the hot seat in the first place, as Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder said yesterday, and this is really something he should say, simply Let's deal with it.
let s be clear what trump s judge cannon is doing is a scandal says hayes
It is a very disturbing reality here, this whole process in the case of documents has simply not been increasing. Some, like former George W. Bush White House counsel Richard Painter, have speculated that Judge Canon has ambitions for higher office, perhaps the Supreme Court, others like the former Trump. White House counsel Ty Cobb believes he is incompetent and in the former president's tank, the only thing he has really done today is make official what everyone, including Jack Smith, already knew: that he had no intention of take this case to trial and he was not competent to take this case to trial.
The things she has done here are truly inexplicable. um and uh, it's tragic. She talks about the public, you know, having honored the public's interest in the administration of justice by postponing the trial, you know she has. not respected The interest of the public, you know, for a day in this case, now this obvious conflict of interest raises an important point: the rule of law, which we talk a lot about on the show and on this network and which we revere, actually It is only as good as the people who are executing it in good faith.
I want to make it


that all over the world there are a lot of autographs from Egypt under the CCE to Russia under Putin that have laws, statutes, lawyers, judiciaries, bar associations, Their version, they have all that, they just execute the law in a way that essentially supports a predetermined outcome that is corrupted by the power of certain authorities, so let's take the example of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershovich, who is currently imprisoned in Russia under false charges of espionage. He's not a spy, he's just a journalist. He has lawyers. He is accused in the Russian system of violating specific laws.
They didn't just say we're kidnapping him. His case is apparently going through the Russian legal system. You see it here in these court dates that he keeps having, but no. If you seriously believe that this is not something made up to essentially take an American hostage to exchange for someone or believe that you are going to have a fair trial, the strategy also in that case is obviously to delay as long as possible to keep this man effectively as a hostage for political reasons and lo and behold, that's what keeps happening in court date after court date, we know what's going to happen and again, this is what I mean, I can't emphasize this enough in many ways .
I don't think it's an exaggeration to say it. that is the difference between a free society and an authoritarian society, it is not the presence of judges, laws and lawyers, everyone has them right now, to be


, we are obviously nowhere near the level of judicial corruption that we are seeing in Russia , TRUE? in this country or what we're seeing from Justice Canon or the conservative Supreme Court 63, these are a totally different world, the court is considering Trump's ridiculous claims of presidential immunity, um, that maybe he can't, maybe we can count. the court is already an impartial judiciary, so again, these are different worlds, but what we're seeing again in Canon and the Supreme Court is a glimpse of what it looks like when you really can't trust that good faith It is what drives the process that is being carried out.
What the problem is becomes what to do about it and the only answer I can go back to and I thought a lot about this on a human level is shame Norms because in the end remember that's what saved us last time, I mean, Yeah. the law helped, but again, if the Justice Department had gone along with Trump's will, if there had been three or four high-level lawyers in that justice department who were willing to send a lawyer, basically, a letter to the cla that basically claimed there was widespread voter fraud or whether Mike Pence Biden had agreed to expel electors from swing states if his lawyers had advised him he could do so.
I don't know, nobody knows what would have happened in the end. All we have are individual people shaped by the norms and institutions they are involved in making decisions, hopefully coming to the right conclusions and acting in good faith or at least giving in to some feeling of public pressure or shame not to do the wrong thing. , so in this case the least we can do now is to say clearly and openly that what Trump appointed the alien judge Cannon is


is a


when our judges do not act in good faith when they work only to weaponize the judiciary in an effort to achieve the desired outcome because we are in very dangerous territory which is especially true now that Donald Trump is effectively running to finish the job he started on January 6th, a job that can only be completed if the Judiciary allows itself to be corrupted. and right now the signs are not promising.

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