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Les routes de l'impossible - Brésil, la loi du plus fort

May 14, 2024
forest the church of perfect praise has proposed taking the gold diggers' children to catechism once a week so come on come on you're gay the highlight of that day pedro the driver seriously doubts that it is -what we're going to see It is the state of these clouds God seems to have abandoned them this slippery slope is impassable for his old truck but to do this we go on foot we do not have to go to defend it is too far away and no, it is right there just the savannah where he in turn dirty Pedro does not want to run the risk of falling into the ditch with the children in the container patent leather shoes and the little ballerinas are in the mud the coquetry of Brazilians is not a legend the mud the mechanical limitations did not scare this young woman who goes into town to go shopping with her fiancé to the magical protest every day it happens when the chain is too loose and slips eventually she will try to put it back on if there is nothing for us to leave like everyone here is a gold digger an beautiful nugget will change their lives the young woman dreams of a happy 4 4 when there is sun it is still easier for us to wear beautiful shoes but when it rains it really is of no use in the gold seekers have traced seven clandestine paths to reach their deposits they have only After a few hundred rains, three villages have emerged from the land.
les routes de l impossible   br sil la loi du plus fort
It is now home to about ten thousand people. It is an illegal village. The state is now obliged to legalize them. For this, it begins by making the road passable for any vehicle in the most economical way and covering it. with stone only that here the work is not progressing. Stones are rare in the forest, so as soon as there is a building to build, the population helps all the farmers. the other boss makes his shed so we load stones he makes a shed to store the dock he has a good job in the cocoa his stones are crushed to make the road once rehabilitated the tracks become very smooth national shovel the temptation is too strong moreau accelerates but the previous kilometers have tortured the truck that is the clutch the mechanics ended up releasing it is the differential that is broken we are in trouble we have to dismantle everything it is normal it breaks because with this rotten hero he destroys everything it is a complex mechanism that will be dismantled silently on the side of the road, no, the saga that assembled the am albis differential and this bolt that broke, look, this is the damaged cover on the inside, we are all going to put it back together and leave, if the repair arrives. 'at the end of the trip on the banks of the Xingu River, the Kayapo Indians empty their houses before the river swallows them, in a few days the water should reach there due to the dam, the entire life of the small family passes in these two canoes They have no space to carry their rubber animals and the chickens are abandoned to their fate because of the dam.
les routes de l impossible   br sil la loi du plus fort

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les routes de l impossible br sil la loi du plus fort...

The 25,000 expelled natives are mostly homeless, last for the children before finding themselves in a makeshift camp for tonight. I tie him his the family knows where to sleep with an old friend but tomorrow it is only God who knows that we are going to end up alive 24 hours a day with anxiety I am also expelled due to the rising waters our destiny is in the hands of God The next day, Zilla, her husband, the last of her seven children, leaves the land where they were born. These uprooted people, in the name of modernity, begin a long journey to the point of falling.
les routes de l impossible   br sil la loi du plus fort
They were told that perhaps there would be a piece of land to occupy far from here. The trip ends on foot in the suffocating heat the promised land the voice if it is occupied by part of the sylla tribe all of that is an old pasture that we invaded by force I fear that at any moment the police will arrive and evict us again in a few days zilla and her husband built this small cabin with a plastic roof or rather an oven that goes up to 50 degrees in the middle of the day there is no water it is very hot all day I don't feel good here even the children complain that we were better there by the Xingu River.
les routes de l impossible   br sil la loi du plus fort
At least there was plenty of water and above all enough to satisfy everyone's needs. Her husband and her brother lived from fishing. The resale of fish allowed them to survive. Now that they are away from the river, how can they make a living? The solution can be found deep in the forest, out of sight, at the end of this path. The hope of a new life in the head of brother 2. the shine of metal that drives you crazy shone during this hill was taken by former fishermen turned gold seekers Cecilio would like to open his own mines and would like to know is yellow is gold is not yellow earth near the wire which ok, and if you suddenly come across a big gold nugget which would be good, you just survive with what you get from here until then, sometimes a year can go by without you finding anything, so life of gold miners is the life of an adventurer. a year without salary the last sentence of the miner is not very reassuring after three hours of work the men spend the land to threshing here I found half a gram and nice that is to say 15 euros is far from being enough to feed your family in Brazil it is almost as expensive as in Europe Cecilio is disappointed the fishing brought more and was much less dangerous in this whole wall that I dug there is no gold there is only at the bottom there is a small phyllon and then you dig even further down to catch the vein is the earth from which it comes out then here there is gold' or but it is dangerous because if a large block of earth is released the path is immediately broken.
There are already five who are dead in the hole happy to take risks or die of hunger there is a good solution the work of the dam always requires more labor but the Indians refuse to work there we did not make a pact with the enemy that afternoon in Altamira the party is in full swing the transvestites of the The carnival welcomes thousands of people with a smile. The dam workers living in the city have just received their salaries and a large number will fly off their balconies this afternoon. The deputy mayor is delighted with this providential gain for his city.
The work is synonymous with the expansion of money and modernity. Soon Altamira will have the appearance of a big city. There are twenty thousand people who come from all over Brazil. It will help the region develop thanks to nature. We will see electricity for our country and we will sell to countries. Neighbors is an extraordinary company for Brazil and its Altamira, our city that will benefit is our people, they work for us and we distribute them well. The money from the dam is already flowing to Altamira, the consortium that manages the works to participate in the financing of this gigantic carnival track and it is not out of kindness that they know it in Brazil, the samba the power to drown out the screams of the most virulent protesters in the work moreau runs after the day the engine accelerated at full speed try to travel as many kilometers as possible before the dusk, which is painful: the truck headlights are powerful, but not enough to eliminate traps in the dark, it is the driver's reflexes that make the difference if they start like that. quagmire and it's slippery it's very slippery the lights are flashing nothing very reassuring you won't pass why because there is a truck that fell into a big hole further away how many trucks ago got stuck three before the accident and two after the same leaflets and no?
Don't do it, what happened was a truck full of grain that slipped, went off the road and got in the way. Only small trucks pass by the side. You're going to see the girls this afternoon. This afternoon. It's not yours. night however the other day you had a lot of fun I don't go to bed your trips moreau is obliged to continue he relies on his experience to help the un


unate driver this truck recognizes him he is among a thousand he is part of the convoy he is from an eto'o he also drives fast to avoid the night but the night has not only reached him she caught him what happened to climbing I took off and I slipped and I found myself in there on a tractor.
Large trucks would be needed to get him out of there, in any case, one alone was not enough. You are transporting wood. Yes, short. These transporters are actually dealers in precious wood. Their presence is a blessing to avoid being caught by the police. They have very powerful engines. trucks 4 4 which get them out of any quagmire when the trucks will tow at the same time as the tow truck, for the operation to work it is necessary that all three accelerate at the same time and who is the one who will give the signal it is necessary that everyone pulls same time the cable breaks this nut held the loop and that is what comes loose but it is quickly repaired yes again the two trucks force the attraction is powerful neo ends up pulling out of the mud trap but his truck suffered there Is it leaking oil the motor?
Yes, but that's like in Bordeaux. Bad news for Morrow. The two trucks leave quickly and it is his turn to pass. He gets trapped too. I slipped in the ditch. If I come back, maybe he can get back on track. , the annoyance and the endless until tomorrow his friends since his departure two days before nothing was spared they chained the ditches the breakdowns and the wells we left it you would go you are only controlling the wheels ok but none of them get angry no one gives up all this fight on this track that seems to take great pleasure in wanting to make them lose part of their salary well done, everything is fine, it is fine the bumper broke the time lost in overcoming this last obstacle will never be recovered when it is achieved create more riat at your delivery location is 4 a.m. it's been eighteen hours since they too drive it's a city that was created by gold diggers that's all we made it we made it in this city that never sleeps the temptations are numerous but this time Moreau is very tired I'm exhausted and we finally arrive thanks to God, the trip was good, Boro is going to spend the night here in the hockey warehouse, here is the store, it has a lot of fuel and there is the room where we will sleep if we want to stay and rest, new hammock and the women take care of us when there is no more room, some They spend the night on the roof of their truck, according to them, it is much less risky than taking a room in a low-category hotel.
We sleep here because the climate is more pleasant, cooler, and then here it is less dangerous. It is located in a dark and bad corner. illuminated gets drunk until he bursts so mahdia sousse where they take them by bus all day and all night nothing will happen to us we prefer to be there The next day the town little by little is recovering its sobriety my life that's all sometimes I look for gold yes That's it and I look for the euro bar while it costs me to drink I had a bag with all my clothes and they took them to me they robbed you just babies babies I made a trail no you're not even looking for a job to buy clothes I look at your feet they are swollen from so many babies I at the bank of the river the fuel continues its route towards the gold panning sites and these channels transport passengers but also goods and above all fuel, they are the ones that deliver to all the gold seekers who are in the river and the miners steal diesel in his own words there is not only the diesel that the miners burn in large quantities with all these beers we barely last a week there are a thousand people to deliver we have two days of travel dreams of


une and yellow metal does not rhyme with fauré thousands of men the massacre with water spears the hope for a better life is much stronger here for almost everyone the only alternative is the search for gold it is as if it were a lottery some are lucky and others are not a lottery for millions of people there is only one that keeps me going I have not yet found the vein to have a lot of money, the forest is dying according to an INRA Study, it will take hundreds of years to return to its original state

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