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Leonardo da Vinci's Unfinished Innovations

Mar 24, 2024
Hello everyone, welcome back to a new episode of side projects. I, as always, am your host, Simon. In this we have many


mega projects, so this is a side project. They are the



of Leonardo da Vinci and let's begin. Leonardo Da Vinci is the quintessential Renaissance man, although he is most famous for his paintings. His talent as an engineer and inventor was centuries ahead of his time, while his ability to draw shone through in his detailed designs. one quality he didn't have was narrow-mindedness. and as a result, many of his plans were never built.
leonardo da vinci s unfinished innovations
His creations included drawings from multiple angles and detailed notes on his function, but most of them did not have any instructions. Today we will discuss Leonardo's most impressive and best developed. ideas and



spoke openly of his disdain for war he was a peace-loving vegetarian who felt that war wasted not only the lives of the dead but also the talents of people like him who could use their skills for more constructive matters, no matter what the man was like. Needing to put food on the table, many of the wealthier patrons of his time were more intrigued with inventions that could win over the Moors rather than the hearts and minds of their people, so Leonardo spent much of his early work his career devising military machines while working for Ludovico.
leonardo da vinci s unfinished innovations

More Interesting Facts About,

leonardo da vinci s unfinished innovations...

Saforza In the 1480s, Leonardo drew a design for a giant crossbow with an 80-foot-wide frame and an 80-foot-long carriage. The timing was strange for such an invention, since at the end of the 15th century the Italian armies were already firing gunpowder cannons in each. others and were working quite well, but these huge cannons had some shortcomings, mainly that they were incredibly heavy, difficult to move, and quite expensive to operate. Leonardo believed that his giant crossbow would solve all these problems. The main challenge was to maximize the amount of force with which he could fire projectiles, which was made more difficult because there were no precise equations to calculate force at the time.
leonardo da vinci s unfinished innovations


's initial assumption was that power depended on the distance the bowstring was pulled back, however, he realized this was incorrect. and that the strength depended more on the angle of the bowstring when drawn, so he focused his design on allowing the smallest possible acute angle, given the massive scale, the tension of the drawn bow would splinter most of the wood, so Leonardo designed it with interlocking layers which are now called Laminated Wood, the design allowed for greater flexibility and allowed the bow to withstand the incredible amounts of stress placed on it. Da Vinci's chosen projectiles were large rocks or heavy objects, although he could also have fired large bolts or arrows.
leonardo da vinci s unfinished innovations
The crossbow was supported by six wheels which, combined with its lightweight structure compared to a cannon, allowed relative ease of mobility, although it probably could not have been moved by a single person. Sketches of the crossbow included a single soldier operating it at his expense. The design included a crank attached to a rope that pulled the bowstring back along the carriage with a system of gears and screws, we cannot know if a single person could operate it, but we can be sure that it would have been a exhausting work, although we created some iterations. Leonardo's renderings of a rudimentary tank included great detail.
Its design called for a conical shape that was circular at the base and inclined upwards at a single point. Its sturdy wooden frame would have supported thick metal armor to protect against enemy projectiles, but it was not strictly a defensive structure. Its interior was spacious. enough for eight men, four of whom would fire cannons from small holes in the shell, the other four men would be responsible for turning the tank's wheels with a crank and feet made more difficult by the immense weight of the cannons. Leonardo's design included a fundamental error since the cranks and wheels turned in opposite directions, leaving it completely immobile.
Researchers believe this mistake was intentional on Leonardo's part as an attempt to make the killing machine obsolete, but even if the wheels were working properly, the massive vehicle would have had difficulty moving. almost the smoothest and flattest terrain perhaps the area of ​​ingenuity for which


is most famous today is flight da


was obsessed with flying spending countless hours and hundreds of pages observing and drawing birds and insects to determine what made them fly while Da Vinci's two winged flying machine is the best known of his attempts at flight. He designed many other gravity-defying contraptions throughout his life.
Leonardo designed several versions of rudimentary helicopters. The first, inspired by the wings of a dragonfly, included two. pairs of oar-shaped blades that protruded in opposite directions. According to da Vinci's biographer, Walter Isaacson, the machine required the operator to use his legs to push the pedals, his arms to rotate a mechanism of gears and pulleys, his head to pump a piston and his shoulders to pull the cables. Leonardo must have realized that this machine would have been impossible. to operate or that it simply couldn't create enough lift because it quickly moved on to simpler, more practical designs.
Leonardo's later version, often called an airscrew, struck much closer to the mark, unlike the helicopter's multi-bladed design, the airscrew included a single sheet of thick linen that was wound around a central beam, the central axis attached to both the frame of the structure and the blade with reading and cable could be wound and released by releasing the screw and, in theory, propelling the machine upwards Leonardo's design would have been too heavy to generate sufficient flight power, especially if the weight of the four operators is included. However, the plan still played an essential role in the history of aviation and engineering.
First, it inspired Igor Sikorsky, a 20th-century aviator who pioneered the use of rotary-blade helicopters. Secondly, the design incorporated a ball. Bearing to reduce friction between the screw and its base. This innovation has been incorporated into hundreds of machines, from fans and motors to bicycles and kitchen appliances. Perhaps the most famous of all Leonardo's designs is his winged flying machine. Leonardo produced hundreds of drawings that dissected the The shape and structure of the wings of birds and bats greatly influenced his designs. The countless hours of study must have been worth it because several of his compositions were constructed in modern times with minor modifications.
In reality, they don't work the way Da Vinci probably envisioned. Although they are widely known as flying machines, a more accurate name would be gliding machines. His most developed and famous drawing of a winged machine included a wingspan of 33 feet, the frame would be made of pine, and the membrane would be a layer of silk stretched across the frame. The operator would lie face down, somewhat similar to The modern hang glider, with the hands on two separate control sticks, each attached to a wing. The wings would also connect to two pedals generating additional lift; However, Davinci also created a more effective but less visually impressive slide.
That did not include the complicated flapping mechanisms of the flying machine, the simpler glider was even more like a hang glider in many ways as it had a single blade-shaped sail. A BBC team in 2008 built this design and demonstrated that the design was robust enough to glide safely for minutes at a time Leonardo's most structurally sound machine, not quite flying, was a highly functional parachute that he designed three centuries earlier. da vinci was not the first person to conceptualize a parachute, but he was the first to understand the scale needed to keep someone in the air perhaps inspired by an italian designer who drew a small conical parachute leonardo modified slightly the design to form a pyramid instead of a cone in his own words if a man is provided with a length of gummed linen cloth with a length of 12 yards on each side and 12 yards high he can jump from any great height without The frame of the parachute would be made with a lightweight wood to provide structure without too much weight like most of his creations Davinci never built his parachute, however the exact design was tested twice in modern times and proven to be structurally sound even from heights of 1500 feet, approximately 457 meters.
Renaissance technology was not advanced enough to enable human flight, mainly because the building materials were just too heavy and the engines only existed in the most rudimentary form, yet Leonardo was able to conceive predecessors to almost all modern forms of air transport, including gliders, parachutes, helicopters and, to a lesser extent, airplanes. Da Vinci's rise as an artist and engineer came just after the bubonic plague devastated Europe. Leonardo realized that the typical design of a Renaissance city directly contributed to the spread of the plague, so he designed a new city to improve sanitation and livability. The first and most pressing problem was the large population of Milan.
Leonardo used Milan as an example for his design. It was applied to other Renaissance metropolises. His strategy was to relocate Milan's entire population to 10 smaller cities along the Toscino River, but that was just the beginning to optimize the public health and beauty of the city. Leonardo designed a system of sewers that would be located beneath the streets that would have each street sloped by six inches from its edges to its center, where one-inch-wide drains would run up and down the middle of the roads, the design included a state-of-the-art hydraulic system generation to provide access to clean water in every home, another invention that would improve sanitation in addition to improving sanitation davinci also wanted to design a beautiful city that would allow people and goods to flow freely the key to achieving this was to create a city of multi-level buildings would be several stories high and trade in services and transportation of goods would take place on the ground level outside the buildings, streets would be as wide as the tallest buildings, a functional and visually appealing design allowing free flow of caravans and maximum sun exposure while reducing the risk of earthquake damage.
Buildings would include stairs on the exterior saving space on the interior. In the 20th century, architects and engineers around the world adopted Leonardo's exterior staircase design. These stairs were connected to elevated walkways between buildings, allowing citizens to walk comfortably between houses without obstructing the streets below and saving space for carts and horses. the ground level the upper level would give way to magnificent views of high and strong walls with towers and battlements of all necessary and pleasing beauty. His design also required the sublimity and magnificence of a sacred temple that could be seen from the convenient layout of private houses.
While Leonardo's cities were never built, they inspired many cities in Western and Southern Europe, including Paris, his home in his later years, which follows many of Leonardo's principles for a beautiful and balanced city, so I really hope that If you found the video interesting, if so, please press the thumbs up. button below don't forget to subscribe for new videos several times a week if you have a suggestion for a side projects video in the future use the comments and thanks for watching

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