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Lehreralltag im sozialen Brennpunkt | 7 Tage | NDR

May 11, 2020
What are my friends really doing here? They try so there is no school right now she has nothing to call maybe she doesn't want to see him anymore that's me Hendrik for the next seven days everyone here has to call me Helmut I'm Trying to be a teacher in Marie's class first thing today . Some things need to be cleared up, so there is a class tip once a week with her, delivered and plugged in. The trouble she asked for is nothing if you start. all the time now we want to do that now with the sayings yes since this puzzle that we give you is something like that or you have to touch it I don't need to take your things or say that the guests give. directly to yes, I am strong, there is no paint for that either.
lehreralltag im sozialen brennpunkt 7 tage ndr
Answer her question, at that time they came out and delved into the topic, but no one had thought about that, they should respect the rules, yes, you were talking exactly about that, fifth class dollar Polak. Now I would like to go into that in more detail, I think we can. First of all, let's put it in such a way that from is the most, but what takes you to don. I still don't know, that's it, at least the students have gotten rid of their frustration and Marie, who has a 15 minute break to breathe deeply, is not feeling well, I'm tense or I have a headache, you already have a lot of trouble. things Well, actually that's what it is, it's not that bad, but it's very quiet and sometimes you also exaggerate in my reaction, but I don't really like to talk loudly, my voice cracks and it always rings.
lehreralltag im sozialen brennpunkt 7 tage ndr

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lehreralltag im sozialen brennpunkt 7 tage ndr...

That's how silly it is when the Lachenmann kindergarten doesn't always produce the effect I wanted. At the Leif Eriksson community school in Kiel Mettenhof, teachers teach primary and special school children at the same time. How can the future of 600 students be determined? on the move, please, teachers have the right to morning and afternoon free, that's what I always believed, but I'm afraid that you always have to be awake, constantly deciding, explaining what is right and what is wrong, bending over It's not possible Something like that is important and onegin today why doesn't he keep his tone he behaved completely badly last week some of them didn't feel like standing in a corner of the room and they didn't do the slightest afterwards when they were playing together, they they insulted each other on their team and the opposing team too and they wrote all over the class like that written in the gym and they scolded him so nobly, so use it like that, if you can't do that, you can't do sports. anyone but you have to receive the punishment today as punishment I always tell everyone Consequence yes, it is also the tactic that you don't take anything if you don't take it, for example if I leave something out, don't give something good a reward just because it doesn't work. live, currently we always talk about the content like this but for example it could be if you understand now we could even if you don't understand it and again in chemistry your so that it is very easy to act and then what you can do well, first of all, as you can see, I You showed here with her that he cannot behave correctly in the game, so you should write it here on the sheets of paper in the group. discuss and discuss what terms represent it.
lehreralltag im sozialen brennpunkt 7 tage ndr
What do you associate with justice, fair play, what could that mean? Does everyone know what that means? Can ampera heads anchor a person's death and a person's effort? personal seeing achievement take place recognition influence leadership knowledge or power to us means camaraderie as we hold together a flag so that we don't stand up and fight even if you can't do something perfectly or even if you do something, you still can't do it, try hard and show perseverance. As children grow, they learn what they should really bring with them from home, for example, arguing doesn't automatically mean you'll be offended.
lehreralltag im sozialen brennpunkt 7 tage ndr
That means you are your first part. from the relationship with your parents Yes. In addition to the weight, it would be a quite large part of the team than mine, it was also different that here in Mettenhof, they often don't even have a salary because they often have less. There are a lot of people in the small apartment, many of them have to deal with at least one or two siblings who still want to share a room and can't practice properly. The huge school complex is part of the largest and largest satellite city of Mettenhof. Twice as many unemployed people live in Mettenhof as anywhere else in the city.
Most children here live in child-supportive families. Mettenhof was once planned as a district of the future. My school was different. You just went there and the parents took care of everything else. On my second day, I am supposed to teach lessons myself for the first time, completely alone at the front blackboard. When I was in school, new teachers. and apprentices were easy prey, why should things be different today? I'm a little scared when I'm here now. I'm still a little nervous because it's still the first impression you walk in. Do you think you're in? Is she out of nowhere or do you mean what she says?
If she tells me to shut up and I do it, will she kick me out or will I get in trouble or will I have to go back to mine? Did I have to assert myself? First of all, somehow the establishment from the mark comes into play and then you have to always be focused, especially on the dangers themselves, then the 5d comes out and is already waiting, of all things, mathematics, in the first place, used hating is so much that I don't sink immediately, he still gives me some advice this for 30 years in the business this is something that is learned over time this also happens to me sometimes that I have to start over good things will only happen today a few tasks ten tasks that I write I give you I dictate I don't calculate them yet First just write the tasks or you should have them in your head just write the result oh okay now I understand that everything is going pretty well, I've been okay for a little longer, but I know the process, okay, then just write, okay, everything is clear, task 27 x 87 a 27 a 3 27, that's the same if everyone defended my solution please.
Do it well resolved a second place. I already made mistakes as a student. I laughed so hard at teachers like me, so I felt a little insulted because I didn't think anything of it at all. You just did a good job on marketing. Go ahead, it is much faster to correct the result of the answer as a chancellor, but if you do not have the result, you can give points so that there is still a detail, sometimes nothing is said about the question because you can quickly cross it out. . When I was in school, the breaks seemed like forever.
As a teacher, they are always too short, too short for the head. Did I learn something? Was I too tough a child or was it like that? , I would like to apologize to you. That was hard for you. I had to be a little hard on you. Please don't put me in danger. As a teacher, you really love everyone, but you have to do it every hour. every day, so it doesn't work, student swan and you just take care of the wine for more than an hour. I noticed it somehow and I can really do it, but there's really no time to say yes, I have to decide the headline.
So to speak, who needs more help now? Who could do without it? Their load between principals if we had more teachers in total, simply the teacher per student would be better and Schleswig-Holstein is proud that they are the pioneers. of inclusion Percen


of infected students, but the latest figures I saw that Germany spends less per capita per student compared to the rest of the country, that means that a lot of inclusion is done but somehow it is not financed adequately and it is clear that Orbán then, but it works, but still, why? Because people are working hard here, teachers are lone fighters in the classroom hallways in the break room, only in the staff room can you find allies there.
Think with your math. problems is too difficult 633835 so the eight was here when I wrote it here in Roth So this was also what stays with you is the most pending bone that varies from day to day. Sometimes you have experienced this with your classmates or receive things from students. who then accompany you, so from the outside area, sometimes they too. You do not like that? I walk out the school door and show that I'm leaving. So you feel helpless? Yes, of course, so what I feel is? already helpless when you think that now we have tried everything possible and then you notice the wide animal through the finger that you would like him to graduate and do the best possible for his degree and you realize that it doesn't help, it doesn't help It doesn't help, he always sounds so resigned, but you realize you're getting to the point where you just don't like this student.
More tests, but I think with the demonstration you just have to learn how to say it, so I did my best so that it was also a kind of protection in that moment next round to cover but not push away the dancer but not trip the opponent really does not can see This is how I feel as a teacher Hello, very good morning Leif Erichsen Community School it's about you daughter again I don't know if he told a little about what happened at school lately that's just what happened lately Yes, many times It is very disrespectful and then unfortunately I have to tell you again that you still owe us some debts.
Yes, you can also pay in small steps. Yes, you can also pay in five euro increments. It's also okay, so it shouldn't be like that, but you pay a little more attention to it, people probably now have 100 euros given together, 100 euros for notebooks, books and excursions, 100 euros is a lot of money in Mettenhof, okay , yes please. Whoever has such a good conversation with help for a long time, otherwise he said: why should I pay because he doesn't have money and now he says he wants them to pay there again forgetting class advice this time in Maiti's class the Today's topic is where are you from?
Do you want to go there? Do you want to live in Mettenhof all your life? , where maybe you want to live, study, stay and build something here, do something or today we are trying to do it, since I do not use the example of included alterations, but in front of you, so to speak, now and so it improves, there is a very good job in Kiel, he has the hat even more, he also gave real advice, so life expectancy, especially in the new and tenth grades, what do they do, everyone wants to enter the tenth grade somehow because they too finished.
We want to start something new and everyone wants to come to tenth grade with us. You could also, for example, have an educational center like here. There are many options where you can, for example, complete a secondary school. diploma or high school diploma in two years in peace and quiet, a little slower Dahl or fear, I think so, fear of what ship, yes, something is new because the Mettenhof will now be like your own city, they say yes, if you drive. to the pedestrian zone, for example, to Holzen we go to the city in the photo, in reality they are also there.
Even in the city of Mettenhof, this is the home of students. This is not a place you simply leave behind. They don't even wonder if the outside world has more to offer. The teachers here are the bridge to the outside. The students have to go themselves. Kevin has been in touch for a long time. I have also reported. Well, then you can take a look at it. Look at the flow chart. You have to get along. That is the first task today, to formulate the introduction, let's say this one. the main part is still there, you tell exactly what is happening correctly and the introduction then says it again she needs yes, they have something very briefly it has to be very simple for the family itself we want to say that The misunderstanding is Formulated that it is about 1 tried.
When you tell the story at the beginning, you quickly know what it is essentially about, what the end of the story is, the case that you have read in the story, what happens at the end. You just have to think about how you would interest someone in the story. What happened is told in the introduction of the story, that in this school you have two options: either you let the children affect you or you leave everything in your hands. the kids when they leave If you're really where, when they're here every day, you're happy that they're here every day because they're growing up in a place where you certainly have a lot of other things. in your mind that school for children.
That's a lot of stress for a social worker, isn't it? But I also enjoy participating in this part of my work that comes with a school and in reality it is often the children with whom you work a lot Because it was a lot of effort and especially those with whom you remain the same and you always clash with those with whom I have good relationship, especially because they offer me a lot and give me so much, although often negative. But I get to know. Somehow I got over them and they are the ones who don't touch me anymore.
Somewhere further away, painted 7b, who had to do sports in class at the beginning of my week, can return to the gym. that was disciplined there he always had the same thing, yes he was never always behind, he always threw it somewhere, that's what they did, that was their tactic, they always looked, that's the furthest from you and you have what kind of house it was. That, that was, that was a lot of amazing stuff, those tactics that you do and how to overcome them for seven days. I was among teachers at Kiel Mettenhof. If I'm honest, I couldn'tdo it.
Here I couldn't establish clear rules and demand them over and over again because they don't exist at home and manage the shor


. However, here at Mettenhof I keep going and am rewarded with small gestures. , it became clear to me to what extent a place can determine the future, but it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. I learned it from my teachers.

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