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LEGO® Chima™ - S01 E02 - The Great Story

Jun 03, 2021
brother I have something to cheer you up forget it cruller I'm not going to attack the Mayans it's not their fault the parents are gone the lions oh I just wanted to cheer you up with this awesome class of course if you destroyed the Lions. I'm sure our parents would be proud. You're right. I know what we have to do now. Destroy the lion. Have you heard from Cragger? From that night on, be patient with him. Son, he lost his parents and now he is king of a whole tribe. run, yes, yes, yes, I will try to approach him again if he proves that he would be noble as lions, we must maintain the peace and balance of Chima, it is our sacred duty given to us by nature itself, uh-oh, I feel the




continues again.
lego chima   s01 e02   the great story



can never be told enough, son, you must know that yes, dad, we were not always the advanced and sophisticated creatures we are now. Many, many centuries ago, there were no buildings, vehicles or tribes in Chima, only jungles and plains and creatures that walked on all fours. One day the sky opened and blessed the earth, removing the mountain cavora from the heart of Chima, the water that flowed from This mountain was different powerful transformer filled with a life force that we now call Chi those who drank from it became more intelligent, more complex, it evolved, however, some Mishima decided not to embrace Chi, they remained simple and pure, they disappeared into the Far Lands and they were never seen again.
lego chima   s01 e02   the great story

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lego chima s01 e02 the great story...

These creatures are now known as the legendary beasts. It is said that they will return one day when Chima needs them. Most, but few here, believe they already exist. Mount Cavora still provides us with Chi today, but it is collected here at the Lion Temple, where it is formed into powerful orbs thanks to the special minerals in the sacred pool. Yes, dad, I've heard that great story. like a hundred times and I have to say it's more of a pretty good story than a great story, silence, respect to Laval, hey, I'm just saying it could use a better ending and a little more action, what do you think?
lego chima   s01 e02   the great story
I need to grow up and here they come amazing, but I can't see Cragger, can you dad? He will be here for the cheese son of him. Remember to be the first to drink that Chi, we, the lions, are the sacred guardians of it, ensuring that everyone shares it fairly once. one month we distributed all the orbs to each tribe in Chima so we got me a tree tonight will be a good night even those tribes we may not agree with hey I'm Craig coming today Lulu King cragger yeah you'll see the King very You'll soon know what all that was about who knows.
lego chima   s01 e02   the great story
I've never understood Crocs and I guess they don't catch us either. Excuse me lagravis, but it's time to take out the golden orb. Oh yeah, there's always extra powerful Golden Chi every month, but. We don't give this orb away, we run for it, yes, we welcome the citizens of Chima to our monthly race for golden Chi. For centuries, the Golden Chi has chosen a different contest each month so that no tribe has an advantage in winning it. Will he choose the obstacle torture course or the ruthless ramp race this time? It is decided among the crowd of trial riders in the Chiba jungle.
Safeties and mistakes by one caught using unsecured weapons will be immediately disqualified first. Laval against Gorzan, good joke, tilt your slider. in a little more next time and you might make me enjoy rogon versus blood bags rogon versus I love elevating our vs. Warren, too bad the preggers aren't here, this is their best event, I'd eliminate everyone, then it would just be me. and him as always, except today, when it's you and that cunning wolf from Juárez in the final joust to determine the winner of the Chi Laval golden lion against Warren. I never liked you much, Laval, you'll really hate me now when I send you away.
Fly off this track, go ahead, it's like a wolf in sheep's clothing if the sheep was naked, stay away from me you cheater, what I didn't cheat on, you're the one with the crazy spear, there's no way I can top that , OK? No, and next time, lion, you won't be so lucky. I swear, it looks like we have a winner, but he just shows up that way. Krieger. Oh, have you forgotten your precious rules? Only the rider who leaves no opponents standing can claim the golden Chi. too late for that cragger, you have to be here from the beginning for that rule to apply, so you're saying the Great Lions would rather hide behind a technicality than face a foul, lemme dad, I hit at least half the time.
I faced it the rules are rules Laval but dad, what is Laval going to be a little joust for old times' sake only me you and destiny are not here Laval you must respect our rules without them we are not at all good if you don't do it only me me just find someone I like chicken wings now it's just Gregor you can't hurt Eris and get away with it the place is crazy you may know the names throughout the frame but the juggling found is what could make you famous increments of stars I'll beat you anywhere, anytime, and now is the time, watch out for that tree.
I would rather bury you in a cave like you did with my parents. Praeger, that's not what's wrong with Helen with the spear, are you okay? By the way, between us we have to stop meeting like this, cragger, it's fine with me if you just gave me that chain, but I brought the rules once for you, cragger, never give up again, now, cragger, I don't want to hurt you too much . the feeling is not mutual Oops, it's like another accident Gregor, don't do this, such an old friend, yes, it's for my parents and Chi, you have a tree on your shirt, let me help you, are you okay?, yes, sure.
I'm fine, don't worry, leaving is the last thing you can do. War is so good to see that the fur is healing well. I see enough of the small talk. Just tell me how I can destroy Laval and the alliance. No one makes fun of a wolf like they did. Well, down then. To business, we attack the Lions during their next era of ceremony, the Crows will also join us, they hate the Lions too, yes, we are just paying them for some trinkets and treasures and those birds will do anything I take away from them to the Crocs. his trinkets and treasures the treasure of the lion temple labeled what are you doing your age to become ceremony is beginning this is a great day for you yes I know my first Chi became a real lion warrior totally ready and your harness you lost it my harness no no, of course not, I know exactly where it is oh, where did I put my harness? today is not the day to do this today is the day we do this today is the day we become the true masters of the sheep we destroy what are you doing again?
Why am I working on your fabulous smile? Forgot our teeth cleaning appointments? How are you going to keep those pearly whites polished without balloon noise? Are you choosing them beautifully? It's not a good time here as if there is anything more important than the glorious smile you read the world with every day, rather you need some education in the fine art of dental hygiene, we can reprogram it well, it's your teeth, you I'll see and then you'll continue with whatever you're doing, okay, he's a big sweet boy, he just misunderstood, stay away from my cheese. Oh, thanks, great.
We will have to wait. The Lions need our help. What are you waiting for? Finish it now. Krieger, it doesn't have to be that way. We used to be friends until. you buried my parents oh that was an accident how many times do we have to go over this and you did nothing to save them you could have gotten me that gee no I couldn't it's not mine to give it belongs to all of Chima here Come on yeah I heard the big one too story about Mount Cavora and the legendary beasts and your need to protect Chima from its own Chi.
We share Chi to keep Chima in balance, peace and harmony. Look around. Laval, where is that peace and harmony that you saw. outside your lion temple no, it was you who attacked us, that's right and we will attack you again, so forget about peace and harmony now, unless you give up. Are you serious? You do not have another option. I think it's you who has no choice. Well, do it, have no mercy, I wouldn't show you any, why are you scoring one for peace and harmony? You're a mouthy mud lover, but you can't just leave me here.
I am your enemy, no, you are No, you are an old friend who forgot who his true friends are. Over time, you will come back. Oh finally, my first time, when will you learn that I'm NOT? Are you serious about what part of I'm not your friend and I show you no? pity you didn't understand you were always a terrible swimmer even in the heat ocean gorillas I'm leaving you know how much sir neighbor we must without us see me no how's it going your allies have slowed us down a little but it won't It will be a long time before the lion's defenses are fall apart completely and did you take care of Laval oh no, Laval crooler?
I think I made a terrible mistake, don't worry, we will never see Laval again. Ah, Holy Rizzoli, I must be seeing things, it's that a legendary beast move is impossible, legendary beasts don't even exist or they are what has happened to everyone who is you. I have never seen the legendary beast. I've only heard the big story, it's just a story and they're just another creature. Four legs instead of two are no match for us and Archie. I'll show you what a true legend looks like. I think this belongs to me. Stay down, cragger. It's over.
I give up, but this isn't fair. You have the Chi and you are the legendary beast that lie now you have about 10 seconds to get your troops out of here nine eight you know this is not over and you know you only have five seconds left four three two it's over, you could have completely destroyed him , you know, yes, I know dad, but she gave me that power, but she also gave me the strength to release it today, son, you have really become a real lion warrior for Chima, where is the legend going? The bees I don't know, but I'm sure he'll come back when we need him most, like the great story goes, but I thought you always said he was so boring, no, he just needed a better ending and now you have it.

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