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LEGENDARY SUPPLY DROPS in Fortnite: Battle Royale!

Jun 08, 2021
that. How many pockets do you have? I have three left. I'm 11, so I can. I can share some. I'm going to wear that shoe trying to grab those shoes. What do I leave for that? Let me leave you. Someone grab me, I don't know, do you need any? I all. but I'm 500 out I don't know if I want to take that step, yeah, yeah, do it, all right, all right, I, please, that guy hit something else there, something else. Gold is that snipe, I think she's a C, it's tonight. for the guy, unload a divine sniper: he's okay, yeah, yeah, you did good.
legendary supply drops in fortnite battle royale
I don't know where the other


drop would have landed from this ring of light, but I can super take a look. I'm like somewhere in the East, it's probably been open. It's probably, it was silent, oh, where was all the voiceover? The old salty factory is having a good time on the air today. I well, oh, I see such a decent performance. I hit him in front of Matt. Were you looking at Southwest 210 with your head toward the hood? Oh, let me leave it. I'll show you let me RPG fall yeah I got you let's pick yeah yeah yeah side bomb under God guys take some solid shots yo watch out you got some I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna shoot , I'm going to shoot. okay, I'm going to shoot one more RPG, Flynn and no, I'm not coming here, be careful, Brody, by the basement, no, Miranda left the cover and left so well, I'll wait a second, yeah, it can be a second.
legendary supply drops in fortnite battle royale

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legendary supply drops in fortnite battle royale...

Give me a second give me a second I don't see it directly soon the hood said they weren't shot you're going for me when I think protono in the hood they've escaped somehow they're afraid they can't Gum Farboro can't have gone far surely nothing like the one I hit didn't have a shield. I would like to have 60 health left, yes, no, yes. could be anyway mmm



oh I see another supply drop on a tree I think these are going down oh wait for the others where the others always one right in front of us one on the left and the lychee right in front of us for a head let me go up here let me go up the hill to get the other one you get the one right in front of you see if we can these guys could be here West maybe I just want to I'll try and see where it's landing yeah obviously one on that one tree will understand after looking at that, okay, let's go.
legendary supply drops in fortnite battle royale
I'm going to climb this mountain and hope that no one is here. There are like two teams if we know that one of them is around us. right now I think the other one is like maybe west of us that's true I see one I see one - it's down like in the trees South-southwest eh Southwest it's alone I still see it I see it I see it there it says Supply Drop I think it goes to make an RPG under me I don't know where it is it's frenzy it's going to kill it it's going to kill me yes hmm okay, you have that behind us Mac to do absolutely everything right yes, let's do it brother, let's do it go get it, let me get this one too, let's see, let's see, I don't know, launch the chat yet.
legendary supply drops in fortnite battle royale
There is also a golden launcher. I'll pick it up because Legendary has everything my God made oh my god okay I'm going for a full


loadout a part of my medkit everything is


if you come here this one also had a shield potion oh I want to go for the other one it will be in the low ring you have a launch pad she built yes you could make sure you build it something good though something solid I mean is that you sir I use the break you do it very fast sir get the other one no I can believe it, I hit the tree, okay, come on, I thought it was fair, okay.
Five beasts like this, okay, come on, come on, boy, this girl is good, I'll help you do the one on the left, I'll do the one on the right, we'll build together, so we'll do it here, right here, because it's like the edge of the storm was right there, hey, I've climbed a little higher. I currently have one. Okay, I'm going to take it down there, just the stairs. They are against time. It fits well, which direction he went. I'm not sure where. that came from I launched my dolly I launched quilting the supply


in the storm we can't get it in the storm yeah no no no no no BAM I'm going for baby I'm flying flying around I think they're southeast.
I can't see them right now. Yes, I can see what I can see. I see one. Help me stay there boiling. It's like no. He is behind that tree. He sees maybe one more on the right. more time coming, more survivors come in, come back to me and it's Q, come on, come on boy, okay, we see a 2 B 1 to 2 B 1 how many deaths do you have brother, I'm a 707, ok, I'm going, okay . I got a kiss, kiss, well you should have another round of supply deliveries, this should bother, we'd like a bomb, he's shooting, like, where was that right, real rights, north, honey, so we can make you show up if you need to see Polly on my shield mate I'm stuck no, what is this? oh my god okay come up you got you got I'm coming I'm coming guys being a great move I think you're right yeah I think I think that's it no.
These yes, yes, yes, you can say that my dear brothers do the favor, I did it well, oh, they will come to come to the next jobs, friend, where are the ones that come hot in front of us? where is the other one? where is the other one? there's one just one maybe there's only that one you should try an RPG with me Joel don't look at this look at this you take control I'll try to shoot at the same time oh wait wait wait wait do a broken jump I have to jump oh it's that RPG I just missed it No, where is it?
Where is? I'm going to try to get Stanley to navigate a game too much, come on, I'm leaving, don't take it off, put it down boy, how much help to see the difficult things, teacher. Come on boy, oh my god, he feels fast when you do it right, he's some gold, I'll pick him up for you. The plan for this circle is very small. Can I have five legendary weapons? I must point out that you should fight this medicine. Do this. ed wait, I can't find this guy, maybe it's okay, I'm going to go up and up and up, it's okay kid, hey, you weren't the best shipmate, it's okay, it has to be down here, it's going to be down here.
Hey, anything you have. seen it's a bush I think this man is a bush okay give me a second oh sure sure sure sure 333 side down here okay, we're 330 moved it's a bush down here Somali okay okay okay I see it, it's here guys, I'm moving like if it was a South Bend the guy destroyed the way we provide the jobs we got I think we got six or seven maybe it was bad it was bad 600 maybe he said it without the last one you got can we just get a GG what daytime maze that it was so good

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