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LeBron says Team USA would beat Dream Team

May 30, 2021
very simple agree or disagree move on mr.



I agree I agree I mean, listen, I


do it in a seven-game series,


I pick them to





? No, but I think it would be seven games. I think it would be highly competitive. I think the difference would be the first line because I've been on the record numerous times saying that this team's first line doesn't match the original dream team's first line Patrick Ewing David Robinson called out Malone and those guys so far. As far as I'm concerned, that's three Hall of Famers, so that's certainly how I feel, but let me be clear when you take those pieces away and look at this team talent by talent.
lebron says team usa would beat dream team
I think this team is up to the task. I think this team will give them. a run for your money, I don't blame you one bit for thinking you could


him because, excuse me, Michael Jordan is the greatest I've ever seen, a will to win like no other, but I'm not sleeping on Kobe. I'm not going to sleep with LeBron I'm not going to sleep with Carmelo I'm not going to sleep with Chris Paul I'm not going to sleep with Kevin Durant I mean, these are some lethal lethal brothers that can play basketball so for me, when I do I think, yeah, you got Jordan and I think a guy like Scottie Pippen to me would be the second most valuable player on the original dream team in a matchup like this because of his ability to play defense, but as much as I love Barkley, my man, who's going to defend Chris?
lebron says team usa would beat dream team

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lebron says team usa would beat dream team...

Mullin, my man, who's going to defend? Magic Johnson I love you to pieces, who is he going to defend? I mean, excuse me, this isn't as clear cut as anyone, like a lot of people think, and I think this team on an individual basis. talent that this team has, you want to tell me to jump, all I'm going to do is throw the ball low to Ewing and Robinson or Malone with their pick and rolls and elbow jump shots. Well, you've got me there, but outside of that boob -By the way, those other nine players I'm going to put this team against the original dream team and I'm not going to lie to you, I think they could take them and you're going to jump off LeBron's quote to take that position. again, because it was a date or he just went back to that one.
lebron says team usa would beat dream team
I mean, seriously, number one. What did you want LeBron to say? We don't stand a chance against him and it was the most lukewarm lack of conviction quote I think I've ever made. I heard a basketball player talk as if he hadn't said, "Oh, we'd kick this. I'm like you. He was being respectful. He was paying homage. He was being." Telling you that LeBron James earns a hundred million dollars with Michael Jordan doesn't elevate the NBA to another stratosphere, does it? Kobe is not the point, he is the point for them, they are paying tribute to his predecessors, which is Nick Kobe paid tribute, did he pay respect when he said we would beat him?
lebron says team usa would beat dream team
Not because he hasn't done it. He doesn't believe he could beat him, but he doesn't believe it. Pay. Kobe has spent an entire career paying. respect to Michael Jordan, not when he talks in the context of whether this team could win, it was a big difference in how they are not sure to wish and show me was more resounding, yes, certainly, of course, it is a different animal. Kobe has a different one. personality, he has different communication skills than LeBron James, but when LeBron James goes out on the court, when we see him cower against someone, it is not something that we see when we blame LeBron for any responsibility or impediment and his games are exposed, it is We blame him.
It's not what anyone does to him because we know there's not much anyone can do to him or with him and by the way that includes Jordan oh stop it you know what you know who would stop LeBron stop him yeah stop, stop it cold, what you know. Don't go to sleep, yeah, Michael would put him to sleep, you know why you must be crazy, who was too big, too strong, too much locomotive coming out. I'm not saying Michael Jordan wouldn't be Michael Jordan, but he's not like him. I would be able to stop this freak of nature, I would tie the greatest trash talker in the history of basketball, the best trash talker of all time, it's not even close, it was Michael Joe Soares, sorry, I understand you're about fifty years old on me, but yeah, it means Larry Bird Oh, Larry Bird, talk about Larry Bird, got dr.
Jay will take a hit on dr. Jay punches him, what are you talking about? He saw Michael Jordan psychologically annihilate the players even before the warning and in this case it would turn out that Roger believes he would go off the court to get in there. Michael Jordan would turn LeBron James into Mark Sanchez, that's what he would do. If you said that if you sat down, you told me he would do that in the fourth quarter, you could have a point at least before this year. You know what LeBron James' overall consistency is throughout the regular season. throughout the playoffs twenty-eight seven and seven, I mean playing against Michael Jordan.
I understand, who could he play? He joins the Flyers. He demands that his best friend, Kevin Durant, know if that is the case. Why did Michael Jordan eat Scottie Pippen to defend Magic Johnson and win the World Championship the first time it was Scottie Pippen who lifted Michael Jordan 94 feet do your homework you know I'm telling the truth it was Scottie Pippen you know why, because magical work, because Michael Jordan knew that I'm not six eight. I'm not six foot nine, I don't have a wingspan, not almost seven feet tall. A big guy came up to me and that was Magic Johnson, whose athleticism we all know, the great Magic Johnson, one of the greatest point guards of all time.
Have I ever seen a champion in my life, a basketball savant, but we also know that Magic Johnson's athleticism couldn't scratch the surface, so don't tell me that magic, that Magic Johnson when Michael Jordan didn't hit Magic Johnson or could contain Magic. Johnson, who is suddenly going to do it. I guess LeBron, really, again. You go to seven games. No, we better come up with a name for all the marbles. I would never bet against Michael Jordan on that one, he almost turned around. Jemelle, you're starting to get offended. What I said was that they would win.
I said I would pick the original dream team in seven games.

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