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Learning Videos for Toddlers | Counting, ABC & Learn Colours | Learn English For Kids

May 30, 2021
Welcome to the number farm, should we wake up the animals? wakey wakey animals hello hen brood one chicken hello woolly sheep one two two sheep hello jumping rabbits one two three three three rabbits hello pink pig one two three four four pigs hello smart shepherd dog one two three four five five dogs sheep hello red tractor one two three four five six six tractors hello quacking duck one two three four five six seven seven ducks hello smiling goat one two three four five six seven eight eight goats hello beautiful brown horse one two three four five six seven eight nine nine horses hello moo moo cow one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten cows thank you for visiting the number farm have a good day see you soon I'm Kirsty the chameleon and I've lost my colors maybe my friends at numberzoo can help me find them did you meet the animals?
learning videos for toddlers counting abc learn colours learn english for kids
There are quite a few. Let's look for my colors as we tour the zoo. The lion is the king with fine yellow fur and a roar that reverberates from the bottom of his throat. The gorilla is strong and his fur is dark gray. He may seem quite scary, but he loves to downplay deep lives. Harry the whale. His thick fur is blue from nose to tail. The alligator yawns. His teeth look so bad. Its claws are quite sharp and its scales are dark green. My friend the flamingo loves to stand and think that his feathers are soft and a beautiful bright pink.
learning videos for toddlers counting abc learn colours learn english for kids

More Interesting Facts About,

learning videos for toddlers counting abc learn colours learn english for kids...

The ladybug has wings tucked into its back. Its color is red with some black spots. The black and white panda is. cheeky and fun, eats a lot of bamboo and then rests when it's sunny, coiled around a branch, you can't mistake the bright green form of Lucinda the snake with shaggy brown fur, the bear lives in a cave, its claws can be sharp , but he knows how to behave, the orange striped tiger gets on all fours, wags his tail and sharpens his claws, the penguin looks elegant in a black and white suit and his baby is soft, fluffy and cute, this elephant is one one of the friendliest you will ever meet. she is wrinkled and gray and has huge feet the monkey loves to climb and her fur is light brown from the top of the tree she loves to swing with a slimy red body and sticky red toes how the newt does it no one knows with a dusty gray skin and a horn on his nose the rhino stands out everywhere he goes it's time to close the zoo so we must say goodbye oh my color has come back I'll try look my skin is starting to shine shiny and bright like an alphabet of rainbow animals Can you see, you will sing the letters with me a for alligator b for bear c is for camel all covered in hair d for dolphin e4 flamingo with pink feathers alphabet animals abc you will sing the letters with me g for gorilla h for hippopotamus i for iguana it is green and slippery although jellyfish k for kangaroo alpha lion will surely roar at you you will sing the letters it is as hard as nails alphabet animals can you see you will sing the letters with me s for snake she looks very pale alphabet animals Can you see?
learning videos for toddlers counting abc learn colours learn english for kids
Do you want to sing the lyrics with me? Why can you configure for zebra? Now you have alphabet animals. Hello everyone, welcome to the puppy park. Today we are going to


to count to ten. Would you like to help us? Are you ready? Let's count. hello freddy one a roundabout ollie is on the big red slide but henry likes the little blue slide there is one two two slides peter and his friends are having fun on the elastic animals let's count them one two three three rockers look how much fun they are having on the swings who can swing the highest one two three four four swings peter and bertie are in the sandbox how many sand castles can you see one two three four five five sand castles dottie is feeding the ducks with grandpa dog how many ducks are there in the pond one two three four five six six ducks a mother a father and four ducklings what else can we tell oh look there are some trees one two three four five six seven there are seven trees oh look at those juicy red apples how many are there? two three four five six seven eight eight juicy red apples it's a perfect windy day for flying kites how many kites can you see in the sky one two three four five six seven eight nine nine kites look at all the colorful balloons how many are there one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten red ollie balloons enjoy going down the red slide can you see anything else that is red oh look the apples on the tree are orange red the puppies are swinging on top of the orange swings yellow peter and bertie They are playing in the yellow sand a silly little bird is swinging on a green cube there are many things in the park that are green what can you see the grass the trees and the blue hills it is a beautiful day look at the blue sky and the ducks are swimming in a blue pond purple Freddy is spinning Dotty in the purple roundabout oh and look what color the flower in Dotty's hair is yes that's right it's pink purple now Dottie enjoys rocking on the pink pig and look at the balloons they too they are pink brown the puppies are tired it's time to rest the puppies are sitting on the bench brown gray two of the puppies are playing a game of tennis the tennis court is gray white peter is riding the white sheep dottie and the dog grandpa they have black white fur jump on the tires it looks like a lot of fun be careful not to trip look at all the colored balloons can you see the colors we have seen today red orange yellow green blue purple pink brown gray black and white what is your favorite color is it puppy park salt time now we hope you enjoyed finding colors with us today come back and visit soon bye welcome to the zoo number good morning animals it's time to wake up wake up hello furry lion one a lion hello striped zebra one two two zebras hello giraffe my what a long neck you have one two three three giraffes hello cheeky monkeys one two three four four monkeys hello orange tiger one two three four five five tigers hello humpback camel one two three four five six six camels hello big elephants one two three four five six seven seven elephants hello pretty penguin one two three four five six seven eight eight penguins hello hungry hippo one two three four five six seven eight nine nine hippos hello nosy meerkat one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten meerkats good night the animals sleep well thank you for visiting the zoo number see you soon a a is for alligator b b is for bear c c is for camel d d is for dolphin e e is for elephant f f is for flamingo g g is for gorilla h h is for hippopotamus i i is for iguana j j is for jellyfish k k is for kangaroo l l is for lion m m is for monkey n n is for newt p p is for penguin q q is for quail r r is for rhinoceros s s is for snake t t is for tiger u u is for hedgehog v v is for vulture w w is for whale x x is for x-ray fish y y is for yak and zed zed is for zebra thanks for


ing animal abc with us see you next time welcome to poppy park it's alphabet day here at the park the pups are


some new words would you? i like to join a is for apples b is for balloons c is for climbing d for ducks e for eggs f for football g for doors h for hats i for ice cream j for juggling k for kites l for trash can m for map n is for net o is for orange juice p for pond q is for q r for roundabout s is for seesaw t for tires u for umbrellas v for truck w for worm x for x marks the place that will show you where you are on the map y is for yoyo zed is for zip lining we hope you enjoyed your time at the puppy park and learned some new words when you're out and about, why not see if you can use the alphabet to help you spot new things. try to play I spy bye bye look here is a floating balloon what color is this balloon is it blue green balloon purple balloon black balloon yellow balloon white balloon red balloon orange balloon pink balloon how many balloons can you see there are one two three four five balloons bye balloons look soon again the animals are playing hide and seek at the numbers farm today what is that behind the hay bales a squishy tail little horns and a sound that says it's a disgusting cow that loves to roll in the soft slimy mud this animal does all we can see is a pink curly tail look at the mud it's slipping oh hi it's a pink pig there's something under the water in the pond look there swimming behind that weed it's shiny scaly and it has a fin it's a fish I can see a nose look it's moving and there are two big, pointy, fluffy ears coming out of your hole it's a rabbit, oh hello rabbit, there's something pecking at that peppercorn and what a noise it is clapping, clap, clack, clap, clack , cloc, it's a chicken, this animal has beautiful brown fur and very strong antlers. its head what kind of animal do they belong to I wonder if it is a deer this animal is very fluffy warm and lovely wool it is not a sheep no it does not have a longer neck than that do you know it is an alpaca what is this animal that trots so quick wow farmer?
learning videos for toddlers counting abc learn colours learn english for kids
George is even riding on his back. Can you see that his fur remains? He is a horse. It's a snake behind the bush. No, it can not be. Snakes are scaly, not hairy. Listen, can you hear that purr? Oh, it's the orange cat we're under. the water again there's something floating above us on the surface of the water look at its webbed feet rowing away let's go up and take a look it's a duck what's this coming over the hill pointed, curly horns and a loud bleat it's a goat someone it's today I'm very hungry eating lots of delicious hay there's a long fluffy mane but I don't think it's a horse oh it's a donkey it's a tail there's smoke coming out of that tail that's strange, it can't be a tail and wheels no animal I know has wheels it's not an animal at all it's a tractor there's a face on top of that hedge running back and forth it has a beak so it must be some kind of bird wow that long neck comes out it's an ostrich hello face are you hiding behind that fence what beautiful woolly fur you have and listen can you hear that it is a sheep there is no animal here surely this is just the clothes hanging on the clothesline listen can you hear that and it is a beak behind the sheet and they are feet yes look webbed paws of orange color it's a goose they're chasing the sheep but what's that chasing them four legs a long bushy tail a loud bark and it's very good at cornering the sheep it's a sheepdog look there's a worm coming out of the ground be careful of the birds Mr. worm, wait, that's not a worm, it's a tail, it has two pointy teeth and long tickly whiskers, it's a mouse, what fun we had playing hide and seek today, we'll see you downstairs soon. in number farm, bye bye, we are playing a game here in number zoo, animals are hiding, it's up to you and me to spot a nose, a tail, ears and a beak in this happy animal hide and seek game , now, what are these that lie here scattered? everywhere and who threw that now, could you turn around?
It's a monkey, oh look, what is that? Another banana but with green, scaly spikes, ha ha, of course, it's an iguana hiding now and what are those stripes and what was that mouse that growled? hence, of course, a tiger, did you understand that too? Wasn't it scary? I hope we don't encounter any more scary creatures. Now come on, let's go somewhere less jungle. Oh, look, we can cross this log by this stream, but. wait, those are claws, surely the logs aren't this green unless yes, it is, it's an alligator, run, phew, that was close, no more scares, please, just hide, okay, let's sit for a while, let's drink a snack and then we'll leave, hey, that's not a hook, that's a horn, that's a rhino, what a good hiding place, Mr.
Rhino, what a good place to hang a hat, funny and smart rhino, who could be hiding now, what there is next to that big rock, there are some feet and poop, what is that smell, is it raw and rotten meat, what animal would eat other than a vulture, of course, who will we find next? I wonder if this sofa looks comfortable, I love the warm fluffy backrest, wait a second, it's moved, ha ha, that's because it's a yak, who else could be hiding? Do you think it's strange, how absurd, one leg and no head? Wait, that's a pretty sleepy flamingo bird, that's a fun way to sleep now, who's next?
Who is hiding? Do you think it looks like a party with lots of delicious food, delicious cake on a plate, gelatin on a plate, but wobbly so much, hey? wait, that's not food, that's a wobbly jellyfish, ha ha, cheeky jellyfish, you were pretending to be party food that could have been disgusting, crazy wobbly jellyfish, I wonder who's hiding now, a penguin, but no You're hiding, right, Mrs. Penguin? Hey, wait, what are you? the ones under your belly, four feet, no, that's a baby and you're his mother, what a cute baby penguin he was. I wonder who else could be hiding in the zoo, hey, stop, what was that moving there among the leaves?
Oh look, it's a giraffe chewing. as high as the trees it's time to go home now let's finish our game what's next to the tree a claw now a mane of course it's a lion well done sir lionI must say that they have all hidden very well, I have had many. What fun, see you next time at the zoo number. There are more animals hidden in the number zoo today. We'll see who wants to come out and play? Where did that pond go and who used that hose? Aha, now I guessed it. elephant nose, hey, another splash, who did that and now a ball, why did that ball roll away from the wall?
Oh, I know it's a dolphin's nose, a good hiding place, Mr. Dolphin, but the ball gave you away, I'm sure that little island just moved and did you see all that water shot? You did it too, well done Mr. Whale, you're so big you almost got away with it, oh look, some zebras, a father and a mother, but 12 legs between them, well that must be wrong unless what ah That's where I thought, so hello little zebra, what a fantastic way to wear your stripes, hey, what's that inside that bamboo? one eye now another hey panda is it you now what hit me on the head then a twig of a tree and that black shape there is a knee it's a gorilla's knee of course you love hiding in trees, don't you know what else it would be? hidden so high in the sky who climbs or someone who flies an owl you look tired lady owl you've been up all night chasing mice well no wonder you're tired are you having fun there mommy kangaroo what's that there in that bag ? your belly, ah, hello, little joey, were you hiding there the whole time?
What a warm and safe place to hide. Great choice. I don't think I've noticed this hose before with patterns all over it coiled on the floor. That's not a hose, it's hissing too much. I knew it, it's a snake that slithers and hisses, what were they? So, someone's toes, someone is hiding, oh look, now, a nose, a newt nose, we found you, go away, then, little newt, take a good bath, hello, lady quail, what Is that next to your leg half buried in it? sand, it's an egg, oh look, now it's hatching, you hid your egg, very good, mom, quail, now, what is this?
I see in the water right here two funny nostrils, two eyes and two ears, it's a huge hippopotamus. Wow, nice to hide, Mr. Happy Hippo. I had a lot of fun again, see you next time for more zoo numbers? I see you, you're hiding right under my nose, ha ha, there I found you now, where did it go? Oh, you cheeky, cheating cheetah, you're simply too quick to see what a strange shape, in fact, what is that? It's an upside-down swing hanging down, wow, those wings are a pretty good cloak for hiding, aren't they, Mr. Bat?
Come on, let's sit down and rest. Hey, that's not a rug, that's a furry bear. Wow, lady bear, you were so still, you really fooled me. How weird. A little bit of sand just moved a big lump. AHA. That's not sand. It's the hump of a camel. A great hiding place, but your hump gave you away. No, it's, Mr. Camel, what's hiding by that rock in the pool, don't step on it, no, no, don't act like a fool, oh, it's an urchin, of course, just look at those pointy beaks, I just see something to eat and x. -ray fish hidden in the algae wow, what a transparent fish you are, Mr. x-ray, why are you moving that lily pad? aha, now i guessed it, there's someone underneath, it's a beaver, wow, he must have held his breath for a while. long time to hide that, well, hey, what moved at that moment down there on the road, is it someone hiding ha, ha, ha, it's a toad, lady toad, what fantastic camouflage, oh, look, a Adorable tablecloth, that pattern just moved or is it a moth, no, no, is that it?
It's not a moth why it's a colorful fluttering butterfly I've had a lot of fun again, see you next time at the zoo number a for apple b for bumblebee c for carrot d for duck e for egg f for feather oh g for giraffe h for house i for ice cream j for jack in the box k for kite l for lighthouse m for mermaid n for necklace o for octopus p for parrot q for queen ah for rocket s for space t for tractor u for umbrella v for van w for weasel x for x ray and for yacht and zed for zebra subscribe to our channel for more great



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