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Learning Possessive Pronouns in Spanish | The Language Tutor *Lesson 68*

Jun 06, 2021
but everyone is as they are Hello guys, welcome back to the


of your Spanish. I'm your prophet so today on your Danny Evans, I'm so glad you're with me here guys, it's episode 68 and that means we're going to cover



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s and Here is another How do you say mine, hers, hers, in Spanish?
learning possessive pronouns in spanish the language tutor lesson 68
Well, that's what we're about to find out, so I hope you're ready. Let's move on to the first thing I want to do. They'll probably say it with me. put the box here, okay, now I'm going to put these



in the box for you and then we'll look at some examples and by the way, I'll tell you this is a pretty easy episode. Alright, first of all, on the top left, we'll put the word food, food, which is the only one in the box that has an accent, so the only accident you'll have to deal with here is food, the next one will be all. the full form yours is yours okay I everything means it's mine we're just not saying my something that was possessive adjectives before it's just mine okay pronouns replacing nouns right hooyo means it's yours now the bottom left will be so me now this can mean it's of him, is it hers or is it yours if we are talking in your place now at the top right we are going to put Wester oh just like we did when we used possessive adjectives and the form of you will be we, we will throw as before Also, now down to the right will be very young, okay, the same is the lau stead form, so there is su-yong now that we have these below.
learning possessive pronouns in spanish the language tutor lesson 68

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learning possessive pronouns in spanish the language tutor lesson 68...

I want to tell you real quick that these words change for singular plural and they also change for masculine and feminine, okay, we're going to have to make sure that they agree with whatever we're talking about, but we've done this many times before, so it's not difficult, so, for example, let's put the word food back. it can be food it can be Mia it is if we are talking about something it is mine that is feminine I can say that it is food it is mine something masculine and plural or it can be me we something is mine feminine and plural it is okay so that you understand This we have covered many times , so remember to make sure you agree.
learning possessive pronouns in spanish the language tutor lesson 68
Well guys, this is really simple. Let me go over some examples. I'm saying it's mine. can it be all that so I said it's yours talking to you my friend is it yours or s can you use it or son? yes, they are yours all those things can be for you well it is his it is hers his me s su-yong okay and again tsuyoi tsuyoi tsuyoi all the other things is ours it is ours or it is our west so our Sunwest trust because so it's how we do it it's pretty easy okay another example just to put the correct part on the graph just because we want to make sure in a way we compare it's his it's hers with the plural side they are they are theirs who are these there there is there those people over there sung-soo Yost is the same okay, but we're just implying that it's them, but you might be saying how do I know the difference between soils and soils?
learning possessive pronouns in spanish the language tutor lesson 68
How do I know if I'm saying it's theirs or if I'm saying it's yours? If, on the other hand, I'm talking warmly or about him or her, well, this is it. where we can clear things up, so if I said whose that is, oh, I was going to say it's hers, okay, I could say it's ground or sue, yeah, but she could be saying, but I don't know if that's talk about it being hers or well, his or theirs, we can clarify by simply saying if they yes, yes, yes, yes, it's hers, so that's one way that when we're not sure who it can be , let's just say it's daya or in the US or if they are yours. okay, no, it's yours, they'll substitute it, it's yours, we give you this, it's yours so we can clarify which one we're talking about by simply saying it's them and then the regular pronoun that we would normally use, okay, okay now.
There's one last thing I want to tell you about these words which is a oh boy here comes the troublemaker right no it's not that bad but I want you to know that sometimes when we use buyo buyo food all these sometimes the normal article is used and when I say the normal article, I'm talking about the the the the and the, I'm going to give an example, it's mine, it's El food, so before we said it's food, now we say XL food, okay, it's hers, it's LA, hers, it's okay. Say it, here we are saying something feminine, that's why yes, because we are talking about a feminine object, so Isla Tsuya, here is another sample, so no loss for you, they are yours, so how do we know when to use the definite article in Los Angeles? the last ones or when not to use them, how do I know when to say it's food RS and food?
Well, you can find many different explanations for this on the Internet. You know, if you Google yours in Spanish, you'll find some great websites that provide explanations and examples so you know you might want to continue researching this to make sure you're clear in your mind, but I even talk about it with a colleague who is native Spanish speaker. Do you know what's a good way to explain this? because sometimes a native Spanish speaker just says well this is how you do it I don't know why you just do it because that's how you do it but I wanted to give you a clear definition of when to do it and so I really tried to narrow this down.
I talked to a colleague and here are a couple of things you can think about. Well, actually that definite article that puts Li's loss at the end of the sentence really helps emphasize the property. Well, this is mine, right? you have a group of things like you can say you have a group of the same objects and you're pointing out that this is mine, but yeah, okay, yeah, but this is mine, okay, you're emphasizing ownership right now as a rule of thumb. grammatically, you don't really need to use the article after the verb said, that's fine, many teachers will tell you not to use it after sad, unless you are emphasizing the property.
I can just say a food, but If I want to emphasize that it's mine, it's a food, or it's Islam, you know, use any of those, so that's really one way that you're going to want to use the articles when you're going to emphasize who the owner. Emphasizing that, okay, but I encourage you to go out and look at more examples just to make sure it's solid in your mind and that you feel comfortable when you want to use the item and when you don't, okay, but guys. That's how we own pronouns and that's why I encourage you to really start practicing them and incorporating them into your conversation.
Okay, be sure to check out the Spanish Language Tutor Podcast and also visit us on the Spanish Language Tutor Facebook page. Join the conversations. and let's talk about Spanish resources to share, it's great so join us and I'll try to approve you as soon as I get that request, but thank you for joining me and I wish you the best for you and your family. Friends, eyes, blessing, this peace and blessings, see you next time, friends, thank you for watching the language tutor. If you have any questions for me, feel free to leave them in the comments section below the video and click Subscribe and notification invoice. that you will never miss any of our language



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