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Learn The Alphabet With Blippi | ABC Letter Boxes

May 30, 2021
Wow, look at this box! It has a capital A and a lowercase a. Let's open the box and see what's inside! A plane, a plane starts with the last A. Planes, planes that fly very high. Some planes are as big as a building, others are as small as a car. That is incredible! Some planes carry people, others fly near the stars. Wow! Look at this big blue box. Big, blue and box start with the


B. This is a capital B and the other is a lowercase B. Let's open the big blue box and see what's inside!
learn the alphabet with blippi abc letter boxes
Balls! The balls start with the


B. Wow. Wow, and look what else! Boats. Ships start with the letter B. Red ship, blue ship. I saw a boat going faster and further. I didn't know boats so I asked my father. He said, "That's a speedboat, son." I saw a fishing boat fall. I saw a boat full of businessmen. I saw a boat… Do you know what it was doing? Oh, floating down the river. Sailing in the sea. When sailing the ocean, boats are for me. Wee-ha! Another letter of the


and this is the letter C.
learn the alphabet with blippi abc letter boxes

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learn the alphabet with blippi abc letter boxes...

This is a capital C and that is a lowercase C. I'm so excited to open the box and see what's inside! A cement truck, cement starts with the letter c. Cement truck. Well, look what it is. Another letter of the


. This letter is the letter D. This is a capital D and that is a lowercase d. Let's open the box and see what we can find that starts with the letter D. Yippi! Oh yes, a dump truck. Wow! Throws things off the back of the bed. This is a dump truck. The dump truck starts with the letter D.
learn the alphabet with blippi abc letter boxes
Oh, the letter E. This is a capital E and that is a lowercase e. Hmm, I wonder what could be inside. Probably something that starts with the letter E. Let's open it up and see! Wow, an elephant! Wow, these animals are so big! I'm acting like an elephant! Elephants are huge! The heaviest elephant ever recorded weighed about 24,000 pounds, or about 11,000 kilograms. To put it in perspective. Yes, there are about eight cars. Wow, that's heavy. Ha ha. Yeah! Another box with the letter, and this letter is the letter F. This is a capital F and that is a lowercase F.
learn the alphabet with blippi abc letter boxes
Hmm, what do you think could be inside? Probably something that starts with the letter F. Ok, let's open it. Yes. Oh yes! Yes, a fire truck. Fire truck starts with the letter F. Fire truck, fire truck, I wish I could ride a fire truck. Fire truck, oh fire truck, I wish I could ride a fire truck. I wish I could wake up in a fire station to the sound of the fire bell. I slide down the fireman's pole and say, wee-eeh! Go all the way down and get on the fire truck. Fire truck, fire truck, I wish I could ride a fire truck.
Look at this green box. Green, green starts with the letter G! This is a capital G and that is a lowercase g. Grass, grass, all that grass behind me starts with the letter G, and it's green! Wow, so many G's! Let's open the box and see what's inside. Wow, wow. Another thing that is green. A garbage truck. Garbage truck starts with the letter G. Garbage trucks. Garbage trucks. Driven around the city, picking up cans off the ground, garbage trucks. The garbage man arrives in the garbage truck and collects the garbage. He throws it in the back to crush it, but it goes into the dump.
He backs up to a pile on top of the city's trash and throws everything away. Garbage trucks. Garbage trucks. Driven around the city, picking up cans off the ground, garbage trucks. Oh, look at it here! Another painting with the letter of the alphabet. This box has the letter H. This is a capital H and that is a lowercase h. Let's open the box and see what's inside! Ah, a helicopter! Helicopter starts with the letter H. Helicopters have really fun nicknames! Do you want to hear some of them? You can call them helicopters, helicopters, helicopters! Wow, another box!
This box has the letter I. This is a capital I and that is a lowercase i. I wonder what's inside. Let's open it. Yes, delicious! Frozen! I love ice cream! Mmmm delicious! A box with the letter J. I just jumped. The jump begins with the letter j. This is a capital J and that is a lowercase j. Hey, these are balls. Ball, balls, none of those words start with the letter J. But there are three. Hum, what can we make that starts with the letter J? Oh, I know! Juggle! Tiny! Ha ha ha. I'm juggling three balls.
Juggle starts with the letter J. Woo, look what letter it is. It's the letter K! This is a capital K and this is a lowercase k. Hey, another ball. Ball also doesn't start with the letter k. Eh, I wonder… Oh, you know what we can do with the ball. Yes, we can kick the ball. Ready? Kick starts with the letter K. Woo, another letter. The word letter starts with the letter L. This is a capital L and this is a lowercase L. I wonder what's inside! Woah, huh... A lime and a lemon. Both lime and lemon start with the letter L.
I don't have a knife or anything. But do you know what I have? These are some of these! This is going to be fun! Yes, pumpkin. Wow, look at that. Yes. Let's try it, let's try the lime. Wow, that's strong! Let's try the lemon. Alright. OK. Alright. Here we go. Alright, here we go! That was fun! And that's the inside of a lemon. Let's try the lemon. Oh oh, I'm scared. Wow! Hummm, hummm, hummm, hummm. This is the letter M. This is a capital M and that is a lowercase m. Let's open it and see what's inside.
Monster truck. The monster truck starts with the letter m. Monster truck! Monster trucks are big. Monster trucks are loud. Monster trucks jump high in the sky and make monstrous sound. Monster trucks are big. Monster trucks are loud. Monster trucks jump high in the sky and make monstrous sound. Oh-oh-oh, monster trucks in the air. Oo-oh-oh, monster trucks in the dirt. Uh-oh, can you hear the engine making so much noise? Wow, another box! This box has the letter N. This is a capital N and that is a lowercase n. Hmmm, let's open the box. I love opening the box and seeing what's inside.
Wow, uh, two pieces of paper. One says "No" and the other says "Okay." Let's talk about these words. This word is nice, nice is something you should be with other people. Because if you are kind to your friends, family, and other people, they will be kind to you too. And if you're kind, you'll have tons of friends and life will be great! So make sure you are nice to people. And then the word no. No means no. You say no if anyone ever tries to make you do something you know you shouldn't do. Or if a stranger asks you to go with him or something.
Don't go to strangers and tell them: “No, no, no, no!” You can shout it as loud as you want. So no, means no. This box has the letter O, and the box is orange and starts with the letter O. This is a capital O and that is a lowercase o. My favorite part. I know I said that before, but we can do it again. We can open the box. Open starts with the letter O. Oh, an orange, it's the color orange. Orange starts with O, and it's an orange! Hmm, it's hard to open. Oh, I don't have a knife or anything, but you know what I have?
Because I want some of this orange. I have... Yeah, okay. Let's put this in there. I'm ready. Ready? Yes Yes. Ha ha ha. Yeah, look at that. Delicious orange! MMM. Yumm, much better than lime and lemon. Orange. Wow, a purple box! The purple one starts with the letter P. This is a capital P and the other is a lowercase p. Hmmm, you know what time it is. It's time to open the box. Yes, open the purple box with the letter P. Wow, look at it! Go, police, police, police car. Police car. They drive very fast through the city.
They know, oh my God, their sirens are so loud. Can you see they are red and blue lights? Let everyone know to let them through. Police cars. Police cars. Police cars. Wow, what interesting lyrics. This is a capital Q and that is a lowercase q. Hmmm. Can you tell what's inside? Can you hear it? I think I know what's inside that starts with the letter Q. Yes! Wow. Two quarters! A quarter is a form of currency found in my currency in the United States of America, where I live. Wow, these are coins and the word quarter starts with the letter Q.
Wow, another box! This box has the letter R. This is a capital R and that is a lowercase r. And what a coincidence! This box is red and the red starts with the letter R. It's time to open it! Red raspberries! MMM. I love raspberries. Oh, stay there, red box. Let's try some of these. Delicious! Have you ever eaten a raspberry? They are very tasty and delicious and they are also good for you because it is a fruit. Those look like snakes, and those are the letter S. The snake starts with the letter S. This one is a capital S and the other is a lowercase S.
Let's open it. I hope there isn't a snake inside. That would be scary. There's no snake, it's a school bus! Wow! Let's go to school, let's go to school. Go to school. The school bus takes us to school. The wheels of the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. The wheels of the bus go round and round all over the city. The bus engine goes vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom. The bus engine goes hum, hum, hum throughout the city. The bus doors open and close, open and close, open and close.
Bus doors open and close throughout the city. The bus wipers go hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss. The windshield wipers on the bus go whoosh, whoosh, whoosh all over the city. Wow, an orange box! Like the color of my suspenders, glasses, bow tie and part of my hat. But anyway, this box has the letter T. This is a capital T and that is a lowercase t. Hmmm. Are you ready? Yes. Wow, yes. A tractor! Tractor starts with the letter T. I know you like tractors. And I love tractors! We are going to work on the farm, we are going to work on the farm.
Oh tractor, oh tractor. Ha ha ha. You know my tractor song. Tractors, oh tractors. Tractors, oh tractors, they are so much fun. Tractors, oh tractors, they do the work. The tractors work all day. The tractors work all night. Gotta bale that hay, gotta bale it right. They can be different colors, green, red or blue. Either yellow or purple! I wish I could drive one. I wish I could too. Tractors, oh tractors, they are so much fun. Tractors, oh tractors, they do the work. The letter U! Ha ha. This is a capital U and that is a lowercase u.
Phew! Underwear! Underwear! Those weren't mine. The letter v. This is a capital V and that is a lowercase v. Come on? I think we will. Ah, a carrot. Carrot does not start with the letter V. But it is a vegetable. Vegetables start with the letter V. Yumm, I love vegetables! They are so good for you and will make you grow big and strong! Oh, there are more vegetables. Broccoli, yum! I love broccoli! Green onion! V means vegetable. Another box with the written letter. Another box with the written letter. Another box with the letter, and this letter is W.
This is a capital W and that is a lowercase w. I wonder what's inside. I can not hear anything. A wheel loader. The wheel loader starts with the letter W. Well, look what it is! It is the letter X. This is a capital X, that is, a lowercase x. And look, something is already peeking out from the side. It must be very big. Wow! Do you know what this is? See this! Yes, this is a xylophone! Hear. Ok, I'll play it for you. I'm pretty good. A yellow box! Yellow starts with the letter Y! This is a capital Y and that is a lowercase Y.
A yo-yo! Have you ever seen one of these played? They are really fun. I'm going to show you. First you put the yoyo on your finger and then you hit it and then you go through it down. Woo, the last letter of the alphabet. Yes, it's the letter Z. This is a capital Z and that is a lowercase z. The last box to open. Z. A zebra! The zebra starts with the letter Z. I dropped the zebra. Zebras look like horses, but they are all white with black stripes. Well, that's all folks. It was so much fun


ing the 26 letters of the alphabet with you.
Hey, if you want to see more of my educational videos for kids, all you have to do is search my name. You know my name and now we can spell it because we know all the letters of the alphabet! Let's write it together. B-L-I… P-P-I-! Blippi, that's my name! Good job! Alright, I'm going to go play on the playground. Bye bye! Parents, siblings, grandparents, babysitters! I would love for you to visit my social media pages like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter because I have fun news updates, behind the scenes and even free product giveaways. Just search my name, Blippi.

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