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[LAUGHS IN 71 ROUND DINNER PLATE] | Rainbow Six Siege Chunky Rework

May 30, 2021
I love in Modern Warfare 38 a special snake shot that is used to literally kill snakes that wouldn't even penetrate armor. I literally broke the game for two months. You haven't killed people so effectively, their pellets the size of peppercorns inside. I like it, it's nothing, no, I've been hit with super soakers with more penetrating power. I'm pretty sure the snake shot has the same amount of kinetic energy as a six year old with a sock hitting you with. and your body splits in half lmg assembled and loaded welcome back to another great edition of I hate test servers but I love new content so I will shut up and suffer until the pain overwhelms me and I long for sweet release. of death I promise this won't be the first video in a seven-part series where I throw a tantrum about how terrible Siege is and then continue playing Siege every day.
laughs in 71 round dinner plate rainbow six siege chunky rework
We already have Siege Twitter for that. Be sure to use code Angie at checkout. ubisoft I log in to Twitter any day of the week ubisoft me angie fixes the arrangement of characters in tweets it may be different the message remains unchanged I am always the same I don't like me the otter hates the watermelon he is eating he keeps eating watermelon im pretty sure tts is just here to piss off people on twitter. It's like there isn't even a reason. I'm just here for a checkup and to see how things are going for casual users, from text to speech to Chunky.
laughs in 71 round dinner plate rainbow six siege chunky rework

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laughs in 71 round dinner plate rainbow six siege chunky rework...

My angry helicopter becomes Swarovski. shooting grenades at the bad of whatever Ubisoft is doing to their game, look at their name, you're ruining this ubisoft, why are you abbreviating names? Start with us. Casual is so backwards these days that I don't even know what the hell it is anymore. The attackers do nothing but cause murder and never enter, while the defenders do nothing but run away. Who is attacking? In fact, it will take this guy that long to enter the building. I have time for a sponsorship announcement and I'm not even kidding. thanks to raid shadow legends for sponsoring this video the roleplaying game that allows me to live out my skeletal fantasies no matter how many bones they break if you dare say that has to hurt i will kill you the undead hordes faction is perfect for this because I can't kill something that is already dead inside and out.
laughs in 71 round dinner plate rainbow six siege chunky rework
The only thing I wanted to do was sell insurance, and even if you find yourself dead and missing, just call your doctor, I mean a necromancer who is really just a doctor with bad skills. the right time so she can dig you up and bring you back to life the game has a new artifact to create artifacts directly an advanced quest system with awesome rewards and even some awesome new champions to hold you over while building the tower of doom as she giant, He's just as Undead as the rest of us, but I guess he can still taste things with that ton.
laughs in 71 round dinner plate rainbow six siege chunky rework
Sometimes I dream about cheese. Go to the video description and by clicking on the special links, the new player gets one hundred thousand silver coins, one energy recharge, ten mysterious fragments and a free slasher champion, the elite double-jawed lizard warrior ready to scream and cut until his last breath all the treasures that await you in the chest at the top right for the next 30 days and only for new players, so be sure to check it out and Thank you for sponsoring this video and you will see that this man of the sweat isn't even in, but it'll take another five or ten seconds just to make you stupid, why didn't you do that 45 seconds ago, you stupid piece of trash? outside of tds i hate your entire extended family and your adoptive grandmother why do we do this to ourselves? why are we still here? about us?
You talking friends wanted to be here, I wanted to be in the vr chat, oh my god why? they do that to themselves why do they do that to me can we talk about quality assurance for a second, regardless of whether it's a balance adjustment or a new feature or server reliability? Some of the things Ubisoft lets fly without thinking just baffle me sometimes. they don't even write russian badger now i'm abbreviated why won't ubisoft give me my r this is questionable don't say hard arm badger bro you have to say badge from now on heavenly do you think we could?
It sinks but has the skin tone of a badger. Don't look at his name. You're ruining this. Why do you abbreviate names? You shoot yourself in the feed. Why look at them? Look at these. What are we doing here? qa how how how changes do not equal improvements just because you change some does not make it better 10 billion market cap are producing this type of software, at least we have new thicknesses in the midst of this wave of


negativity in practically all platforms. at least we have the plus side of the new Chunky, he has a placeholder robot voice and I had no idea playing on the tts meant mounted and loaded text to speech throwing grenades, what are you waiting, am I listening to Microsoft Sam?
Yes, he is a robot voice. what to shoot grenades shoot grenades looking at shumika I am speechless for what I experienced today in Rainbow Six Siege prepare yourself a magical incidiary grenade launcher from shumika don't ask me how the reloading or firing mechanisms work I don't have an answer if I were a bad demoman, I wouldn't be sitting here discussing it with you now, I'd look, yeah, come to the blazing fire, okay, check this magic refill, he's, what are you putting in? I'm just hitting the no I don't know what I'm putting there, but it's working.
He was exploring my oh, I'm saying I'm burning your ass into a crispy baby. Your life is now four feet and above all a 27 lmg food


that can make holes the size of a basketball in anything soft and is no longer mounted on the ground stay with me I gotta get a man Oh, there are fans there, come here, I just want to stick your head between my fist and the


and just hit it. just like imagine if your head was hey everyone needs a spin hole too bad you're getting one anyway they promised me a spin hole and spaghetti noodles your hess through that swiss cheese right there we got fuses in my location on me.
I'll light his ass up, go back to Uzbekistan, you piece of oh, I got quick sights, pick me up, pick me up, oh hey Blackbeard, I just wanted the line of sight, I don't think so, right in the teeth, man, God, those bullets hit strong. I'm going to reload just to see me hit it oh, there's a guy coming this way. I'm playing the drums, okay, do it. The drums of war get so loud I don't want to let go of the trigger. There is a laser. Yeah. You got their ass, you bomb, you're just letting it break, uh, there's a person there, yeah, I got a massive injury assist, that was just, you know, suppressing the fire, you're immobilizing them for me, covering the fire. , whatever fire it can withstand the most. credit for the giant recoilless drum magazine and the best shooting sound in the game, but it sucks because it doesn't matter how many rounds you have or how accurate the laser beams are, if you have such a low rate of fire, you better shoot beforehand each enemy and pray that you hit your head because from head to toe you are going to lose, trust your senses, not your attack, look at this, yes, brother, but they are all chips, she really thought, she really thought that I'm blank, no one listens to me.
I'm flanking the color oh I tried, I did everything I could, I pre-shot way in advance, was that hitting his head or not, honestly I prefer to use the pmm in most firefights, that damn plate fighter so slow and you. I know I'm not into this little thing, everyone starts pulling towards the dock, baby, it hits like a truck. I love this thing, if you don't believe me, use the mp7 on zero or bandit for a couple of rounds and you. I'll see why rate of fire is always king. I see dental work in your future.
Everyone listens. Adventure surfing. I have you. I'm in. I'm in. I'm in. Idiot. I have you. I feel like a god right now. I had that ultra satisfying thing, you know, you have like four rounds left in the magazine and you happen to fire that headshot, oh my gosh, I'm not trying to say the f2k is garbage, but damn the mp7 on zero, kind of crazy , I have it. she blew it up with her own shield here we go oh my god I'm so ridiculous in this game I'm going to set someone on fire right now she was just trying to enlighten me I did it I made facts oh my god oh my god .
What is happening in tts? Hello Valkyrie, I'm crazy today. This is like magnetized bullets. Two heads. I have the head. I don't know what's going on with the mp7's red dot suppression, but it's like a magnet for your dome. fire most of all, all my friends hate damage, I know it's blasphemy, I know I'll be bullied for it, I know not using the sc3000k is illegal at Sam Fisher, but if I can be so rude I've forgotten half of my keybinds and I still do this well, it's worth using them guys, when did we stop saying scrubbing?
I completely forgot about the word scrub until now imagine using the mp7 in zero aqua green it's clearly a mop talk sir mop aqua green about she wasn't ready or double death I go I knocked down a legion in the room okay I too I'm left with the chocolate, both on the pool table, I'm throwing a frag cube, blue, come on dude, wrong, God, I miss clicking so hard I got a double with that shit, they were both down where you threw the frag. I threw it randomly as if I had just clicked the button. What the hell was that?
So effective. I just killed those two people right next to the box by randomly shooting that guy 4k away from being. a complete klutz for that whole round what and just when I'm having fun trying to convince random players that it's not really me I wish you were the real Russian badger he just wanted to do it I tried to gobble him I tried to go goblin gremlin teardrop just to convince to this kid that I'm not real living under a waterfall eating mushrooms boom cheaters ruin the game and it doesn't matter if it's the hacker variety or the stream sniper variety at this point I can't even get mad like


cheaters are the most unique cheaters I've ever seen known because they don't even try to hide it it's like a point of pride because they know very well that ubisoft is ridiculously incompetent and anti-cheat so why would they give them a They are too powerful to stop you before fighting outside my stream.
Damn, I love c shooters. They are better than any other game cheater. They're like that meme with the two wojacks crying. Other game cheats. It was not. I wasn't cheating bro yeah he was a siege cheater yeah I cheated dude I think I saw Suzaku like someone was cheating on Suzaku recently he was like a mouse jumping into outer space and coming back to the Earth and he didn't care who Suzaku was. shoot him, which in itself isn't the end of the world, but when my every move is punished by snipers and I have to play shitty maps like the ridiculously large head-looking lean kitchen food tray known as hereford, Talking about dead maps, God, I hate.
Oh my god, it's built like a lean kitchen, let me get out of this prison goose, are you actually saying here for built like a liquid I probably have the cosmic brownie, I have the Kool-Aid blocker, bro, the little penguin is It's cooling in the basement, if you don't? put kool-aid blockers in your mouth when you're drinking a hammer of kool-aid if you don't put the whole top in your mouth and when you take it out it cuts the edges of your mouth, bro, you're not doing it, I'd rather just playing other games like Holy Does, that ever kills the fun, so my advice to you is to never play the test servers that make me want to die, just play the basic version and always make sure you choose. amaru because she's probably the funniest person you can have in Siege right now.
It was nice playing with all of you. It was nice playing with you. Hey, thanks, DJ Angel, you're real. Alright? This kid seems too innocent for bullies. Well, me. I'm just confused, like it's nice to play with you, the game is not over, yes, even before the countdown to the preparation phase begins, it was an honor movie, I got a great profile picture, although what is it?, it was like, you know, like super low poly polar bear that walks and says bonjour yes, yes, yes, it was that polar bear, but there were like 50 of them taking over the entire image as if they were all cutting each other yes, it was amazing and that's it for the old burly man.
I wanted to mention that I was on a podcast last month with the good guys on the first podcast, so if you ever wanted to listen to me play v8 at length and without distractions, like these hyper-edited videos where I feel like a crackhead. the link is below and I definitely recommend it because I'm in this and I'm just a narcissist thank you again, thank you so much for watching andmake sure to tune in next time when i try to meet dick cheney so you can

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