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Last To Stop Climbing Ladder Wins $2,000 - Challenge

May 31, 2021
anyone who falls in here dies so I guess right like some people die yeah no we're about to lose a lot of oh rip rip toast toast hey look at that that's pretty good , yeah, okay, that's a decent amount, okay, bad, what would you like to do next? Everyone's articles and stuff. It's gone, what do you want to do? Well, I have a great idea. OK. Okay, we should do another round of PvP. Well, I'm going to make this one even spicier. Well, what is red wool? The red wool is very simple. Let's get rid of the stairs on the red wall, interesting, then we will activate the pvp, okay, I like it, everyone prepare for the pvp in three, two, done, one, pvp is activated, this is interesting, we will see a lot of deaths now . oh yes, yes, yes, oh no, a lot of deaths, what would be the strategy, here, there, you go, down, I'm killing, like where everyone I don't know, I would be relaxing in the background, I mean, right here, in the background , yeah, because then the only way they can get to you is by falling, if we turn off PvP, yeah, let's go ahead and turn it on. off, okay, pvp, off in five, four, three, two, one, okay, what should we do next?
last to stop climbing ladder wins 2 000   challenge
I think we should just have one row of stairs, wait, just one row of stairs around the outside edge, yeah, are you sure, yeah, I mean, okay, yeah, yeah, that's one. queue yes okay you can't just say yes yes okay do you want okay do you want to make a line I want to make a line so let's make a line let's make a line so what you have to do is go here and pvp is and you have to go down so that just tell them to come down, go up the stairs one by one, good luck, everyone is going crazy, don't do that, you're going to break it when one of them is, oh my god, oh my god. and boop, okay, cool, we have a


, we should pvp it.
last to stop climbing ladder wins 2 000   challenge

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last to stop climbing ladder wins 2 000 challenge...

No, what we do now is we get rid of all the other stairs, every other staircase, every two, finally, no, yes, skeptical, yes, that's cruel, yes, okay, bad, we've gotten rid of them all. another staircase now do me a favor get rid of the diamond and the gold okay perfect now that you've done it I'll just ask if you can copy and paste the stairs one row down one row down is it possible or not, actually it is it is very simple just make it cool now that we have this you can move and pvp will start shortly oh my god jump I know do you know how hard it would be very very very difficult because there are so many people dad tell me a number one two hundred two hundred um say in chat 150. pvp on for 150 seconds good luck that's all a long time turn it on oh my god okay 150 seconds of pvp here we go dude literally no one's fighting they're not fighting okay since no one's fighting , the next person to kill receives five times golden apples, are they fighting?
last to stop climbing ladder wins 2 000   challenge
They should someone is going to be tempted, literally, just like two people are fighting with Skippy, oh oh oh oh, here we go, here we go, here we go first. The person he had to kill was me like my waffle, yeah, where does he get double five golden apples? Okay, since you idiots don't want to fight badly, get rid of the second layer of stairs, only the top part will remain, are you sure, am I sure? say goodbye to the second layer of stairs we should be fighting now we are going to lose a lot more people look at this here we go here we go here we just have to hit someone and they will fall the next person to get a kill gets stone hoe who we lost to oh well they just fell into lava yeah they get along well uh they beat each other up believe it or not oh wow debbie I know how to motivate them how do we tell them ten of them have to die or we kill half of them randomly what yeah that it's going to make them fight, that doesn't make any sense, it's 10 people or 30 skeppy, they'll fight so they don't have 30.
last to stop climbing ladder wins 2 000   challenge
I'll just give them all snowballs, yeah, I was thinking about that, okay, okay. he's hit these five snowballs for everyone oh my god go love him oh oh oh oh oh oh big guy oh oh oh he's getting it back and forth oh look if I were this guy I'd be hitting these people in response, why would you? You don't hit people, oh my God, oh my God, hit them back. You have to be very careful. Should we take out the second layer again? Okay, that's good. Everyone, uh, give Herbie more snowballs. Okay, I'll give everyone three more snowballs when you're there. ready okay go ahead three more snowballs good luck clearing items in 30 seconds so everyone should use their snowballs okay clearing items pvp off okay turn off pvp for me and I'll see , everyone is right, wrong, what do you suggest we do now?
There are 47 players left, I think. We need to keep this spicy Skippy, have them all in one place that we can easily observe, okay, so they have to climb this giant


, that's what you're saying, yeah, and we'll take them out slowly but surely. Okay, we've got everyone here, right? ready to tell them to do pvp pvp pvp okay that should let them know ready when five four three two one come and go oh look at that you know what we need slimmer get rid of the golden stairs yeah oh they're all going to the top now let's do the red one the next red is turning red it's gone buddy you should get rid of the white next what to get rid of the white yeah confuse them nevermind get rid of the white stairs go to the blue , this is literally all up there, oh my gosh, oh.
Oh my god, two little rows, okay, I'll leave a set of stairs down there, that's it oh oh oh oh, we're losing them, we're losing them, oh, someone did it, yeah, I saw that's very risky, okay, they are not. fighting come on muffin heads since you're not fighting I have a method I have this really stupid idea right yes and you have to do it you have to go back to the center right really without dying oh my god and it's quite a difficult Parkour thing to say the least, yes, That seems very difficult, why does everything have to go back to parkour?
I don't know it just works now, let's say let's go to the central stairs so technically they can hit each other, in fact they should hit each other. each other, oh look, oh this is torturous, oh my god he went first mate that's why you go first, if I was here I'd just jump, yeah I literally jumped on that one and then oh god My, this is great, that guy did it. There are a lot of haters there, yeah, everyone hates him, dude, look, how can you trust other people like that? Okay, we'll say 60 seconds, we lost a lot of people like that, yeah, he got beat up in parkour, yeah, you really have to be, look, you can. just literally getting hit, yeah it's going to happen, look, look, it's going to happen, it's going to happen, poor muffin, so we tell them to come back, wait, skippy, we got 18 people, we should do a revival, ooh, okay, what's your number, uh, let's make it 41?
Gotcha, let's see what number we get 41. I see one right there. King Bryan. Wow, how did you know he spammed it? He kept saying 41. 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 4 Do you want to get what you told him? no, I literally did, oh my god, where did I not make it so skippy. I had this idea. We have all the members in a small column. That's it, this is your battlefield and you will go to the end. Yes, you are crazy. Netherrack 1080p disabled so they should be good, why did these people step aside? Oh, I guarantee one of them is going to matter.
They have to go back now, come back. He doesn't want to do it if he fails. Oh, they are so lucky. imagine you're going to turn on pvp right we're going to turn on pvp if we tell them the


person alive


oh okay now that these letters have been messed up let them know okay guys this is it are you ready the


one person? on this pillar of the ladder I'll win 2,000 turn it on turn it on count down five four three two one come on oh it's on it's on it's on oh my god it's on and we're losing people every second oh oh no oh friend oh my god, oh god mine, this is great, what's the strategy for this to just not stay as high as you can?
Maybe yeah, go to the top and relax, yeah, and just chill here like this guy and then jump down and knock the people out of our the revival has gone really bad look look look ready yeah just give me this oh God mine eleven people left oh oh no oh oh ten people skipping the finals this is this this is yes oh no that guy almost fell almost fell into the top nine oh I got it every time someone catches fire oh, we won okay okay okay wrong the last seven I'm going to get rid of some at the bottom okay one two three four five six bad we're in the last five oh four oh get rid of some at the bottom and one at the top oh look, they're going up oh oh oh oh almost oh out oh that's so devious who's against two who's a teenager who what's going to happen with look that's the thing it's like the pig guy had the perfect chance that this guy who didn't do it , but these two aren't hitting each other, but that guy is eating that guy and that guy is eating that guy and that guy is just trying, I don't know, I don't think the best guy trusts any of these two, the only guy with the mega skin, what's okay, everyone, I'm fine, I'm just scared, so you guys know what's going on, yeah, of course you do, but basically one of you is going to be out like two thousand dollars. and the rest will leave with nothing, so are you ready to continue?
Just don't join me, even if you don't join me. Hey, we don't make the rules, please, okay, listen, let's turn on PvP. in a minute and whoever


wins and that's it so good luck to all of you okay three two good luck oh my god I can't see this with the play here bad I'll say the next person I kill gets 10 snowballs that won't make a difference and that offer only lasts 30 seconds plus 10 seconds more of the offer no one wants I refuse buddy okay I respect the lava oh you know what we could do is say the next person. knocking someone else down will be safe until the final oh my god the spice just happened dude what what oh my god they're just attacking the poor muffin now he's coming after me bacon I'm just letting him develops, I'll just leave you, please. go behind you, okay, I'm going to break the top block and the bottom block so everyone knows it's okay, bacon, move please, I'm going to break this block and then one more at the bottom, bacon, come on, I have that feeling.
You're just looking at me no, no, no, I'm not like that, look at him, he's coming up, look, look down, look at him, he's literally coming here like, what are we supposed to do? Bacon, oh my god, he betrayed his friend, oh, I'm sorry, bacon. I'm removing the top and bottom bacon we're both going to raise the bacon we have to do it sorry bacon wait are you still saying sorry okay I'm removing the top and bottom in three two one one and one oh look at this No I know, but this is the end, this is oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh who's going to take home the 2k guys.
I'm going to get rid of my ass right now so everyone knows oh oh oh oh oh you won, you got betrayed. your friends you betrayed the bacon muffins my heart is going crazy my heart is going crazy how does it feel I feel amazing at the table yourself two thousand dollars this is bacon anything you want to say there you go congratulations guys thank you thank you guys good work ok thanks dad thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed smash please like and subscribe if you haven't subscribed to bad yet and wow that ending oh wow I still can't believe it I knew that was going to happen as he said.
I trust you with my life bacon I would never betray you and then I feel bad for this guy look at him oh my god that was great thank you all for watching bye bye bye do you have anything else to say? Not well. bye

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