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Last to Leave the Team RAR CAFETERIA Wins!!

Jun 01, 2021
What's up guys, welcome back to the Raw High School


, where today I will challenge the students in one


challenge to get out of the


. Today's challenge is going to be so epic, we have all this


food and whoever gains the most weight at the end of the video will win the grand prize of ten thousand dollars oh I'm so hungry oh my god I'm ready to eat well Guys, welcome to tmar's cafeteria today we are going to compete in one


competition to get out of the cafeteria. be your lunch lady for today, so everyone grab a tray, so there will be six rounds of disgusting cafeteria food and if you can make it through all the rounds and gain the most weight, you will win the grand prize of ten thousand dollars, right at point ten. thousand, we have a flying saucer, we have a laser saucer here, if I earn this ten thousand dollars, I will buy my own ice cream machine, I will prepare my meals, I will invest it in cryptocurrencies and ETFs. and I will become the next billionaire if I win this ten thousand dollars, I will create the most outrageous nft, I will sell it, I will flip it and then I will invest in real estate, I will withdraw what I want, ice cream, I will go buy the gold, damn what he does that?
last to leave the team rar cafeteria wins
Let's say 56 one fifty and that's 159 I'm sorry, Bailey, your starting weight is 159. You gotta drop this, big boy, put those on. Carter weighs 172. big boy, you're the biggest, here you are reading that, literally, it reminds me, yeah, Denise. You're awake, you're good, I'm not the same as the fat guys with double Cs, Denise is 102 pounds, okay, let's start today's challenge. Well, here we go, round one, we have chicken nuggets, the classic, one of my favorites. have ketchup and fries, okay guys, the first round has officially started, remember you have to finish everything on your plate, this is a lot of food, they are ice cold, these fries are so good, bailey, can you help me?
last to leave the team rar cafeteria wins

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last to leave the team rar cafeteria wins...

It is lunch time. I need help. He didn't help me very quickly, I don't like putting this up, I actually made a big mistake trying to make like my potential customers at the table, so you should have been mine, this guy here is real cafeteria style food, a little soggy, I forgot to mention them. In fact, I can order seconds if you want to gain more weight, so you have to be strategic about which round you want to eat the most. These are the worst I have ever tried in my life. They're not chicken nuggets like I know them to be. the trick, stop me, no, no, it's incredibly dry, it's a classic to do, okay, okay, have some water, okay guys, you're nervous, I think I'm going to win the show.
last to leave the team rar cafeteria wins
I almost used up all my drink just now. Hey, thanks Carter. They don't have to eat all this, yes they do, but it's so much food that's just lying around, wait, there's more food here? Strength, you never learned that the crab is your feather protector. Hey, oh, I might have gas this bad later, not now. Then I'll move on to round number two shortly once you're done, so let's get going, I'm starving for round two. I made some delicious mystery taco meat and some green beans, get out of my way nerd, what are you doing? we're good for the next round we're serving our famous brian i'm going to hurt you oh i can't the food makes me nauseous sometimes please don't follow me okay oh don't say juicy ew that's a challenge oh that looks so horrible i have to eat this lady lizzy's cafe okay thanks and the green beans oh it's back here why are they so wet oh my god it's okay cart are you awake um yeah I saved you some of their fries thank you but I don't really want them , but I saved them for you, Miss Lizzy, if the two of us are eating together, does that mean we're on a date?
last to leave the team rar cafeteria wins
I'm not going to eat the food you guys eat, so this. It's not a date, no, what's wrong, grab a tray, um, oh, why is it cold?, yeah, it's so spicy, look at this, ah, hey guys, make me an ice cream with this, no, I feel like I need that cold, honestly, this is delicious. I almost threw up I was wrong it's so good you're wrong so far I'm in first place I've gained 11. you're a nerd so far I've gained 11 pounds and eight ounces okay it's bulking season I'm literally going to crush you dude you're not even going Let's eat chicken and rice, shut up, shut up, shut up, hey guys, stop pushing so hard, never talk to me like that again.
I feel like I'm the third in you. You guys want a fourth wheel, I'm going to go through all that spicy oil, bro, and just like that, round two is done, put your order right, I guess everyone's moving on to round number three, oh, what's next? Sloppy Joes, oh my god, I hope. they're not spicy like that's sloppy for you today oh my god look oh she made it perfect no one else is eating that much meat look just like you totally get it and some pudding again I'm like eight when I cut things up a little bit yeah but you still have to do this and for Ryan, thank you he likes it extra sloppy, no, no, yeah, oh I can't wait for my sloppy Joe, oh thank you, you said that like mine wasn't even in the bun.
I don't even open the bun for myself, it's all on the top, oh, you're really hungry, no, no, I didn't want it, it's too sloppy on the third round, we got the Sloppy Joes and the pudding boys ready, oh if I. I've been to the airport oh my god I never made that noise again oh what the hell are these nerds so boring mmm I think I lost my appetite it tastes like carter wait after one no I have to win the ones you want ew you have no manners I want Oh buddy , I made a mess Brian, it's in your white shoes, you're smart, it's okay.
If you guys start a food fight, no one


, I'm having a great time. What are you saying, nerd? Because? As I am? That guy has a quarter of meatballs. Oh, he looks good, I eat beef, you said, so my strategy is to eat a lot of what I like and I heard the ice cream machine is working today because Miss Lizzy was working on it, so. I'm like don't try to eat too much until ice cream, so I usually don't eat like that, so I think I'll gain the most weight. I'm totally in, I want to win, definitely.
I'm going to win the challenge today. I've already eaten the most food of anyone, so let's move on to the next round. Okay, let's move on to round four. This is the round that has excited me the most. It's this corn dog. This round is corn. dog pizza can I take my movie? Please no, I have to do it. But I already bought two. Wait, don't touch her. I'm going to catch up right now and obviously these dogs are about to get crushed. What is it? What's that, stop playing with your food, nerd, look at this, let me make a better one and that's enough, stop playing with your food, if you play with your food one more time you will be eliminated, eliminate it in my own hands, okay guys?
In fact, I have to go get some more supplies from the kitchen, so I'll be right back. Let's not fight over food and stop playing with the food truck. I'll look at you if I come back and you guys are playing with your food. Everyone is going to be punished. Those damn kids don't know how to appreciate the good food I make them and they're just playing with their food. This is ridiculous. She's gone, man, she's gone. We only have a limited time, okay? What are they? are you doing oh what are you writing on


ryan oh so team roars so I'm thinking maybe one time if we ever get out of this high school and graduate we could be youtubers and if we could become youtubers, we could start a team called team rock oh we'll be with you yeah we all might be watching too much.
I'm going to stay away from this lizzy unless she you know she's cute maybe she should join tv too Carter, how's your reaction time? Keep it up, guys. him in the air come on, come on, come out, who closed the door, uh, what's going on Ryan? It wasn't me who was Bailey, it was Ryan. We are not doing anything. My hands are busy. How does that mean my hands are okay? We're going to move on to the fifth round and then you're all going to be punished by coming at me, I'm doing it, it's the fifth round, let's do this oh, these kids are wearing me out, okay, miss Liz, what do we have? oh oh, perfect and some applesauce, oh, here we go, yeah, what are you doing, nerd, I'm not kidding, you're a nerd, nerd, okay, do you want a french fry, I'm not sure, I can eat a double burger, please, give it oh not that one, oh man, oh, sorry my friends have a frisbee I can't move I can't defend myself right now you're right oh, what are you going to step on me?
Can I try some of that burger? Yeah, wait, isn't that how burgers work? Mmm, cheesy, ooh, what is it? carter miss lizzie ryan wrote that the table should get in trouble, everyone will be punished after this, so that sounds like a reward. Hello, you guys like food. Oh I love it, I can't wait for the next round. The reason I'm charging is that a boat or a pizza can sail across the ocean with that we want ice cream we want ice cream we want ice cream we want ice cream okay, okay, okay, you guys can have your ice cream, but finish what you have in your plate so we can move on to the last and final round which is ice cream stop carter finish your burger bailey a large is fine guys there's one last round and it's ice cream we finally get to dessert which is the best part . of any lunch and this time we have the ice cream machine and apparently it's working, are you okay?
Don't know. I don't know if I can go to cheer practice later. Alright. Oh, give me that ice cream, honey, Ryan, lick it. good oh that looks great oh yes oh wow oh man oh thank you that's the most beautiful just for me they all look like that very good thanks ryan what answer bailey is another yes no, the person with the biggest ice cream cone is Voy to be the person who gains the most weight, let's do this, oh no, oh, I ran out of space, I made a huge ice cream, how did you do that?
Wait, wait, there's a unicorn right here. That was a mistletoe thing that ever happened. Miss Lizzy, I was going to eat that. I think Denise was starting to be impressed with my skills. What is this cube? What is not here? Do you want a french fry? No, I don't want a French fry. What's hot in your head? Nothing. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Have you ever cheated? No, I mean my ice cream, okay guys, it's finally time for lunch to finish. Oh my gosh, you guys were so annoying and it's time for the final weigh-in. you guys are ready for this yeah okay 162 I think you lost weight I know I felt like three I gained a lot woo good job bailey oh thanks Ryan Ryan is cheating she's checking her latest second, get over it, ah, spit it out at me. you're disgusting, yeah, fiver, honey, wow, okay, so ryan is in the lead right now, okay, denise, are you ready, this is so big, okay, good job, okay, carter, are you awake, oh, I ate a lot, miss lizzy, I hope you're proud of me, oh my god. congratulations carter 13 pounds I won carter what's the meaning of this uh nothing wow carter that's great you won ten pounds I think you're still the winner I still won yeah congratulations baby I'm going home oh my god it's shooting

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