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Last to leave ICE POOL wins! *Below Freezing & 5000lbs of ICE*

Jun 02, 2021
We are doing a challenge today


ly to


the ice


around two ice popsicles, 104 packs for one, so that's two hundred and eight packs, that's total Hello guys, have you tried the challenge by starting the first row hello funk fan between a challenge to


until Let Ice Pool gains 10,000 followers because you guys will follow whoever


one, so we have a special guest from Kansas, a YouTuber who does cartwheels and is probably one of the funniest people on YouTube, comment below and guess about us. going to Costco right now to buy thousands and thousands of pounds of ice, we have Charlie Nick, we have two ice pops, 104 packs to one, so that's two hundred and eight packs total if I just put them on top of the Tesla. just pack this up you know they started oh no oh yeah yeah we can do this hey yeah so the whole Tesla is full of ice and we have another platform on the way.
last to leave ice pool wins below freezing 5000lbs of ice
This is crazy, here's your tape, so let's go. At home I bought dry ice and the whole way here, since I had the windows up, they filled with carbon dioxide and I almost suffocated. I didn't have oxygen. Charlie and I are in the Tesla, okay, the car of death, because we have to show our heads. Go out the window to survive and breathe, so we'll be home in about five minutes. See you there. Go out the window. This is already turning the water. We have to go. God, what happened? It's not fun. I just had a cold finger.
last to leave ice pool wins below freezing 5000lbs of ice

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last to leave ice pool wins below freezing 5000lbs of ice...

I hit the door of my RV, okay, after running with two and three thousand pounds of ice, we got a big shout, it's Charlie, he's the one who thought of this idea and everything is possible because of him, so give them a nofollow. It's our guy behind the camera who makes the magic happen and everyone on the team makes this final product possible, so thank you for doing it by hand. Let's do this. Thanks man. I don't know, I just want to start. Hi guys. Are you ready, sigh the challenge, what are we doing right? I'm from the mountains so I'm not too afraid and I also want to meet Wim HOF so I feel like he should be good to the studio heads, don't let him down but.
last to leave ice pool wins below freezing 5000lbs of ice
Still, look, you should have a wetsuit. You want to be the last one out. That means it's working. It's ISIF ice. We have a special surprise for you. We have dry ice. It is burning? Stay still. It will maintain your body. temperature I think we'll die like freezer burn What happens if you really step on it? You are the next guys, what are you going to do next dad? Why are they going to water? No? Thanks, give me a secret tactic. I'm going to keep swimming around them, so don't push all the ice, you can find all the cold water next to them and they come here or it's a little warmer, they don't know, so hey Tanner, why that?
last to leave ice pool wins below freezing 5000lbs of ice
Did you put the trampoline there? What are you doing? You don't know it yet. You are good? Jump, yeah, flip, yeah, we're chilling each other. Hey, Charlie, you want to be nervous with us, okay, sure, okay, I feel good about this jump, whatever. Favorite. Swimming under dry ice volcanoes I don't know how much longer I can do this. You know I'm not good with the cold


. Cory is taking care of the bubble room. Please take the time to consider subscribing. We have been providing a lot of rough sex. content I think the boys will love meeting Cory I love you guys and joining the family funk he does on vacation the rest of the video is ok I want to live up to the name of twisted Charley and I want to do something really crazy right now , oh, this hurts!, surprise. you guys with a special trick.
I saw the Russians do these crazy belly flops to test one. Hello, I'm Kirk from the ice to make it even very cold. What are you doing? Queen. I'm already cold enough. I thought of a team, not friend. I was so committed I was a teenager Jason just got here yeah, next door neighbor I did it I was so committed I was wearing shorts shorts underwear underwear underwear I'm very cold jelly I'm going to get out just take it out - I need to go pee, okay, I'm staying, then okay, I'm literally opting out. I want someone.
I'm going to urinate on you. Well, don't pee. I'm here and the reason we see you on our Patreon winner. from today's funky challenge is my Darrin, he wants to do a creative belly roll, you see, we do it after our challenge to make sure you stay and thank you, so you three left this, here you go, put your hands on your elbows. like a crab like this right, yeah, exactly around the longest, oh no, I'm not going to sink, I was, I was drifting towards the landing zones in the legitimate zones, like here, I'll do it, make you you're tuning in , fools, it's okay, I was nice. from Billy easy but I'm going to slap you hard are you ready? three two one more chest hair okay so Chelsea's about to do a front flip right now she's known for doing stunts but she's very hand coordinated so we've been I'm


and honestly I'll probably stay here a little more.
I would be because 10,000 followers you have to divide it up, yeah, you know, even if I can be some things that you'd like me to come out of and then, oh, you know, I don't know what to do Oh, favorite in the side room, what What if we bring Charlie with us? It was your idea, uh, it was your idea. That's too generous, guys, I'm fine, yes, everyone, all three people, one, yes, for the eyes, so these. are the winners Bailey Nick and Charlie Congratulations guys I really love the fact that you decided to commit and work as a team darling we are a team working on something that is a dream job can you feel that the bottom half of your body literally can't, no, at all? okay, you guys want to go shower together, it's like saving water, we have to do it, we have to be geniuses, we have to make creative guts for a patreon, tho Oh, the funky challenge on our Mike Darren patreon is a creative journey of Bellies to do that before.
We finished the video, okay, so who was your first? I'll go first, oh yeah, I'm thinking as I walk, guys, an idea. Oh Nick, I'm going to recreate one from the last video, you guys watched the ball pit video and that's it. off the slide again again next nod I love you all oh my god for each of you it's cold that's so creative those were the loudest valuables I've ever experienced in my life I don't want to do it but I'm doing it for Mike final , the last belly drop burns Cory, but what you guys will see, his hair will stick is from diving and a perfect hairstyle, hey, you want the exit and the end of the blog, I can't see it, thank you all so much for watching.
If you mark our sponsor to become a level 3, we'll shout it out right now at the end of the vlog. Then I'll give you more challenges and we'll give each other challenges and then we'll follow you on Instagram and send you a t-shirt. after three months there's a lot of cool stuff we love you so much thanks for the support it's a possibility give us a crazy fun challenge it could even be a video oh okay guys hope you enjoyed the video toodles I love you guys. bye I just want to lift everything up ah

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