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May 13, 2024
es, is it you, is it me 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 a yes oh my god a no Davis you were


for more than 10 seconds now you must leave the house Davis finally left, which means it's now three against one, the agent was telling me that it was going to be the six of them against me, there are actually three members of the beta squad against him, oh that was that act, am I actually like schizophrenic right now, tired of fooling us? F hey oh my gosh, I don't think I've ever been more surprised in my life. I knew I was




, it's not like I'm starting to see things like that on the walls now, that level of delusional sleepiness, like you're tired, I need to sleep.
last to fall asleep ft amp
I'm cooked I'm not cooked Should I tell you four times in that room brother brother? Nobody survives blue like more than twice you did it four times brother and woke up at 8 in the morning, yeah, fair play. bro, hey, hey, hey, okay, have a good night guys, agent, if you can take this home, man, we're counting on you, bro, go crazy. Davis is the next victim of the dream chamber after surviving three times before the pressure increased for the agent to hold him down in the morning since the


member left oh my god yes there we go good since I'm the closest one, I hope you get eliminated, oh my god what's going on?
last to fall asleep ft amp

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last to fall asleep ft amp...

Your package will be delivered in T minus 3 seconds, yes, you are still awake. You're a man, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, why are you going to do it? Are you OK? Wait, imagine you open it, it says, open it, say if C, in this case, there is $2000, you can keep it if you leave immediately. 2000, that's respectable, come home. to 2000 final member number one, yeah you, me, you, me, go tell Kai Phantom, Duke Davis and Chris, I came back with 2000, yeah, guess what you do, you also come back and tell them that you all fell asleep with me, yes, no, you fell asleep with me. and then hasn't invested in your team for the tournament.
last to fall asleep ft amp
I don't need those two bands to invest two bands in our football so that everyone gets some cleats that I can get, I can get the victory and then continue to invest two bands in the football. team, okay, bet, so AJ, what's the reason you don't believe the man? I could accept it. You have 10 seconds to decide. Okay, I won't accept it anymore. What if they are like psychopaths? There were 30,000 there. There are 2,000. Can. Give it to him, I can give it to my family tomorrow. I'll take those two bags for you bro, with that 2000, get some clothes that fit you man, since no one accepted the previous offer, here it is $4,000, you have 15 seconds to decide, ladies and gentlemen, that's it a life lesson never accept the first offer the second offer is brother brother is gone hey hey hey he didn't even talk to everyone about maybe if this hey he was just hey he sat here for two B and convinced us that he was here for the team brother, he saw four B but he was here for the M oh, he came back, he came to do that, you guys think I lost fa, I lost fa I gen I believe you, I thought you calculated the math and I said, even if I stay, yes, free, no, do it minute by minute, I'm afraid of the comments, they will kill me, how much would you have to pay, but you don't understand?
last to fall asleep ft amp
You think I give a damn what's in there? I'm not going to lose to him, okay, but guys, guys watching at home, don't show up at six. I'm leaving, I'm telling you now, I'm leaving, you have to understand where I am. I come from don't be five, please, I tell you now don't be five, I beg you because they are going to make me look like IDI, just keep going like this, don't be 12, brother, just like brother. brother, don't come back with that oversized tea with five bags, I appreciate it. The beta team seems stronger than ever without anyone taking the money.
It seems like nothing will break the beta boys' bond. At this point, we will make you an offer. You can't refuse, please bring an extra briefcase, this will bring the total to $5,000 God, you only have a minute to decide, oh my God, man, touch it, touch it, touch it, I don't want to touch it if I touch it, man, go away. man, it's not for me, oh my god, man, listen, look, you've done half the job. You come, Long Way agent, I mean, I'm, I'm, I'm saving us some time here so we can all go to sleep happy, not you.
You're trying to save yourself some time, yes of course, me and yours, at the end of the day, if you take this, all four of us will walk away with the same amount of money, I say five thousand dollars, instead of us all competing against you. I'm tired, yes, today was bad for me. I know buddy. I know I'm straight. I'm good when I feel tired. If I felt tired, I could accept it. I could take that, but I don't want to accept it, that applies to all of us. I'm tempted if you think you're out, if by the time you get into goolag then it's not worth the risk, it's not about Money to me is just logical, well,


, really bro, I swear to God , it stands to reason, why would I stay here and get 3.3 when I can leave right now for 5 and you guys get 5 fives?
So what's stopping you, buddy? Nothing's stopping me, bro. I really respect you I really do it's your friends chest a bunch of jokers there goes another member hey mom we're rich this time actually you're leaving you're not coming back no no no this time brother it's coming brother me I've done math, you know What do I mean? I studied mathematics at university. I was making 5 thousand dollars there. This will help me and my family a lot. Thank you very much to all. APR, whatever you want, yes. It's a crazy joke. Win five grand each, although I appreciate you coming to watch the video for no reason.
Thanks brother. I love them. I love you five grand. I can't like this, this is a DB because I am so confident right now that Niko and AJ will win they will win 10 grand 5 grand each I have five Nichol has five AJ has five hey chunks he has made the decision to leave for the money leaving it as a two against one AJ and Nico against the Agent, what's next if it's something like that? The last time will be a dream chamber where we will just fight. I hope we fight in the dream chamber. Congratulations agent AJ and Niiko, you are the three finalists and the last to


Come on, now it's time for the final round, which will be one. They sleep and everyone heads to a sleeping chamber. This is the story that repeats itself because in the last video we made with the last free one it was the agent AJ and I, it is Niko and I against the agent and we are going to end this with a free dream, ah. This is going to be crazy at the beginning of this video, there were 12 strong contenders, all here to represent their group with pride, however, one by one, they succumbed to The Temptations of Sleep and were eliminated, only three left, Nico AJ and the agent, it has come to this.
I'm going to sleep now, this is actually my only CP tonight. I won't tell anyone but once I go to bed I'm toast so sleeping can't be that bad, oh it's comfortable in this part too bro. comfortable a little too this pillow this pillow is absolutely rubbish again again again damn, I have to do this for how many hours that's what we just need to keep all the bunnies back, the money is back, brother, if caffeine worked on me. It would be golden right now, this is big Teddy, big Teddy will join me on his journey.
This room is the hardest part and I feel like I have the energy to stay awake if I win this right here, bro. It would all have been worth it as time goes by, when I'll have so much energy, everything will be okay, everything will be okay, oh you're ready, it's okay, as the seconds turn into minutes and the minutes slowly move towards the hour to avoid falling. asleep Desperate measures had to be taken I just don't want to sleep anymore 10 grand on the line American country song I kept going but it didn't take long for the inevitable to court me fatigue is starting to hit the The only question now is who will be able to fight the temptation to sleep longer.
Do you want me to sleep? Do you want me to fall asleep? Would the agent please put your head back on the pillow? Oh, he's trying. He's getting nervous even though I sleep all over them. side brother like what's the problem dead brother and I have to keep my eyes open because I can't Mo every time my eyes try to close them I keep them open again we said I'll stay up contestants can you come back? to the master bedroom oh my god oh my god if we had won what the hell what the hell was happening well done you three have come so far oh my god I could have actually gone you three have managed to stay awake despite all these challenges and to reward you we have a surprise I'm very interested reping come oh my God I was drifting but I don't think it took long I was drifting but I don't think it was 10 seconds oh 3 4 5 six 7 I have you 8 9 hey mom, be rich 10 Take my agent, he was asleep for more than 10 seconds, you need to get out of the house, man, you know, you know, after more than 25 hours awake after more than 24 hours a week, that's a crazy life, oh my god, everything but for everyone. we all, we all see it, so cap, I say we just split the money, no, no, don't feel like you need to do that, no, I want to do it, yeah bro, I feel like I really enjoyed it, I didn't win. brother no n n n don't do that don't do that Stu I'm willing to split it I'm happy to wait happy yes I appreciate it and then we'll fix it where it really matters in football tone oh sure I'm not going to lose that helping EXT No Cap hey that It was crazy, yes, my God, but perfect, perfect, okay, here we go, we'll get ourselves out of this.
Can we go now? Yeah, let's all go to sleep now we can all get out of the house after 2 grueling hours in the sleep chamber, looks like one team came out victorious, it was a good game bro, they played it well, they played it smart and, uh , Nik wins again, brother, we won it. champions again you at one point the odds were completely against oh oh at first they just dropped you and you climbed on us yeah hey I'm exhausted I'm so exhausted yeah and also twice jumping 2 I'm ready to sleep now I could sleep for 3 days right now oh my god but what a story we did it man we did it oh what a beautiful picture to end on beta Squad once again defeating.
I'm fine if you want to see that same image in person. Be sure to purchase your tickets for the football game which goes on sale April 30 at 600 p.m. Check out the link in the description and head over to Beta Squad to get your tickets now.

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