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Last Man Standing Ultramarathon | The Race With Only ONE Finisher

Apr 12, 2024
If you tell me to go run 100 miles, I will plan and strategize to run and complete 100 miles, but if you tell me to run as far as possible while we determine how far you can go each hour, there is an unknown. To be honest, it intimidated me, that's what this


does to the participants and after doing an out and back


like Leadville and then doing Rocky Raccoon, which is 100 miles, I wanted to experience something new, different, unique and exciting, and that's where The Last Man Standing concept just came in Last Man Standing is a backyard Ultra at Pineland Farms Maine.
last man standing ultramarathon the race with only one finisher
This is a 4.2m circuit that restarts every hour on the hour until there is one person left, there is one winner and everyone else is a dnf. At the end, you can't start early, you can't start late, so the further you go, obviously the distance increases, the duration increases, but the magnitude of the effort on the body also increases every 12:00 p.m. The start time of the race is something I have never experienced, so that morning was unique and different because you normally wake up at 2:3:00 am. m. and you're trying to get your nutrition back, but for Last Man Standing we had a solid night's sleep made a good breakfast, let it digest, packed up the cars, went to the start of the race.
last man standing ultramarathon the race with only one finisher

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last man standing ultramarathon the race with only one finisher...

Point set up our site so we could set up the tent layout tables and before I even got off at 12:00 p.m. we had our base camp set up we have everything we need we are well prepared we have very good access at the beginning and at the end this course is set up very well it is beautiful here the weather is ideal and there is a lot of bpn equipment i mean there is one more bpn, prove him right, clothes and supplements in all this camping, which is so cool to see now, an ultra sometimes feels like a group of friends going on a hike, adventure or camping trip, what's up Jimmy, That's one of the reasons I encourage people to sign up for a backyard Ultra like Last Man Standing pops up because it's people coming together to push themselves physically and mentally through what could be an experience. painful, but doing it together, doing it with other people, was the definition.
last man standing ultramarathon the race with only one finisher
For me, the community, I see B, honey, obviously, when everyone is lining up at the starting line for that first Loop, the energy is high and people are laughing and clapping, everyone is trying to figure out that first Loop, how It's the train, what the route is like, what these 4.2 are like. miles look and feel like then the gun goes off for loop number one, everyone runs away. I think everyone is trying to find their groove and their groove for the rest of what this challenge is going to be like for them and I remember it vividly, but someone made the comment this is a lot quieter than I expected now, something I noticed early on. about this race is that it's a strategic pace race, that's what I would say intimidated me personally, you can't control the pace, you know every hour I can


run 4.2 incremental miles no matter how fast you can go no matter how fast you want to go delicious I like to have control to be able to go as fast and far as possible that's what scared me at first It's that I didn't have control of the speed.
last man standing ultramarathon the race with only one finisher
Four loops done, that's what this race does to the participants. The next shot goes to 18 and then I'll be like 22.5. Loop number five is about to begin. Seconds, here we go, here we go, now. The first 20 miles felt relatively easy. I ended up falling into this rhythm and was finishing each loop in 49 minutes, which gave me about 11 minutes of rest before the next loop began. Go one more that has 44 more loops after loop after the loop keeps the beats. consistency and rhythm strategically. I can pretty easily maintain a 10-11 minute mile pace. I don't foresee any problems meeting the time in the short term, two at a time.
What was so unique about this




concept is when you keep doing the same thing. The same loop over and over again you can develop this consistency that allows you to go into autopilot and going into autopilot allowed me to mentally unlock different parts of my brain that I had never taken advantage of 31.4 miles feeling really really strong, really strong. We're going to eat a burrito and then the next lap is the lighthouse, the lighthouse is mandatory, look at these quesadillas. Holy, is it a burrito or a quesadilla? We are calling. We are calling.
This is what they look like. They really couldn't barite. what you want yeah please okay we tried our best yeah don't judge us can I kick it? That blows in layers right now sometimes. I'm a studio transporter, Mr. Dink, please be my mayor, you'll do us a really big favor, boy, this song is really calling us butter 'cause we were on a roll, there wasn't no crunch, God, damn, delicious okay the cast iron was pretty crispy and pretty hot Nick you want this to sit back for some vibes yeah let's get some. Vibe that you happen to have sour cream, it's all good cheese, no, yes, I'll tell you that I feel very good.
Are you going to intentionally start slowing down a little or do you just feel good at that pace? Well at this rate, I think I'm going to like it. I'm going to hold this out as long as possible because I'm walking on all the hills and no. I'm not making a big effort on the straights. and I just let my body move so it's really exhausting for me yeah be great over here guys all new run baby all new run here we go come on come on come on 4 3 2 1 most of my runs that I do are done in the dark I get up at 5:00 am. m. every day and complete my run in time to return home and feed my daughter breakfast.
I love running in the dark and that's why I love that second run in the 1 go ultra. they go away again like a turtle of turtles it's quiet it's a little unsettling but there's so much loneliness your focus is extremely extremely intentional it's where are you putting your foot? where is your light shining? where is the way? where is the next step? Focus on that thing that you must have allows you to achieve it allows me to achieve so much clarity in my thinking and my actions and my intentions and everything that I'm doing and that's why I signed up for these challenges because I get a lot of that time 3 2 1 let's go Here here we go again 3 2 1 here we go again at what point did that autopilot consistency start to get disrupted yes I can talk about something that I think with the sun up will bring something completely new You have a whole new level of energy Two 2 minutes One minute Alinea let's go.
What will this lead me to? 79 5 4 3 2 1 Out Go get it Get some There's always a point in a race where you're extremely low, but for Last Man Standing it wasn't necessarily a huge amount of pain or discomfort. I think sometimes people think that we push our physical bodies just to break them down in an effort to see what can handle how far the quads can go. I'm pretty exhausted right now, that's my


problem, all those hills getting worse, but for me that's unlocking a new part of my mind into perspective, that's where I wanted to go in this race, that's what I wanted to achieve.
I experienced this. evolution of going one more that during the


year of my life I could feel it was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't find a way to say it in those last 25 miles I found exactly what I wanted to say during that last year going one more was based in an action a physical or mental decision to do an extra thing a few years ago I was on one of my first marathon training runs. I ended up running 19 miles the first day more than I was supposed to and I took off my hat and on the bill of my hat I wrote one more, what does that mean?
That's when things get really difficult. It's not just an extra rep in the gym. It's not just another mile. It's when everything gets difficult on a daily basis. will and you do it, you're overcoming that and a lot of people have resonated with that story of just the compounding consistency of going one more each day and seeing this massive benefit and that's what changed my life, it's changed the way I act, the way I plan. the way I execute and that's why it's so important to me, let's move on, but as I got more clarity in my life and realized that just doing something harder and more frequently or with more unintentionality, It can be and usually is useless what you are working on and why what the intention is and sometimes being more intentional means doing less but the work you do is much more powerful that is my challenge for you to focus on doing more intentional work that you do. enable a better result continue more it's much more than an action it's a result bu3 amazing team amazing people amazing product amazing experience having guys here 24 laps 100 .8 miles 18 hours 37 minutes on the course I may not be the last man


, but I got everything I wanted out of this career, move on, I've never done it, yeah, really, what is it?
No, that's a no for me. That's because you grew an extra finger. Oh, honestly, I didn't have any hell. No, so what are we going to do? What I do is cut off my entire foot because there is no turning back from that, there is no turning back, that is careful and you will go where I want if

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