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LAST Days of KURT COBAIN | Seattle Drug Den & Death House

Mar 07, 2024
pointing the gun at himself and shooting himself, they said his arm length wouldn't have even been enough to pull a trigger, so I guess we'll never really know. Here is a short quote. Some even speculate that you can. see something of the


here, some also speculate that part of the handwriting of the note and the only part of the handwriting that they say really denotes a suicide does not match the handwriting of the rest of the letter, what a sad ending to The Other The strange thing about this case is that the police said that they did a thorough investigation and found that it was a suicide, however recently, within the


year, it came to light that there were rolls of film that had never been developed and that were revealed recently I just don't know something just doesn't fit something just doesn't fit right here's the second bench here a bunch of people have gotten that nerve out of a smiley face I want to climb this ladder and see if there's a better view from up here, looking down at the


last days of kurt cobain seattle drug den death house
One of the theories about Kurt's


insists that he was injecting with other people at the time of his


, people he knew and who injected him more than he was comfortable with now there was a musician to mentor called The Duke and She said on camera that someone offered it to her, I'm not going to say who but you can watch a lot of documentaries and they will mention it $50,000 to kill Kurt, she said in an interview that she couldn't do it when she asked him because he was on tour, so she offered the name of a friend and in the interview he said the friend's name a couple of


later, that man, El Duque, was mysteriously murdered. being pushed in front of a train or finding his way in front of a train, this is the vision that Kurt would have had from his house, a house in which he said he rarely felt comfortable, he paid 1.3 million dollars and they said who spent most of his time while at home in a closet in his bedroom playing his guitar, which isn't hard to believe because if you saw the vlog I did about the place he supposedly wrote in utero in Hollywood, he was living with one. of the band members at the time made a documentary about her and she says that when she and Kurt lived there with Kourtney, Kurt used to sit in the cabinet there or in one of the closets and write songs, there's a little better view . to the property from up here and this is the view we would have had in that famous photo when they found him looking through the door and seeing his leg and his body lying there with a box of items next to him, so the house green house where Kurt was found dead on top of the garage was torn down many years ago, it is no longer there and one thing we do know is that the


thing he did before entering that green house was drink a root beer and taking it there with him he found lying next to it when the current one lived here there was no door, that has been added since then but yes I want to show the house real quick from when to the door, now I don't know.
last days of kurt cobain seattle drug den death house

More Interesting Facts About,

last days of kurt cobain seattle drug den death house...

Whether it was this house or not, but this is his next door neighbor and I read online that at the time of his death his neighbor was one of the owners of Starbucks, okay, let's get out of here. Go grab my things and I'll go to the airport and fly home. Well the snow has started, unfortunately the cemetery was closed the whole time I was here so we didn't get to see Bruce and Brandon Lee's grave and we head back to the room. I guess I'm leaving just in time, the snow is really falling. If you look on the other side, there is a dog.
last days of kurt cobain seattle drug den death house
I've seen him every night I've been here staring out that window, probably waiting for his owner to come home. HA, well my friends, we are heading back to Los Angeles, it will be dark when it airs and it will be dark when it arrives, so we will call it a night. I hope you enjoyed Seattle, thanks Mark, hi Collins. and Sean Glassy for contributing to my channel. Thank you all for watching. See you tomorrow.
last days of kurt cobain seattle drug den death house

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