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Lars von Trier on Ingmar Bergman

Jun 24, 2024
Paneá here. Can you raise the camera? This way you can see the vulva better. This woman has been here for the last 5 years. She is leaning on a book about Bergman. She is wearing her old beret that he always wore. With her viewfinder. I bought one just like it... ...because he used it. This installation is for me a reminder of Bergman and his penis was a big problem for him. He was always hot. Even as he grew older and older So we can assume that old Bergman, And that's why I want you to include him, He would sit here and masturbate like crazy In every place in his Färo "monastery" In his great libraries and in his "home theater" This powerful figure in Swedish cultural life He would sit here and jerk off like crazy He said it himself That it was difficult to grow old and still be horny That's why I think he masturbated a lot Anything else is unimaginable But maybe That should be highlighted in a program about Bergman.
lars von trier on ingmar bergman
But Bergman himself paid attention to this. I imagine he would have a very small seminal vesicle, so he would have to wait several days to create an ejaculation that would be at least noticeable. The poor old man. When we talk about icons It is important to remember that they shit Just like us They vomit like us They masturbate like us. When he filmed wild strawberries He used a camera this bigI used a camera this big. It took two people just to move it. In very controlled conditions It was impossible to say let's move it and try this You should lower the camera to the floor That meant that the style that developed Bergman's films Along with the latest technological developments whether he likes it or not He always said: my Director of photography What was his name...
lars von trier on ingmar bergman

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Sven Nikvist Bergman said it was incredible That he used parchment paper to make things Or to fill a lamp and make it work But any director of photography does that, what an idiot! You have to be a technological idiot to think that's a huge achievement But I thought doing that was amazing And I said it over and over again Stop fucking around. I don't think he had much fun It seems like he was very lonely He was talking on the phone with some friends he had But he must have been extremely lonely He must have had some anxiety that we have no idea about He wasn't an alcoholic, it would have been natural He also didn't take drugs as far as I know He just he stayed on his island which I only saw in black and white I was never really there It doesn't seem like a very nice place It's a very rustic place I feel really bad for him It's interesting for me to know that he started out as a screenwriter It wasn't called his first film Kris or Hets?
lars von trier on ingmar bergman
And it wasn't him who directed it Which means that those days Barman made industrial films These are his beginnings He had to make films that the audience would appreciate to finance his own Then he was known For taking the audience where he wanted But he started making films More popular I think that wild cherries is a good example Because he had really good characters But he went from making films that were more or less anonymous To films that were more personal in style This was his great talent and for what he triumphed He knew how to do it and he did it Others couldn't And they had than to go back to making commercial films He controlled what a film should be This impressed me I was very disappointed with Fanny and Alexander I must say I was furious He always congratulated the audience for being intelligent enough And suddenly he considers them idiots When I say Fanny and Alexander I see highlighted all the things that I loved That's what I hate, nine popularized those things I know he wasn't happy either What I hate is that everything that was said seriously before Now he takes the most colorful ones that meant so much to me And pastes them for something that the general public can like I consider that a blasphemy I saw everything that Bergman did Not even he did this, even his commercials, hour after hour What bothers me the most is that he was close to Vinterberg, which is sad Vinterberg only saw Fanny and Alexander And suddenly he's the one who talks to him on the phone.
lars von trier on ingmar bergman
Something I never did! I sent him countless complimentary letters, never a response Of course, I understand But I thought: enough is enough But when I see wild strawberries again...while filming another film in Trollhattan I wrote to him "This is a damn good film!" without waiting for a response Of course he didn't respond. I don't answer everything either. Eventually one has enough. And now that he's dead you can say Fuck! Bergman I'm already 55 years old. I will live my own life. He never wanted to contact me, ok. I will forget Bergman He reminds me of my stepfather who died when I was 18 There are so many conversations I would have liked to have with him And it bothers me The lining could have told me: come to Färo and let's talk for an hour There could be.
And he makes me angry that he didn't do it. But I love him very much. It means everything to me. That little shit. Are you tired? If that is all! Thank you. You're welcome Shit! Enough talk about Bergman.

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