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Larry David Finally Put Conan In “Curb Your Enthusiasm” | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend

Jun 10, 2024
you're finishing the sidewalk this is the last season oh oh yeah this is news for you oh oh yeah oh boy are you regretting it you can always come back and take you can pretend you never told them this is the last yeah you should do everything you know you should do a full shout out to the last season get all the love get all that love salsa all that this was a benchmark show what benchmark you know what changed everything and then go back and do another three more seasons you're really great with the callbacks, by the way, I think this is


second or third, it's my ninth, yeah, it's


ninth, that's cool, okay, we count that, yeah, yeah, the last of the things I think, uh, one of the things that because my son really got nervous and we started watching them again and I thought, intentional, unintentional, but your style of comedy fits very well with younger people today because there's no laughter, there's a lot of reactions. ,uh, it's things. they play very real and I think that's one of the reasons it endures so well because I think I could talk to him probably as a 15 year old kid who would say I love that show, which I think I think when They watch even Some, you know, they're great shows that I love, maybe they have a laugh track, uh, and they shoot us with a single camera or with multiple cameras, their interest in them has waned a little bit because this is the style that They like it now, do you think? there's something about that, yeah, absolutely, I think multicam started in such an old format that it started in the early '50s, yeah, so I Love Lucy got to the two.
larry david finally put conan in curb your enthusiasm conan o brien needs a friend
I suppose there are still programs like that, but this program is improvised and I think that gives it a sense of reality and spontaneity, yes, young people enjoy it well. I think I can also remember as a kid I accepted it, but I'm still watching Happy Days and a The character walks in, there's massive applause and the fs has to wait, yeah, and we just accept that well, Kramer used to get applause when he walked in, that's right, that's right, and everyone waited and then he started talking and


, um, I think I have to tell the audience not to applaud when he came in well and we put an end to it, but that, but no one else would put an end to it, it What I'm saying is that it was so animated that it got to a point where In the sitcoms of the '70s and '80s, where the characters would come in with important information like, you know, the tests are back and, uh, and it's fatal. , and the character would run in and people would say, "look, it's Dr.
larry david finally put conan in curb your enthusiasm conan o brien needs a friend

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larry david finally put conan in curb your enthusiasm conan o brien needs a friend...

Cuco and occasionally and you." I would see that those characters would have to nod and look out and then by the way the tests came back, it's spleen cancer, you won't survive, you know you're like this, this is crazy, but there's just things that I think I knew that in on some level this is not good even as a child, but also there are scenes that are outside and there is an audience laughing, yes, yes, where is the audience? Where are they? What are they in the corner? It's crazy, yes, yes. I feel like the other thing is that there's so much emphasis on jokes, jokes, jokes, and I knew that because really the only show like that I'd ever worked on was The Simpsons, there we worked so hard on the jokes that they just had to be working. over and over to get the best jokes and then you find it and I love that format and I love working on that show and I think it's brilliant, but on your show what I loved is that old Jack Benny thing, the biggest laugh. big that can be in a reaction, I mean, a lot of your laughs are reaction shots, which to me is something that maybe we lost along the way, you know what I mean, it's like Buster Keon, it's the classics, what I always loved was comedy. where you were really playing and a big part of the hold-up has been your utter disappointment and dejection or shame or indignation and those are my favorite moments that aren't what the writing has set up, but you wouldn't understand it if you did.
larry david finally put conan in curb your enthusiasm conan o brien needs a friend
I don't see it, I mean the other thing, well, that's very nice of you to say. I think it's the first compliment you've ever given me and our relationship, so it really means a lot to me, a lot to me. first, thank you, I think it's the first one from the bottom of my, whatever it is, they told me that I have an you are like the Grinch, now you know, are you listening to Hille, but Larry Davis, what's up with the three of them? The camera shows yes, the jokes, tons of jokes, they come to you one after another, there are people in the rooms, um, there are writers in these rooms until 3:00 in the morning writing scripts, joke after joke after joke and they tell you . the joke and the character tells the joke and no one ever laughs, no one laughs mhm on these shows, which is strange because if these things are so funny, how come no one laughs?
larry david finally put conan in curb your enthusiasm conan o brien needs a friend
Well, they don't laugh because they laugh. It is the most difficult thing to act. I think and I am real and drunk. I've always been told yes, being drunk is no, I don't know, okay, I'm sorry, I have to get out of here, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I just wanted to tell you. that you weren't completely right it's a big surprise who's in the final season it's a surprise oh oh wait a second wait a second I've been sitting here this whole time haven't we recognized that this man, this man here Conan? thank you, thank you, this guy is on the show this year yes, he is a guest star.
It could be one of the reasons why he's at the bottom of the barrel, uh, and he complimented me earlier and I know, I know you think, oh. Well, he paid me a compliment, now I'm going to return the compliment. He was like that, yeah, no, he was great, he was great, we had a great time, he was, uh, you were really good and uh, thank you for doing it. Well, I sure got compensated, the only reason I'm here today actually, yeah, it's an eye for an eye and uh, I had to do it, I had to do the tattoo, he did the boob and I had to do the tattoo. .
I always do the boob. Yeah, you always do the tattoo, yeah, and I don't like being a tattoo, by the way, shouldn't it be awkward to be a tattoo? I prefer to be the tit. How stupid. Sorry, let's take that out of context.

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