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Lapis being Iconic for 11 Minutes

May 05, 2024
It's great to be here to celebrate the upcoming season A warm summer breeze floats in the air We all look forward to the sounds of the summer season The smells of the busy boardwalk The warm, humid ocean winds The time to take that pressure off it's built up all year and just let it out wow you can learn that quick ah thanks Steven no problem it's


lazuli yeah okay bye oh hey lovely hey lovely hey why isn't he responding ? Not sure I thought she was up there,


lazuli, huh? you're up there, yeah, Stephen, keep going.
lapis being iconic for 11 minutes
Stephen did the exterior and I did the interior. Sorry, I questioned you. You were full of such useful information. It's a sincere compliment. Peridot, now you can get your dose of moisture when you do all those things with water. You do it with water seriously. Yes, you realize I spent the last few months trapped under the ocean, sure, but I thought it was an endless crush. The darkness, humid, gloomy and suffocating, was the tomb in which I lived during those months. Foreigner, yes, I'm like taking a Salt out of the water right now, but thanks for the lake.
lapis being iconic for 11 minutes

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lapis being iconic for 11 minutes...

You press the record button and then talk to him. I don't want your garbage to be foreign. They are going to wipe my beautiful smile off the face of this planet. Stay. Behind me I will protect you, holy smoke, holy smoke, are you okay? We saw the ship and came as fast as we could. Yes I'm fine. Lapis Lazuli saved us, but it looks like Homeworld really got mad at Peridot. Peridot, are you okay? Okay, my knowledge of human baseball will take us to Victory, let's go out and pretend to be humans, except Peridot, you stay here in the barn and hide, okay, everyone in lapis, this plan sucks, we're the humans that Amy Bob and Sophie have. to see inside lapis lazuli Biesin no Welcome to our home away from Homeworld whoa, you made the wall, an aquarium, you did all these things on purpose, like you didn't just throw a bunch of paint cans and leave, uh, just leave it, oh no, this was all very intentional, see, I have this idea, what if we made music but instead of sounds we used things?
lapis being iconic for 11 minutes
That's dumb, guys, that's art, art, that sounds ridiculous. I've been calling it Meat Warp, what a sight you are, morps, here's my match, more. a baseball bat reminds me of when I played baseball this is the leaf that Steven gave me reminds me of the time Stephen gave me a leaf hey yeah, it reminds me of that too I feel trapped I feel trapped is this about the thousands of years you spent trapped in a mirror no, I really like that show um just a second I want to check and make sure lapis is okay hey lapis, are you okay?
lapis being iconic for 11 minutes
If you're sure? Yes, I'm leaving but I'll be back, okay? You need something? No, what season is that three? Peridot, come on, yeah, business time. You know what to do with this. Now that I've spent time at the table, I can see the value of your corn. Why not? You put that cord on a mirror for thousands of years and then see how it feels relative to the table. Who is she and what is she doing at Steven's house? That's Even's third best friend after me and you, um, lapis, you don't remember me, almost. You drowned me when you tried to steal the world's water I almost drowned a lot of people what practice could you be amethyst what is she I'm kidding cool you already have the character come here I'm doing it Am I so aloof and aloof? like the maroon you were until you started asking so many questions i agree maybe you should let someone else play nice amethyst is gone i have the glasses there is no amethyst i just have it your dirty little fancy is running away from you i was right no one could know so well adapted spying on us well I wouldn't call it spying because that would make me feel bad we hope to win by holding on to my feet I just needed to stop you from taking three steps to the right what happened every jewel that comes in contact with this planet I became a traitor what I felt worse can you get her off this beach i don't even know what happened oh guys it's okay it's just how she got stuck there why are you doing something lapis relax it's my communication panel who did this to you stephen i'll get you out of there where's your gem in this thing find it you should be inside wait what happened it's just a screen stop oh dear oh think of the stars I thought you were lost apart Peridot I have to free it lapis lazuli I won't save you Stephen I'll save you like you saved me we're about to install the new warp which means little Homeworld is complete at 83.7 just 83.7 we better get to work oh look who is it, have you decided to give us a hand?
You could tell who's boring now. Oh, it's unfortunate. Hey, are you okay, yeah, sorry. Hey, we won't fight anymore. As for me, it's fine and there will be no more terraforming. You will leave this. Planet alone, aha, after that ridiculous show of strength, we will do whatever you say, it wasn't strength, it was weakness, moderation, take strength, patience, take strength, ugh, I don't have the strength to deal with you.

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