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May 08, 2024
You will get these memories back, friend. you are so important to you and like me why who are you we just stay silent door of repression who is that mistake mistake mistake he has to move hey what's behind here hey be careful what is that disgusting Bross disgusting oh oh it's the basement that made No I want to get in there J has it he's alive oh ew that's funny wow the bird got nervous so he made an egg that's not even true only CH can poop that egg Adam does the same thing he wants to play time to attend the negotiations from the union this is an unrelated player boom how do you think we will


each other? a boy robbed Jay what's in the basement what do I want to know a blaster oh oh wait the sword how about this?
lankybox reacts to murder drones all episodes
Didn't we see the sword in the new O


capsule? What's that? Hey, we need the basement team, these birs from the future, I'll kill you, sin is going to massacre the gala, who are sin and she's cool, that does the basement thing, we have the coma patient that you dragged, not creepy, sweet, get the point man they just want. to get the key Ro, what hster jump R why are you talking like that what's in the basement just hurry up why are they walking so slow what's there what's in the basement open it open it nice ja scare grab darkx W 17 oh no What's there?
lankybox reacts to murder drones all episodes

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lankybox reacts to murder drones all episodes...

Hey Zubel, you said Zubble because Zubel also has the crab claw. You think this is an amazing digital circus. Adam, you're thinking about the wrong video. Watch a different TV show. We are watching a different television show. It's made by the same people, though Adam thinks. Right now we have been watching Pap pathol. The way I convinced Adam to watch his video with me was that I told him we were going to see CoCo Bella. That's what he thinks he's seeing right now. Are you awake? This circus, brother, this


, Dr., is on. oh we're in he hacked that and J is useless surprise V is okay like in the future unfortunately now let's see what that little yellow creep was doing oh huh so that's a pretty metal origin story that doesn't deal with this, to be honest right away, okay? everything went well, let's get out of here hey buddy, you invite the doll to this oh no hacker, well is she behind it all?
lankybox reacts to murder drones all episodes
Ghost Buddy, you're okay, better than ever buddy, let's reset these memories once again. Welcome everybody. The Elliots are known for many things, class tenacity. currently being alive giggle at the right moment everyone back off this is citizen murder that dress you're holding that less cool gun right now Missy Tessa remember you didn't have to do it you didn't have is she the one behind it all wow the animation is crazy. what is it? that you didn't have to see this, come on, solver, okay, the absolute fabric, get a grip, so Brain Blast, or v, I might need help here, you want it, it tells me you shouldn't have it, this is the only clue as to what what's happening to me. just leave us alone in spite of me Maybe grab it just grab it grab it intimidating look earned for an eldrich uh monster thingy the absolute web solver the void the exponential enemy look at this i got you gold then retrievers have kind mouths friend cute fake disgusting true Let's erase your OS and then bye bye oh no run what what's going on sry daddy's broadcast whoops oh don't hurt me thank you little one get out of my head sneaky I definitely know what is happening right now, boom, rain, explosion, yes, I definitely know. what she has to do with everything ah oh the same person I told you just checking let's go oh and now it's a beach Hawaii oh it's a computer who's just a new character uh-oh uh-oh oh yeah, that oh has her oh ew 4K Tessa you are as handsome as you are toxic, who is it?
lankybox reacts to murder drones all episodes
Uzi why are you here, human, really tired of killing this one? Effective


were cloned. What's more, J Cind disappeared on Earth. The boss ran away. We disconnect from each other. His last known act was sickening UL on human exoplanets. Why is that what we're trying to figure out? Down. that's a big prize I have to stop her woo here we go the animation is on wo uh-oh Jay relays the hand's orders step one clear the life drop zone and build Spire step two enter the labs with this symbol it's not too much to blow up but if sin wants these labs we burn them down that makes its way into Jay mind my ship uh of course the boss has a human why does it involve the doll?
What is happening to him? She believes that humans did something to her parents here, giving them a disease that she inherited. and I think she's right you know what okay so the hacker wants to go there because he thinks her parents got something from the humans she got too and Uzi is probably the same because her mother had the same bracelet so they Te worried that maybe they're turning into zombies or something, dude, mom. Why do not you go? Let me watch this video with all the amazing viewers. Go hug your mommy. I would love for her to be in the store right now, though oh oh.
I'm here, it's the secret elevator labeled like this, but let me watch the video and you go, you go eat, you go sit on your mom's lap somewhere else, right, there might be some security specifically against you guys, no They look like security made by humans, this German. can control maybe anything, the screw plan and for mom, the backstory, dude, yeah, uh, right, sources say that way, going this way, don't take me because he can't X, bye, the trap sounds like a he, it sounds like a he on the baby monitor. The baby is immediately fine, so what is that?
Hey, you emerge Slickers, hey, so what was that boom? Think about getting that recording of yours oh magnet oh oh no oh oh wow The sentinels chose this I try not to damage the good parts, of course, some parts more valuable than Others, aren't they valuable? Hey, cut that thing up and you'll get a big, creepy worm, an improvement. No, it keeps it slow in our first Ro. Okay, that's enough. She can't use your powers. Witches because 02 hasn't been seen since he let us die, little buddy, he'll turn red inside if you try that with me, I tickle the B, although I'm doing great, buddy and which side tried to swing there.
F, we have a son of AR here I need more is egg Robo finally Mr. C walks and talks how did you know my mom was great, she didn't stink? Did she return with the others? Mom hugs you, you're a lot of Locker, I'll say it. yellow eyes, easy disgust, you were wrong, oh Nori, right, I'm sure you thought you and all those people were pretty clever, wait, stop, seriously, what are you talking about? uh uhoh, they have to be there, don't worry, we'll save V and Uzi. to take a look at Earth in no Tessa, we don't have time, we can't leave the office, we can't go back to our rooms and wait, wait, uh oh wow, what was that?
We know what mutates and damages AI. It was a sin. a host then took all the hum he saw what was happening in danger he thought they could understand it uh all they did was spread it so Uzi you can fix it alright that's why you're here I'm here to find out which drones were infected when we get to the labs and let's find that list, I'll need you to choose the universe instead of a little drone and before she's not herself anymore, guys, okay, now it finally all makes sense, bro, there's some kind of virus like a hacker virus. in infecting the drones, that's why they put all these drones here to clean all the other drones because they want to stop the spread of the virus, so now you will have to decide the ending if you want to save Uzi because she has been infected or if you want to O Uzi and then help save the universe wow wow why are you saying that Uzi could spread the virus to other drones maybe there is an antidote oh we'll see come on Uzi what is that Chi Bella, I human, I order you to be? something nice, please sing those bad dingoes, oh, don't worry, help me with the ball, oh, I've got it, don't look at it, what's that, oh, what was that wake up, wake up, don't say that I never did anything for V is Uzi?
You go. I can do a test. I said you could control the Sentinels. At least they can't tear me up and loot me. We'll do what you want and that's okay. I haven't been honest with v yet. What did she say? and uh-oh they're going to have to get rid of Uzi though uh-oh you oh there's the bug they need that's convenient it's a trap yeah no it doesn't matter or damn convenient uh what's in the basement oh boy they're going to go they have have to do it, they're going to have the offer Adam does that with his mom when they walk down the street they look both ways yeah I'm off leash ew don't go out with my robot please he's his own person ew you're bad oh , still alive, okay, they activated it.
What's in the elevator? Goodbye, uhoh, I'm not human everywhere. Luy, no, all my Tes. I guess if she uses the powers, it's bad. I understood? That's bad. Come on team, hey, they're in the elevator. finally hey hey um no no no I need you n Uzi I trust you are you going to sacrifice yourself please uh no oh now wow I was calling your

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