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Language Paper 2, Don't Worry, Do This

Jun 20, 2024
congratulations, you are in the English final exam number two, most of the students have already given up, so the fact that you are watching


means that you are going to do well, de-stress,


will make you feel confident for tomorrow, number one, choose the right one. order so you ask the question if your drills went well, then you know you already have the correct order. I will tell you what my preferred order is, but don't agree with it if it hasn't worked for you or if you have one that works better, but if you don't have the grades you want in your mock, then this is the order to consider, do the ask five first because it's 50% of the marks and you don't want to apply.
language paper 2 don t worry do this
No energy at the end of the exam when so many marks are offered, so I do question three first because it's from a single source, which means I don't have to keep mentally comparing one source to the other, that's much easier to do and I can get those marks easier, question four is worth more points, but because it's in two sources it will actually take me a lot longer to do it, but if I do it after I've done question three, suddenly question four is much easier because Again, I'm just looking at one source. I don't really remember the other source for question three.
language paper 2 don t worry do this

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language paper 2 don t worry do this...

So I'll do question two because it's not worth as many points as question four and then I'll do question one. last because even if I ran out of time and didn't even ask a question, that probably wouldn't even affect my grade. That's how little grades it's worth and of course the other thing is that those four grades are just giveaways, the average score is about 3.9 on question one so the dumbest person in your school will still get three out of four points if you actually ask the question, so instead of spending four minutes on that question, you can probably get full marks if you spend a minute on it and you'll get Being able to include that at the end, which is why I do it at the end.
language paper 2 don t worry do this
Do not change an order that works correctly for this job, the same as job one in questions 4, 3 and two. The grades awarded are the same as the number of explanations. write if this news is new to you, don't panic, do what your teacher taught you about how many paragraphs you should write or how many comparisons you should write, you know, just follow that advice, though , if you want the maximum score or a score really higher score this is the easiest way to get it the more times you say this implies this suggests this reveals each of them gives you an explanation the more marks you get so it's actually very easy go into this exam and think oh well the more I write the more points I will get yes the examiner would take points from me if I write something that is wrong no they don't they just ignore anything that is wrong oh well what about the quality of what I say? well the quality of what you say if you came up with a good idea after this implies this suggests this reveals yes I have Mark brilliant yes so the more you write the more marks you will get simple really simple since it's okay , big question five, what most students don't ask.
language paper 2 don t worry do this
I don't realize with question five: this is not just a test of persuasive writing techniques, the first job of writing is to write an argument, they will give you a blog, a speech, a letter or an article, yada, yada, Yada, that's all gibberish. they are all exactly the same according to the marking scheme, so you don't get any marks for the layout, title or subtitles, or you know that some of those types of text are not marked, so what is marked is how well that is marked. structure your argument if you are writing a blog about something the argument has to be structured Ed if you are writing a letter about something the argument has to be structured is exactly the same this should free you up but it should also mean that your planning becomes much more effective because you are simply going to write your best points in the best order to convince someone, so here is a tip to always have really good points: you need to think in the long term and I am going to suggest that it is necessary to talk about tomorrow and within ages 10 and 30, so let's imagine the question is about the effects of social media on teenagers and young adults.
Well, you'll find it quite easy to write about the effects of social media on your own life, what effect Tik Tok has on you, Instagram, what about the mental health implications of seeing all these models of perfection continually projected across your phone with its beeps and notifications to try to get your attention, but what? Will that affect you in 10 years? What kind of father will you be when you grow up? Will you actually talk to your kids or will you be continually distracted because you're looking at your phone? Ah, what will happen in 30 years? If these children 10 years from now are raised without committed parents, what mental health problems will we see?
What increase in crime and drug abuse? Do we see things simply being taken to logical extremes in these types of gaps? Does it have to be exactly 10 years and 30? years, no, it's not like that, but this is just a way to force yourself to go further by thinking about tomorrow because 100% of the students will think about then, 10% of the students will think about then and 2% of the students will think about then if you are Thinking about all three, you will be in the top 1% of students, so even if you write quite poorly, you will automatically be guaranteed a grade seven.
How can I be sure of that? Because they are rating you with the best points in the correct order. the quality of your argument and you can't write a bad argument if you're doing this, so it's very easy to practice it in your head with some past questions. My prediction for this year is that it will be on celebrities or social media. There is going to be an influence of the media on young people. I'll link a 9th grade essay in the description based on that prediction. There's probably a 20% chance of that coming up, so you know it's not huge.
In question five, you are also marked on the quality of your writing. I am not going to teach you all the persuasive techniques that you already know but I am going to show you one that is super adaptable to each question and that is having a cultural figure so I have taken to Elon Musk. I have learned a lot of things about him and therefore I know that I can use things about Elon in any exam question when I took the exam in November along with the retakes. I didn't actually use Elon Musk, but I did use Steve Jobs.
Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are all on the same page because I know that I will be able to twist everything I know about these cultural icons and these cultural figures to fit the question. It's an easy way to make your argument more compelling and more relevant. For an adult reader number six, choose a Persona. What I mean by that is that when you're writing, try not to write as yourself, even if the question says you're writing for a teen magazine. I can't believe I'm saying that, but don't do it. Don't just write in the voice of a teenager, write in the voice of a sassy adult because that will force you to use the right vocabulary to get the right grades.
I say bold because you'll occasionally use colloquial


to reinforce your point, but that only works if everything else is formal, so making up some sort of Adult Persona whose perspective you're going to use to write will get you a number seven higher rating. That really important tip doesn't change anything that's already working now, I probably know what I haven't written here but in all the other videos I made before the start of each exam. Write as fast as you can because the faster you write, the more points you will get and the points will generate prizes.
The spatula. is coming for you if you don't, the next video is one where I show you exactly how to use Mr. Elon Musk for question five.

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