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Lancaster Squadron | "Journey Together" (1944) *new version available*

Jun 08, 2024
after going down. We had at least half an hour left. I'm sure they always give you a good margin on these trips. Did you notice anything else? I only noticed a small yellow light on the horizon the first time we went down, but it seems so sure to reach the airfield at ETA. What was the aerodrome? This is where I get some sleep. Good night, sergeant, good night, sir, smile. I appreciate it. Good Lord, here you go guys, I'll follow you, well, it's great to see you again, Dave, how are you? Oh well, thanks, Johnny, you're a Lous, really, you could have told me.
lancaster squadron journey together 1944 new version available
Oh well, power just about the place these days. or no oh I don't believe what happened oh the usual type of mup landed in the wrong air when they return from Hamburg and R get off the kite but tell me Dave how is the girlfriend oh she's fine she sent you a love oh it's nice of her Dave look, Dave. I tried my best to get We R to the crew, but yes, I found out from a navigation officer, thanks for trying anyway, the problem is that another fellow already has some experience and the others are the Fells in the crest. left okay Johnny you don't have to explain look we're going to the pub for a while tonight.from a Booz how about you come over yeah I'd love to I'll pick you up with the mess see you later I'm glad the old companies come


again, me too.
lancaster squadron journey together 1944 new version available

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lancaster squadron journey together 1944 new version available...

I don't know what you're talking about on the starboard exterior. It didn't give me the right push, so we developed a slight influence. I mean, you're too H with another if you took care of your old R as well as I fly the r gu, there wouldn't be anyone, don't give me. a set those guys to fly alone what a line how ungrateful hello sir hello I'm sorry, I'm afraid well sir gring School year 136 good sir yes of course it was that thing that deceived me look here you publish this


Now, a


and I don't , now from time to time they allow us instructors a couple of weeks on an operational station, we could even do a real trip in a real bomber.
lancaster squadron journey together 1944 new version available
I think they do it to prevent us from going completely crazy. Tell me what happened to that guy. that friend of yours asworth yeah oh he's here so he's valanger captain that's why they assigned me to the squadron it's a bit of luck yeah i guess that's right yeah that's right you see we have a BL in the pool now he's made one or two trips with no vacancies at the moment I guess we'll just have to get him in the pool and he can continue with his training continue with my training sir I thought that was all over, I'm sure it was Me too I did it when I first joined the squad.
lancaster squadron journey together 1944 new version available
Well, I'm just completing my second run through Ops, you can take it off because the training will only end when you're dead, less than a second early. Come on, I'll make you some tea. For the third time this week, in the evening, very powerful forces from RAF Bomber Command launched another concentrated attack on the inner port of Brond, along with high explosive bombs. 200,000 incendiary bombs were dropped. RAF pirates report that the fires were still visible when dawn broke. Sir, you are the same BL I have been looking for. He's flying with Answorth tonight. What Sir? I'm putting your own anorth right.
His Navigator stopped the criticism a little the night before last. Nothing serious, but it will be out of service. for a moment oh thank you sir thank you very much don't thank me you are the only spare Navigator oh oh I see sir briefing 1745 yes sir good luck thank you sir Johnny hello Dave how are things going? I'm fine P Hello Mr. Johnny, I'm flying with you tonight, are you okay? Hey Jacks come here guys and David witono. Dave is sailing for us tonight. Good show. I better go and get my things. I guess I'll see you at the briefing, Johnny.
Alright. Long time, child, holy suffering cats, where is it tonight? Captain, do you know that right? I only heard the rumor, so that sets him up for suicide. I wish I had bags and bags, more life insurance. What are you all binding on? Turns out I know your Captain is right. when you say he is an excellent navigator, that's fine with you sir, you don't have to fly with him, no you don't have to, but I'm going to do it. He could have flown with the partner, but I arranged for him to fly with you. guys, well cherio guys, I'll see you later, the Pathfinders will already be there, we hope the weather is good, so you shouldn't have a hard time finding the target, so pray and pray a lot as always.
I can't overemphasize the importance. to stay the course on the one hand, if you get separated from the main body you will most likely be eliminated by the fighters and on the other hand, if you deviate from this particular course you will most likely run into these highly defended areas and you get I get into a lot of trouble, which is completely unnecessary, so the Navigators stay on the top line. I think it's okay guys, good luck, oh hell, what's your problem? M oh, I'm not going, it's Berlin, so Ry Gunnery's officer will take my place.
What nerve does that man have why are you complaining you don't know when you unlock Berlin with a browser it's green it's my well it's okay he didn't listen anyway it's not his fault it's just our bad luck that already came in com Johny pull out your finger ready Dave yes of course yeah let me give you a hand a magical movie about the palace this week could end tomorrow night what do you think? Yes, I would like you to be a navigator for Pilot ETA Danish Coast 0122 0122 ETA Danish Coast 0122 The wireless opop pilot lighters just went off the air.
Good pilot show in all positions. We are approaching the enemy coast. Keep an eye out for fighters and report anything you see. There's not much chance of seeing anything in this magical weather aerial bomb. the pilot testing the intercom 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 all good air bombers go to the sky can you hear me mother? I hear you, boy, okay, captain, hello, Navigator, right. I still can't give you a point, I can't see anything from Ry. then he's fine, Obama, thanks, how's he doing? Okay, I think from the navigator to the pilot, heading 130 Compass 125 true 130 Compass 125 true, okay, Navigator heading 130 Compass 125 true, are they the reception committees in Berlin or do they have a lot of things coming up. of things that are also falling by their appearance bomb opens hunting flares above us Hunting coming to port jump up I've got it I've got it keep going C went left let's go back a little further to the left keep it there Steady pattern on the right that little Skipper Keep it there, keep it there Skipper pump it's going to work in a second Skipper fixed just there Skipper fixed bom com to out r in F it's still on fire Skipper I know it's still on positions engine on fire I'm going to move it out by diving, He's out, he's out Skipper part of the opposition The fire is on There are only two good engines left It's okay Did you see that Hand come down?
It better be wonderful, right? Angus, how's our fuel? It's not very good. Skipper, it looks like the tanks have been on hold. We've got enough to recover, almost a defense, of course, okay, you two engines and enough fuel, I'll take you guys home, good for you, John, okay, Skipper, that's what I've got. I have a date tonight, we'll get through this. back in a second Jabs what's the harm why is this comped Skipper has no joy transmitting working I think so, at least I hope so, the navat are also G for Bo, so we'll just have to rely on our Navigator, it's like If we had it's good, holy suffering cats, keep your eyes open for points.
C K is getting hit. Skipper is seriously injured. He doesn't look too bad, but he's unconscious and bleeding quite a bit. I think we better take him upstairs right now. I trust you, Dave, you will have a direct course to the nearest landing field, okay, captain, where are we? How's the fuel? How's the fuel? 45 minutes maximum. Engine temperatures are also rising. We only have 45 minutes of fuel left at most. your ETA Char in a minute doesn't look very good we are constantly losing height how is curly pretty comfortable dingy dingy get ready to abandon us just 3 minutes japanese on the backrest us to Pilot right, get on the pilot, good G wireless on the Message from the pilot received and understood Navigator, start knitting and solve the opposition and, for the love of God, do it well, never get a pilate, okay, boss, how are you doing?
Dave just finished, my mother always said H, to get my feet wet, navigator serving as a pilot, wind 260 20 260. 20 abandonment stations correct abandonment stations what's up? dropout station okay, jump the wires out of the dropout station oh tight guys here comes R for dropout R for dropout R for dropout I got it right give us a look at Cur temps what you got here is, hey, wait for me, guys, come on guys, we'll all be paying attention. Ang use your hand, I got it, yeah. Okay, free, okay, jump how you feel. KY, where are we? That's just cly boy, where the hell are we?
Dave has to do work. Get out, Kody, right, Dave? Yes, I'll definitely check it again. We are exactly in a position about half a mile away. The rescue guys will be here any minute. Heck, they better be! I have an appointment with AOC tomorrow about my commission Marshall gets very angry if you make him wait well that's an Air Marshall book for Mon oh for the love of God shut up you want to be sad go talk to the fish , okay, okay, can't you take a j no, no scots? I can't Dave, take a look at the first one in the bag, it doesn't seem to be leaving much layup, that's better, we're supposed to be able to see that from 10 miles away, which is today Tuesday, it should be if we've done it.
It didn't deviate over the International Date Line, my goodness, so let's say it was Tuesday. I'm supposed to go to a guts leader course this afternoon, relax buddy, they won't start without you, hell, I hope they have one night out of all the nights I've had. a redhead with a date HW, you bet a temper like a rattlesnake if I'm awake at this hour, our Navigator will have to explain himself, listen to that baby, sure, what about me guys? I'm getting married on Thursday, Marid Mar, that's serious, no. By chance we won't cross paths, my H looks like we W are going to be terribly alone on our wedding night.
Shut up, anger. I'm sorry, Bob, I'm sorry so everyone can come to my wedding party if they hold out. keep grinding on that radio P ain't my juice without the cardial sker keep trying anyway you never know okay jump stop grinding that machine Pete oh my god he's fast Ang just shoot the fair gun hey beat the rescue throw here in two, since that's it Good job, Jeff keeps pointing at Pete Navigator, pretty dead on dicks, that's all, Skipper, good show, Dave, hey, looks like we'll have to hold on to this Navigator. sker wants a lot for us when we're in a ditch in the Pacific, miserable, nice sailing, that is.
Okay, you got us in one piece, old F, yeah, old Al, hey, wait a minute, what about me? I don't get any credit for helping train them both?

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