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Lambing Chat with Cammy & Iona

Apr 30, 2024
It rained the other day for 16 hours, my feet were completely dry, angry, well, I see that we are fine and running, my athlete's foot only hurt and my feet were constantly wet. And the cold, what is athlete's foot like, it's like a fungus between your toes, it's that when it's a little flaky, no, I don't think it's flaky, I think it's because between your toes it's always wet, so it never dries completely and it It feels kind of itchy, I think it's, I don't know if it has something to do with the heat, like yes, I don't know, you put a spray of talcum powder on it and it solves it.
lambing chat with cammy iona
I still have it in me during it. season well um even with my good socks on just because you're sweating so much your feet are sweating everywhere, speaking of shaing um I have a question about Shing Hood. I see you are using the new feed by arm Shing you. it's just a play on words no this is actually a plane you're P Crystal Hood, why do people wear it? When they are shearing quite frequently you would wear them maybe the first two or three sheep, if it's a cold morning you would wear them like the first plus two or three sheep okay and then you take them off yeah within 10 sheep .
lambing chat with cammy iona

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lambing chat with cammy iona...

You're the majority, it depends on how cold it is, but do most people buy a hoodie just to wear it when they have nothing to do with clothing? Yes, of course, because if you only bought see-through clothes, see-through clothes are incredibly tight. i would never sell anything ok yes most of the people who buy them are farmers and people who work on farms because they are still great on the farm they just want a longer back yes they cover your back they keep your back hot back, you're leaning. working with sheep or doing anything that has your back covered.
lambing chat with cammy iona
A big advantage of sh Hood in the summer also is that it doesn't have that tight band, it actually gets a little bit of air in so it covers your back and stops the wind on your back, if you're leaning over you're also standing still, you can wear it a little longer than with a normal hoodie because it doesn't keep all the heat, yes, okay, I understand it was my sister who asked me that, yes, there are no people. and people like that look good, you know, people like that, girls also like it to cover their butt, you know, girls like long backs if they're going to wear tights and stuff, you see the girls doing wool and various other jobs. in Farm it's good to have a longer back it's also good to have a longer back, so yeah, that's anything else you can rule out, um, that in quarters you wear it, it's said that it would make a great slogan for a dealer of drugs, why shouldn't I have it? no, how to sell what is so good about your product, you only point out the salt, it is so good, the mouth, most forages do not supply sheep and cattle with enough cobalt, copper, iodine and selenium, essential for the digestion, immune reproduction and growth when it comes to supplementation.
lambing chat with cammy iona
There is a danger of under- or over-supply, but by playing with Animax Trace sh you can be sure that each animal has enough for up to 6 months in a single application. Animax gives what is needed. um no let's talk about this lamon so the weather has been terrible. Yes, obviously, and yes, I think some things are the first time we filmed everything outside, but the main reason we filmed everything outside is simply that we can't get a big enough shed. For me, we have 600 Ms a L mhm, just a big enough shed to um, actually next year I hope to get back to some kind of indoor system for the mules if we can get somewhere worked out, but we definitely need to change the type of if we were going to continue with them.
Lin and I Actually, far away, Lin, okay, massively, like you know that people who watch the YouTube videos and the Sheep game will think you know why you do this. You are losing so many lambs. It is a disaster. It's this year. Mhm, but this year it is. an except


l year, yeah, you know, like we just talked about the weather, this is a really except


l year, so I think yeah, next year, I mean, one thing is like achievement meals for the texo as if the lambs were so naked they just don't have to cover themselves at all with that I mean they have no covering I mean they're coming out bald they're coming out looking like pure blue faced lers yeah they're totally bald and they're and they just can't that cold rain What do you hear right now fighting them as soon as they are born they don't even get up and get going and that is a CH yo if we don't have part that may be more the technology which is a big part of the CH yo I think they are quite beer sheep , the other problem I have is with whiskey there are too many big bags mhm I just don't feel like you're getting it and maybe again it's milk bags milk bags sorry yeah the others um so you do not know. attacking any race, you know, I love my Scottish foods, you know, I've talked about that on the podcast before, maybe for Nostalgia, but you know I love them, but I wonder if, like you, you're not old enough about them mhm now. because the bags get so big, I mean I haven't fed any, I fed the triplets that's all, the lambs I'm getting are mass use, they weigh my milk down, let's blame Crysx for that because that's what The only thing they got was Crysx and a lot. of good weed from the past, you know, I dare say it's more weed than anything else, but yeah, you're just not getting it and then these us get these big bags that the Lambs can't put in the tits because the tits too they get big. or the bags are too low and the TS in an unusual place and it just ruins everything and you're hungry Lambs to add to your misery and all your problems and the Lambs when this weather has to get up and get soaked fast, they have to, so that too it affects us so there are some things that come into play and I'm just going to leave a thought here because you know I reflect on these things.
I'm driving around checking on the sheep. and I think I might talk about that in the podcast later, but it's part of the problem that MU is getting such a big purse and we're touching on this talking about it because you actually mentioned something to me that makes me hold back because of that, the black. It's getting too milky, you know what I mean? I guess I think it's partly because MU the blue face Lester has always been milky mhm, she's always been big, she's always been soft, she's always been prolific, okay you know, maybe they're getting a little bigger all the time time in terms of these big Crossing blues and stuff, but the core traits have been pretty similar, but the blackies changed quite a bit mhm and a lot of fronts, you know, you still have your traditional small hill Blackie, but a lot of the blackies that are They use to make mu Lambs these days are certainly the bigger ones, probably softer and by type blackies and they are too milky and now we are getting this combination of two big bags coming together.
I want to have a better phrase and it's just causing trouble, so I told my dad. He said that he feels like he just has an older use that he has problems with with the big bags, so he doesn't think it's a trait of the Blacky, he just thinks it's aging, okay? How are you? What is this sleep situation for you right now? On the right side next to Lizie, what about you? What personal question? I sleep downstairs in the guest room, how are you still sleeping with my mom and dad? You're in bed tonight I don't know, you know, I don't move an inch when I sleep, I sleep very still, like I wake up in the same position I went to sleep in, honestly, yeah, no.
It's not a mole, I know it's strange, I'm a, I'm a for anyone who watches YouTube, that was like a sudden shudder and a kick. I kick a little, oh yes, I spank my leg. I like it. Sometimes I have vivid dreams. whips my leg um I don't I only snore if I get dehydrated interesting like a lot of sun well that will be the dehydration yeah it's supposed to be two of a kind yeah um so yeah snow so sometimes I don't think that it is so bad. Why, why, how do you know it's dehydration that's causing the pain?
Well, when I wake up like I'm hung up, maybe we had takeout or something the night before and it's full of salt and yeah, that ruins me. Yeah, that or you got a little sunstroke and you're naturally dehydrated, like again, she affects me too, so it's okay, yeah, but Lizie just lets me in. She's pretty good in that way, but not in terms, I think. you mean hours of sleep hours of sleep yeah, five five five a night, okay now, but it's funny, like the other day, I was about to collapse, but then one second, well, that night I didn't go in and do the Vlogs Like I've been doing it at night, just because I finished and I had seven hours that night because I went straight in and got seven hours of sleep at L's amazing and then I came back last night and only five hours, but I feel like Okay, it's weird, it's like that day in the one where I completely collapsed, yeah, but then you listen to your body that day and you knew because you could have pushed and to be fair, that was after the really bad day of stress, yeah, like we did.
We didn't have lunch, um, we literally ran around all day putting jackets on lambs and like it was shocking, mhm, it was really disgusting, actually shocking, just, yeah, just running around and then you try to put a jacket on a shiny lamb and she it goes. because you've scared it, but it's like you can't not do it, the L won't make it, it's like you can't bring them all your own troubles, yeah, then you have the rain fighting against you and then you have to pick up the lamb and carry it away I go back to the m, you have another 20 lambs to put your jackets on and you have Y laming and yeah, everything was building up and I mean, I have a good team.
I've got Lizzie Marissa and a guy named Ay all helping my mom feed the lambs and us mhm um, as well as keeping an eye on things around the house, so I'm a big team in that sense. I have a couple of important Marks who, as a friend, also go out sometimes, so we have a good team because we are only Ling 600 and like now, the other 600 start on the 20th MH, very soon. but I mean, 600 years of people shouldn't be a challenge at all, it's just the weather, yeah, you know, I thought we'd be overstaffed and I thought that's a lot better than being understaffed and that's when I, your dad gets wrong, it's as if It's true, although it's better to earn a little less money and enjoy the lame than to walk around Daft and not enjoy it.
In my opinion, I'm not saying he doesn't enjoy it, but he works hard for a man like him. years ago and but I know, I know and I think he's good, he's been limping around like that for many years, it's like, and to be fair, I would say it's enjoying L like he does. I think he just got to a point. because of 100% shap this H was perfect it was so smooth and no he just makes it clear that he doesn't know how many lamones he has left you know and he just wants to like them because he knows he'll look back on them with those polarized glasses, so you want to live them like in the moment, like well, last year I thought L was a disaster and we're having a lot of dead lambs and a lot of problems, and then marks.
Your lambs and you count them and you actually say, yeah, okay, mhm, big deal for anyone wondering what happens to dead lambs. They put them in the bag and take them away, so you put them in feed bags and they take them away. far from a problem to have a large quantity with huge lambs, oh god, there aren't that many in a bag, you're totally beating yourself up, like we have to sell them for, you know, per lamb, yes, yes, it's actually more for us cheap because we don't have that many compared to the Blacky's, we don't have that many in a bag so I think that makes it seem worse than it really is because the Lambs are very big and often it's the big ones that are . hung up and causing problems but yeah the weather absolutely did and the head definitely dropped uh yeah definitely the head dropped a little bit just because the fun wasn't there and I always think lamman should be a fun time mhm or have fun moments you always have bad times, but it was all bad, you know, it just wasn't fun, like even now listening to that rain, just thinking about the fear, and I've slowed down a little bit, you know, we're getting to the end of the first turn, so we've had a you know, yeah, we're good, more than two times more than two3, like most things have Lambs now, so it's slowing down a little bit, but it just takes one to get caught. the rain and the cold that just looks down on you and thinks this is really because of the weather, but yeah, no, it is and there are a lot of people that you've been talking to having a similar time with that, I mean, a lot of people are. going worse. than me, so I say something to be positive about, but you know, I often joke that one thing to make you feel better is if one of your other peers is having it worse than you, because it gives you perspective, yeah, you know what do you think.
Oh,Oh my God, this is terrible and then I talk to some of the other kids and I hear about the losses they're having, you know, because I'm like, oh, this is me. I've done this wrong, you know, it's my fault. I shouldn't do it this way and you talk to other kids and they're worse than you, yeah, and you think okay, it's the weather, yeah, it's the weather, it's something you can't control, but you look inward. look at the actions you've taken and how you could have avoided it, yes, definitely, this year, and there are things I could have done to avoid, I mean, avoid it like the boss, the biggest one for me is to achieve it, it's also possible.
Lambskin for outdoors and any kind of cold weather, the biggest thing I probably could have done is get back to 15th for Lamon mhm, you know where I top everything, but then there's L at the beginning of March, great weather, yeah, great weather you can't call it yeah anyway so it's us having a we. If we ran for a better uh I have pet lamps for Fe before bed, but yeah we'll move forward with this it's h it's always good to


hopefully you guys are surviving too. We talked about rsabi about raincoats before of course if you need to talk to rsbi it's a Scottish version you have R rabbii if you're south of the border just call and


to a stranger or if you want to feel better.
He calls and chats with someone who you know is in a colder part of the country than you. Find someone in Perth or your KK and listen to how they're doing and maybe it'll make you feel better unless you live in your stroller then I'm really sorry yeah who are we, just chat to each other, yes, yes, you can watch your neighbor walk by and that will be very good for morale, it's an inside joke, but yes, no. It's been good, guys, listen, we'll keep this short because I need to get back. I hope you enjoy the little update.
We should definitely do more of these impromptu random chats. I think it's good to talk to you. We believe it was spoken. with you for a while, I know yeah, we're talking a lot because we got into a lot of podcasts before we fell asleep because we knew we wouldn't be able to sit anyone down for an extended period of time, so we listened to every podcast. We are hearing all the time that Lamon is already recorded. I think we have another five ready to go, so next few weeks we had Dan on Tuesday. Next week there's John Andrew, who monitors Farm for iser this year and he's very similar to your father, yeah. just a great guy, just a good talk, a good solid talk about different agricultural issues around the world, but it's us for this one.
Yes, I better come back, thanks as always to Chris lik and Animax Trace. Without a doubt, a big help for us and Animax easy Cal has been popular for the twin lamb that is lame, very good shout for Oro calcium, okay, but that's enough, man, how many things can be sold on this podcast there, I know and it really wasn't intentional. I was just excited about a lot of things that anyone watching on YouTube fed into the cup. The Powered Jumper supports the Farmer Powered Podcast. supports the podcast I've been Cy, I've been and we're both fed by farmers

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