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Lamb RIBS Cooked in Tandoor!! WILDERNESS FOOD in Rural Azerbaijan!!

Apr 19, 2024
Hello everyone, I hope you are having an amazing day. I'm Mark Wiens. I'm in the beautiful north of Azerbaijan, in the mountains, in a small village, and we came here specifically to meet tavakul from Wilderness Cooking, who is an absolute master of outdoor cooking, usually whole. or huge animals that he cooks over fire using a variety of methods. He is the definition of therapeutic outdoor cooking in nature, so today he will be cooking a whole



two different ways. It will show us the whole process and then that. We're going to eat some amazing


, so I can't wait to share this whole experience with you, all the


that's in this video right now.
lamb ribs cooked in tandoor wilderness food in rural azerbaijan
This place is beautiful, surrounded by green mountains, rocks, nature, streams and restaurants, and us. I'm about to greet the man entering the courtyard the desert there is the man there is the man yes oh a pleasure to meet you it is an honor to meet you thank you nature Paradise here backed by the mountains with I mean, the mountains are in the clouds the currents of water and then the whole thing, your outdoor kitchen setup is so peaceful, so that's what I love about your videos, is that they are so peaceful, so therapeutic, so nature-oriented, focused, you notice the things, details like sounds. and the beauty of nature together with the cuisine that balance here is the legendary always in his videos oh and we have another friend here also another friend a plump lamb hello oh you smell like a goat oh he's great he's so calm just walk around it Leisure for the restaurant thank you as it is for the Azerbaijani hospitality immediately the tea is always tea when you arrive so we start before cooking we start with tea there is fresh fruit some sweets okay ah look Buffalo very good oh okay and we have some snacks there some sweet there are some oh what we have a variety of baklava oh okay oh it's sweet okay I'll try one of these these are like a small triangular hmm oh well, like nutty and crunchy all the way through nuts inside oh, it's good with tea foreigner so juicy so sweet I guess it's from a tree right around here on the property in the forest while we are having tea there are already several fires in the tandir there are a variety of fires and cooking stations around the property so we are preparing to start cooking and eating the animal of the day is quite a beautiful Wham with the fat lamb, yes, fresh in the mountain and he is going to be cooking. at least two different ways yeah cook it two different ways one will be on that stone and the other one will grease it with the fat with those parts oh you have to see a close up of this on this grease here and then the second one method, you see the Tandoor there, yes, it is roaring with fire, oh man, this is going to be a real treat, this is going to be the best lamb.
lamb ribs cooked in tandoor wilderness food in rural azerbaijan

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lamb ribs cooked in tandoor wilderness food in rural azerbaijan...

I can't wait for him to be foreign, he not only cooks but he even invents his own cooking styles with barrels and devices and bricks and rocks and ovens and that's why there are all his creations and inventions of cooking devices in the kitchen, also just rustic but clean, natural, all natural, were you a chef or what were you doing before you had a restaurant and you worked there, you


there, but you weren't the chef, okay, okay, you just worked there, so cooking and the outdoors it's just his hobby and passion because usually in his videos there's almost no talking it's just the natural sounds which is so therapeutic and so so natural the sound of water the sound of nature the sound of cutting and fire these are the parts that our groins between the stones all those like big fleshy parts oh the corpse the corpse will go to the ribcage we will go to the Thunder cleanup oh man, those are the clumps of fat from the hanging butt that go directly to that hot stone and they start to melt and wrinkle immediately on that hot stone oh this is a cool kitchen gadget because there is fire at the bottom it's like a brick enclosed by bricks and then a hot stone on top with another hot stone that's heating up and you're going to like it, it's like a giant sandwich press that you use for hot stone lamb, basically it's just some of the boneless pieces of meat that are going to go on the hot stone, but mainly the bone-in pieces, the legs and the


, all go into the Tandoor, which is heating at the back.
lamb ribs cooked in tandoor wilderness food in rural azerbaijan
Now you're going to start with that first, I think because it's going to take longer and it's a little more complicated before you cook it on the hot stone, so season those


with a mixture of salt and pepper, a little bit of seasoning spices and now is going to string. Thanks, he skewered them twice with potatoes. and at the ends there are big chunks of fat on the top of those screws, so when the meat hangs, the fat will drip but the lid will stay, thank you, really cool and in the middle of cooking, when you're thirsty, just the water source. around here there is only fresh bubbling mountain spring water, excellent foreigner, he has a unique and special way of cooking, it's his own way, nothing is done too quickly, it's just rhythmic, it really is like therapeutic healing, just a rhythm and a strategy, whistle the potatoes, the tomatoes. the eggplant with big chunks of sheep fat and lamb fat in the center just bubbling away keeping them hydrated and crispy you just put more chunks of fat on them that will melt into those vegetables that will just soak up that lamb fat watch them brown.
lamb ribs cooked in tandoor wilderness food in rural azerbaijan
They are foreign graces the vegetables are falling out look how golden they are sizzling in that beautifully browned and crispy lamb fat and then you put the lamb in and it's sizzling and the lamb is sizzling it just hisses Again full of fat that smells these will be the vegetables tastiest ever literally lamb fat soaked up until golden brown and crispy oh here it's doing it oh it's sizzling oh what are you painting it with sour plum sauce sour plum sauce wow you have this sour plum plum sauce that you just paint with brushes over the meat, it smells so good it's already hissing and it's starting to caramelize and then with that plum sauce all over it and then it goes back in, oh man, that smells so good and it's going to caramelize on the meat. again oh man the aroma comes out of there and now with that fruity taste too from the sour plum, the dripping fat man and not only Tada tavakul is not only inventive and creative but the


just makes your mouth water , it really is. amazing recipes he makes, the lid goes back overseas, a swimming pool, a hot tub of mutton fat building up on that hot stone and he just made sure to cut up some bread and soak it in that mutton fat just to absorb it completely, all men, uh every component of this meal, all the ingredients are completely saturated with lamb fat, so this lamb on the hot plate is ready on the crusty bread with lamb fat, lamb fat, foreign vegetables and then, Suddenly everything is ready and direct the moment you take them out. they are just falling apart tender whoa the aroma of that sour plum it is so creative in the way it does things traditional but creative at the same time in its unique style and again just the lamb fat this is like an overdose of lamb fats and I love how you place the skewers on this amazing vertical hanger.
Everything he does himself. He said we have to try this hot and fresh bread. How crispy. It just sizzles in his own fat. Oh yeah, come on, man. come on oh come on man come on shit okay we'll do our first yeah let's do this cheers guys thanks. the crusty bread with lamb fat that meat is so tender and has literally absorbed like a sponge all the fat that has sizzled super tender oh lady, okay, we have to try this bread, although yes, oh look how little it could do . literally squeeze the lamb fat out of it this could be the whole bread, oh that could be the meatiest bread in the world, it's completely crispy, um, oh, it's so good, it has so much flavor.
I want to try that eggplant, the eggplant again caramelized and saturated in the lamb. fat um it's just that everything is liquid lamb oh man again, he cooks so calmly and strategically this is exactly what you would like to eat in the mountains of Azerbaijan, yes, and if there is still someone who doesn't know him, go to his channel, yeah, the guy and he's a good guy, he's a good guy and he's amazing, he's so friendly, he's so passionate and dedicated, look at the way this meat rips, oh it's seared and it's so fresh let's go to taste the freshness. of that meat that tomato the juicy tomato with the lamb and again you want to break that tomato get that acidity but also everything don't be fooled by the tomatoes they are completely saturated with lamb fat also don't let the vegetables in this dish fool you, no I can tell, I can't tell if the tomato is juicy or if it's the lamb fat that's just been absorbed, oh, but it's so good, oh man, with that acidity from the tomato contrasting with the lamb fat.
I'm still snacking in the back, but he's getting ready to cut the ribs. I can't stop the foreign plum, the shower plum sauce is so rich and again this is a waterfall of fat, you can see how tender it will be, no fat is wasted. no fat is wasted and everything includes fat, oh man you can see how charred they are, how smoky they are going to bake in that oven, oh man look how oily those ribs are, so good, oh the ribs, yeah, let's do it, let's do it. together the ribs oh wow magnificent oh wow oh the ribs are crazy the acidity is so tender salty yes and the sour acidity of the plum and it is baked under the silence that meets the sky right there oh oh it is so fatty and crispy to the same time and Now we are all sitting here for the feast, all the different meats, but there are also some seasonings, some vegetables and some bread, oh, thank you, what do we have here?
This is like a sour plum, sour plum with sweet plum, oh man. I love how chunky all the different plums are, like seedless and a little bit of time and some herbs, a little bit of basil, so this is like a salad or a sauce, both. I think it is the first thing without lamb fat that I have tried here that cleanses the palate, it is the only thing on the table that does not include lamb fat and that means that it is talking about that we owe all these flavors to the nature of our country and to the fact that there are so many ethnicities, so many nationalities, have lived in Azerbaijan for centuries, and this mixture of people, nationalities, cultures and ethnicities provides a great variety of foods and, because we have nine climatic zones of the 11 existing in this world, nature, vegetables. the fruits the meat everything has its own impact on the full flavor that is experienced here and I agree with him, he says that we are very proud of our country, we are very proud of the nature that we have here, the food, the culture. and the people who live here from different cultures and religions and yeah, sure, and I would also add super amazing and I would also add the hospitality, thank you, thank you all for just, man, what we are a celebration of a food that I'm very happy Having you here, that crispy, crispy meat and sour plum are completely attached to the foreign meat.
Another thing I love is roasted eggplant, tomato, bell pepper, onions, here, mango salad, all roasted together in a foreign smoked puree. absolutely amazing, but this is a full restaurant, this is where he films the videos in the outdoor kitchen, it's right next to the restaurant, a little patio away from the restaurant, but we'll have fun, we'll take a quick tour. from the restaurant where anyone can come to eat and enjoy this beautiful place with delicious food and he also raises his own animals, yes his own animals, everything is such a beautiful restaurant, so lush and spacious with tables with ponds surrounded by mountains, He even built it himself. with your own hands everything is like crafts and handwork everything strange returns to the patio after a beautiful tour of the restaurant to have tea before we leave, do not enjoy this atmosphere for a little longer and you have to take a fresh tea Cooking in the wild is down to earth, friendly and passionate, and the way he cooks is so relaxing, therapeutic and rhythmic in what he does, how he prepares and how he cooks.
I really feel that it is in harmony with nature with the ingredients with the elements used to cook the stones the fire the clay the oven the Tandoor thank you very much to tavakul and his nephew and to the entire team for hosting us in this unforgettable experience and then thank you very much to my friend Adnan and King Azerbaijan, who organized this, who set this up. I will have all their information in the description box below, go check them all out and what they are doing for Azerbaijan. I want to say a huge thank you for watching, remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below.
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