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Lake Eyre’s biggest flood in nearly 50 years | 7.30

Jun 01, 2024
It is one of the most spectacular sights in Australia the rare greening of our red central deserts it is a miracle of nature and nothing short of a miracle that in this thirsty country these rivers are still largely free to run their course we as Australians , we must really appreciate what we have in terms of natural heritage, the Lakeya basin is one of the largest dryland river systems on the planet. It covers one-sixth of Australia in four states and territories and is fed by three main river systems: the Georgina Diamantina and the Cooper, the shining jewel.
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More than 1,000 kilometers downstream are the vast, generally dry,


-air salt flats, also known by their indigenous name Kutty Tunde. Unlike the Murray-Darling Basin, this system is unregulated, there are no major irrigation diversions or dams, there is no water security, but the region's 60,000 residents struggle. to keep it that way and at 7:30 I took a trip across the basin to discover why William Creek is a bustling little resort 60 kilometers from Lake Eyre. It's practically owned and run by Trevor. It is a business with multiple schools where you start. doing tire repairs you're the public at the hotel you're in charge of the water supply and occasionally you get the trainee player it's fantastic Trevor visited the Lake Eyre Basin 30


ago and was hooked.
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lake eyre s biggest flood in nearly 50 years 7 30...

I find it totally interesting, I think it's Unique I'm really passionate about people coming out and seeing it and today it will take 7:30 to walk around the


and go up through the basin to see the bird life in the top of the game and actually having all of Brigetta in her place, totally refreshing. It's been


since Trevor has seen so much water here. This is one of the most variable river systems in the world, so protecting flows when they arrive is paramount with the Laker base without having to our first stop is an organic cattle station at Warburton Creek in South Australia. the creek is usually completely dry but it is now a full fledged river with a yacht race thanks to the


s in queensland, it means the world to us, it is a complete change, we would have sold our cattle by now with quite a destocking plan severe and now we have a resource plan, you know, it's complete changes, absolutely crazier game changes.
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Craig Oldfield couldn't be happier, as if by magic he adds water and green grass. Kaori has supported the old camps for eight decades, but after years of on and off. -Drought again, the future of the families living here looked doubtful. I know we are right for you and we can make this work, but this is what most of the country looks like here. The


covered only a fifth of the calories. 5,000 square kilometers some of the neighbors without river frontage didn't get even a trickle Dave Bill has worn his daughter's hood to calories for a period.
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I've had a very hot summer and that really killed our cattle between 50 and 60 and we had that that kept us from getting through weeks. These people have an apartment and they have been very generous in helping us. It is a lifeline for the Belles and otherwise they have to send their livestock to the slaughterhouse. Craig says the idea of ​​harvesting flood water to help survive the drought. The times are attractive, but it is not worth jeopardizing the system. The natural cycle of the system is probably enough for me. At this point, a little more often would be nice, but you're late.
We go next door to take you to Kalamoon, a wildlife sanctuary. A shelter for almost 250 people. species of mammals, birds and reptiles, the most important thing is to keep young Farrell under control. McClaren manages the sanctuary for Australian Wildlife Conservation, which is working to restore the ecosystem and natural waterways. You know, it's really good to see this. Paddling in the desert is always going to be special, this is the most complete I have ever seen, but it is not just the size of the flood that has allowed the owner of this ephemeral lake in Callum to feel that this lake is an example perfect picture of what happens when bass and rivers are allowed to run.
Its course in previous floods has not been filled because the water was diverted to protect a road, but now that that barrier is gone, the results can be seen for yourself without this system and the process that is in place now will not be. Only Kalamoon birds would be affected, they would be birds from all of Australia, so they can't come here to breed. Let's really go to the Lakes Basin has always been an important breeding ground for waterfowl and fish, but it has become more vital. with the decline of murray-darling z', the lesson here is that you need these rivers to run free and unregulated and the way they are so Dom, this seems unbelievable, it's like this water dries up because millions of millions more don Rowlands He is the head of the rangers. for the mandatory National Park in the Simpson Desert west of Birdsville, as long as the rivers in the watersheds are healthy, now he says there is no room for complacency at all, not in the people who live up and down these rivers, we are there to support whatever we need to do to keep Rivers as if flooded are welcome in the Lake Eyre catchment, but life is not all beer and skittles when they arrive and towns are cut off for weeks when we visit bhaduri.
It's an island in a sea that stretches to the horizon, courtesy of rain dumped upstream. by cyclone Trevor public and Jim Smith is used to flying with food and alcohol in a normal big flat like that, where we are normally isolated for three months, he receives a subsidy from the government to bring essential items which surprisingly does not include alcohol, they say en It's not an essential item, but I think those people hadn't been in Bhaduri when we ran out. There are no visitors in Bhaduri when we leave, but that will soon change as the water heads towards the lake while tourists follow the birds. and the boom and bust cycle of life begins again, we are very lucky because we have this system that works well and is great for the environment, is great for people at the same time and causes a unique event to occur that shows that it can be done correctly and you get fantastic results Hi, I'm Leigh Sales, thanks for watching this story.
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