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Lachlan x LazarBeam Is Back!

May 08, 2024
video when we are both fried. yeah, look, I don't know, but and by fried I mean just cooked in my eyes because my eyes R upu you know yeah, I think this is like the fifth video I recorded today oh, don't edit yourself, it's eating Dr. eating eat on the other side, so I left you the golden scar, I know you're going for it now I'll reward you for not throwing the game, oh, I'm waiting for you to throw very badly, oh, be careful with the grenade launcher. grenade launcher, go, grenade launcher, go, you have one, he has quickly broken his friend, he broke the machine gun, he broke the coward, let him go, how low is he, he is going to go to Salty, he got into the divot, brother, he stopped with Bruno Mars, like I totally smoked them, we're doing it now, can we just play it smart? stop running with your head, stop running with your head, you gotta realize that you suck at this game so remember your place in it and your place is, it's by my side and I mean, we could get another one to drop a little far, oh yes. get this guy in heaven these guys are in heaven 24 24 oh I killed him yeah 28 white 28 White dead hell yeah, come on, let's go get the loot, let's go get the loot, we're actually so let's go, we're so good there are only five players left, man, surely we won't suffocate this one, don't say it like that, no, no, I think it's physically impossible, possible suffocation, now I have 500 bullets in a Minun.
lachlan x lazarbeam is back
I feel good, this grenade launcher bends the man. the grenade launcher is the best way to beat the game and the best I can, I mean the worst, people hate you for it, well I might as well get a grenade launcher. He has one, if you have a multi-camera one, that's fine too. Multi-chamber quad launcher. I'm well cooked, okay, I'll grab this, I'll drop my 500 bullets in my Minun, oh remember, the truck used to have all this stuff in it. Can we concentrate? Well, where are we going? I can't advertise the locker pack and you're stupid elf skin sorry I shouldn't have said it's not stupid it's not stupid I take it


I take it


get over it that's not epic I mean it's kind of stupid it should be in the Store of articles and it should run.
lachlan x lazarbeam is back

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lachlan x lazarbeam is back...

Oh my god, there's a guy here. We can't announce our things if we don't win. Oh, they're totally building that thing. We are growing these children. We are growing these children. I'm going to go in with Leroy Jenkins and then I want you to like it, just come in, oh this is going to be smart and the quad is ready, oh they're shooting at us, they're shooting at us, man, they got bushes and everything, yeah, yeah, yes, yes, oh. they have snipers I'm going in I'm going in I'm going in keep shooting keep shooting keep shooting this is so stupid yes yes broken one yes one is dead he's running down he fell he and there's a jug of chug chug up here where the king of the The boys of the castle are applauded by your castle and double your queen.
lachlan x lazarbeam is back
They actually saw OG Locky and Laser run and they just said no, I'd rather die, they just said let him have it man, let him have it another day, another win for the OGs. yeah it was actually wait it's 2 on 2 oh these guys are so angry they almost won where do we stay? stay here stay here we need to set the skill level of our enemies enemies they're probably robots yeah I hate that that's true no no no no we can style it oh I see that by the way oh oh yeah yeah uh , they're real, oh, I also had a crazy fart when I shot him, I don't know if they're real, though I mean, that's really cool.
lachlan x lazarbeam is back
Too bad you take all the damage, idiot, okay, no, I'll run away here only when you end up dying. I don't want the blame for it. I don't even care. Here's the deal. Chat and my chat. I mean the spectators. who are not live but are watching the video and are discussing the video in the comments section below, please leave it with five stars. If we win this game, you need to buy laser beam pack with laser code and Legends pack with locky code. That's okay, and if you don't, that's totally acceptable and okay. Okay, here we go Leroy, let's not lose.
I have no intention of losing. Where the hell did they land? I don't know about this. It must be in the middle. oh no, they are, I mean, they seem to be looting. I'm watching one dress like a bush, okay, that's real, walking in like an elf scout sniper mission, yeah, yeah, there's one right in front of you, just look there, okay? they didn't see me coms get rid of Bush oh one they almost pushed me not me but they are both weak I have one yes the other is weak see your stealth exp come on I damaged him I just didn't think he had the ability to attack me for the OG packs for the OG packs the next time let's start recording in the middle of the night we're growing UPS now we have to do this we'll do it anyway bye

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