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La Guerra de Vietnam

May 11, 2024
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war was a war fought during the cold war from 1955 to 1975 between the democratic republic of


northern vietnam supported by china and the soviet union against the republic of vietnam south vietnam supported by the usa and other countries allies, this conflict represents the greatest military defeat in American history, creating a deep trauma that still persists, the so-called Vietnam syndrome. During the Second World War, the French colony of Indochina, composed of current Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, was occupied by the Japanese Empire until its final defeat in 1945 the war showed that the Europeans and particularly the French were not invincible this caused a wave of liberation movements in the former European colonies of Asia and Africa including Indochina on the other hand the new bipolar order emerged in the cold war where The United States and the Soviet Union, together with their respective allies, disputed world leadership.
la guerra de vietnam
It would cause an increase in military interventions on both sides in order to expand their spheres of influence. France tried to maintain its colonial status in Indochina after the surrender of Japan. However, the leader hodgkin in command of a group of communist and nationalist forces called viet minh had declared the democratic republic of vietnam on september 2, 1945 after the failure of negotiations between france and jochy ming the french navy bombed the city of hai phong beginning To the Indochina War from 1946 to 1954, after a long war, the French colonial army was defeated in the battle of Dien Bien Phu in May 1954.
la guerra de vietnam

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Subsequently, the Geneva Conference took place between April and July of the same year. At this conference, the independence of laos and cambodia the issue of vietnam was more complicated finally the partition of vietnam was decided into two states divided by the 17th parallel communist northern vietnam with capital in hanoi and capitalist southern vietnam with capital in saigon it was agreed upon in both states a referendum for 1956 in order to approve their reunification or their definitive separation but before that referendum South Vietnam in 1955 chose its model of state after elections with somewhat suspicious results, it chose to be a republic with godín diem' to the Front, whoever led the Republic of Vietnam, turning it into an authoritarian state, did so together with his unworthy younger brother and his transsexual wife, both the leaders of Saigon and the administration of American President Eisenhower were reluctant to the reunification elections scheduled at the conference of geneva for fear of electoral fraud in the communist north the agreed referendum would not be held very soon the ingoldingen government became extremely unpopular due to the enormous corruption and the poor identity of south vietnam as a country the problems of the geneva conference began to be palpable and the artificial divisions made with square and bevel are almost always a disaster because South Vietnam was plagued by communists who organized themselves by creating a resistance movement called the National Liberation Front of Vietnam EFE LV also known as Viet Cong that operated As a fifth column, this movement would receive aid in the form of supplies and weapons from the communist government of North Vietnam in order to combat the government of South Vietnam, which in practice was a puppet state of the United States.
la guerra de vietnam
The war between South Vietnam and North Vietnam began on November 1, 1955 with small armed clashes, but it was not until 1959 when former members of the Viet Minh, together with peasant Buddhist monks and other groups, began to structure the Viet Cong with the firm objective of overthrowing the government of Ngo Dinh. well and reunify the entire country. Their tactic was guerrilla warfare, which had brought them numerous successes against the French colonial army. The government of North Vietnam began to send supplies by forming and following the Hawking route, a set of trails and roads that They left from North Vietnam to South Vietnam passing through the neighboring countries Laos and Cambodia on the other side.
la guerra de vietnam
The South Vietnam Army behaved in an undisciplined manner due to the ineptitude and corruption of its officers. In November 1963, the leader Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother were assassinated in a coup d'état carried out by the chief of staff of the South Vietnamese army Duong van Minh. After this event, very unstable governments followed in South Vietnam from 1964 onwards, the North Vietnamese army began to take advantage in the conflict, this army would also have the help of the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China, which provided training and modern weapons for the communist leader Josip Min.
Reunification would take place sooner or later, if not Through a referendum it would be through armed struggle. The Americans were worried that if South Vietnam fell into the hands of the communists in the North, the rest of Asia would follow in a domino effect. They had to find a way to enter the war of frontal manner happened in 1964 after the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin August 12, 1964 the American warship USS Smartbox had a collision with three North Vietnamese patrols 28 miles from North Vietnam without causing American casualties two days later the false flag operation between North Vietnamese and US ships was President Lyndon Johnson's pretext to enter the Vietnam conflict, an attack from the North Vietnamese navy was simulated to favor a casus belli that would justify fully entering the war on August 7, 1964, President Johnson obtained from the US Congress the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution that empowered him to carry out any military intervention against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
In March 1965, he carried out Operation Rolling Thunder, a massive bombing with the objective of destroying the communications and industry in North Vietnam to avoid sending supplies to the Viet Cong. The first landing of US Marines would also take place at the Danang base, who joined the advisors already existing in South Vietnam. In turn, President Johnson initiated the Called more flags campaign, an initiative to attract all its allies in their fight against the enemy, six countries sent soldiers war material and supplies while around thirty countries allied to the United States provided logistical support. A few months later, the Yankee army carried out Operation Starlight, achieving cornering the vietcong in turn they would confront the north vietnam army for the first time in the yabrán valley these successes served general william westmoreland commander in chief of us military operations to request the maintenance of operation rolling thunder and for the use of the helicopter as a weapon of war, thus increasing the actions of the special forces with the aim of attacking the enemy in their own territory.
By the end of 1965, there were already more than 100,000 military personnel available in Vietnam. In the first year of the war, the United States dominated the field. of battle thanks to its firepower and the use of the helicopter, which made them mistakenly think of a quick victory against North Vietnam. The United States carried out Operation Market Time to reinforce the Navy of South Vietnam. In turn, it was decided to use the agent orange to destroy the vegetation cover that helped protect the positions from which the enemy attacked despite these tactics in 1966 the number of victories had reduced and american casualties had increased considerably general westmoreland requested the sending of more soldiers and The massive use of artillery and aviation through the use of B-52 bombers, South Vietnam managed to recover some territory in response.
The North Vietnamese army began to use the element of surprise through guerrilla ambushes against the US army, avoiding clashes in open field also carried out the construction of tunnels in order to easily hide the Huszti Ming route was key to ensuring supplies to the Viet Cong which was expanded and reinforced despite multiple efforts by the US to destroy it, all of these actions ended up damaging morale. american jochy ming's words would end up proving prophetic for every ten of our people you kill we will kill one of yours and in the end you will get tired before on january 21, 1968 the siege of sanz's air base occurred part of forces from the army of north vietnam and the vietcong said base remained besieged for 77 days giving rise to one of the bloodiest battles of the war general william westmoreland decided to use all the resources that were necessary to maintain said base despite would abandon the base due to the disastrous situation in which it was found at the end of January 1968 while the Vietnamese New Year was being celebrated, the Tet Offensive took place, one of the most symbolic episodes of the war, the North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong carried During this long and brutal offensive, 38 of the 52 provincial capitals of South Vietnam were attacked and its capital Saigon was under siege until the US embassy itself was attacked by a group of fighters.
From that moment on, US morale fell into disrepair. The attack caught them completely off guard, shortly after, American air power allowed them to recover the lost territory, although by then many soldiers were already aware of the impossibility of winning the war quickly. On the other hand, in 1969, the brutal massacre of the people of a thousand ay that occurred in March 1968, this and many other excesses would cause a strong feeling of rejection and the loss of support from public opinion. Americans wondered what we do in Vietnam after the Tet offensive. President Johnson knew that public opinion was against him and chose not to run for re-election at that time there were about 500,000 American soldiers in Vietnam a change in strategy was necessary the Vietnamization process defended by analyst Henry Kissinger had the objective of strengthening the South Vietnamese army to say that it was the South Vietnamese themselves who defended their own land and put the dead to rest.
In January 1969, Richard Nixon took office as president of the United States. Nixon intended a progressive withdrawal of troops to maintain financial and arms support for South Vietnam. negotiate an honorable peace with North Vietnam in addition to not extending the bombing to other countries. However, in March 1969, bombings were carried out on Laos and Cambodia through the so-called 'Operation Menu'. These two countries were key to maintaining the Hawking route. and in may, the battle of hamburger hill took place, a carnage where the united states achieved a pyrrhic victory. nixon had no choice but to announce the first withdrawal of troops from south vietnam. in 1970, the south vietnamese army carried out actions and The following year, Operation Lanzone 719 was launched in Laos to try to cut off the Jochy Min route.
However, the determination of the North Vietnamese communist army under the command of General O Un Game Hub remained relentless between March and October 1972. The North Vietnamese army launched the easter offensive a major attack in order to wear down the south vietnamese enemy and recover territory in response nixon decided to use operation linebacker a massive bombardment with the objective of mining ports destroying railways oil installations airfields and docks throughout northern vietnam Next, another maximum effort bombing campaign was carried out, Operation Linebacker 2. These campaigns did not alter the course of the war, but they managed to force peace negotiations with North Vietnam.
Finally, on January 27, 1973, the signatories of North Vietnam and South Vietnam The United States and the National Liberation Front of Vietnam Viet Cong signed the Paris Peace Accords. These agreements included the implementation of a ceasefire, the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam in 60 days, the exchange of prisoners, the holding of elections in South Vietnam and The demining of the northern ports of the United States played its part and on March 29, 1973, the last American soldiers left Vietnam, but the war did not end there after the withdrawal of the United States. South Vietnam found itself alone in its fight against North Vietnam, Janus and It prepared to deliver the final blow.
The North Vietnamese army launched its attack through the spring offensive that ended in April 1975. On April 30, 1975, the North Vietnamese army took the city of Saigon, putting an end to the state of South Vietnam. and the long war had ended, the Vietnam War was one of the most important conflicts of the Cold War given its almost twenty years of duration and the great deployment of forces and weapons used by both sides, being one of the bloodiest wars in history. The victory of the North Vietnamese army would bring about the final reunification of the country in 1976. During the Vietnam conflict, the United States suffered 58 thousand dead, more than 300,000 wounded, 2,000 missing, as well as thousands of maimed and drug addicts with serious problems adapting to the situation. civil life the army of south vietnam had 250,000 dead and 1,170,000 wounded and the media coverage of the vietnam war made it the first televised conflict in history the role of the media was key in the growthawareness of public opinion towards US military intervention the rejection of an unnecessary and unjust war spread inside and outside the US favoring the spread of the hippie movement with its ideals of pacifism and free love on the other hand the military defeat left a large part of the population the shame of the defeated condemning American society to a traumatic stage marked by pessimism and cynicism the triumphant army of North Vietnam together with the Viet Cong forces would have one million one hundred thousand dead and six hundred thousand wounded in their ranks at their side.
More than two million Vietnamese civilians died during the conflict. After the war, the Vietnamese environment was deeply damaged by the intensive use by the US military of defoliants such as Agent Orange and flammable fuels such as napalm, which would cause extensive damage to the environment. agriculture as well as countless cases of abortions and congenital malformations respiratory problems or cancer in the Vietnamese population after the fall of Saigon the patella communist movement together with the support of the Soviet Union and the North Vietnamese army overthrew the monarchical government in Laos establishing the People's Democratic Republic Lao in 1975 during the Vietnam War Laos was heavily bombed by the United States, two million tons of bombs were dropped, killing around 200,000 people.
The communist victory in Vietnam was used in Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge to take control of the city. April 1975, the regime of terror established by Pol Pot until 1979, known as the Democratic Kampuchea, caused the death of between 16 and 3 million people, around a third of the population, in what is known as the Cambodian genocide, the Vietnam War. ended up becoming a myth, being taken to the cinema on many occasions 'apocalypse now' platoon born on the 4th of July the full metal jacket the sky and the earth of broad earth etc. and leaving an indelible mark in the memory of humanity as a memory of the atrocities that human beings can perpetrate a friend no no and the history of Spain has come to me as it had never been told to you an academy book play the history YouTube channel with the largest number of subscribers in the world its followers among all Social networks are counted in millions in this book of 100 chapters there are drawings to give and take more than 600 full color illustrations you have always found the history of Spain boring' well that is because no one has told it to you properly the History of Spain' is exciting, a perfect book for beginners and those not so initiated, a book that demystifies many topics of the black legend, a book to love the history of your country, a book to review for fun or to pass, and some chapters include codes. qr that brings you some videos from the academy play channel that expands the information, what are you waiting for to get hold of the history of Spain' like it has never been told to you, it makes your learning experience something epic

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