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Kyle Cuts Off His Own Hair | Full Episode | Supernanny

Jun 06, 2021
Hello, we are the Park family from West Hills California, I am Michael and I am Heather and we have three children, Kyle, who is six, Farley, who is four, and Pierce, who is two, Michael and I work


time, so we have our nanny, Alejandro,


-time parents, whoever the babysitter is, I know, one of our three kids hit Harley, stop hitting the boys, I wish we could somehow calm our kids down, stop yelling, stop fighting, they don't listen, drill, stop it , I suppose not. I don't know what to do with them farley I have a discipline method but it's inconsistent you need to sit and think about things while you act like this we thought it would be great if alejandra could have a sense of control over the kids


what are you doing?
kyle cuts off his own hair full episode supernanny
I think she lets them do what they want to do. She tells me that she doesn't feel comfortable doing the discipline. I like the videogames. I know you do, but stop, stop, so if the babysitter is not disciplining and the parents are not disciplining who is disciplining. Kyle has ADHD. We tried medication for about a month and just didn't find it easier to work with on medication. Enough. Kyle is in kindergarten and has been having trouble at school I had to pick him up several times for disturbing other kids and not keeping his hands to himself homework time usually with Kyle is a nightmare yes going back to the table becomes in a complete meltdown and then we force him to sit at the table and do his homework, it could be an hour or two before we can finish a couple of pages, send me the document, so this kid has ADHD and is not on medication Oh, I wonder what they'll do to help him then.
kyle cuts off his own hair full episode supernanny

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kyle cuts off his own hair full episode supernanny...

The kids have problems and we have problems handling them and I feel like I'm getting angrier as we go instead of happier. We need a super nanny to help us make our family happy. Super babysitter, please come help, you guys desperately need help. See you soon Hello, how are you? Hello how are you? Nice to meet you Joe, what's your name? bad hello father nice to meet you I'm jojo hi how are you good it's a pleasure to meet you and who else do we have yes and


alejandra took me upstairs to see carl but before I could even say hello he left and started hitting his sister kyle kyle That's not nice Kyla hits me and I don't like it Stop listening It's not funny Stop going before Alejandro can control Cole You run to the side of the house Why are you running awake?
kyle cuts off his own hair full episode supernanny
I'm here, what you did is not right, okay, go apologize to your sister over there. Hey guys, she couldn't even say hello before Farley came over for a few more licks. Okay, family, stop eating it. Leave it. She didn't hit me, Carl calmed down enough to say hello. Hi, nice to meet you, how are you? Carl, how old are you? Six, but before I knew it, he was jumping in the pool and didn't even ask permission. that's why he wants to go overboard as a babysitter do you discipline the kids when they misbehave because right now that's a dangerous situation yes, but he's not all right so what are you going to do because right now you're in charge of how? you are going to take care of this little one and that little one do not go into the water in the water this is normal it is very difficult because if you do not listen I cannot force you with the children to the pool and a babysitter who does not have control I began to worry about safety of this boy a few hours later mom came home and before she had parked, Pierce and Kyle had run out of the house.
kyle cuts off his own hair full episode supernanny
No, no, no, peace, I don't want you to do it. go outside, come in, your mom is coming home, okay, get out of the car and alejandra couldn't wait to leave hello hello, how are you? You're done, are you okay? Okay, thanks, take care, it's your duty as a babysitter to let the parents know exactly what kind of day the kids have had. Alejandra it's like I'm gone, so I arrived this morning, yeah, and I already started observing and just observing the children, so really what I'm going to do is go ahead and do the same thing with yourself, you didn't go up there, you You are going to fall and break your head, there was horror. her face before she even closed the front door of our house and once we were inside the house, you know, I could see why it was a disaster, stop it, I get home from work and they go crazy.
I'm thinking, oh my god, why? I get home from work, you have about three seconds and you're not going to have any video games up there, one, two, three, so later it was time for Cole to do his homework, I can't do what I sure, I can't , can. count the turtles no you can't count count the turtles how to count you can count let's go to homework with him and it's mainly because he just doesn't want to do anything, he sits there and doesn't finish the tasks if Carl sits down, it didn't take long, He got up from his c


and went out to the backyard and opened an open door, okay Kyle, say goodbye to all the video games you have, they're all gone, they're gone as soon as your dad gets in.
I'm telling you to take every one of them. You're done, no, you're done. Mom's threats worked. Carl came into the house, but he wanted to talk to her about Carl's medical diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, so he was. he was diagnosed with ADHD, we put him on medication, I didn't do anything and that particular medication wasn't successful and then the medication didn't work and they kept saying increase the dose, increase the dose, increase the dose and you're making a decision, no. I medicated him correctly, but he is definitely improving. I mean, he's learned to calm down.
Routine is definitely necessary for him and I couldn't help but think that if Carl's behavior is calmer now and has improved, what was he like before? Oh no, later that day, the kids jumped into the pool again, didn't ask permission again, and mom couldn't do anything to stop it. He takes out Kyle when Farley was running around the pool and jumping the fence, I mean, he gets. to the point where I start laughing because I can't believe I'm actually chasing a four year old girl and she's actually hitting me, get out, I'm leaving alone, okay can you tell lies, get out, they got these youngsters? four and six year olds who are not ready to listen to their own parents and if they can't control this now they will be in big trouble, big trouble, you're done, Kyle, wait for your dog.
Here Carl and Farley were hitting their mother or ignoring their mother and I knew she couldn't wait for backup to get home, Michael, can you handle it, I can't take it anymore, did mom tell you to put the phone down, hello? Please I know you Hi I'm Michael Hi Joe Nice to meet you Farley come here he managed to get the kids out of the pool but proceeded to give him a time out and first it was Farley and then Kyle I'm here Kyle there's no reason to open the door So what is your opinion on his ADHD?
Because I know he's not taking medication right now. No, he isn't because he simply chooses not to listen. Kyle, stop it, yeah, stop it. Kyle just wants to push my buttons now. I'm getting pretty angry right now. Dad became very frustrated and made the situation worse because the angrier he got, the more aggressive Carl's behavior became. So what steps have you taken to deal with his ADHD while deciding on a partner? Some of you didn't give him medication, you just tried to be a little more structured with him as much as we could. Yeah, Joe asked me about Kyle's ADHD and I didn't know how to answer his question because I guess not.
I know how to deal with this myself. My fear is that he has already been expelled from kindergarten if he is transferred from the school to another type of program. That's just my worst nightmare. I see him going in that direction if these parents go. to make the decision to take Carl off his medication when he is diagnosed with ADHD, then they have to come up with some more positive methods to help him because he's not going to go away on his own, you're sitting here, look at my face, do you understand? Yes, I'm getting angry, so look at me once Michael left.
I went to Carl's room so I could talk to him myself when mom and dad yell at you and get mad at you. Does it make you feel sad? happy you feel sad you want to behave badly if I stay a couple of days it would be good to help you because I can tell you something I don't think you're a bad boy I don't think you're a bad boy. I really assessed the situation very, very quickly, so the quicker I left, the quicker I knew I could come back and really address the circumstances that needed to be discussed today.
It's been interesting, to say the least, and I certainly need to sit down and have a good chat since Joe is gone tonight. I'm a little nervous about what she's going to talk about tomorrow. Let me start by talking about the first problem that I saw and that is that you have a babysitter, if that's what in my eyes you would call her she's a babysitter right alejandra is having to deal with circumstances that are out of her control she's having to deal with children that They are rebels who misbehave who don't listen to her I don't sit here to put down alejandra I really am not because I see girls trying to do the best they can but giving it to your children when you can't even control them yourself is not fair no it's fair to your kids it's not fair to your babysitter and I'm just impressed I'm really impressed I have no idea how to control them myself let's move on to the next topic and that's the behavior I don't even know where to start spitting punches biting slaps what I saw There were many contradictory messages, many empty threats and no follow-up, how are your children going to take you seriously?
You are a joke, you are a joke when it comes to your children, you have no weight, you might as well be talking. against a brick wall there are no clear expectations that really teach your children but this is how I should behave this is what is expected of me you know for a fact that the way you are choosing to deal with carl right now is based on his behavior that is related to your diagnosis, what do you do constructively with your child that helps him considering he has been diagnosed with ADHD? I guess I don't do anything.
I mean, they both made conscious decisions as parents not to give their son medication. Be honest, okay, right now I don't see you doing anything constructive that furthers the call that we all know that everyone chooses to react to Carl becoming impulsive and behaving in destructive ways. That is absolutely correct and unfortunately for him, that is how the school reacts. how outside friends react that's how outside family reacts and their own parents heather their own parents that's my point your son doesn't stand a chance when his own mom and dad don't give him a chance your own son heather I'm not here to surround michael i think we're trying but it's not working they're not bad parents they're just a little lost there are things they can implement if they decide not to give him medication that will help him do it I have two parents in the driver's seat because I can't have two parents in the passenger seat.
Yeah, that's where we should be fine, so we better get to work. Thank you. That's fine thanks. When I arrived to start teaching, I had a bit booked. This Alejandro family, what you are going to do right is that you are going to free yourself from the service. The truth of the matter is that personally, from one nanny to another, I think there are many things that you are assuming and having to deal with. Part of the family has a nanny. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't know how to control your own children's behavior, so I'm going to let Alejandra go and take a break and mom and dad can take some time off from work to learn, I need you to know that you can do it on your own. and that having alejandra here is an addition, it is an advantage for her family.
When Joe fired Alejandra, she was thinking, oh my god, I'm like she was sending Hernani. far away what is she doing enjoy my love okay thank you son with alejandra far away the next order of the day was to establish the rules of the house, so what I have for the whole family are the family rules of the park, they tell these children a lot, no do this not do that but in reality there is nothing visual that these children can have as a reference to teach them let's put this up here and open the black iron gates of the park short and simple question number one before swimming so that we adults can take care of you, the next rule here is stay away from the stair railing, be kind to each other and the next rule here is to be kind with your words and number five is to listen and I think they're actually very good and I think children Understand them, the rules are here, so if you break the rules you will realize that there will be a consequence.
Okay, now that the house rules have been established, it will be important to teach Dad how to minimize Carl's behavior. Since he has ADHD and Dad overreacts to this behavior, Michael, the reason I brought these big dominoes is because I just want to visually show you the chain reaction of what's happening with you and Carl, so I set up the dominoes. dominoes and read. He showed them to her just as they were placed. Carl becomes abstinent. Okay, set them up. When Joe took out the dominoes, she explained to me how a child with ADHD will react toThey communicate more.
There's still one thing I have to do and that's teach Alejandra. how to discipline these children on her own alejandra how has parliament been in pierce uh she was hey charlie put a rock on me she hit me on the head she hit you on the head i wasn't so happy when i heard this i told alejandra that you would have to rest with her that behavior is totally unacceptable you understand me you don't hit anyone so you think it's okay to hit your babysitter it's horrible my main goal was I really made sure that alejandra respected herself and didn't allow one of her charges to do it to her that.
Take her directly to the step. Let's get them out like her babysitter. It's about her defending herself. Alejandra was all she needed was permission. To do it, I'm going to stay here because you hit me on the head and I thought I was going slower, so right now you see your voice, your voice is like you're talking to them all the time, do I look like I'm happy when I'm talking to you, no, I'm not happy, so she needs to know, okay, through the voice you use, we're not happy with the way you've chosen to behave, you're staying there, young lady, okay, come on, I didn't.
I really know how to do that, you know with anti-masculine and I didn't know how she's going to be there for five minutes, okay, watch the time, okay, so I want you to come back and very firmly, like I am. doing now very firmly they put you here because you hit me and I'm not happy with it I want you to tell me you're sorry okay okay she gives you hugs and kisses of apology and then you take her off the step I was a A little apprehensive about how alejandra it would take all this experience and if she would be fully involved like we are and we need her to be for it to work well in our family.
The reason you're here is because you hit. in my head and you had to take a time out and that wasn't right, okay, now I need an apology for you, I'm sorry, okay, okay, I was so glad she was firm and put her on the spot and she did. , it was great, so listen guys, I'm doing well, I have to take my hat off to any parent that even when they feel like they're at their lowest, they find that strength that they really have and that's exactly what the park family did, that the children are happier.
I can feel that and Michael and Heather are much more confident than when I arrived, they are proud of themselves and they should be. I think what Joe did for us, first and foremost, was dealing with Kyle's ADHD and how to get him back. in control with the task with everything with the things we couldn't do I thought she had a very good perspective of what was going on inside her mind every day I see you becoming more and more confident I know thank you very much for helping us . I would appreciate it if you had something to say to other parents who have children with ADHD.
My new experience tells me that patience is the key. Hi Carl, I'm happy with you. Yes, I am happy with all of you. The most important. What you all helped me with how to talk is respect myself, keep growing, it's okay, take care of yourselves and then she will really meet you, she is the best, enjoy, thank you. I think what parents will get from watching Park Family is recognizing that even when you feel like your reserve tank is empty, there's always a little bit more left.

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