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Kung Fu Panda 4 is Painfully Mid

May 05, 2024
I would just like to say that I really hate being right. Kungu Panda 4 has finally been unleashed on the world and I was so excited to see it that I took a very short trip to the United States so I could see the movie in all its glory and I must say that there were certainly some interesting story changes in this one, although I still don't understand what a slot flight is. net is that we all speak through DreamWorks, can you stop making me wait ungodly amounts of time to watch your movies legally? Come on, I'm British now.
kung fu panda 4 is painfully mid
I need to pick a singular fight here, but yeah, Kung Fu Panda 4 while they filmed DreamWorks. I forgot it existed until like two weeks ago when they realized they should probably market their movie so they don't end up with a Ruby Gilman situation again and the conversation surrounding this movie from announcement to release has been surprisingly divided and by a good reason too, while it's true that there are six Kung Fu Panda movies planned. Jesus, most people accepted Kungu Panda Free as the natural conclusion to a trilogy and, to Panda Free's credit, it's seen as the weakest of the franchise.
kung fu panda 4 is painfully mid

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kung fu panda 4 is painfully mid...

Well, not anymore, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Myself, most people accept it as a satisfying conclusion and the movie overall felt pretty conclusive, so the announcement of a fourth Kung Fu Panda movie wasn't exactly unpleasant given that it's one of the most iconic franchises. and Dre's Darlings definitely left a lot of people rightly skeptical and that skepticism only got stronger as more details about the movie came out along with a downright hilarious amount of leaks again, as I mentioned in my last video talking about this movie. The unfinished placeholder trailers for Kung Panda 4 were simply downloaded to my Discord server, which then started. a domino effect that spreads throughout the Internet every time I go out.
kung fu panda 4 is painfully mid
I'm afraid one of the Dreamworks ninjas will shoot me. These previews included unfinished animation storyboards. Plot details. They play music with a Drake song. It was terrifying. Obviously I can't show any of the leaked stuff because Drear probably orbitally impacted my house, it definitely made me incredibly skeptical of the movie and I can't say I was very excited about it and when the trailer was officially released I was even less convinced. Because it included almost all of the leak scenes that already didn't convince me, along with a few new scenes that started to worry me a little, even though these four movies had been planned for a while, it really felt like an unnecessary sequel to me in almost all of them. the levels, from the beginning. the new villain seems very bored with the possible regression of the character later Arc the complete absence of Furious 5 Aquafina I didn't have high hopes, my minimum expectation for this movie was that it would be a solid and entertaining installment of the franchise that simply went through the motions without the maturity or depth of its predecessors and now that I've seen the movie through completely legal means, I promise that I'm honestly surprised at how middle-of-the-road the movie is if I had to describe it.
kung fu panda 4 is painfully mid
Kungu Panda 4 feels like a The first draft of the movie on autopilot can't begin to describe how disappointing this movie was, but I'll try later in the video spoilers will be mentioned and I'll post a disclaimer when the time comes because There are some major problems. with this movie I can't go into without spoiling it, especially when it comes to the ending of the movie and how truly horrible it is, so to start, let's go over the obvious stuff first, the superficial stuff along with some real concerns that a lot of people had in the first place.
The question is Aquafina is annoying in this movie, shut up, uh yeah she still plays the exact same character. She continues to receive a typical cast, as it is true that this is not her most infuriating role. You can F this movie doesn't have musical numbers for that, but overall I thought. It was important to address this so that people looking for a trigger warning from Aquafina could put their mind at ease now, this movie's soundtrack actually Banger, so go ahead, all the Kung for pandm movies have fantastic soundtracks and this movie really doesn't. It's an exception, it's just that.
Unlike the previous films, the soundtrack of this one is of the best quality. As for the animation, this movie is about the power of Kung Fu Panda Free, there really hasn't been much change here overall, the movie looks good from an animation point of view, lighting throughout the entire movie It's beautiful, I admit, but the departure from the artistic direction is not as surprising as the previous films. This was a concern I had with the trailer because many of the new characters didn't fit the Kung Fu art style. Panda very well and overall, even though the animation quality is on par, there is something about the film that feels much more sanitized from a visual standpoint.
Well, now to the really important thing, Kungu Panda 4 was a necessary sequel, I don't think so at all. At least I tried something new that I like on a conceptual level, but before that I have to let off some steam. This movie is fast like cars, not that car, this car. Kung for


. The rhythm with force is breaking your neck, you wouldn't believe it. how incredibly fast this movie moves is like watching a movie that is perpetually stuck at double speed when the movie hits the 20 minute mark, overall I felt like I had been sitting there for a good 40 minutes because of how Hilariously inept that the pacing is from the moment the film starts, it's determined to fry your cerebral cortex, it's strange.
Obviously I can't use examples from the legal sample clips I have because I'm already in trouble with DreamWorks as it is, but the movie goes on. jumps from one scene to the next without giving any character moments of the few that there really are and the story is revealed at any moment to breathe it's like the cinematic equivalent of waterboarding, we had to keep replaying some scenes because we simply had no idea what it was happening half the time everything happens so fast your brain can barely register what's happening it's like watching a farm video of officially licensed Kung Fu Panda content on YouTube for kids where Jack Black sings Baby One More Time at the end And what's most shocking about this is that Kung Fu Panda 4 is the shortest movie in the franchise, at one hour and 20 minutes, there's enough interesting plot and ideas here that could easily be developed into a movie that's 15 or even 20 minutes long. additional added. to its runtime, regardless of whether some of the ideas here are actually interesting or even good on paper, none of it has been done justice or given time to develop and this is the biggest problem with the film, the pacing It's horrendous, there's a big difference between having a fast-paced movie and a fast-paced movie that turns the viewer's neck 180° every time the scene changes, but even disregarding the poor pacing, there's a lot going on in this one. film that feel incredibly out of place compared to the first three, everyone's concerns to begin with. about the demise of Furious 5 were completely substantiated because they are nowhere in this movie until the credits, not a mid-credits scene, appear in the credits.
Lord have mercy, my goats get washed in the first 5 minutes of the movie. I have a 10 minute sequence explaining that the five of them were doing their own thing and it's such a fast and confusing scene. I honestly have no idea why all five of them were completely absent from this movie, especially when director Mike Mitchell basically lied. He gritted his teeth and said that not only would the five of them definitely be in the movie, but the movie would also bring back all the characters from the previous movies. This is a very misleading statement because while yes, everyone comes back, the movie actually doesn't. do anything with them, a lot of the marketing for this movie came from the idea of ​​Po fighting all of his previous enemies who were, in fact, just the new villain, the Chameleon, in Disguise, but that never happens, as There's less real dialogue, but Shen and Kai aren't.
He doesn't even speak and there is never any moment where Po truly believes that he is fighting his old enemies or anything else. He finds out about the chameleon at the beginning of the movie. Only when Po and a chameleon fight for the first time does she become taong Shen and Kai, but they are only brief transformations. The marketing for this movie is incredibly misleading and removes a lot of my interest in the movie's story, which isn't helped by how much of a wet napkin the new villain really is. I was skeptical about the chameleon from the beginning and can I?
Just say that for a franchise that is known for having some absolutely fantastic villains, Chameleon is not only a disappointment but is of biblical proportions in the previous films, you get the treatment of the villains and their motivations, they immediately show you how badass they are. are. They are what they are capable of They have an old all-consuming screen presence They play the chameleon No Source None Her whole gimmick is transforming into whatever she wants, but unlike how the trailer suggested the movie would play out, she doesn't has any unique po, she simply transforms into things, only later in the movie does the scene appear where she steals the Kung Fu of everyone trapped in the spiritual realm.
It would have been much better if she had some new way to enter the spirit. kingdom from the beginning of the movie instead of needing the staff of ugu, if you change this scene where Tylon is robbed of his powers and put it at the beginning of the movie, this not only establishes the chameleon as a genuine threat, but which also shows how Obviously, his terrifying powers would have to be script rewritten, but this is a much better and more effective opening scene than the one we get and would lead to the chameleon having a commanding screen presence because otherwise, she's just a pathetic fraud without Whatever the threat, the scariest thing she does is kick someone down a flight of stairs after turning into an elephant.
Compare it to Ty Long's Prison Break. Shen directly killing Master Rhino. Hell, even Kai had a fantastic opening by defeating Master Ugue and all the other Kung Fu Masters. in the spirit realm and stealing her Chi, the chameleon is such a dumb villain with a ton of potential that is never tapped into, especially when you realize that she very easily commits spoilers in 3 2 1 POS . The use of the staff throughout the film is incredibly frustrating that he never uses it and the only time he uses it until the end of the film is during a bar fight with a group of nobodies, although, as shown in the In the end, the chameleon falls with two hits from the staff and yet does not use it. he never uses it until the plot just demands that he do so, not only does this show us how fraudulent the chameleon is, but it's also horrible to write, this thing is so overpowered that the movie constantly forgets that PO can use it until they have to finish .
It genuinely completes the story, what's the point of the chameleon if they fall in two hits to a weapon Po has had since the end of the last movie? What's going on? Did the writers fall asleep? The film seems to be prioritizing constant jokes rather than actual storytelling which simply doesn't work through Panda, there is none of the emotional sincerity and maturity that defines the previous films. It's a movie designed exclusively for kids that ignores the franchise's appeal to older audiences and has very little respect for what came from it. Before I say, there's a whole subplot involving Po's parents going out to find him for some reason and it's pointless garbage because they don't do anything significant over the course of the movie, you can just kill them off and the events of the movie unfold. .
Exactly the same way I have no idea why they are here, their scenes together are not funny. I don't understand what the point is. This is precious time to be able to eliminate the other parts of the film that desperately need extra impact now conceptually. I like what is shown here, the entire plot of the movie revolves around having to find a successor who can train to become the next Dragon Warrior and trying to accept this inevitable change in his life when he is not ready for it. Mike Mitchell did it. The state in the interviews that comes from the metaphor is kind of a love letter to the first film and you can see how many parallels there are and I like this idea in the concept.
Po's journey began with him feeling frustrated by a role he wasn't prepared for and fighting to leave that role is an interesting idea and being a teacher to train the next Dragon Warrior is absolutely something I can get discouraged about, but mostly the problem lies in its execution. Kungu Panda 4 has a touch thatclinging to being the Dragon Warrior and really struggling to find his inner peace overall, the way this movie handles the character Arc is really disappointing and goes against the grain of the previous two movies. I'm going to repeat what I said in my preview analysis. video here because I was pretty much right with this entire arc of Po in


u Panda 2 is about overcoming the trauma of his childhood, the loss of his parents and the attempted genocide of his people by Lord Shen, finding his own peace interior, the end of Kung.
Because Panda 2 is an emotionally powerful conclusion and it led him to grow as a character who recovers from his trauma and doesn't let the past define him and distract him from the present. H Arc is what made that ending so satisfying and is a big reason why Panther 2's Kung is commonly seen as the best movie in the franchise, it's just ultimate po fiction struggling to find his inner peace, something so important to him in the second movie, and for it to be played as a joke really doesn't sit well with me or his All the information about how the Dragon Warrior is who he really is doesn't really sit well.
Kung Fu Panda is generally forgotten in this movie, as in almost every way it acts as if the third movie simply didn't happen aside from bringing back Po's father. Po's entire conflict in that movie is because he has an identity crisis that came about when he was given a new role as Furious 5's teacher, plus how he feels about his adoptive and biological parents, and you want to know. What conclusion did he come to? Am I the son of a


, the son of a? goose, a student, a teacher, it turns out I'm all of them, then we go back to Kungu Panda 4 and it's like I'm watching a version of Po who hasn't progressed since the first movie, someone who lacks the maturity and depth of a a character who had a perfect arc that spanned entire movies, someone who didn't face their trauma, heal from it and find their inner peace, someone who doesn't know who they are or where in the world they belong, that's because they've already found the answer.
Overall, I'm incredibly disappointed with where this movie takes the series and handles its Zen characters, the new character is nothing to write home about, just Aquafina-type trash thrown in and look, is it really a spoiler to say she'll be the next Dragon Warrior? Should I really care to say that it's so obvious from the movie's plot synopsis to her being constantly linked to PO and the parallels between Po and Shifu? You can see this from a mile away and I would have hoped there would be some moment where I can really feel that these characters have developed a strong enough bond to justify such a choice, but due to the crazy pacing of this movie, no scene between They have no impact.
I don't feel like I have to worry at all about what happens between them. The problem with Panda 4 is that it doesn't make you care about the story and the characters within it, it's a colorful, fast-paced children's movie that generates a thousand jokes per scene with a staggering amount of Misses I my ADD and seems to simply ignore the The main draw of the franchise and what made it work in the first place. I'm not saying it's a horrible movie. I've certainly seen worse, but KY Panda 4 is a DreamWorks film on autopilot. I don't think this movie was made in good faith or as part of a plan, it's so messed up that I just refused to believe it.
There were six movies planned for this franchise, but no one wants to acknowledge why it took them so long to finally make another installment and that's because Overall, I think they were happy with the gratuitous being the conclusion. Ford is nothing interesting enough to justify its existence and well, it's not a total disaster, it's a mind-blowing disappointment on almost every level. DreamWorks. I hope that robot movie of yours is so great. It's a success because you guys aren't doing too well this year and this is coming from someone who knows that inconsistency is part of Dream R's charm anyway, that's all for now, play yakaza or something, drown it out because it never They could do it well. re SP cing up just because you're smoking cigarettes and I F my left will adjust the tongs when I say let's put all this away F because you never could shoot right you're spitting cing cing just because you're smoking cigarettes and I'll be my

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