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Kristin Wears Sheer Outfits For A Week • Ladylike

May 31, 2021
- If you wait. (group cheering) - Fasten your seatbelts, friends. So for the last few months in fashion, see-through clothing has been all the rage. You see a lot of transparent clothing at festivals. Now you only see people wearing see-through clothes to like the DMV or movies or honestly even here at work. That's great. But I admit that I don't have the courage to do it. So I thought it would be interesting to challenge myself to wear clothes with


panels and see how long it takes me to quit smoking. My personal style is that I love vintage clothing.
kristin wears sheer outfits for a week ladylike
I like the fit and style. I like dresses. I don't wear many pants. I don't like wearing tight things. For me,


clothing is really like the final frontier, especially as a plus size woman. I don't consider it something that is for me, and that's my goal for this


: I want to see how I can make this trend work for me. So first I wore the black bodysuit with rose appliqués and decided to pair it with a black skirt and a black bra. -Fred didn't realize that he was doing a project. - No, I did not do it.
kristin wears sheer outfits for a week ladylike

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I thought Kristen was literally killing the game, alone, like she usually does. I love this light and pure situation with little clothing. But it is still very elegant. - Even while I keep it assembled. When I put it on, I realized that you couldn't actually see much of the sheerness of it, so I had to pull my skirt down so you could see my stomach, because otherwise I felt like I was cheating. This is not so bad. - No. - But I have some very important things ahead of me. - I can't wait to see your tits. - I also decided to wear this outfit for our girly meet and greet, because when I'm judged, I like to be judged by a large group of people.
kristin wears sheer outfits for a week ladylike
Would you know that I was doing this as an experiment and that it's not something I would normally use? - Not really? - I do not love him. It looks so cute. In fact I have it in tan color. - Actually? - Yes, but it looks better on you than it does on me. - Okay, no, stop. Everyone I showed the outfit to was super excited. It photographed very well, which is always an interest of mine. After that day, I realized I was going to have to up the challenge a bit, because if I was going to spend the entire


dressed like an 1850s American Girl doll, I wouldn't feel like I was really trying.
kristin wears sheer outfits for a week ladylike
Myself at the end of the week. So the next day I made the pink dress with the transparent back. It feels good though. It feels a little windy. It has small transparent panels. But the most important thing is the completely transparent back. - Where is your bra? Are you wearing a bra? - Yes. - But the back is transparent. How is this possible? - I didn't wear a full bra with him. I just used one of those horrible sticky bras from Instagram. You just feel like you have two snails attached to your body. I bought a dress that was a little big because I was really afraid it would be see-through and tight.
I feel like I can only commit one sin a day. - I really like the color you have. I think it could be tighter in the sleeves. That's not your fault. - People said, "You know, that dress could fit your body a little more." And I was like, "Well, because then people could see" my body and I don't want that. You can definitely see my fat back. My wedding dress was backless but had lots of jewels, beads and crystals. But with this dress, it's just a sheer pink net. It would have been better to buy a dress that fit me and not like a Lisa Frank potato sack.
I bought all these clear pieces. I didn't really know how to style them, so it took me a while to decide what to wear with them. You can't just wear a sheer lace dress to work and say, "Here I am, send me to jail." So I bought this black jumpsuit and then I realized that many treasure chests could be seen. There is no such thing as a corporate vagina, unless you are a gynecologist. I had to get a pair of underwear to match the bodysuit and I had to wear the underwear under the bodysuit so it looked like just a big bodysuit.
How do you feel in this suit? - It's fantastic. -My husband had a lot of fun this week. He was mostly like, "Could you wear that with less clothes?" This is definitely more of my thigh than I've ever shown. - I think it's okay. This is a nice amount of professional butt. - I'm not wearing a bra, which I think is always a bit precarious. I just put sports tape on my nipples. By the way, don't use sports tape on your nipples. Always use patties. Now that I'm heading to work I can see that this is just a big part of the leg.
No one actually thinks that the upper thigh is something you want to hide from people until you're in a meeting at work. Every time I walk past someone from HR, I say, "Sorry, I put legs on the menu today." - Oh my. This is Kristen at the Grammys. She-she looks cute. (mumbles) Yes. - It's so beautiful. I'm obsessed with it. I think this should be a norm in the office. - Thank you. - Jesus. - Every time you do projects like this on Buzzfeed, you get a lot of praise. But I have never received so many.
I posted this outfit on Instagram. People loved this outfit. I did not understand. It was basically like a bathing suit and a mat. - You look so hot. Is this even allowed? - I don't think so but we'll do it anyway. Whenever I do things like this, it's not something I'm going to do again. This was the first time I wore an outfit where I thought, "Yeah, that's coming back" to the outfit rotation. On the fourth day, we move to advanced mode. I wore the blue bodysuit, except I didn't wear a bra. Absolutely. I have to wear this jumpsuit.
I think something will be needed to cover my nipples. Yes, if I can see my face, I can probably see my nipples. This with? - Uh, nothing. - Do you think I should wear this without anything? - Yeah, just that - A lot of Brian's fashion suggestions weren't the best. Do you want me to go to work naked? - Clear. - Okay (laughs). Now that I see this in the cold light of day, I feel like I might get in trouble for this. You could see the north pole, the south pole, actually all the balloons. Let's see what happens when I lean from side to side.
This shirt is not appropriate for a roller coaster. I couldn't make many cardinal points. They would just say, wow! As I walk, I see people doing a lot of double takes, which I understand. I keep doing this. I still think my mermaid hair will save me. - Kristen, I like those dumplings. - Yes. - I will say that I am very impressed that your tits came out today. You're not going to play anymore. I feel like if my breasts were out, I would touch them. - I've been touching them all day. I was like, "Are they still here?" I understand why boys like to play with boobs, because they are so much fun.
Jen, how dangerous is this suit? On a scale of one to one, could I be arrested? - You might catch a little cold. I would say that is the biggest danger. You won't be arrested for anything except having a suit that's too nice. - Honestly, I feel pretty good about it. I like this outfit so much that I wore it in Palm Springs. I was surprised how much people liked this set. It was around that time that I started noticing people saying, "Wow, Kristen is stepping up her fashion game." And I said, "No, not really, but thank you." The fifth day is when we begin to enter deep, shark-infested waters.
This jumpsuit with long sleeves, long legs and a completely transparent mesh on the top. So I had to wear a bra. Oh hello. -Kristen. - Oh hello. - Wow, look at you. - Oh Lord. - That's crazy. - That? I want this suit. - There is nowhere to hide in this suit. - There is nowhere but you don't need anywhere to hide. I love it. - I like to have reached the point where wearing a bra is a safe option. If people can see my bra, it's like, ugh! At least they can't see my tits. - I didn't know that today was the day to be Catwoman at work.
You look amazing, Kristen. - Oh Lord. - Look at this number. - Can I just make my food without you objectifying me? - Wait, I just couldn't contain myself. This is my favorite suit. - How come this is your favorite outfit? - Reminds me of Janet Jackson from the 90s. - I literally thought, okay, I'm not getting compliments anymore because I'll never be able to top them. I feel like a floating head right now. - It's a lot of black. -I normally use my hair as a shield, but this was the outfit where I felt it was best to just throw it away and let the whole situation speak for itself. - You look very sexy. - Thank you.
I'm very hot because it has long sleeves. - This one is so cute. - You can see other parts of my body that I feel uncomfortable with, like you can see my stomach, my hips and my arms and there is also a necklace so you can see my chin which I hate. Although I feel very good in this jumpsuit. I feel polished. So I decided to wear the bodysuit from day one and then wear it with a little less safety clothing. I wore it with a horrible bra from Instagram and pants that I don't like, and we all know that.
I'm wearing the same bodysuit, but with the weird Instagram bra. Oh Lord. Wow, this shows a lot of my tits. Can I go to work like this? You have terrible ideas. - I have great ideas. And everyone says that. - I think it was a good experiment. But I don't know if I felt very good about it. - I think you look like a rock girl. - Yes. - I think you definitely turn heads in this outfit. - I see why you feel a little exposed. - This is obviously a very boob-friendly office, but there are some treasures you should keep buried until Indiana Jones can come get them.
So Devin just realized that Freddy and I have matching flower tits. - Yes. - If I had known that today was flower tits day, I would have brought out my best bouquet. - We didn't tell you. We just texted each other. - Thanks guys. - There were a couple of things that went wrong. It's one thing that one of my breasts is significantly larger than the other, which is common, but with the Instagram bra it means you can actually see it. Your boobs are like... This bodysuit is see-through, so all day I was like, hey guys. ♫ Welcome to my breasts ♫ And here they are right now ♫ And one of them is high ♫ And one of them is to the east This bra is itchy and sticky.
I have to take it off. Although my back seems to be pounding. This is how we spent the week. I thought I was going to do this while basically wearing the costume of a person other than me, and I ended up discovering a new side to my own fashion sense. My body didn't really matter. What mattered was having fun with fashion. I think this isn't like, "Can Kristen get away with not wearing clothes to work?" We could make that video too. Kristen is naked during the week. That's my last video.

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