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Knocking On Strangers Doors, Then Paying Their Rent 2

May 31, 2021
hello hello hello how are you? I'm just curious. I'm thinking about moving to the area. I was wondering how much you guys pay for


. Here we pay like a thousand a month, a thousand and it's the end of the month, have you paid the


yet? um, I'm not sure what my dialogue is, oh, is he here? He said a lot of truth, are you sure? you're sure? If you are going to make me cry for him, what is your name? Rina Yes, my name is Juan, it's a pleasure to meet you, you're so nice, can I like you? yes of course you can you're so kind it's because my dad struggles a lot oh he does yes well I'm so glad I was able to help you yes thank you very much you're welcome you're very kind thank you.
knocking on strangers doors then paying their rent 2
I'm sorry, you have to see me, why would you regret it? I don't know why I'm so happy for my dad, what's up guys, welcome back? That was epic, today I'm going to pay people's rent again. giving away five thousand dollars to two of you stay until the end of the video to find out how you could enter to win hey how you're doing great what's your name greg my name is john nice to meet you greg um how much do you want? I pay the rent here I don't pay the rent, oh, you pay the mortgage, how much is the mortgage? 950.
knocking on strangers doors then paying their rent 2

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knocking on strangers doors then paying their rent 2...

There's a thousand out there so you can pay your mortgage, hey, it's the end of the month, what are you serious? Yeah, why I mean, I mean. Look, I'm going to fix your money. I just want to know. Don't know. I'm in a good mood today. Hello how are you? I'm fine. I wonder how much you pay for rent. here a thousand is about the average of everyone there, here goes, oh, it's your rental microphone, this is your rent money because you said you had to pay a thousand for the rent, right? and it's the end of the month, so because uh, I don't know, I just wanted to pay you, it's not the people who come, what is this, this is something very normal, no, yes, this happens all the time, yes, it's very happy for me, but why?
knocking on strangers doors then paying their rent 2
Because you deserve it, who are you? My name is Juan Juan, yes, no. yes juan gonzalez no yes what's your name maria maria it's a pleasure to meet you martinez maria martinez a pleasure to meet you a pleasure to meet you too hello hello it's the end of the month uh I'm here to pay the rent hey hello how much do you want? Pay the rent here huh, who are you? Oh, I'm Juan, nice to meet you, I'm here to make it the end of the month and I'm here to pay your rent, how much do you pay per month for monthly rent, what are you doing?
knocking on strangers doors then paying their rent 2
What are you talking about? I'm going to pay it for you. No, I do not want to. What are they? What do they mean? Oh, I'm just trying to pay them rent for the month. It's the end of the month. um, yeah, yeah. Like I'm going to give you the money I've been


for other people's rent too. On average, everyone's rent was like 9.50 thousand, I don't know, but it could be more. Here it is 1200 thousand thousand one hundred, but right now. he's really a little confused, right, I know everyone's confused about this, but it's real, this is what I do thousand, that's the rent amount on paper, let's agree, thank you very much, you're welcome, that's a madness, God bless you, oh thank you.
You, how are you doing, sir? My name is Juan, nice to meet you, um, is this your property? Oh, okay, oh, okay, how much do you pay for rent? uh, here, you, what's the problem? Uh, there's no catch, that's it, you don't have arms, no, I'm just going to pay the rent, you'll probably never see me again after this either, what's your name, Tom? Thanks, my name is Swan, what? You are doing? Going around painting everyone's rainbow or something, actually that's exactly what I'm doing, yeah, yeah, you're in a good mood or something you know for some money or well, I woke up today and I thought: do you know what Am I


people today? oh hi sorry my name is juan just wondering if i can ask you a personal question about your property here.
I'm just trying to figure out how much you pay for rent. I'm trying to pay the rent for you. Yes ma'am, that's what I do. Would you mind telling me how much you pay? I mean, I'm being 100 percent serious, like I'm about to pay rent. I just need to know how much it is. I was paying, I paid for a fuse there, they all cost about 950 thousand, that's it, approximately, how much is this? sell something are you serious yes so what's your name kamilah my name is john it's nice to meet you yes how long have you been living in this area yes okay how many years do you know how long it's been?
Oh, okay, one year. thinking, I'm like wait, you're like how old are you? um yeah, sorry to say my phone number, yeah, yeah, it's a four, oh yeah, okay, hey, what's up man? I'm just curious, oh, is this your pad here?, oh, where are you? where do you live oh no, where do you live wherever you live how much do you pay for your monthly rent oh eleven hundred sweet um well it's the end of the month I hope that covers it it's 11. Are you serious yeah what's your name Ernie yeah ? My name is Juan, thanks man, nice to meet you, yeah, so what are you doing here if this isn't your place?
Oh okay cool you're just the mechanic for them and you came to pay that I ended up paying for yours yeah no problem buddy. Hello man how are you? I am interested in paying your rent for free. Do you play with the mortgage? Oh, you already have it all paid for. Oh, I can help you with that. Yeah, here we go, come here, that's so much fun, man. So you know what, well, $500 gets you halfway to electricity. You're the first person to recognize me paying rent while doing it. I look at them like, wait, acknowledge Bruce, yeah, do it, dude, yeah, man, I appreciate it, thanks. you, yeah, what's your name, sergio sergio sergio sergio vanessa, yeah, yeah, literally, we're trying to have one more scene today, so we saw you outside, we thought, you know what, there you go, now we know they're sure to be at home because half the people aren't even at home, you know?
So yeah, yeah, okay, I thank you once again. It's nice to meet you, hey, thanks for watching guys, thanks so much for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed it, if you did please. Leave a like for me too guys, uh, if you like the shirt I'm wearing, go to that store that was epic, you can pick it up there. I'm going to do a little experiment. I'll be giving away ten thousand dollars, five thousand dollars to two of you, all you have to do is make a purchase at a thousand stores, even if it's just a sticker.
Winners will be chosen on April 15, so I'll see you next time, so I really do. youtube videos um, I'm actually uh, I'm paying people's rent. I'm just




and paying rent to


, so I just wanted to let you know if that's what it's called, that was epic. I'm going to look. You wake up later, amazing, yeah, subscribe, you are very Lord Jesus Christ, I just want to thank you, um, obviously, this is your grace, this is your act, this is you using this brother right here to bless others, um, I do not understand what is happening.
But your ways are higher than those of men, you know you are more powerful than anything in this universe because you created this universe, lord Jesus Christ, so whatever you are using import, I only hope that you multiply its blessing. he is able to do exactly what he is doing here and I hope that with this money we can, with this money, my lord Jesus Christ, be able to bless others the same way they do, you know, he blessed me by using it well, thank you man. uh god bless you thank you amen yes yes you want you want you want food uh I'll have a bottle of water or something oh yes yes yes you want a coke not just some water I'm just thirsty wow welcome it's good thank you very much hey here you go , man yeah I appreciate it so I'm a youtuber too.
I'm making a video. This is the second time we've done this and I'm just.





and paying


rent wow um and you just decided to pick this house yeah I mean yeah this is the third house I think in this neighborhood that we've done you just passed by yeah we just were. Driving around here a lot of people don't respond a lot of people think we're selling so they close the door like okay wow no I have a YouTube channel my friends are there and they're filming. So I go around filming myself paying people's rent.
This is what we do. We like a lot of giveaway videos. Sometimes we make jokes. So actually this is the second part. We've done this before. It's true, I still can't. Believe it, hey, we actually went and knocked on his door. Nobody was well. That girl was fine. Well, she didn't answer, so I went and knocked on her door. She didn't respond and you immediately left. I was like, "She's okay, turn, turn at an angle." Let's get him he's here so it worked out perfectly Tom yeah thanks I make YouTube videos you make YouTube yeah and today's idea is to knock on strangers doors and


pay them rent that's why you look very familiar, okay, that was epic. el cholo i do a lot of different things yeah scrappy el trello wow thank you thank you youtube we've done it uh we've done this video before so if you write knocking on strangers doors and


pay the rent it will appear first. this is this is the second part thank you, yes, you're welcome, thank you very much, okay, bless you, yes, you're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome.
I make videos for YouTube, you can see his camera right there and uh my channel is called. My channel is called That Was Epic Have you heard about That Was Epic? um we make all kinds of videos and today we're just knocking on strangers' doors and paying


rent you're like five thousand we paid five thousand twenty thousand yesterday my my my son saw the video on television where lady gaga paid five hundred five hundred oh, did Is it some celebrity who lost their dog? I actually saw that wow and he said mom with that money we can buy a house for that you know what I call lady gaga and Say if you give me that house I can buy a house for me and my father and I said yes I know It's a lot for a reward for a lost dog, but I mean celebrities, I guess you know, yeah, they have a lot of money. so you put the video that was epic on youtube yeah you look great it was nice meeting you thank you so much have a wonderful day thank you bye.

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