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Kim Mathers talks about Eminem

May 10, 2020
Kim Mathers, recently divorced from Eminem for the second time, sat down exclusively with 2020 to set the record straight about her wild, mean image and her nearly 20-year LoveHate relationship with Eminem. I mean, we could, I guess we could talk to each other about anything. I guess that was something important in a relationship, but I don't know if she was a good husband or not. He's actually the only husband I've ever been with, so I can't compare him to anyone else. What kind of father is he? he is a great father, he loves the kids so much whenever there is something on a field trip or anything to do with school or any of the activities she participates in, you know he is always there with her, um , if there's anything you know if she's upset about something or she needs to talk or she just needs to be comforted he he's always lending a hand you know he he always wants to be there for her he always asks her you know trying to stay involved in her life you know How is she feeling?
kim mathers talks about eminem
How is her day? What do you know? He is always there for her. It seems that since he became famous he exploded. Our relationship went downhill from there. You know he became arrogant and cocky and everything he did for her. Me or the kids have to be praised for that, you know, and you know, he's so used to getting so much attention and people praising him for his work that he expects that when he comes home and it's just not the same. I do not see. to him so you know I'm not going to put you on a pedestal you're not that person of mine you know and that's what he wants all the time and it just didn't work out the money is great, yeah, you know, with the kids they want anything, They can have whatever they want, but that doesn't make your husband stay home with you or sleep in the same bed with you and when your husband is famous and he's always gone and not there, you're basically there alone of everyone. ways, so I mean, money, money doesn't put someone in bed next to me to hold on to at night, you know?
kim mathers talks about eminem

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kim mathers talks about eminem...

Do you think the affairs you had had had more to do with loneliness or in some way to get back at him for not being there? There I just wanted attention and love from someone, you know, I felt lonely and didn't have very good self-esteem, you know, but a lot of people have affairs to get back at their lovers, I'm sure that had something to do with it. do with that too probably for everything we both had our moments of infidelity I can't even count on one hand you know on both hands how many times he's done it but I'm not out there, you know publicly humiliating him and putting all his faults out there for everyone to see what you criticize I was embarrassed I felt humiliated I cried you know I had to make sure my kids don't hear it and then I always wonder what people think of me, you know, you know It's just not a good feeling that made you cry just the lyrics and the fact that he would do it, but he's supposed to be the man who loves me and he's supposed to protect me, you know, from being hurt and here it is completely and totally. disrespect me in the worst possible way in front of millions of people and in front of our children, my family, my friends, and now it makes me angry because of what everyone thinks of me and the fact that I now realize that you know you should be there.
kim mathers talks about eminem
No, there wasn't much love there, you know, for him to do that and I wasted so many years thinking there was. I went with my sister and some friends and I asked him before going to the show if he was going to perform that song. and he said no, he said no because I know you're going to be there and I wouldn't do that to you and I was there in the middle section on the main floor and sure enough, he decided to do that song and no. I just perform the song, but I use inflatable dolls to react like I'm drowning and disrespectful things towards the inflatable dial and then through the dial to the crowd, like he does that in front of thousands and thousands of people knowing that I'm there outside watching everyone else singing the lyrics and laughing and jumping and approvingly just couldn't stand it.
kim mathers talks about eminem
I don't know, that's complete spite, I mean, especially knowing that you're going to be sitting, you know? in the front row right there and I left right after that, you know, got in a car on the way home. I was very upset and, uh, I came home and I just couldn't come to my senses. I simply left. upstairs in my bathroom and I broke my wrist and ended up in the hospital, especially his father. You know someone who's supposed to teach them respect and I don't know, I just don't, I don't appreciate what it's written on.
The songs about me I don't appreciate playing with our children and I'm sure it's not a good example for him, especially if you make them believe that it's okay for a man to disrespect you like that. It's not acceptable to me, so telling me how you got back together, so you said you went to rehab and you were away from the kids and at that point, where did the kids end up? What were the kids like, um, the kids with Marshall? and uh he had full custody, yes, full custody of the children, did his parenting of him draw you to him at all?
No, did the fact that he was responsible, even while you were away, make you admire him a little? I thank God that he was there CU, you know, I don't know what would have happened to the kids, you know, and yeah, I'm very grateful, you know, and he was very responsible and very loving with the kids, you know? And when you left rehab, what happened? I came home from being incarcerated in rehab and he asked me to stay at the house for a few nights. I could be with the kids and a few nights turn into a few weeks or a year, so I was home actually two years before, well, a year and a half, almost two years before we got married, I was excited, I was happy, but at the same time I thought I was rushing things a little bit, you know why because normally I don't do that.
I know there is a pattern in our relationship where we will have two good years and then everything will go wrong for some reason. He's like a 2 year old Max with us and we weren't even two years old yet. I just didn't want to. rush into anything before the age of two, um, what was the second wedding? Either you know now and we can set the date or you know you can just grab your things and leave because if you don't know right now that you still want to be with me then you'll never know, so you got married. for the second time, yes, beautiful candles and flowers, a beautiful wedding, describe it for me.
I had the big dress and all of our family, friends and kids read it and they were all beautiful. I mean, he had his kids read at the wedding, you know? It was wonderful, it was beautiful, I loved it, I loved every minute of it, but shortly after things went wrong, yes, he left our house on February 25th, he actually physically left the house, what happened and there was a disagreement between his brother and me about inappropriate behavior. that his brother had yes and that's what it was and then the next morning there was a note in the bathroom that said, "I'm going to the other house.
I need to clear my head. I'm so confused about the whole thing. It's so It's disconcerting to me too. He didn't even come back for a month after that. Like he didn't come to see the kids. He didn't return phone calls. I didn't know. was happening and then his attorney's assistant came to the door and handed me the documents? Did he break your heart? Yeah, this time he did, how did he do that? Because I feel like he just used me this time, he used me and, um, he. This time he not only hurt me, he made our children read at our wedding and then 40 days after our marriage he left because of an argument with his brother, we made it through my incarceration, rehabilitation, different boyfriends and girlfriends and arguments with his brother was enough to leave there has to be something else going on I just don't know what it is I have never liked making anything personal of his public I was always just I didn't want to because I always thought about the back of my head Like I know we're going to get back together and if I do or say something you know for the world to hear or know, I was afraid you know he couldn't forgive me for that. and that we wouldn't get back together and I always held on to that and I never wanted to ruin it and now I just know that it wasn't meant to be and I have no feelings for him like In a 2020 statement released through a spokesperson, Eminem says that For the sake of our children that we are raising together, I have made the decision not to participate in matters such as

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